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Re: Just curious....a poll of sorts

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When did you first notice your 4s symptoms? middle or high school

Are you sure of when they started or are you making a guess? I'm guessing. I don't have a specific memory, but I'm pretty sure I could ask someone if I complained about it. I know I had it in high school.

What sounds/movements bother you? It's funny to read what bothers other people because I sometimes forget about some sounds. I abhor "mouth noises"-ice crunching, chip crunching, popcorn...anything crunching! And the faster it is, the worse it is. Slurping, lip smacking, gum chewing and popping, blowing spit bubbles (I also hate spit in general-unrelated), whistling, and that horrible 'snot sucking' sound...when someone is clearing the passage between their nose & throat. There's also the pen clicking, anything tapping, bass when I can't hear the music that goes with it, the tv on in another room (especially when trying to sleep/relax/study). I'm sure there are more I'm not thinking of right now. Oh, someone 'banging' or typing 'hard' on the keyboard. I sometimes, but not always, get bothered by repetitive movements in my peripheral. Just recently I noticed I was focusing on something, but my husband shaking his foot (relaxing to him) caught my attention & I had to shield my eyes so I could concentrate....of course, then I could hear it!

Does any one person or group of people bother you more than others? Mine started with my family. Now that I'm married, it's my husband...I'm sure because I'm around him most. People I don't know bother me too if it's the right environment. I'm good in restaurants because they're 'good' noisy enough for me.

What is your "inside" reaction? At first I just feel annoyed. I sometimes get a cold chill (that's my dh's first cue that something is bothering me). I have felt like crying, throwing up, pulling my hair out, or screaming.

How do you actually react? I have asked close family to stop _____ so loudly. I try to find discreet ways to cover my ears so people won't think I'm 'being weird' again. If someone is eating something, I might join in just so I can hear my own noises, which don't bother me.

What are some reactions you've gotten from others when you've been "annoyed" by their noises? My husband has told me to "get over it." I've also been asked why it doesn't bother me when I make the same noises.

How would you rate your 4S? Mild, moderate, severe, profound? It really depends on the situation. I don't dread leaving the house because of it or anything like that, but I have noticed that "precursor" noises are starting to bother me (i.e. my husband opening the chip bag).I thought I'd add...I'm afraid my son's eating noises will start bothering me soon. Baby noises don't bother me, but now that he's getting old enough to have some control over himself, I find myself reminding him nicely that chewing with your mouth open is not good manners. His noises hasn't grated my nerves yet, but I'm afraid they will.

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I was thinking the same thing when i was reading yours

andra, kindred spirits of tormented 4S souls ;)

We could do it the long and detailed way through emails across

here on the forum and enter the information manually through access, does

anyone else here have Microsoft Groove??, otherwise I know that Marsha

created a survey similar some weeks ago, Maybe it was used by this website??


Anyway, I know that Dr is doing a lot of work on this,

as always, but two heads or in this case 759 heads are better then J

(glad I can spell my own name.... it has been one of

these days J )

From: Soundsensitivity

[mailto:Soundsensitivity ] On Behalf Of andra Ruiz

Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2008 4:41 PM

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Re: Just curious....a poll of sorts


Rich...my answers would have to be identical to yours...except for I don't know

where I first noticed my condition.

GREAT idea about the database...just wondering how we would be able to compile

all the information. Maybe there's some sort of " online survey "

that we can create...

I think they must have had me in mind when they created the term " control

freak " :o)


To: Soundsensitivity

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 2:30:42 PM

Subject: RE: Just curious....a poll of sorts

Hello All,

I was thinking last night, and after

reading the post below, although we are all talking about this and making

progress imo, we are making a lot of connections here too but I am worried that

we are not recording these down to see the logical links. If I am incorrect

please let me know, but how would everyone feel about a database of information

being collected so that we can cross reference information we are getting over

the long term and see if there are any connections???

I had this idea that the database could

contain information such as some of the questions below, and also ranging to

ancestery, sex, weight diet and even moving into things like eye color and

other personality traits.

