Guest guest Posted March 10, 2008 Report Share Posted March 10, 2008 Can I ask the dumb blonde question here....who is Dr. Carley? I saw this on another board too and honestly don't have the patience to read all the way to the end. Can someone post the key points here? And for the scientifically challenged. : ) If she is saying that chronic disease is vaccine induced by live viruses...then what's the explanation for these genetic mutations. Is it the small pox vaccine that all of OUR moms got? Just throwing it out there. Tami DuncanPresident and Co-Founderwww.liafoundation.orgJoin us in Fort Lee, NJ for our first East Coast Conference, Saturday, April 12th. You'll hear top doctors such as Bransfield, MD, Ray , MD, Janelle Love, MD, Warren Levin, MD, Peta Cohen, PhD, Guissepina Feingold, MD, Baker, ND, Horowitz, MD and the author of "Mold Warriors" Ritchie Shoemaker, MD. Online registration available at: (click Spring 2008 Conference) PERMISSION BY DR. CARLEY TO REPOST FREELY:Dr Carley critiques the Fed Ct decision admitting vaccine caused autismThe following is the ammo by which Big Pharma can be brought to its knees,and the holocaust of autoimmune diseases and cancer in people and in petsstopped at last. I ask you to circulate it widely. It is time for you toDEMANDthat those promoting mercury as the cause of autism respond to what I havewritten below. If the true intention of these people is to stop this epidemicin our children, then they should let go of their egos and admit that I havefigured out the true cause. Let me first encourage of all you to go to_http://www.drcarleyhttp://wwhttp://www.dhtt_( ; you will see that I have ALWAYSsaid it is the BIG PICTURE ofassaults to our immune systems (and mercury is there) which combine to causedisease, including autism. But it is the corruption of the immune systemcausedby the inoculation of viruses which is the root cause of all autoimmunediseases and cancer...and once this information is in the hands of a criticalmass of the people, we will put a stop to the biggest epidemic the world hasever known...VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases). And the individuals who continueto promote mercury as the root cause in the face of this information will beexposed for being INTENTIONAL disinformers.Below is a verbatim copy of the US Government concession filed in Novemberof 2007 in a Court of Federal Claims case brought by neurologist Dr. JonPoling and his wife claiming that vaccines were the cause of their daughterHannah's autism. This decision is posted on Kirby's blog at_http://www.huffingthttp://www.http://www.hhttp://www.huffihttp://wwhttp://www.h\_(\) . Kirby, author of "Evidence of Harm", is one of the individuals who isdistracting the public that autism is "all about the thimerosol". The takehomemessage therefore is that if the mercury is removed, vaccines will be safe.A BIGGER LIE HAS NEVER BEEN TOLD; and my document "Inoculations the TrueWeapons of Mass Destruction" posted on _www.drcarley.www_( describes the corruption of the immune systemcaused by the injection ofviruses directly into the body, bypassing secretory IgA (an antibody in theupper GI and respiratory tracts critical for the processing of germs by theimmune system for natural immunity to occur).I was a guest with Kirby on a radio show which is posted on my websiteat _http://www.drcarleyhttp://www.http://wwwhttp://www_( , on which I confrontedhim with the factthat autism is actually a non-fatal case of subacute sclerosing panencephalitiscaused by demyelination following vaccine induced encephalitis, and that thename of the condition was changed to autism to hide this self evident fact.I have sent Mr. Kirby copies of the documents on my website, and asked himmultiple times to be a guest on one of my internet shows to discuss the"mercury vs demyelination" theories of autism. He will not do so.What is truly amazing is that he is now mentioning live viruses amongst aplethora of other potential problems (see # 6 at_http://www.huffingthttp://www.http://www.hhttp://www.http://wwhttp://www.hufhtt\p_(\l) ). But is hediscussing the live viruses bypassing secretory IgA, causing vaccine inducedencephalitis and subsequent demyelination? NO...he is mentioning live virusesasa cause of mitochondrial damage. So once again, we will now be distractedwith this genetic mitochondrial defect...perhaps develop a test to find thechildren with this problem before they are vaccinated, when in fact geneticdefects can also be caused by vaccines. More confusion and distraction. Moreconfusion and distraction.<WBR>..rather than admitting that there is no suchthing as a safe vaccine...and the practice should be abandoned altogether,with attention instead pla Of course, since population reduction is the trueagenda of the powers that be, not only will the vaccine push continue...butviruses are being developed to cause cancer under the Special Virus CancerProgram. The mad scientists have to be stopped...and this WILL happen onceenoughpeople have opened their eyes to the true purpose of vaccines.I urge all of you to carefully read this decision dated 11/9/07, in whichthis young girl won her case claiming vaccines caused her autism. Note theseimportant points:1. 2 days after multiple vaccines (which included the MMR, which has NEVERhad mercury), she developed a high fever, high pitched screaming, and waslethargic and irritable. These are symptoms of VACCINE INDUCED ENCEPHALITIS,aninflammation of the brain caused by injection of LIVE VIRUSES (not frommercury).2. She also began to arch her back when she cried (a sign of vaccine inducedencephalitis, NOT mercury poisoning).3. She developed a POST-VARICELLA VACCINATION RASH (which proves that thevaccination GAVE HER THAT DISEASE). As explained in the quotes fromon's Principles of Medicine, 6th edition, p. 943 posted in my response totheCDC on _www.drcarley.www_ ( , "RARELY IS PREVENTIONOF INFECTION PER SE CONSIDERED TO BE AN IMPORTANT GOAL OF VACCINATION. Infact, asymptomatic infection after vaccination can serve to enhance and prolongthe immune response."4. She was diagnosed with vaccine induced ENCEPHALOPATHY (degenerativedisease of the brain) you will see below, mercury is involved in causingthedegenerative disease Alzheimer's, NOT autism).5. She developed a SEIZURE DISORDER later on (go to the CDC website at_http://www.cdc.http://www.cdhttp://wwhttp://wwwhttp://www._( ) and