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Re: Do Parents Listen

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Hi again Gaylen,

While we only started with Dr. G in October, he doesn't have a clear answer

as to why my son's IgE is so high, but it is obvious to him that it is part

of a dysfunctional immune system. When we had it tested in the fall of

2001, the IgE was at 3600, the only changes we made to bring it down to 2800

was the GFCF diet. I am tending to think that it is allergies, although he

doesn't look, or act like an allergic kid...No puffy eyes (when not on

current medication), no histamine reactions, no eczema etc...Dr. G said that

in the 80's he had a 17 year old boy with an IgE of " 800 and something " and

sent him to UCLA for a full work up...Talk about thorough. My local ped

didn't even acknowledge that there was anything wrong and told me that

everything was " normal " in my son's bloodwork, until I received a copy of

everything myself. Makes you wonder and proves that only we can be the best

advocate for our kids and how important it is to stay on top and educate

ourselves about every little thing where there health is concerned.

By the way Gaylen, I am not familiar with an allergy to myelin based

protein. Would you mind explaining?



Re: Do Parents Listen

In a message dated 1/11/03 2:47:14 PM Central Standard Time,

LB@... writes:

> In any case, his immune panel is all over the map. High HHV6, IgE

> at 2800 (norm is 0-60)

Wow that is high. My son's IgE was 609 with a ref range of 5.8-216 which

seemed terribly high. I'm curious to know what Dr. G has said about the


IgE. For your son, does he feel it is all allergies or that it could also


related to the high HHV6? I wonder if anyone has asked if a high IgE


be related to an autoimmune problem like allergy to myelin basic protein


if it is always inhalant or food allergies?

> I strongly believe that by taking away the physical abnormalities and


> his blood work at least " normal " , we will not be tampering with his

> brilliance, but giving him an opportunity to let it shine.


Makes sense to me. Actually, everything we've done to help my son has


helped him display his brilliance and unique personality even more.


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In a message dated 1/12/03 10:56:42 AM Central Standard Time,

chemer@... writes:

I'm not sure who you were talking to with this last message but I imagine

most of us have taken into consideration recommendations and information from

a number of sources -- including Aspie and Autistic adults. Anyway, just

wanted to comment on the following:

> >>No amount of drugs can change a Neurological Condition.


Actually, if a virus, chemical/toxin or general immune system problem is

causing a neurological condition or making it worse, the appropriate

treatment (or drug) can indeed change it. What you need to realize is that

is treating verifiable medical problems with medication, not just using

medicine to supress symptoms. This treatment is different from that you'd

get from a psychiatrist. It is treating medical conditions that are either

adding to or causing problems.

> >Because short of brain surgery it is impossible to change the brain once it


While it is true you cannot change brain structure once it is formed, there

is ample evidence to show that you can change nerve transmission and the

amount or parts of brain you are using. They've done remarkable research

with stroke patients and seizure patients where they've had to remove half of

the brain. With proper retraining, it is very possible to change brain

function. I read quite a bit about this in the early stages of my son's

challenges. I find it fascinating how little we know about the brain and how

it is very possible to change it's function at any age.

Also, recent research shows that there is a second " pruning " or reworking of

neurotransmitters in the teen years leading to the possibility of rewiring

the brain long after the 0-5 formative years. These researchers felt that

this second reworking could be part of the reason for teenage year

difficulties. The research also talked about mute people learning to talk

during the teen years and those who couldn't read learning to read.

While this may not be what you were meaning. I did think it important to

mention. One thing to keep in mind here is that by treating our children, we

are not trying to change their unique personalities or take away any of their

special traits, but rather just make life easier and healthier for them.


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Hi Steve,

The virus affecting my son is HHV6, which comes from exposure to roseola

coupled with an inability to fight it off properly due to inherited immune

system problems. If your body is unable to fight off viruses like these --

due to immune system problems -- it begins to attack part of your brain. We

know it has affected my son's motor function since shortly after he was

exposed, he was unable to use his right hand and dragged his right foot until

many years of therapy work on the right side of his body. This followed a

two-week upper respitory illness. Writing and any motor task has been very

difficult for him and we've had to work very hard to regain motor function.

