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Re:AC Chelation/was Heidi N's Neurotransmitter Thoughts

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Yes, as I recall my son had increased nausea when we started. I believe we had to start at a lower dose of dmsa, like we started at 25 mg. had the nausea, backed down to a starting dose of 12.5. For myself personally when I try again, I might start with a dose of 3mg. I gave him ginger trip gum for the nausea, so ginger. Plus I had to do major tweaking of the diet, I realized that he self eliminated luteins from his diet by 80%, and after he would eat nothing but ham on a gf/cf diet, we eventually settled on having him eat mostly fast food with enzymes. He actually recovered eating fast food, which was very eye opening considering for most people diet is the most expensive part of recovery, and for my son, he was able to recover without a healthy diet. He took the houstons trio, zyme prime, no phenol, and apf peptiside with meals. We had to give probiotics and up them. I mean during the time of the nausea, I tweaked almost everything I was doing to get the protocol to be managable for him so he could do it.

We told my son that it was his job to chelate, and even if it made him sick or extra fatigued, all he had to do was lay in bed, chelate and play video games. If he had to lay still through nausea to keep the chelator down, then so be it. Our son had constant nausea as a symptom of his MCS previous to chelation and when we started dmsa his already nauseated state and fatigued state was increased, so it was beyond what a normal persons nausea would have been. We homeschooled, so like telling him that all he had to do was lay down and play video games and take his chelators was a workable solution.

Most of the AC people support liver by dosing Milk Thistle 1 cap every 4 hours during the day. I have noticed that lyme people use approx 4 times the liver support as AC protocol people. I "supported" bowels through cod liver oil, probiotics, orthomega epa/dha supplements, borarge oil, and I would give my son psyllium husks when the supps like magnesium combined with chelating made it so he was constipated.

Now in hindsight, I understand that constipation is one of the signs that means the liver is having a hard time being supported. Well, psyllium worked and got us through chelation with my son, but in hindsight, I would have loved to use castor oil packs, artichoke, unda numbers, and Curcumin/Turmeric for him in addition to milk thistle for liver support. when we first started it took a while to get all my sons supplements in order. We kept using his symptoms to know what things to add.

If you do a search of symptoms on onibasu.com, under autism/mercury group, like search "vomiting on round" or something, you come up with all kinds of previous posts from other parents who have done the protocol for other ideas, like if recently your child has had strep, and they are sick at all and an infection is lingering, that could be a reason for nausea. The nausea we were able to resolve through tweaking supplements. I know that digestive enzymes were crucial and I gave houstons trio with meals and between meals at different points. We had to keep upping vitamin C. Rather than working through the reactions, we use them as clues. Now from the lymes side we know that nausea is caused by dieoff or treatment from one of the coinfections, so I had this wonder if you supported that particular co infection that increases nausea, go after supplement support from that angle is another thing I would look at.

We stop the round if we have vomiting, it would be a failed round. This is because you have thrown up the chelator. Also it could mean that the kid needs antivirals. Also unfortunately it could mean that it could be from candida also so look at your yeast protocol. As I recall the digestive enzymes and probiotics really helped with the nausea, as did the ginger.

Yes, I mopped up the die off which was very severe after we added ALA during round 5 and it increased yeast to we had to up our yeast protocol, which created a massive dieoff, so we used activated charcoal given one hour after yeast killers. Candex and proteolytic enzymes dosed 1-2 hours before meals. Yeast killers dosed with meals. Enzymes dosed 20 minutes prior to meals. Probiotics dosed after meals. Activated charcoal dosed 1 hour after meals. I also tried something called pascalite clay off the clearance rack for a couple bottles for dieoff, but ended up with activated charcoal as a favorite. I also used epsom salt creme on his skin to help him manage the dieoff/supplements/detox.

I was adding and adding and adding things when we first started and most things on the AC protocol that we tried, or the majority of things worked. This is in contrast to say doing Sherry or Dr Reas stuff for mcs where 90% of stuff did not work. So, I love the logic and the theories behind andy's protocols. If you haven't yet, get his two books also, they have been a great resource for us.

Andy lists supplements in his book that are safe for liver support. If you like I could privately email you a email I wrote about supporting the liver for those with uveitis and what andy says is safe and what he says is not safe for mercury toxic people.

Also, I notice a lot of people talking about glutathione issues and Andy says that glutathione is too hard on the liver and is not a chelator. We recoverd my son without ever dealing with the glutathione issue. As a matter of fact my husband 17 years ago did 2 years of IV glutathione and his before and after hair tests show no change after 3 IV's a week for 2 years. So, it is not a chelator, and it was a waste of money for us.

I just looked up in Andy's book and he said that you can prepare a gut to handle all this stuff through probiotics. At this time we were upping probiotics and ended up dosing 50 billion custom probiotics 3x a day to handle this protocol.

The vit C, l-lycine, inositol, and virastop helped with viruses. We gave him inositol at night so he could sleep. The virastop once you get the nausea, supps, and yeast under control or a good yeast protocol in place and a chelating at a good clip, you can do the high dose virastop protocol which is wonderful.

Andy says if your gut can't handle a lot of stuff, stick to E,C, Magnesium, and B25 while you prepare your digestion through probiotics starting with recommended dosage on the bottle then working up to 10-15 times the recommended dosage over a few weeks.

He said to take with a small liquid iron supplement (tastes so bad you will need to add 1 drop of non edible essential oil to mask the taste and get it down), a lactose food, or fructooligosaccarides (FOS) 5-10 grams per day. Then try glucosamine (2 grams), glycine (2-10 grams), ginger, digestive enzymes, eating raw fruits and veggies and anything to increase fiber. Pysllium husks are something he recommends, but again, since I have met you all I can say for sure that Andy's protocol needed more liver support than what I was giving and that could be why we were dependent on Psyllium the entire time for his bowels. If I had to use lots of liver support and Psyllium to move the bowels enough to be able to chelate I would have done whatever it took. Psyllium was a great strategy. I know a lot of people are down on it because it is artificially clearing the bowel, but if it was the difference between being able to chelate and not, I would use it.

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