read thevaccine informationstatement on the MMR vaccine (which has never had mercury), and you will seethat one of the side effects is LONG TERM SEIZURES.6. You will also note that they did genetic testing of the child and foundthat she has a genetic defect in her cellular energetics (note that vaccinesare known to cause GENETIC MUTATION due to insertion of plasmids of DNA fromthe viruses or tissues used to culture them; in fact, this is the whole basison which DNA vaccines are designed). You can read how DNA vaccines causegenetic mutations at_http://sciamdigitalhttp://sciahttp://sciamdihttp://sciamdigihttp://scia_( (youwill have to pay $7.95 to access this 1999 article fromScientific American; put "genetic vaccines" in the search engine at that sitetofind the article, and especially see p. 52 of the article). Of course, theyare purporting that this is a GOOD thing...and do not reveal that "regular"vaccines can do the same thing. VACCINES ARE THE SOURCE OF MOST GENETICMUTATIONS IN PEOPLE AND IN PETS; and once these mutations have occurred, theyarethen passed on to future generations. Thus, this insane practice has thepotential of causing the extinction of humanity itself.7. You will notice that although the white coat treating Hannah Poling wentas far as to do genetic testing in this child, there were NO ANTI-MYELIN ORANTI-NEURONAL FILAMENT LEVELS DONE; this IS the test that demonstratesdemyelination before it is massive enough to show up on MRI's; and this IS thetestthat would prove that autism is actually a non-fatal form of subacutesclerosing panencephalitis (which is why this test is almost never done). However,it is a known fact that the measles virus has similar proteins to myelinbasic protein, and thus through molecular mimicry, the anti-measles antibodyitself can cause demyelination; and, as quoted from on's above, thisproduction of anti-measles (and possibly anti-myelin and anti-neuronal filamentantibodies formed by injection of tissue culture on which the viruses aregrown) is prolonged because a chronic infection results.Here is the decision (but please be sure to also read what I have writtenafter it)...IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMSOFFICE OF SPECIAL MASTERSCHILD [Hannah Poling], a minor,by her Parents and Natural Guardians [Dr. & Mrs. Jon Poling],Petitioners,v.SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES,Respondent.RESPONDENT'S RULE 4© REPORTIn accordance with RCFC, Appendix B, Vaccine Rule 4©, the Secretary ofHealth and Human Services submits the following response to the petition forcompensation filed in this case.FACTSCHILD ("CHILD") was born on December --, 1998, and weighed eight pounds, tenounces. Petitioners' Exhibit ("Pet. Ex.") 54 at 13. The pregnancy wascomplicated by gestational diabetes. Id. at 13. CHILD received her firstHepatitisB immunization on December 27, 1998. Pet. Ex. 31 at 2.From January 26, 1999 through June 28, 1999, CHILD visited the PediatricCenter, in Catonsville, land, for well-child examinations and minorcomplaints, including fever and eczema. Pet. Ex. 31 at 5-10, 19. During thistimeperiod, she received the following pediatric vaccinations, without incident:Vaccine Dates AdministeredHep B 12/27/98; 1/26/99IPV 3/12/99; 4/27/99Hib 3/12/99; 4/27/99; 6/28/99DTaP 3/12/99; 4/27/99; 6/28/99Id. at 2.At seven months of age, CHILD was diagnosed with bilateral otitis media.Pet. Ex. 31 at 20. In the subsequent months between July 1999 and January 2000,she had frequent bouts of otitis media, which doctors treated with multipleantibiotics. Pet. Ex. 2 at 4. On December 3,1999, CHILD was seen by KarlDiehn, M.D., at Ear, Nose, and Throat Associates of the Greater BaltimoreMedicalCenter ("ENT Associates") At seven months of age, CHILD was diagnosed withbilateral otitis media. Pet. Ex. 31 at 20. In the subsequent months between July1999 and January 2000, she had frequent bouts of otitis media, which doctorstreated with multiple antibiotics. Pet. Ex. 2 at 4. On December 3,1999,CHILD was seen by Karl Diehn, M.D., at Ear, NoseAccording to the medical records, CHILD consistently met her developmentalmilestones during the first eighteen months of her life. The record of anOctober 5, 1999 visit to the Pediatric Center notes that CHILD was mimickingsounds, crawling, and sitting. Pet. Ex. 31 at 9. The record of her 12-monthpediatric examination notes that she was using the words "Mom" and "Dad,"pullingherself up, and cruising. Id. at 10.At a July 19, 2000 pediatric visit, the pediatrician observed that CHILD"spoke well" and was "alert and active." Pet. Ex. 31 at 11. CHILD's motherreported that CHILD had regular bowel movements and slept through the night.Id.At the July 19, 2000 examination, CHILD received five vaccinations - DTaP,Hib, MMR, Varivax, and IPV. Id. at 2, 11.According to her mother's affidavit, CHILD developed a fever of 102.3degrees two days after her immunizations and was lethargic, irritable, andcriedfor long periods of time. Pet. Ex. 2 at 6. She exhibited intermittent,high-pitched screaming and a decreased response to stimuli. Id. MOM spoke withthepediatrician, who told her that CHILD was having a normal reaction to herimmunizations. Id. According to CHILD's mother, this behavior continued overthenext ten days, and CHILD also began to arch her back when she cried. Id.On July 31, 2000, CHILD presented to the Pediatric Center with a 101-102degree temperature, a diminished appetite, and small red dots on her chest.Pet.Ex. 31 at 28. The nurse practitioner recorded that CHILD was extremely irritable and inconsolable. Id. She was diagnosed with a post-varicellavaccination rash. Id. at 29.Two months later, on September 26, 2000, CHILD returned to the PediatricCenter with a temperature of 102 degrees, diarrhea, nasal discharge, a reducedappetite, and pulling at her left ear. Id. at 29. Two days later, on September28, 2000, CHILD was again seen at the Pediatric Center because her diarrheacontinued, she was congested, and her mother reported that CHILD was cryingduring urination. Id. at 32. On November 1, 2000, CHILD received bilateral PEtubes. Id. at 38. On November 13, 2000, a physician at ENT Associates notedthat CHILD was "obviously hearing better" and her audiogram was normal. Id. at38. On November 27, 2000, CHILD was seen at the Pediatric Center withcomplaints of diarrhea, vomiting, diminished energy, fever, and a rash on hercheek. Id. at 