I'm not sure what other areas are affected by this virus. We're very early

into treatment so only time will tell us what other things are affected.

Since his body is unable to combat the virus on its own, you do not see the

typical fevers and other obvious viral signs after the initial exposure. He

does have a chronic stuffy nose and some strange eruptions where his ear

meets his head that tend to blister and split. Otherwise, the other symptoms

appear to be mostly brain-related.

Anyway, I don't expect my son to be cured of all differences with this

treatment. But I have found that as we address health issues, he is much

better able to handle the world and express himself better. My main goal is

to help his body be as healthy as possible and help clear out as much as

possible that is affecting his brain and making it harder for him to focus

and express himself. In his case, his immune system is very overactive --

opposite to what happens in AIDS so that instead of not reacting to illness,

he is reacting to many things that are not really harmful substances -- plus

he is continously fighting this virus to keep it under control. This keeps

his body in a state of over-alertness, requiring a tremendous amount of

energy and making him very weak and have cycles of not feeling well. Dr.

Goldberg is treating the virus with Valtrex and will later address his immune

system to hopefully make it less over-active.

In the few weeks of Valtrex, he has had some die-off periods where the virus

flares, causing him to not feel as well. But he has also had nice

improvement in his ability to write, which has always been so frustrating for

him. I feel if we can remove as many frustrating challenges as possible for

him then he will be free to really be himself and have a happier life.


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There are several immue problems with high IgE being part of them, here is a

link to one of them



Usually it's called hyper-IgE when you have too high IgE, you can find lots

of information in search engines if you put hyper IgE in the search. Hope

that helps.

Diane, Mom to Kody

Please feel free to visit my website for parents of children with multiple

special needs :


-- RE: Do Parents Listen

Hi again Gaylen,

While we only started with Dr. G in October, he doesn't have a clear answer

as to why my son's IgE is so high, but it is obvious to him that it is part

of a dysfunctional immune system. When we had it tested in the fall of

2001, the IgE was at 3600, the only changes we made to bring it down to 2800

was the GFCF diet. I am tending to think that it is allergies, although he

doesn't look, or act like an allergic kid...No puffy eyes (when not on

current medication), no histamine reactions, no eczema etc...Dr. G said that

in the 80's he had a 17 year old boy with an IgE of " 800 and something " and

sent him to UCLA for a full work up...Talk about thorough. My local ped

didn't even acknowledge that there was anything wrong and told me that

everything was " normal " in my son's bloodwork, until I received a copy of

everything myself. Makes you wonder and proves that only we can be the best

advocate for our kids and how important it is to stay on top and educate

ourselves about every little thing where there health is concerned.

By the way Gaylen, I am not familiar with an allergy to myelin based

protein. Would you mind explaining?



Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.

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In a message dated 1/12/03 4:34:58 PM Central Standard Time,

bresia_6@... writes:

> I had this happen with my son several times. The worst was the night before

> and morning of the WTC attack. He was very on edge to put it mildly

My little guy also had a terrible time that day. On Sept 10, he kept talking

about what to do if a building caught on fire and how you'd get out. As the

day wore on, he became more freaked out and insisted we all sleep together in

the same room that night because of a fire. Given some past events where he

told me about some traumatic things before they happened, I was convinced

that our house was going to catch on fire that night and had a clear plan on

how to get us out. I did not sleep well that night and anytime I'd get up or

move, he'd cling to me. Since neither of us slept well that night, we slept

in and were awakened by the radio report when the plane hit the Pentagon. He

did have a lot of questions about that day but was much calmer after the


It must be very hard to pick up on things but not be able to make real sense

out of them. As he's become higher functioning and more communicative, his

" warnings " make more sense but sometimes are not really clear until the

actual event occurs.


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Now who's being the bully?

Re: Re: Do Parents Listen

> Again you have no hope if you only listen to one point of view. Your

> Children will grow up to be Adults with the same problems. You should not

> only listen to Parents and Doctors. You should try and listen to Adults

> that have been through what your Son or Daughters have.


