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OT - email homeopathy class

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A friend of mine is teaching an Introduction to

Homeopathy class via email. I'm forwarding the info

(see below) because I know some people here are

interested in homeopathy and/or have vaccine-free


I know this teacher personally (in real life, not just

email), she's reliable, knowledgable and passionate

about the subject.



I am just finishing the first Introduction to

Homeopathy class on the

internet (have taught them for 10+ years in real


Spread the word to others you know - friends,

relative, other email


webboards etc. Please refer anyone you can think of as

this information


vital to avoid the allopathic system!

I know how important this information is in

moderating vaccine dangers

lists for several years. You have to be prepared for

illness, whether


are vaccinating or not vaccinating. All the childhood

illnesses can


in vaccinated and unvaccinated as well as other

illnesses. And all are

treatable with homeopathy - many times on your own and

sometimes with

backup from a homeopath. Certainly it is my

experience that


children are usually healthier, though.

I am a Registered Nurse and have left that behind &

have been a 20 year

student of homeopathy (informally) and am in the

middle of my 2nd year

formally at The School of Homeopathy in Devon,

England. I am


about homeopathy! I share wherever I go. I was cured

of serious


with homeopathy. I also teach about the use of

homeopathy for acute

problems or first aid. Whether you are treated by a

homeopath for a

chronic or acute problem or you are treating at home

for acute things,


will be amazed at how wonderful it. is. Everyone

needs to be prepared


illness and this is something you can use yourself

instead of putting

yourself at the mercy of the medical system and the

constant pushing of

vaccines and antibiotics and steroids.

I like to share that information and so will be

starting the 2nd class


Introduction to Homeopathy via an email list. If you

are interested


blank email to


Cost: $25.00 discounted price for payment via paypal

or check (credit


payment is regular price of $30.00)

UK price is equivalent or approximately 18 pounds

paypal/cheque or 20

pounds credit card)


acc't email address is vaccineinfo@...

or I do take credit cards - email me if that is what

you want to do

or you can mail a check - email me if that is what

you want to do

(If you truly can't afford $25, please email me and

explain your


- the information you get in this course is WAY more

than in any other

intro course)

Class Date: February 11 (tentative - depends on if

the other class is

finished - it should be).

Estimated length is about 3 months.

Pace: I will post the lessons (they are also in the

files on the


You can go at the pace that I go, or on your own.

Email: All lessons will be by individual email,

digest email (one


per day with all the emails) or you can do the course

directly from the

website and not get emails

Book: The Complete Homepathy Handbook by Miranda

Castro - required

IN THE US - from my webpage (I get small commission

so appreciate you

ordering there)


follow the link there to the book

OR here is the direct link on Amazon



(may have to cut and paste last part on if it gets

separated into 2


in your email)

IN THE UK - if you are in the UK

I have books in stock for discount that your can order

from me - book

usually 9.99 pound + shipping -

ONLY 7.50 pounds + shipping (approx 11 pounds)! So

email me if you


the book from me here in UK

(I do take credit cards or cheques)

In this course we will cover using homeopathic

remedies at home for

acute &

first aid situations (will be explained in the


I will explain in detail how a homeopath works with

chronic or


things, but you will only be working with true acute

and first aid.

This is an introduction and you will be able to use

this with your


and close friends. It is NOT a course to prepare you

to become a


or to give you enough information to treat others

outside family/close

friends. Also chronic illness is not something that

you can or should

treat yourself. We will explore that also.

Who knows - you may find you want to become a

homeopath - and goodness

knows we sure need them. Many of you realize that as

you haven't been


to find a quality homeopath yourself. I am serious


I will give you assignments and there will be little

tests and lots


you will learn!

If you are a nurse or someone needing continuing

education contact

hours to

maintain a license, I am approved by the California

Board of Registered

Nursing to give CEU's and that can be arranged for

this course.

Contact me


I love homeopathy as most of you know and KNOW that it

is one of the


true healing arts that there is.

I hope you will enjoy this as much as I and become as

passionate or


Again, to join the list send blank email to


and then go to paypal and send $25 or contact me

privately for other


Outline is below

Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA




I. Introduction

A. What is classical homeopathy

B. What you will learn here

C. What kinds of things should you be 'treating'

1. Discussion of 1st Aid, Acute, Chronic &


D. What is Health

3 levels (or 4 or more)

E. The Vital Force

1. How disturbed

2. resonance

F. Symptoms - what is their purpose?

1. purpose

2. suppression

G. Placebo?

D. Definition of terms

Repertory, Materia Medica, etc.

II. History

A. Hahnemann

1. The organon

B. Kent

C. Hering

D. Others

E. Homeopathy

III. Principles - What is classical homeopathy

A. The Laws

1. Law of Similars - totality

2. The Single Remedy

3. Minimum Dose

4. Potentization

B. Provings

C. Suppression

D. Antidoting

E. Maintaining Causes

G. Aggravations

H. Susceptibility

III. Comparison Between Homeopathy and Allopathy

IV. Homeopathy, Herbalism, Naturopathy, Bach Flowers,


V. Remedies

A. Sources of Remedy

B. Form of Remedy

C. Single Remedies/Combo Remedies

D How made

1. Potentization

2. Succussion/Trituration

3. Potencies

low, middle, high, LM's

E. Dosage

F. Taking the Remedy

G. Caring for your Remedies

H. Sources for Remedies (single, kits)

I. Nosodes, Isopathics

VI. Hering's Laws of Cure

VII. Acute, Chronic, Miasms

VIII. Using the repertory & materia medica

IX. Study of a variety of acute/1st aid remedies

X. Take the Case

A. What types of things should you be 'treating'

B. Collecting Complete & Accurate Information

1. History

2. Subjective

3. Objective

C. Case Analysis

D. Key Symptoms

E. Repertorizing

D. Materia Medica

1. differentiate

E. Choosing the Remedy

F. Administering the Remedy

1. observe

2. reaction

3. aggravation

G. Follow up

1. maintaining causes

H. Lessons in taking the case

XI. Vaccines

XII. Combo remedies

XIII. Bach Flower remedies

XIV. Prevention using homeopathy?

XV. How to find a homeopath - what to look for - when

to use one

XVI. How to become a homeopath

XVII. Homeopathy Today


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