There is of course worries about privacy

etc etc and I am not sure how comfortable everyone is with this, or if it has

already been done, but I think we could make great progress if the information

were stored in a place that would allow cross referencing rather then only

through emails? Your thoughts please???

In response to below:

I noticed my 4s in a movie cinema when I

was about 13-14

I am sure.

Crunching, gulping smacking lips knives

and forks on plates, scraping, coughing to some degree, soft breathing, gum

smacking, movement out of the corner of my eye, dogs licking paws dogs

drinking, sniffing, muffeled voices in another room, keyboar typing (on bad

days) sound of water being poured into a glass. Slurping, squishy food, ummm I

think thats it at the moment.

Depends on my mood at the time, there is

aparticular type of person and everyone here knows the type that I am talking

about that seems to have all of the above in one nice little package!

Anger aggression, disgust! Hartred, have

to leave, complete shut down in side, scared and sad, feeling lost and

hopeless, must make them stop! Ust want to be left alone in silence and sometimes

wishing I were deaf, wish it was over and always looking for a way out, wishing

I wasn¢t such a bother on my family and others around me, wishing I could


Others have apologised, done the noise

more, confused, frustrated that I am angry, angry, moving away not

understanding and understanding.

Depends on my mood and how much sleep I

get but it ranges from Moderate to severe.

By the way, how many people here would

rate them selves a control freak ~not because~ of the 4S but naturally.???

Kind Regards


From: Soundsensitivity [mailto:Soundsensitivity ]

On Behalf Of andrealeigh4

Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2008 5:15 AM

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Just curious....a poll of sorts

I am wondering a couple things about everyone. I thought it could be

interesting to see everyone's replies.

When did you first notice your 4s symptoms?

Are you sure of when they started or are you making a guess?

What sounds bother you?

Does any one person or group of people bother you more than others?

What is your " inside " reaction?

How do you actually react?

What are some reactions you've gotten from others when you've been

" annoyed " by their noises?

How would you rate your 4S? Mild, moderate, severe, profound?

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Great idea about creating the survey. Maybe you can create a draft of the survey and send it to the group? Then everyone can add questions that they think are important....then once the final is approved by everyone it can be individualy completed and stored.

To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 6:41:15 AMSubject: Re: Just curious....a poll of sorts

Wow Rich...my answers would have to be identical to yours...except for I don't know where I first noticed my condition. GREAT idea about the database...just wondering how we would be able to compile all the information. Maybe there's some sort of "online survey" that we can create...I think they must have had me in mind when they created the term "control freak" :o)andra

From: McKenna <r.mckennawestnet (DOT) com.au>To: Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. comSent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 2:30:42 PMSubject: RE: Just curious....a poll of sorts

Hello All,

I was thinking last night, and after reading the post below, although we are all talking about this and making progress imo, we are making a lot of connections here too but I am worried that we are not recording these down to see the logical links. If I am incorrect please let me know, but how would everyone feel about a database of information being collected so that we can cross reference information we are getting over the long term and see if there are any connections? ??

I had this idea that the database could contain information such as some of the questions below, and also ranging to ancestery, sex, weight diet and even moving into things like eye color and other personality traits.

There is of course worries about privacy etc etc and I am not sure how comfortable everyone is with this, or if it has already been done, but I think we could make great progress if the information were stored in a place that would allow cross referencing rather then only through emails? Your thoughts please???

In response to below:

I noticed my 4s in a movie cinema when I was about 13-14

I am sure.

Crunching, gulping smacking lips knives and forks on plates, scraping, coughing to some degree, soft breathing, gum smacking, movement out of the corner of my eye, dogs licking paws dogs drinking, sniffing, muffeled voices in another room, keyboar typing (on bad days) sound of water being poured into a glass. Slurping, squishy food, ummm I think thats it at the moment.

Depends on my mood at the time, there is aparticular type of person and everyone here knows the type that I am talking about that seems to have all of the above in one nice little package!