> Are you afraid to face the truth and look at the acheivements here.


> That is a fact. No amount of drugs can change a Neurological Condition.

> Its impossible. If Dr G thinks he can do that then he is not half the man

> you portray. Because short of brain surgery it is impossible to change


> brain once it has formed. I can see that the use of drugs can help the

> brain and if you had bothered to read what I put you would see that I


> with some of what he says about the switching off of certain areas of the

> Brain. But I see I am talking to a brick wall here. You will not talk


> Adult Aspies because you are afraid of what you may find out. You want to

> beleive this then go ahead its your choice. But I hope you are right.

> Because if you are not then you will be retarding not helping your


> growth.


> You sound like the kind of people that think to be into education is not


> cool as kicking a football around. This seems to be the mentallity of

> America at this Moment. It seems to be portrayed in all the films that


> out. That is cooler to kick around footballs and be into sports. Than to

> actually invent something for your country and help technological



> You are Prophets of Doom. People who would say if you had a headache you

> would have a brain tumour. Or if you have a lump on the breast it must be

> Cancer.


> Why can't you let your children get helped without bloody drugs. I am


> and have forged a successful life and many others through life have done


> without the help of meds. We do not know what these chldren will be like

> years later with Meds. Will it stunt their sexual development. What will

> it do to their IQ and ability to perceive things???? Nobody knows not


> Dr G. We can but hope that these drugs won't cause serious problems in


> future when the Children become Adults.


> Again as is true of America you are jumping on the Bandwaggon and Dr G is

> getting very rich and you are lapping it up. Why not read Tony Attwood


> learn about the postive side of these type of Condtions. What does DR G

> call Normal. The very scanners he is using now had to be invented by

> someone. The computer he types on had to be invented by someone. I doubt

> that they kicked around footballs or thought about appearing cool. You


> laugh but its 100% true.




> THEIR AUTISTIC CHILDREN??? Bill Gates says he has AS. Don't you think he

> would want to be normal with all his Money. Don't talk wet. This is pure

> scare mongering. There is no way you can link AS or ADD or ADHD or any

> other AUtism to Immune Deficency. Its just bull. Its hearsay.


> As for the slide shows I am a firm beleiver in that. As I said I always

> thought that certain parts of the brain were switched off like a computer.

> This means that the brain finds shorter ways to get information and as


> that is what causes the erratic behavior. But to tamper with Mother


> is very dangerous. Its like giving Crack to a Mother and the kind of


> she has later on. Its playing with fire and I am just so glad that the


> doesn't allow unless its extremley necessary ADD drugs to be given to

> Chldren or any Drugs for that matter.


> Seroxat was seen as the wonder drug of the 90s. They are now being sued

> 100% because of side effects. Prozac is the same. When I took that I

> became very violent and paranoid.


> Typical NT behavior if someone has a different point of view you shout


> down.




> Steve



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also has hhv6 (test was 40). He used to have

this dry, reddish, blistery stuff under his left

armpit, but it went away around 6 or 7. He also gets

a dry, crustiness on the insides (near tear ducts) and

in his ears. If I try to pick it off, it bleeds. We

use hydrocortisone and other creams, and it gets

better and then comes back. I have a feeling it is

from the hhv6. It will be interesting to see if it

goes away with the antivirals. We're only a week into

them. Barb Ps: From what you have read, is it

believed that this virus causes permanent damage? Is

there a particulary good reference for hhv6 you know


--- Googahly@... wrote:

> Hi Steve,


> The virus affecting my son is HHV6, which comes from

> exposure to roseola

> coupled with an inability to fight it off properly

> due to inherited immune

> system problems. If your body is unable to fight

> off viruses like these --

> due to immune system problems -- it begins to attack

> part of your brain. We

> know it has affected my son's motor function since

> shortly after he was

> exposed, he was unable to use his right hand and

> dragged his right foot until

> many years of therapy work on the right side of his

> body. This followed a

> two-week upper respitory illness. Writing and any

> motor task has been very

> difficult for him and we've had to work very hard to

> regain motor function.