33. At a follow-up visit, on December 14, 2000, the doctor notedthat CHILD had a possible speech delay. Id.CHILD was evaluated at the County Infants and Toddlers Program, onNovember 17, 2000, and November 28, 2000, due to concerns about her languagedevelopment. Pet. Ex. 19 at 2, 7. The assessment team observed deficits inCHILD's communication and social development. Id. at 6. CHILD's mother reportedthat CHILD had become less responsive to verbal direction in the previous fourmonths and had lost some language skills. Id. At 2.On December 21, 2000, CHILD returned to ENT Associates because of anobstruction in her right ear and fussiness. Pet. Ex. 31 at 39. Dr. GraceMatesicidentified a middle ear effusion and recorded that CHILD was having somebalanceissues and not progressing with her speech. Id. On December 27, 2000, CHILDvisited ENT Associates, where Dr. Grace Matesic observed that CHILD's left PEtube was obstructed with crust. Pet. Ex. 14 at 6. The tube was replaced onJanuary 17, 2001. Id.Dr. Zimmerman, a pediatric neurologist, evaluated CHILD at theKennedy Krieger Children's Hospital Neurology Clinic ("Krieger Institute"), onFebruary 8, 2001. Pet. Ex. 25 at 1. Dr. Zimmerman reported that after CHILD'simmunizations of July 19, 2000, an "encephalopathy progressed to persistentlossof previously acquired language, eye contact, and relatedness. reportedthat after CHILD's immunizations of July 19, 2000, an "encephalopathy progressedto persistent loss of previously acquired language, eye contact, andrelatedness.<WBR>" Id. He noted a disruption in CHILD's sleep patterns, persistentscreaming anwould not make eye contact. Id. He diagnosed CHILD with "regressiveencephalopathy with features consistent with an autistic spectrum disorder,followingnormal development. would not make eye contact. Id. He diagnosed CHILD with"regressive encephalopathy with features consistent with an a would not makeDr. Zimmerman referred CHILD to the Krieger Institute's Occupational TherapyClinic and the Center for Autism and Related Disorders ("CARDS"). Pet. Ex.25 at 40. She was evaluated at the Occupational Therapy Clinic by StaceyMerenstein, OTR/L, on February 23, 2001. Id. The evaluation report summarizedthatCHILD had deficits in "many areas of sensory processing which decrease[d]her ability to interpret sensory input and influence[d] her motor performanceas a result." Id. at 45. CHILD was evaluated by Alice Kau and Kelley Duff, onMay 16, 2001, at CARDS. Pet. Ex. 25 at 17. The clinicians concluded thatCHILD was developmentally delayed and demonstrated features of autisticdisorder.Id. at 22.CHILD returned to Dr. Zimmerman, on May 17, 2001, for a follow-upconsultation. Pet. Ex. 25 at 4. An overnight EEG, performed on April 6, 2001,showed noseizure discharges. Id. at 16. An MRI, performed on March 14, 2001, wasnormal. Pet. Ex. 24 at 16. A G-band test revealed a normal karyotype. Pet. Ex.25at 16. Laboratory studies, however, strongly indicated an underlyingmitochondrial disorder. Id. at 4.Dr. Zimmerman referred CHILD for a neurogenetics consultation to evaluateher abnormal metabolic test results. Pet. Ex. 25 at 8. CHILD met with Dr. Kelley, a specialist in neurogenetics, on May 22, 2001, at the KriegerInstitute. Id. In his assessment, Dr. Kelley affirmed that CHILD's history andlab results were consistent with "an etiologically unexplained metabolicdisorder that appear[ed] to be a common cause of developmental regression." Id.at7. He continued to note that children with biochemical profiles similar toCHILD's develop normally until sometime between the first and second year oflife when their metabolic pattern becomes apparent, at which time theydevelopmentally regress. Id. Dr. Kelley described this condition as"mitochondrialPPD." Id.On October 4, 2001, Dr. Schoffner, at Horizon Molecular Medicine inNorcross, Georgia, examined CHILD to assess whether her clinical manifestationswere related to a defect in cellular energetics. Pet. Ex. 16 at 26. Afterreviewing her history, Dr. Schoffner agreed that the previous metabolic testingwas "suggestive of a defect in cellular energetics." Id. Dr. Schoffnerrecommended a muscle biopsy, genetic testing, metabolic testing, and cellculturebased testing. Id. at 36. A CSF organic acids test, on January 8, 2002,displayed an increased lactate to pyruvate ratio of 28,1 which can be seen indisorders of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Id. at 22. A musclebiopsytest for oxidative phosphorylation disease revealed abnormal results for TypeOne and Three. Id. at 3. The most prominent findings were scattered atrophicmyofibers that were mostly type one oxidative phosphorylation dependentmyofibers, mild increase in lipid in selected myofibers, and occasional myofiber with reduced cytochrome c oxidase activity. Id. at 7. Afterreviewing these laboratory results, Dr. Schoffner diagnosed CHILD withoxidativephosphorylation disease. Id. at 3. In February 2004, a mitochondrial DNA("mtDNA") point mutation analysis revealed a single nucleotide change in the16Sribosomal RNA gene (T2387C). Id. at 11.CHILD returned to the Krieger Institute, on July 7, 2004, for a follow-upevaluation with Dr. Zimmerman. Pet. Ex. 57 at 9. He reported CHILD "had donevery well" with treatment for a mitochondrial dysfunction. Dr. Zimmermanconcluded that CHILD would continue to require services in speech,occupational,physical, and behavioral therapy. Id.On April 14, 2006, CHILD was brought by ambulance to Athens RegionalHospital and developed a tonic seizure en route. Pet. Ex. 10 at 38. An EEGshoweddiffuse slowing. Id. At 40. She was diagnosed with having experienced aprolonged complex partial seizure and transferred to ish Rite Hospital.Id. at39, 44. She experienced no more seizures while at ish Rite Hospital andwas discharged on the medications Trileptal and Diastal. Id. at 44. Afollow-up MRI of the brain, on June 16, 2006, was normal with evidence of a leftmastoiditis manifested by distortion of the air cells. Id. at 36. An EEG,performed on August 15, 2006,showed "rhythmic epileptiform discharges in the right temporal region andthen focal slowing during a witnessed clinical seizure." Id. At 37. CHILDcontinues to suffer from a seizure disorder.ANALYSISMedical personnel at the Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation, Departmentof Health and Human Services (DVIC) have reviewed the facts of this case, aspresented