Anger aggression, disgust! Hartred, have to leave, complete shut down in side, scared and sad, feeling lost and hopeless, must make them stop! Ust want to be left alone in silence and sometimes wishing I were deaf, wish it was over and always looking for a way out, wishing I wasn¢t such a bother on my family and others around me, wishing I could control.

Others have apologised, done the noise more, confused, frustrated that I am angry, angry, moving away not understanding and understanding.

Depends on my mood and how much sleep I get but it ranges from Moderate to severe.

By the way, how many people here would rate them selves a control freak ~not because~ of the 4S but naturally.?? ?

Kind Regards


From: Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:Soundsensit ivity@yahoogroup s.com] On Behalf Of andrealeigh4Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2008 5:15 AMTo: Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Just curious....a poll of sorts

I am wondering a couple things about everyone. I thought it could beinteresting to see everyone's replies.When did you first notice your 4s symptoms?Are you sure of when they started or are you making a guess?What sounds bother you?Does any one person or group of people bother you more than others?What is your "inside" reaction?How do you actually react?What are some reactions you've gotten from others when you've been"annoyed" by their noises?How would you rate your 4S? Mild, moderate, severe, profound?

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This is great a...I actually just went in to see how we can set up a survey on the surveymonkey link that Rich sent and it seems fairly easy and straight forward. Just open an account (easy and free) and you can start making your own survey. You can choose from different types of multiple choice answers and so forth. Why don't you have a look and let us know what you think.We can put questions on there like the ones that Rich stated...having to do with lifestyle, health, nutrition/diet, symptoms, phobias, family history, sex, weight, physical and personality characteristics and so forth.Let me know if you need any help!andraTo: Soundsensitivity Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 3:32:11 PMSubject: Re: Just curious....a poll of sorts

Hi Rich,

You are absolutely right, I was thinking the same thing..... Unless someone else has already started to take note I would be more than happy to track back and create a data base with all the nuances and specifics about 4S that you have all been sharing.

To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 6:30:42 AMSubject: RE: Just curious....a poll of sorts

Hello All,

I was thinking last night, and after reading the post below, although we are all talking about this and making progress imo, we are making a lot of connections here too but I am worried that we are not recording these down to see the logical links. If I am incorrect please let me know, but how would everyone feel about a database of information being collected so that we can cross reference information we are getting over the long term and see if there are any connections? ??

I had this idea that the database could contain information such as some of the questions below, and also ranging to ancestery, sex, weight diet and even moving into things like eye color and other personality traits.

There is of course worries about privacy etc etc and I am not sure how comfortable everyone is with this, or if it has already been done, but I think we could make great progress if the information were stored in a place that would allow cross referencing rather then only through emails? Your thoughts please???

In response to below:

I noticed my 4s in a movie cinema when I was about 13-14

I am sure.

Crunching, gulping smacking lips knives and forks on plates, scraping, coughing to some degree, soft breathing, gum smacking, movement out of the corner of my eye, dogs licking paws dogs drinking, sniffing, muffeled voices in another room, keyboar typing (on bad days) sound of water being poured into a glass. Slurping, squishy food, ummm I think thats it at the moment.

Depends on my mood at the time, there is aparticular type of person and everyone here knows the type that I am talking about that seems to have all of the above in one nice little package!

Anger aggression, disgust! Hartred, have to leave, complete shut down in side, scared and sad, feeling lost and hopeless, must make them stop! Ust want to be left alone in silence and sometimes wishing I were deaf, wish it was over and always looking for a way out, wishing I wasn¢t such a bother on my family and others around me, wishing I could control.

Others have apologised, done the noise more, confused, frustrated that I am angry, angry, moving away not understanding and understanding.

Depends on my mood and how much sleep I get but it ranges from Moderate to severe.

By the way, how many people here would rate them selves a control freak ~not because~ of the 4S but naturally.?? ?