> I'm not sure what other areas are affected by this

> virus. We're very early

> into treatment so only time will tell us what other

> things are affected.

> Since his body is unable to combat the virus on its

> own, you do not see the

> typical fevers and other obvious viral signs after

> the initial exposure. He

> does have a chronic stuffy nose and some strange

> eruptions where his ear

> meets his head that tend to blister and split.

> Otherwise, the other symptoms

> appear to be mostly brain-related.


> Anyway, I don't expect my son to be cured of all

> differences with this

> treatment. But I have found that as we address

> health issues, he is much

> better able to handle the world and express himself

> better. My main goal is

> to help his body be as healthy as possible and help

> clear out as much as

> possible that is affecting his brain and making it

> harder for him to focus

> and express himself. In his case, his immune system

> is very overactive --

> opposite to what happens in AIDS so that instead of

> not reacting to illness,

> he is reacting to many things that are not really

> harmful substances -- plus

> he is continously fighting this virus to keep it

> under control. This keeps

> his body in a state of over-alertness, requiring a

> tremendous amount of

> energy and making him very weak and have cycles of

> not feeling well. Dr.

> Goldberg is treating the virus with Valtrex and will

> later address his immune

> system to hopefully make it less over-active.


> In the few weeks of Valtrex, he has had some die-off

> periods where the virus

> flares, causing him to not feel as well. But he has

> also had nice

> improvement in his ability to write, which has

> always been so frustrating for

> him. I feel if we can remove as many frustrating

> challenges as possible for

> him then he will be free to really be himself and

> have a happier life.

> Gaylen



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Actually psychotic episodes appear to have a lot to do with brain chemistry.

Emotional experiences may be a trigger but you have abnormal chemistry to

respond to that trigger in that particular way. Most of us have unpleasant

experiences from time to time but a psychotic episode is not usually our most

frequently used coping mechanism. Kathy -NNY

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In a message dated 1/11/03 3:47:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

LB@... writes:

> My son is a highly debated case between high functioning autism and

> Asperger's. At our most recent assessment this past fall, the jury is

> still

> out? In any case, his immune panel is all over the map. High HHV6, IgE

> at 2800 (norm is 0-60) and a pile of other abnormalities and borderline

> results that all clearly indicate to Dr. G that my son's problems of focus,

> fog, eye contact and language are definitely physically based, not


A perfect example of why the diagnosis much more accurately describes

what is going on. Kathy -NNY

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It would be very helpful if you read the articles on our website. Your

theories are not based upon science. Once you have read the articles that are

readily available you will have answered your own questions. Kathy -NNY

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Yes, I agree, Kathy- he should read the articles. I think people who read

Steve's responses become angry because as parents, we are fed up with the

attitude that our children are not sick, when we know that they are. Autism

refers to a set of behaviors, and we have to look at what causes those

behaviors. For some children, they have autistic behaviors because they are


I do not believe Steve intended to upset anybody with his comments. It is

hard for someone with Asperger's to look at things from someone else's

perspective. But, Steve, if you read this, know that our children take

medicines to treat illness, not because we don't like them or some of their

quirks- we don't want to change their personalities, we just don't want them

to be sick, and we want them to be able to talk. If someone is physically

sick and they have diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems,allergies,seizures,

or other problems with the immune system, they have to take medicines to get

better. That is what this is about. is not about changing children to

be good at sports, or very social or more like most other people. We love

our children the way that they are, so because we love them, we don't want

them to be sick.

I hope we will all be kind to each other here on this forum, and if one

finds it is not his cup of tea, its certainly optional to belong to this

group! I have just joined and I find it very helpful, so thanks to all of

you, especially those of you with lots of experience!

>From: JOSKAT95@...


> , Aspergersworld3 ,

>realasworld , ADHD_Bulletin_Board

>Subject: Re: Do Parents Listen

>Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:31:39 EST



> It would be very helpful if you read the articles on our website. Your

>theories are not based upon science. Once you have read the articles that


>readily available you will have answered your own questions. Kathy -NNY




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