by the petition, medical records, and affidavits. After a thoroughreview, DVIC has concluded that compensation is appropriate in this case.In sum, DVIC has concluded that the facts of this case meet the statutorycriteria for demonstrating that the vaccinations CHILD received on July 19,2000, significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder, whichpredisposed her to deficits in cellular energy metabolism, and manifested as aregressive encephalopathy with features of autism spectrum disorder. Therefore,respondent recommends that compensation be awarded to petitioners in accordance with 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-11©( In sumDVIC has concluded that CHILD's complex partial seizure disorder, with anonset of almost six years after her July 19, 2000 vaccinations, is not relatedto a vaccine-injury.Respectfully submitted,PETER D. KEISLERAssistant Attorney GeneralTIMOTHY P. GARRENDirectorTorts Branch, Civil DivisionMARK W. ROGERSDeputy DirectorTorts Branch, Civil DivisionVINCENT J. MATANOSKIAssistant DirectorTorts Branch, Civil Divisions/ S. Renzi by s/ Lynn E. RicciardellaLINDA S. RENZISenior Trial CounselTorts Branch, Civil DivisionU.S. Department of JusticeP.O. Box 146 lin StationWashington, D.C. 20044DATE: November 9, 2007PS: On Friday, February 22, HHS conceded that this child's complex partialseizure disorder was also caused by her vaccines. Now we the taxpayers willaward this family compensation to finance her seizure medication. Surely ALLdecent people can agree that is a good thing.By the way, it''s worth noting that her seizures did not begin until sixyears after the date of vaccination, yet the government acknowledges they were,indeed, linked to the immunizations of July, 2000, - KirbyNow I am going to prove to you, BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT, that mercury isa distraction in the case of autism:Please go to _http://healthtruthrhttp://healthttp://healthtruhttp_( , click on "inoculationsthetrue weapons of mass destruction", click on "inoculations the true weapons ofmass destruction"<WBR> You will hear interviewer Greg Ciola mention researchdone at the University of Calgary in Canada regarding mercury's effect onbrain neurons, and I thank him for sending me a link to this information. Healso mentions an interview he did with , a researcher in the dangersof mercury who himself was severely injured by mercury poisoning due tomultiple amalgam fillings. His interview is posted at_http://healthtruthrhttp://healthttp://heahttp://he & & page=news_( & & page=news) . You willread on page 16 that Mr. states thatthe research done at the University of Calgary shows "the myelin sheathingsimply stripped away from the nerve".Now, go to _ ; this is CRITICAL. You will hearand see the effectof mercury on brain neurons demonstrated by the University of Calgary whichMr. refers to. Mercury causes DEATH of the nerve's axon, as the actin & tubulin which make up the neurofibrils are destroyed when mercury binds tothe tubulin molecules, causing the neurofibril to collapse, and someneurofibrils form aggregates or tangles. THIS IS THE KEY DIAGNOSTIC FEATURESEEN INALZHEIMER'S DISEASE; NOT AUTISM! You will also notice that these neurons ina culture dish do not have myelin on them; in fact, THE MYELIN SHEATH IS NOTEVEN MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO. (Side note - when the brains of Alzheimer'spatients are studied microscopically, ALUMINUM is found in the middle of theseneurofibrillary tangles).I also encourage you to go to_http://video.http://videhttp://vidhttp://video.<WBhttp://vi_( ,and hear Dr Boyd Haley discuss autism & thimerosol (be sure to watch all 4videos in this series). Dr Haley blames thimerosol for Gulf War Syndrome(GWS) as well as autism. I have done many shows on GWS, which has many factors;Gulf War PLAGUE (the infectious component of the SYNDROME) is due tomycoplasma incognitas which was in the vaccines given to the soldiers. (Infact, thispathogenic mycoplasma has actually been PATENTED by Dr. Shyn Ching Lo of theAmerican Registry of Pathology in Washington, DC, patent # 5,242,820). Asexplained in my document "Inoculation the True Weapons of Mass Destruction" at_www.drcarley.www_ ( , the injection of vaccinescorrupts the immune system and prevents any infective agent from beingeliminated from the body. GWS has many other aspects to it; depleted uranium,pyridostigmine pills given to the soldiers, aspartame in their beverages, etc. Toblame thimerosol solely for GWS is disinformation in its highest form.Dr. Haley brings up the work of Dr Wakefield, whose medical licensewas attacked because he demonstrated measles virus in the lymphoid patches inthe guts of autistic children. DR. BOYD ADMITS HE DID NOT EVEN STUDY THEMEASLES VIRUS. Although Dr Wakefield did not realize that these viruses'significance as a chronic infection is that this leads to a constant productionofanti-measles antibody which, through molecular mimicry, then attacks themyelin sheath (causing demyelination) Although Dr Wakefield did not realize thatthese viruses' significance as a chronic infection is that this leads to aDr. Haley's work reinforces the notion that if you take mercury out ofvaccines, they will be safe. My work proves there is NO SUCH THING as a safevaccine, due to the corruption of the immune system caused by injection of liveviruses.Dr. Haley also discusses how antibiotics further accelerate the damage inthese children. The question he does not address is why are the vaccinatedchildren on antibiotics? Answer...because they have chronic infection causedbyinoculation of live bacteria & viruses; as quoted from on's principlesof medicine in my response to the CDC (also on my website), "RARELY ISPREVENTION OF INFECTION PER SE CONSIDERED TO BE AN IMPORTANT GOAL OFVACCINATION.In fact, asymptomatic infection after vaccination can serve to enhance andprolong the immune response". (And this prolonged immune response ISprolonged production of anti-measles antibody which then continue to attack themyelin sheath, causing demyelination) I also quote from on's in my CDCresponse the symptoms of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), and youwill see that autism is a non-fatal form of SSPE. The way Dr. Haley getsaround the fact that almost every parent reports their child descended into autismfollowing their MMR shot is by saying that the children