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Hi -My 14yo daughter is on abilify(with prozac and straterra).She takes the

abilify at night so she can get up easier in the morning.Good luck,Best-Sue


--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 18:17:01

From: audrey@...



Hi all-

My daughter's doctor has recommended that we start her on a low dose of

Abilify to help with her rages and so forth, in addition to the Zoloft

she's taking. I'm looking at information online about it as well, but

was wondering if those of you with children on Abilify could give me

any feedback about what sort of side effects to expect, what it did for

their child, etc.

Thanks in advance!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm so sorry about your son, . Does the doctor think that the Abilify

is to blame? My friend's son was diagnosed with diabetes at five and he was

not on medication. His blood sugar was almost 2,000. No, it's not a

misprint. Apparently, they were shocked when he didn't die. He is fine now but


three shots a day to maintain. I will keep good thoughts about your son and

watch my daughter since she recently started taking Abilify. Thanks for the

warning. Kelley in NV

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Wow 2000? I would have had a stroke! Well we are stopping the abilify to see

what happens but yes it was the thought that abilify caused this

Thanks for the good thoughts,

Re: Abilify

I'm so sorry about your son, . Does the doctor think that the


is to blame? My friend's son was diagnosed with diabetes at five and he


not on medication. His blood sugar was almost 2,000. No, it's not a

misprint. Apparently, they were shocked when he didn't die. He is fine

now but needs

three shots a day to maintain. I will keep good thoughts about your son


watch my daughter since she recently started taking Abilify. Thanks for


warning. Kelley in NV

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i am praying for your son and you,

God bless love Alison

-- Abilify



My son has been on Abilify for 3 monthes and has now developed

hyperglycemia. His blood sugar has been going up to 220 and this

morning after not eating for 12 hours is 170. Please if your child

is on this med monitor thier sugars. And pray my Ethyns sugar return

to normal he is only 5

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I'm praying for your little five year old, too. Having a five year

old with similiar issues is heart-wrenching. Here's to lots of hugs

coming your way.

The Other in AZ:-)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi-My daughter has been on abilify for a couple months now with minimal weight

gain-BUT-she has put on almost 50lbs on risperdal in the past.The weight gain

creeps up fast before you know it,so keep an eye on it and keep your p-doc aware

of it. Best-Sue in NY buddy12771@...


--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 17:04:24



My daughter has been on Abilify for approx. 4 wks. Can anyone tell

me if they have expericenced weight gain with their children and

excessive salivation? In this amount of time, my 8 yr old has put on

12 pounds and counting. Any advice?

Many thanks!

in Chicago

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Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D., Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., Aureen Pinto

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Pesses, Kathy , Vivian Stembridge, and Jackie Stout. Subscription

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louisharkins@... , louisharkins@... , louisharkins@...


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Thanks for your reply! I'm hoping it tapers off, but I will keep a watchful


in Chicago

Re: Abilify

Hi-My daughter has been on abilify for a couple months now with minimal weight

gain-BUT-she has put on almost 50lbs on risperdal in the past.The weight gain

creeps up fast before you know it,so keep an eye on it and keep your p-doc aware

of it. Best-Sue in NY buddy12771@...


--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 17:04:24



My daughter has been on Abilify for approx. 4 wks. Can anyone tell

me if they have expericenced weight gain with their children and

excessive salivation? In this amount of time, my 8 yr old has put on

12 pounds and counting. Any advice?

Many thanks!

in Chicago

Our list archives, bookmarks, files, and chat feature may be accessed at:

http://groups.yahoo.com/group// .

Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D., Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., Aureen Pinto

Wagner, Ph.D., and Dan Geller, M.D. Our list moderators are Birkhan,

Castle, Fowler, Kathy Hammes, Joye, Kathy Mac, Gail

Pesses, Kathy , Vivian Stembridge, and Jackie Stout. Subscription

issues or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at

louisharkins@... , louisharkins@... , louisharkins@...


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  • 4 years later...

Abilify caused so much aggression in Karac that he had to be hospitalized. Pat K

I have a student who just started taking Abilify. I was wondering what people's experience has been with this drug. Any side effects, etc.. that you have delt with.Thanks!! It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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My son was on abilify for a long time. The only side effect we saw was a huge weight gain. He has now been taken off and is back down to a normal weight.


Subject: AbilifyTo: AutismBehaviorProblems Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 2:55 PM

I have a student who just started taking Abilify. I was wondering what people's experience has been with this drug. Any side effects, etc.. that you have delt with.Thanks!!

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my son takes 5mg at night still see some aggression when he wont things done.and has gain weight but it is from seizure med to.i dont understand why he done good last week till friday and then done good yesterday and then he go back could it be that the meds its not working or could it be something else he is non verbal and is 14

Subject: Re: AbilifyTo: AutismBehaviorProblems Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 5:29 PM

Abilify caused so much aggression in Karac that he had to be hospitalized. Pat K

In a message dated 9/4/2008 2:56:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time, abiteacheryahoo (DOT) com writes:

I have a student who just started taking Abilify. I was wondering what people's experience has been with this drug. Any side effects, etc.. that you have delt with.Thanks!!

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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Problem with many of the popular drugs/meds given to children on the

spectrum is they cause them to lose their inhibitions. Many of their

actions or behaviors reflect this and are dangerous. Now I ask myself

if the benefit out weights the safety risk as well as the medical





> Subject: Re: Abilify

> To: AutismBehaviorProblems

> Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 5:29 PM








> Abilify caused so much aggression in Karac that he had to be


> Pat K



> In a message dated 9/4/2008 2:56:30 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

> abiteacheryahoo (DOT) com writes:





> I have a student who just started taking Abilify. I was wondering


> people's experience has been with this drug. Any side effects, etc..

> that you have delt with.


> Thanks!!








> It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel

deal here.

















> I'm protected by SpamBrave

> http://www.spambrave.com/


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