Kind Regards


From: Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:Soundsensit ivity@yahoogroup s.com] On Behalf Of andrealeigh4Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2008 5:15 AMTo: Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Just curious....a poll of sorts

I am wondering a couple things about everyone. I thought it could beinteresting to see everyone's replies.When did you first notice your 4s symptoms?Are you sure of when they started or are you making a guess?What sounds bother you?Does any one person or group of people bother you more than others?What is your "inside" reaction?How do you actually react?What are some reactions you've gotten from others when you've been"annoyed" by their noises?How would you rate your 4S? Mild, moderate, severe, profound?

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To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:28:23 PMSubject: Re: Re: Just curious....a poll of sorts

> I am wondering a couple things about everyone. I thought it could be> interesting to see everyone's replies.> > When did you first notice your 4s symptoms? At around age 4 or 5. When I was sitting next to friends who were eating, I'd feel shaky and my skin would start to crawl because of the noise. It upset me, because I was so young and I did not know why chewing noises did that to me.> > Are you sure of when they started or are you making a guess? 4 or 5 if the earliest I remember, but it may have been sooner.> > What sounds bother you? Anything MOUTH or CHEWING related such as loud crunching, lip smacking, burping, throat clearing, tooth brushing, etc. Even the sounds of silverware banging on plates or bowls sets me off. Oh, and of course like everyone else, GUM CHEWING, especially the violent and gnawing and cracking type of gum chewing. Loud breathing or

exhaling sounds, especially while eating. Also swallowing and slurping noises.> > Does any one person or group of people bother you more than others? Gum Chewers! I hate to admit it, but my CLOSEST FAMILY MEMBERS bother me the most. My parents have always bothered me and now my in laws and my husband drive me crazy too. My children are 5 and 1, I hope I do not start to react the same way towards them.> > What is your "inside" reaction? I feel angry, upset, ready to cry and helpless. I have said before, I feel like the sounds are INFLICTING VIOLENCE on me in some way-- like I've just been hit, punched or pinched. I also get very angry and rage filled and I start to have rushing thoughts about how "terrible" the person making the noises is. I also have some violent urges, but I would never act on them. Sometimes I get MIGRAINES from the noises if they are really

bad.> > How do you actually react? I do whatever I can to GET AWAY FROM THE SOUNDS or leave the room. If I can't leave I get hostile and moody and seethe inside so that people ask me "why I am so moody" and I can't answer because they wouldn't "get" it.> > What are some reactions you've gotten from others when you've been> "annoyed" by their noises? My husband yells at me and tells me I'm "crazy" and that I should just "get over it." Sometimes people look at me funny and give me a half laugh half snide sigh. I am too afraid to tell many people how I feel however. And the not being able to tell them how I feel just makes it worse.> > How would you rate your 4S? Mild, moderate, severe, profound? I hate to admit it but it goes from moderate to, yes, downright


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1. When did you first notice symptoms?

Probably around my mid-teens. I actually can remember being very young.. grade school age.. and a friend of my moms popped her gum every time she chomped down, and i wanted her to teach me how to do it because i liked it. today...

2. Sounds that bother you?

Gum. Chewing or popping it drives me nuts. (ironic that i can actually remember a time when i was fascinated by it- weird that of all my early aged childhood memories, that one sticks out). Computer typing. I work as a nurse manager and sit in a small room with too many cubicles in it, and all but one person uses laptops. the typing is pretty quite on the laptops but one person insists that she "can't type" on her laptop and has a normal sized keyboard. i just don't understand how she can come into a quite room and not realize how LOUD it is. popcorn in movie theaters. eating in general- smacking, chewing, teeth on silverware, etc.

3. Inside reaction (not seen to others).

I'm going to be honest here.... i get enraged. blood pressure and pulse sky rocket, face gets flushed and i start to sweat. when the person starts hammering on her keyboard i sit there and think about either telling her horrible untruths about herself (really mean stuff), or taking her keyboard and smashing it into a thousand pieces. when my husband starts chewing a piece of gum or scraping his teeth on a piece of silverware i'll have a snowball mental moment when i picture the next fifty years in a straight jacket listening to this crap and wondering why i got married in the first place. at a movie theater i won't pay attention to the movie but fixate on how a person shovels that much popcorn into their mouth at one time! come on! how can they even hear themselves over their feeding frenzy!?! do they not eat at home? and i'll whip my head around and glare at them (so passive, yet so aggressive).

