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Serotonin, some antidepressants can fight fungus

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Interesting study. Notice at the end where they mention investigating the

role of serotonin levels and the susceptability to infections?


Serotonin, some antidepressants can fight fungus

Last Updated: 2003-02-06 13:15:56 -0400 (Reuters Health)

By Pincock

LONDON (Reuters Health) - The neurotransmitter serotonin could one day form

the basis of new antifungal drugs, according to Austrian researchers who

have shown in the lab that serotonin can kill one type of fungus that

frequently infects humans.

Two years ago, the University of Innsbruck team showed that antidepressants

called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) could also inhibit

fungi. Their new findings bring an explanation of this phenomenon a step


" Understanding the mode of action could help in the development of new

antifungal agents--on the basis of the chemical structure of SSRIs or

serotonin, " said lead researcher Dr. Cornelia Lass-Floerl.

Her group began this line of investigation when a doctor noticed that

Pfizer's SSRI Zoloft (sertraline) seemed to suppress the symptoms of vaginal

candidiasis, or yeast infection, in three women.

The patients found they had no flare-ups of the yeast infection while taking

Zoloft to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder, but when they stopped

taking the drug the infection returned.

" My colleague who had these patients asked me to test the antifungal effect

of sertraline, " Lass-Floerl told Reuters Health.

In 2001, her group reported that sertraline--and other SSRIs including

Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroxetine) and Edronax (reboxetine)--all

hindered the growth of Aspergillus and Candida species. Fungi belonging to

the Candida family are responsible for yeast infections, and can also cause

thrush, an infection of the mouth and throat. Aspergillus fungi can also

infect humans.

" Sertraline is the strongest substance, " she told Reuters Health. And, she

added, it has fewer side effects than other drugs used to treat fungal


" Pfizer Austria is very interested on research on sertraline as an

antifungal agent, " she added.

Because SSRIs increase serotonin levels during treatment, the researchers

tested the neurotransmitter directly against a range of Candida species.

The researchers report in this month's issue of the Journal of Medical

Microbiology that serotonin was active against all four species tested.

A variety of clues also suggest that serotonin may play a role in natural

defences against fungi, the researchers said, although to what extent is not


They are currently subjecting SSRIs and serotonin itself to a battery of

tests to figure out its mode of action. Animal experiments have been

started, and the researchers are screening patients with various conditions

to investigate the role of serotonin levels in susceptibility to infections.

More details on the specific effects of sertraline on fungal virulence will

be published soon, Lass-Floerl said.

SOURCE: Journal of Medical Microbiology 2003;52:169-171.


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----Original Message Follows----

From: Googahly@...


May I forward this to a few other lists?



Hi Gaylen,

That's fine with me. I'm on at least one other list that you are, so I'll

probably see the response, + or -. I think I'm on at least one with Liane

and some others. I stick to read only since I'd probably be off topic too

much. :)



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When we tried Alan on Zoloft, he broke out in hives!! They were so

horrible he had to take prednisone to get rid of them.

Do you think there is a connection?


> ----Original Message Follows----

> From: Googahly@a...

> Cheryl,


> May I forward this to a few other lists?

> Gaylen

> ===========================


> Hi Gaylen,

> That's fine with me. I'm on at least one other list that you are,

so I'll

> probably see the response, + or -. I think I'm on at least one with


> and some others. I stick to read only since I'd probably be off

topic too

> much. :)


> Cheryl


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