received OTHERvaccines containing mercury at the same time as they received the MMR.Dr. Haley also discusses how mercury is more toxic in children with immunedisorders. Where did these immune disorders come from? From the corruptionof the immune system caused by the inoculation of live viruses. He alsodiscusses that mercury can cause toxicity which affects genetics by decreasedmethylation of DNA & RNA. However, no mention is made of the genetic mutationscaused by injection of plasmids of DNA from the organisms themselves and thetissues that the viruses are cultured on, which is the whole basis of DNAvaccines. That is why this court case focuses on the fact that the child had agenetic defect which caused mitochondrial dysfunction, and states that thechild has "a regressive encephalopathy with features of autism spectrumdisorder". Where this mitochondrial defect originated is not discussed...Where thismitochondrial defect originated is not discussed...<WBR>injection of foreignDNA in prior vaccines i (However, if one of Hannah's parents has thismitochondrial defect, then why don't they have autism?)Lastly, Dr. Haley also states that oral vaccines would be safer, but doesnot say this is because of the secretory IgA causing proper handling of thegerm and its subsequent elimination from the body (as also explained in myinoculation paper), leading to life long NATURAL immunity. Of course, if allvaccines were made into oral forms, people may then ask the hard question...SOWHY ISN'T NATURAL EXPOSURE TO THESE VIRUSES THE BEST WAY TO GO? This questionwould stop vaccine production altogether, which would stop the creation ofall autoimmune diseases and cancer, which would shut down Big Pharma. THAT ISTHE POTENTIAL OF MY INFORMATION; which is why the medical mafia has gone asfar as taking my only child, not just my medical license as they tried withDr. Wakefield in an attempt to shut me down.Can you handle knowing the fact that all this is being done to the childrenON PURPOSE? Then go to_http://www.republichttp://www.rehttp://wwwhttp://www.repubhttp:/ & ProgramID=36 & y\ear=8 & month=3 & backURL=index.backURL=indebackURL=indexbackURL=index.<WbackURL=indexbackURL=indbackURL=inbackURL=indebackURL=index.<Wback_( & ProgramID=36 & y\ear=8 & month=3 & backURL=index.php%3Fcmd%3Darchives.getyear%26ProgramID%3D36 & year=8 & backURL=index.php%3Fcmd%3Darchives)and listen to the 2nd hour of my interview on 3/5/08 with Dr. True Ott,where he discusses how the history of MediSIN goes back to the 1600's asdetailedin the Magnum Opus by Jesuit Del Rio, with the creation of amulets bysacrificing animals and mixing their blood with mercurial compounds TO CAST ASPELLAND CONTROL THE MINDS OF THE POPULATIONS (Dr Ott discusses this starting at13 minutes of the 2nd hour of our interview). He explains how the origins ofthe word "pharmaceutical" in Latin is "pharmakia", which translates to"SORCERY". Yes, have now entered the rabbit hole...because nothinghas changed since the 1600's.I have been trying for 10 years to stop the vaccination holocaust on peopleand pets. I have proven, with the quoted studies and works of the "mercurycauses autism" disinformers themselves, that it is NOT MERCURY WHICH CAUSESAUTISM. I leave it up to you to forward this e-mail to all the individuals andgroups which promote mercury as the cause of autism, so you will see forYOURSELVES who is intentionally misleading you, vs. who was misguided. Youwillknow which is the case by whether or not they respond. SILENCE IS CONSENTthat I am right; and if they do not join with me to stop this holocaustaltogether, you must then ask yourself WHY. IT IS TIME FOR THOSE WITHHONORABLEINTENTIONS TO JOIN WITH ME TO STOP THIS EPIDEMIC OF VIDS. I have already sentthis document to Dr. Boyd Haley (_behaley@..._ (mailto:behaley@...) )and Kirby (_brook200@..._ (mailto:brook200@...) );please do so yourselves.Let's roll....Namaste,Dr Carley--_www.drcarley.www_ ( to "What's Ailing America?" every Thursday night at 8:00 PM EST on_www.bbsradio.www_ ( and also on_www.republicbroadcawww.repub_ ( at 12noon EST everyWednesday"Inoculations are the true weapons of mass destruction, causing an epidemicof genocide" Carley, MDCourt Qualified Expert in vaccine Induced Diseases"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy somonstrous that he cannot believe it exists"J Edgar HooverFBI DirectorAll TRUTH passes through 3 stages:1st - it is ridiculed2nd - it is violently opposed3rd - it is accepted as SELF EVIDENTArthur SchopenhauerIn a time of universal deceit, telling the TRUTH is a revolutionary act.1984, OrwellWARNINGAny attempts to intercept this message are in violation of Title 18 U.S.C.2511(1) of theElectronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). All violators aresubject to fines, imprisonment or civil damages, or both."Medical research has made such progress, that there are practically nohealthy people any more." â€" Aldous Huxley"....Perfume to you, to me is excrement."- PopeI will not have my life narrowed down. I will not bow down to somebody else's whim or to someone else'signorance. -bell hooks It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money Finance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 10, 2008 Report Share Posted March 10, 2008 WOW! Tami, I admires this Dr. writings and believes, I believe in his theory no Kirby, regardless that mercury is bad, of course, and the actual truth is what he is saying!!! I would like to meek him too. Please let me know if you find him first. . From: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism [mailto:BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism ] On Behalf Of Tamiduncan@... Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 8:10 PM To: BorreliaMultipleInfectionsAndAutism Subject: Re: Dr Carley critiques the Fed Ct deci... Can I ask the dumb blonde question here....who is Dr. Carley? I saw this on another board too and honestly don't have the patience to read all the way to the end. Can someone post the key points here? And for the scientifically challenged. : ) If she is saying that chronic disease is vaccine induced by live viruses...then what's the explanation for these genetic mutations. Is it the small pox vaccine that all of OUR moms got? Just throwing it out there. Tami Duncan President and Co-Founder Join us in Fort Lee, NJ for our first East Coast Conference, Saturday, April 12th. You'll hear top doctors such as Bransfield, MD, Ray , MD, Janelle Love, MD, Warren Levin, MD, Peta Cohen, PhD, Guissepina Feingold, MD, Baker, ND, Horowitz, MD and the author of " Mold Warriors " Ritchie Shoemaker, MD. Online registration available at: (click Spring 2008 Conference) In a message dated 3/10/2008 7:59:10 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, shha2002 writes: PERMISSION BY DR. CARLEY TO REPOST FREELY: Dr Carley critiques the Fed Ct decision admitting vaccine caused autism The following is the ammo by which Big Pharma can be brought to its knees, and the holocaust of autoimmune diseases and cancer in people and in pets stopped at last. I ask you to circulate it widely. It is time for you to DEMAND that those promoting mercury as the cause of autism respond to what I have written below. If the true intention of these people is to stop this epidemic in our children, then they should let go of their egos and admit that I have figured out the true cause. Let me first encourage of all you to go to _http://www.drcarleyhttp://wwhttp://www.dhtt_ ( ; you will see that I have ALWAYS said it is the BIG PICTURE of assaults to our immune systems (and mercury is there) which combine to cause disease, including autism. But it is the corruption of the immune system caused by the inoculation of viruses which is the root cause of all autoimmune diseases and cancer...and once this information is in the hands of a critical mass of the people, we will put a stop to the biggest epidemic the world has ever known...VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases). And the individuals who continue to promote mercury as the root cause in the face of this information will be exposed for being INTENTIONAL disinformers. Below is a verbatim copy of the US Government concession filed in November of 2007 in a Court of Federal Claims case brought by neurologist Dr. Jon Poling and his wife claiming that vaccines were the cause of their daughter Hannah's autism. This decision is posted on Kirby's blog at _http://www.huffingthttp://www.http://www.hhttp://www.huffihttp://wwht tp://www.h\ _ ( _b_88558.html\ ) . Kirby, author of " Evidence of Harm " , is one of the individuals who is distracting the public that autism is " all about the thimerosol " . The take home message therefore is that if the mercury is removed, vaccines will be safe. A BIGGER LIE HAS NEVER BEEN TOLD; and my document " Inoculations the True Weapons of Mass Destruction " posted on _www.drcarley.www_ ( describes the corruption of the immune system caused by the injection of viruses directly into the body, bypassing secretory IgA (an antibody in the upper GI and respiratory tracts critical for the processing of germs by the immune system for natural immunity to occur). I was a guest with Kirby on a radio show which is posted on my website at _http://www.drcarleyhttp://www.http://wwwhttp://www_ ( , on which I confronted him with the fact that autism is actually a non-fatal case of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis caused by demyelination following vaccine induced encephalitis, and that the name of the condition was changed to autism to hide this self evident fact. I have sent Mr. Kirby copies of the documents on my website, and asked him multiple times to be a guest on one of my internet shows to discuss the " mercury vs demyelination " theories of autism. He will not do so. What is truly amazing is that he is now mentioning live viruses amongst a plethora of other potential problems (see # 6 at _http://www.huffingthttp://www.http://www.hhttp://www.http://wwhttp:// www.hufhtt\ p_ ( vacci_b_88323.htm\ l) ). But is he discussing the live viruses bypassing secretory IgA, causing vaccine induced encephalitis and subsequent demyelination? NO...he is mentioning live viruses as a cause of mitochondrial damage. So once again, we will now be distracted with this genetic mitochondrial defect...perhaps develop a test to find the children with this problem before they are vaccinated, when in fact genetic defects can also be caused by vaccines. More confusion and distraction. More confusion and distraction.<WBR>..rather than admitting that there is no such thing as a safe vaccine...and the practice should be abandoned altogether, with attention instead pla Of course, since population reduction is the true agenda of the powers that be, not only will the vaccine push continue...but viruses are being developed to cause cancer under the Special Virus Cancer Program. The mad scientists have to be stopped...and this WILL happen once enough people have opened their eyes to the true purpose of vaccines. I urge all of you to carefully read this decision dated 11/9/07, in which this young girl won her case claiming vaccines caused her autism. Note these important points: 1. 2 days after multiple vaccines (which included the MMR, which has NEVER had mercury), she developed a high fever, high pitched screaming, and was lethargic and irritable. These are symptoms of VACCINE INDUCED ENCEPHALITIS, an inflammation of the brain caused by injection of LIVE VIRUSES (not from mercury). 2. She also began to arch her back when she cried (a sign of vaccine induced encephalitis, NOT mercury poisoning). 3. She developed a POST-VARICELLA VACCINATION RASH (which proves that the vaccination GAVE HER THAT DISEASE). As explained in the quotes from on's Principles of Medicine, 6th edition, p. 943 posted in my response to the CDC on _www.drcarley.www_ ( , " RARELY IS PREVENTION OF INFECTION PER SE CONSIDERED TO BE AN IMPORTANT GOAL OF VACCINATION. In fact, asymptomatic infection after vaccination can serve to enhance and prolong the immune response. " 4. She was diagnosed with vaccine induced ENCEPHALOPATHY (degenerative disease of the brain) you will see below, mercury is involved in causing the degenerative disease Alzheimer's, NOT autism). 5. She developed a SEIZURE DISORDER later on (go to the CDC website at _http://www.cdc.http://www.cdhttp://wwhttp://wwwhttp://www._ ( ) and read the vaccine information statement on the MMR vaccine (which has never had mercury), and you will see that one of the side effects is LONG TERM SEIZURES. 