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Re: Glucose tolerance tests, GBS, formula

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I totally agree with you ! I would only add that having the baby with

you at night also keeps the milk production up and the baby drinking more. This

also is a great natural birth controller. Also, as long as you have your birth

anywhere but home, you will have to fight, fight, fight, for what you want and

still end up compromising on many things.


1 awful hospital birth, induced, forceps, etc.

1 bad hospital birth, had birth plan made out, staff hated me! still many


5 GREAT homebirths, all the way I wanted!

-- Original Message


From: Alison

Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:05 PM

Subject: Glucose tolerance tests, GBS, formula

OK, excuse me if I'm too RADICAL ;o)

My midwives that I used for my first baby were, I

thought, conservative and medical. They used doppler

w/out making it clear to me that doppler=ultrasound,

did pee sticks, fundal height, BP, iron, 4 blood tests

req. by our state, and insisted that I have an MD on

backup. They checked my dialtion many times after my

water had broken, w/out telling me of the increased

risk of infection. (Esp. GBS, which is a test they

didn't do for some reason.)But they did not do or even

suggest a glucose tolerance test. Guess I was lucky!

IMO If you are eating a whole foods diet, even a

partially NT whole foods diet, you ARE NOT at risk for

Gestational Diabetes! These tests are BAD for you, BAD

for the baby, and have a high false positive rate.

Don't do it! It's YOUR body, YOUR baby, and YOUR


GBS- you can test positive for it and then test

negative two weeks later. It is basically always with

you if you've ever tested positive, but isn't a risk

to you and your baby unless it is active (kinda like

herpes.) It can be very, very very bad for baby and

cause death.

If you've tested positive for GBS, you want

NO internal exams, period. including checking for

dilation during labor.

NO amniotomy/AROM

NO Internal Fetal Monitoring

I have an online friend who had a GBS baby and she

compiled the above list of rules, also a list of herbs

and natural remedies that are anti GBS. These include

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Coconut Oil (ep. virgin) and

Usnea (a lichen.) Unfortunately she did all this AFTER

she had the baby, and baby was in the NICU for a while

with GBS. :o(

If you need more info about dealing with GBS,

especially handling it naturally, lmk off-list and I

will put you in touch with her. She may even be on

this list? but she is very busy right now moving and

getting married.

Last but not least: Formula.

Formula- I have had it up to here with formula!!


I don't care how many expensive bacteria you put in

there, it is NEVER NEVER NEVER going to be as good for

that baby as BREASTMILK.

IMO there has been way too much discussion about

formula on here lately.


Even Sally's super recipe is Not Good Enough for your

baby! ONLY if you are one of the teeny weeny tiny

percentage of women who physically can't nurse, if

you've had a double masectomy, or you are an adoptive

mother, only if the baby's mommy is dead and you are a

widower should you be thinking of making or using

formula. EVER!!

Did any of the cultures Weston Price studied go to

these lengths to blend up fresh liver and milk based

formulas for their babies? Or feed them powdered milk

and soy out of a can? NO NO NO! They nursed their

babies for AT LEAST a year and I am betting most of

them nursed beyond 2 years.

Becky from what you have said there is NO reason why

your sister can't continue to nurse her baby. She's

had very good advice given-

cut back or eliminate the solids

mom needs to slow down, lie down, and nurse the baby

every two hours or so until her supply is back up

NO pacifiers. NO sippy cups. NO BOTTLES!!!

mom needs to drink lots of water and eat like she is

pregnant- eat lots of good fats and protein.

Herbs are optional but can help. Mother's milk tea in

tea bags is available at most health food stores if

she doesn't want to bother with measuring out

individual herbs or finding something palatable.

Herbs are not a substitute for REST and RELAXATION or

caloric intake. She has to eat! (And drink!)

6.5 months is WAY WAY WAY below the natural age of

weaning which is ~ 3.5 yrs-7 yrs. I realize your

sister may not want to nurse her baby quite that long,

;o) but encourage her to give her baby at least a


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends

breastfeeding for one year, and thereafter as long as

it is mutually desirable. The World Health

Organization (WHO) recommends two years.

And finally, has she contacted La Leche League? LLL

should be every woman's knee jerk reaction when

dealing with breastfeeding problems! It's free, they

provide emotional and social support as well as help

with the basics of supply and demand, positioning, and

weaning. 1-800-LA LECHE will give her the name and

number of any leaders and groups in her area. My mom

is a retired LLL leader so I grew up with all this

stuff. :o)

Ok so now that you all know I'm a member of the

militant breastfeeding cult LOL and I have ranted and

raved, I wish you all luck with your births and

breastfeeding (or lack thereof) Forgive me I am a bit

hormonal today. :o)

Love In Christ,


1 homebirth,

1 unassisted homebirth,

planning unassisted May 2002


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