4. Outside reaction (seen to others).

i shoot dirty looks and sigh really loudly. i basically act like a pissy little toddler.... i hate that. i feel that in work or in my social my obnoxious behavior will continually isolate me. i put on headphones whenever possible and play music loudly. and i leave, which either means upsetting someone i'm with, or not getting work done. this disease or whatever it is affects ALL aspects of life. i actually broke down and started sobbing one day in the car with my husband because he was chewing gum. i quit a previous job at a great hospital in colorado (several years ago) because one of my coworkers popped and smacked gum all day and the manager wouldn't intervene (she said "as a new employee, you might be better off befriending her rather than filing a complaint). i actually quit this job, a job that i had wanted for so long. all i can think is that if i'm ever in a hospital bed and a nurse is smacking gum over

my face and i'm unable to do anything about it? [clenches fists of rage]

5. Reactions.

well, i think i basically isolate people. my husband thinks i'm nuts and has been very encouraging of zoloft/xanax (which didn't really help). he is now eating with plastic utensils, and wants to know if we should start eating separately. in my moments of rage that sounds great, but i inevitably i feel great waves of guilt that can lead to a depression for several days. its a viscious cycle. i feel like i have 3 emotions: rage/guilt/depression.

6. Rate it?

Moderate.. severe? who knows.

To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 3:45:54 AMSubject: Re: Re: Just curious....a poll of sorts

From: Charlene <believinginbluejay@ yahoo.com>To: Soundsensitivity@ yahoogroups. comSent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:28:23 PMSubject: Re: Re: Just curious....a poll of sorts

> I am wondering a couple things about everyone. I thought it could be> interesting to see everyone's replies.> > When did you first notice your 4s symptoms? At around age 4 or 5. When I was sitting next to friends who were eating, I'd feel shaky and my skin would start to crawl because of the noise. It upset me, because I was so young and I did not know why chewing noises did that to me.> > Are you sure of when they started or are you making a guess? 4 or 5 if the earliest I remember, but it may have been sooner.> > What sounds bother you? Anything MOUTH or CHEWING related such as loud crunching, lip smacking, burping, throat clearing, tooth brushing, etc. Even the sounds of silverware banging on plates or bowls sets me off. Oh, and of course like everyone else, GUM CHEWING, especially the violent and gnawing and cracking type of gum chewing. Loud breathing or

exhaling sounds, especially while eating. Also swallowing and slurping noises.> > Does any one person or group of people bother you more than others? Gum Chewers! I hate to admit it, but my CLOSEST FAMILY MEMBERS bother me the most. My parents have always bothered me and now my in laws and my husband drive me crazy too. My children are 5 and 1, I hope I do not start to react the same way towards them.> > What is your "inside" reaction? I feel angry, upset, ready to cry and helpless. I have said before, I feel like the sounds are INFLICTING VIOLENCE on me in some way-- like I've just been hit, punched or pinched. I also get very angry and rage filled and I start to have rushing thoughts about how "terrible" the person making the noises is. I also have some violent urges, but I would never act on them. Sometimes I get MIGRAINES from the noises if they are really

bad.> > How do you actually react? I do whatever I can to GET AWAY FROM THE SOUNDS or leave the room. If I can't leave I get hostile and moody and seethe inside so that people ask me "why I am so moody" and I can't answer because they wouldn't "get" it.> > What are some reactions you've gotten from others when you've been> "annoyed" by their noises? My husband yells at me and tells me I'm "crazy" and that I should just "get over it." Sometimes people look at me funny and give me a half laugh half snide sigh. I am too afraid to tell many people how I feel however. And the not being able to tell them how I feel just makes it worse.> > How would you rate your 4S? Mild, moderate, severe, profound? I hate to admit it but it goes from moderate to, yes, downright


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