6. You will also note that they did genetic testing of the child and found that she has a genetic defect in her cellular energetics (note that vaccines are known to cause GENETIC MUTATION due to insertion of plasmids of DNA from the viruses or tissues used to culture them; in fact, this is the whole basis on which DNA vaccines are designed). You can read how DNA vaccines cause genetic mutations at _http://sciamdigitalhttp://sciahttp://sciamdihttp://sciamdigihttp://sc ia_ ( fa=Search.ViewSearchForItemResultList) (you will have to pay $7.95 to access this 1999 article from Scientific American; put " genetic vaccines " in the search engine at that site to find the article, and especially see p. 52 of the article). Of course, they are purporting that this is a GOOD thing...and do not reveal that " regular " vaccines can do the same thing. VACCINES ARE THE SOURCE OF MOST GENETIC MUTATIONS IN PEOPLE AND IN PETS; and once these mutations have occurred, they are then passed on to future generations. Thus, this insane practice has the potential of causing the extinction of humanity itself. 7. You will notice that although the white coat treating Hannah Poling went as far as to do genetic testing in this child, there were NO ANTI- MYELIN OR ANTI-NEURONAL FILAMENT LEVELS DONE; this IS the test that demonstrates demyelination before it is massive enough to show up on MRI's; and this IS the test that would prove that autism is actually a non-fatal form of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (which is why this test is almost never done). However, it is a known fact that the measles virus has similar proteins to myelin basic protein, and thus through molecular mimicry, the anti-measles antibody itself can cause demyelination; and, as quoted from on's above, this production of anti-measles (and possibly anti-myelin and anti- neuronal filament antibodies formed by injection of tissue culture on which the viruses are grown) is prolonged because a chronic infection results. Here is the decision (but please be sure to also read what I have written after it)... IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS OFFICE OF SPECIAL MASTERS CHILD [Hannah Poling], a minor, by her Parents and Natural Guardians [Dr. & Mrs. Jon Poling], Petitioners, v. SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, Respondent. RESPONDENT'S RULE 4© REPORT In accordance with RCFC, Appendix B, Vaccine Rule 4©, the Secretary of Health and Human Services submits the following response to the petition for compensation filed in this case. FACTS CHILD ( " CHILD " ) was born on December --, 1998, and weighed eight pounds, ten ounces. Petitioners' Exhibit ( " Pet. Ex. " ) 54 at 13. The pregnancy was complicated by gestational diabetes. Id. at 13. CHILD received her first Hepatitis B immunization on December 27, 1998. Pet. Ex. 31 at 2. From January 26, 1999 through June 28, 1999, CHILD visited the Pediatric Center, in Catonsville, land, for well-child examinations and minor complaints, including fever and eczema. Pet. Ex. 31 at 5-10, 19. During this time period, she received the following pediatric vaccinations, without incident: Vaccine Dates Administered Hep B 12/27/98; 1/26/99 IPV 3/12/99; 4/27/99 Hib 3/12/99; 4/27/99; 6/28/99 DTaP 3/12/99; 4/27/99; 6/28/99 Id. at 2. At seven months of age, CHILD was diagnosed with bilateral otitis media. Pet. Ex. 31 at 20. In the subsequent months between July 1999 and January 2000, she had frequent bouts of otitis media, which doctors treated with multiple antibiotics. Pet. Ex. 2 at 4. On December 3,1999, CHILD was seen by Karl Diehn, M.D., at Ear, Nose, and Throat Associates of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center ( " ENT Associates " ) At seven months of age, CHILD was diagnosed with bilateral otitis media. Pet. Ex. 31 at 20. In the subsequent months between July 1999 and January 2000, she had frequent bouts of otitis media, which doctors treated with multiple antibiotics. Pet. Ex. 2 at 4. On December 3,1999, CHILD was seen by Karl Diehn, M.D., at Ear, Nose According to the medical records, CHILD consistently met her developmental milestones during the first eighteen months of her life. The record of an October 5, 1999 visit to the Pediatric Center notes that CHILD was mimicking sounds, crawling, and sitting. Pet. Ex. 31 at 9. The record of her 12- month pediatric examination notes that she was using the words " Mom " and " Dad, " pulling herself up, and cruising. Id. at 10. At a July 19, 2000 pediatric visit, the pediatrician observed that CHILD " spoke well " and was " alert and active. " Pet. Ex. 31 at 11. CHILD's mother reported that CHILD had regular bowel movements and slept through the night. Id. At the July 19, 2000 examination, CHILD received five vaccinations - DTaP, Hib, MMR, Varivax, and IPV. Id. at 2, 11. According to her mother's affidavit, CHILD developed a fever of 102.3 degrees two days after her immunizations and was lethargic, irritable, and cried for long periods of time. Pet. Ex. 2 at 6. She exhibited intermittent, high-pitched screaming and a decreased response to stimuli. Id. MOM spoke with the pediatrician, who told her that CHILD was having a normal reaction to her immunizations. Id. According to CHILD's mother, this behavior continued over the next ten days, and CHILD also began to arch her back when she cried. Id. On July 31, 2000, CHILD presented to the Pediatric Center with a 101- 102 degree temperature, a diminished appetite, and small red dots on her chest. Pet. Ex. 31 at 28. The nurse practitioner recorded that CHILD was extremely i rritable and inconsolable. Id. She was diagnosed with a post-varicella vaccination rash. Id. at 29. Two months later, on September 26, 2000, CHILD returned to the Pediatric Center with a temperature of 102 degrees, diarrhea, nasal discharge, a reduced appetite, and pulling at her left ear. Id. at 29. Two days later, on September 28, 2000, CHILD was again seen at the Pediatric Center because her diarrhea continued, she was congested, and her mother reported that CHILD was crying during urination. Id. at 32. On November 1, 2000, CHILD received bilateral PE tubes. Id. at 38. On November 13, 2000, a physician at ENT Associates noted that CHILD was " obviously hearing better " and her audiogram was normal. Id. at 38. On November 27, 2000, CHILD was seen at the Pediatric Center with complaints of diarrhea, vomiting, diminished energy, fever, and a rash on her cheek. Id. at 33. At a follow-up visit, on December 14, 2000, the doctor noted that CHILD had a possible speech delay. Id. CHILD was evaluated at the County Infants and Toddlers Program, on November 17, 2000, and November 28, 2000, due to concerns about her language development. Pet. Ex. 19 at 2, 7. The assessment team observed deficits in CHILD's communication and social development. Id. at 6. CHILD's mother reported that CHILD had become less responsive to verbal direction in the previous four months and had lost some language skills. Id. At 2. On December 21, 2000, CHILD returned to ENT Associates because of an obstruction in her right ear and fussiness. Pet. Ex. 31 at 39. Dr. Grace Matesic identified a middle ear effusion and recorded that CHILD was having some balance issues and not progressing with her speech. Id. On December 27, 2000, CHILD visited ENT Associates, where Dr. Grace Matesic observed that CHILD's left PE tube was obstructed with crust. Pet. Ex. 14 at 6. The tube was replaced on January 17, 2001. Id. Dr. Zimmerman, a pediatric neurologist, evaluated CHILD at the Kennedy Krieger Children's Hospital Neurology Clinic ( " Krieger Institute " ), on February 8, 2001. Pet. Ex. 25 at 1. Dr. Zimmerman reported that after CHILD's immunizations of July 19, 2000, an " encephalopathy progressed to persistent loss of previously acquired language, eye contact, and relatedness. reported that after CHILD's immunizations of July 19, 2000, an " encephalopathy progressed to persistent loss of previously acquired language, eye contact, and relatedness.<WBR> " Id. He noted a disruption in CHILD's sleep patterns, persistent screaming an would not make eye contact. Id. He diagnosed CHILD with " regressive encephalopathy with features consistent with an autistic spectrum disorder, following normal development. would not make eye contact. Id. He diagnosed CHILD with " regressive encephalopathy with features consistent with an a would not make Dr. Zimmerman referred CHILD to the Krieger Institute's Occupational Therapy Clinic and the Center for Autism and Related Disorders ( " CARDS " ). Pet. Ex. 25 at 40. She was evaluated at the Occupational Therapy Clinic by Stacey Merenstein, OTR/L, on February 23, 2001. Id. The evaluation report summarized that CHILD had deficits in " many areas of sensory processing which decrease [d] her ability to interpret sensory input and influence[d] her motor performance as a result. " Id. at 45. CHILD was evaluated by Alice Kau and Kelley Duff, on May 16, 2001, at CARDS. Pet. Ex. 25 at 17. The clinicians concluded that CHILD was developmentally delayed and demonstrated features of autistic disorder. Id. at 22. CHILD returned to Dr. Zimmerman, on May 17, 2001, for a follow-up consultation. Pet. Ex. 25 at 4. An overnight EEG, performed on April 6, 2001, showed no seizure discharges. Id. at 16. An MRI, performed on March 14, 2001, was normal. Pet. Ex. 24 at 16. A G-band test revealed a normal karyotype. Pet. Ex. 25 at 16. Laboratory studies, however, strongly indicated an underlying mitochondrial disorder. Id. at 4. Dr. Zimmerman referred CHILD for a neurogenetics consultation to evaluate her abnormal metabolic test results. Pet. Ex. 25 at 8. CHILD met with Dr. Kelley, a specialist in neurogenetics, on May 22, 2001, at the Krieger Institute. Id. In his assessment, Dr. Kelley affirmed that CHILD's history and lab results were consistent with " an etiologically unexplained metabolic disorder that appear[ed] to be a common cause of developmental regression. " Id. at 7. He continued to note that children with biochemical profiles similar to CHILD's develop normally until sometime between the first and second year of life when their metabolic pattern becomes apparent, at which time they developmentally regress. Id. Dr. Kelley described this condition as " mitochondrial PPD. " Id. On October 4, 2001, Dr. Schoffner, at Horizon Molecular Medicine in Norcross, Georgia, examined CHILD to assess whether her clinical manifestations were related to a defect in cellular energetics. Pet. Ex. 16 at 26. After reviewing her history, Dr. Schoffner agreed that the previous metabolic testing was " suggestive of a defect in cellular energetics. " Id. Dr. Schoffner recommended a muscle biopsy, genetic testing, metabolic testing, and cell culture based testing. Id. at 36. A CSF organic acids test, on January 8, 2002, displayed an increased lactate to pyruvate ratio of 28,1 which can be seen in disorders of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Id. at 22. A muscle biopsy test for oxidative phosphorylation disease revealed abnormal results for Type One and Three. Id. at 3. The most prominent findings were scattered atrophic myofibers that were mostly type one oxidative phosphorylation dependent myofibers, mild increase in lipid in selected myofibers, and occasio nal myofiber with reduced cytochrome c oxidase activity. Id. at 7. After reviewing these laboratory results, Dr. Schoffner diagnosed CHILD with oxidative phosphorylation disease. Id. at 3. In February 2004, a mitochondrial DNA ( " mtDNA " ) point mutation analysis revealed a single nucleotide change in the 16S ribosomal RNA gene (T2387C). Id. at 11. CHILD returned to the Krieger Institute, on July 7, 2004, for a follow-up evaluation with Dr. Zimmerman. Pet. Ex. 57 at 9. He reported CHILD " had done very well " with treatment for a mitochondrial dysfunction. Dr. Zimmerman concluded that CHILD would continue to require services in speech, occupational, physical, and behavioral therapy. Id. On April 14, 2006, CHILD was brought by ambulance to Athens Regional Hospital and developed a tonic seizure en route. Pet. Ex. 10 at 38. An EEG showed diffuse slowing. Id. At 40. She was diagnosed with having experienced a prolonged complex partial seizure and transferred to ish Rite Hospital. Id. at 39, 44. She experienced no more seizures while at ish Rite Hospital and was discharged on the medications Trileptal and Diastal. Id. at 44. A follow-up MRI of the brain, on June 16, 2006, was normal with evidence of a left mastoiditis manifested by distortion of the air cells. Id. at 36. An EEG, performed on August 15, 2006, showed " rhythmic epileptiform discharges in the right temporal region and then focal slowing during a witnessed clinical seizure. " Id. At 37. CHILD continues to suffer from a seizure disorder. ANALYSIS Medical personnel at the Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation, Department of Health and Human Services (DVIC) have reviewed the facts of this case, as presented by the petition, medical records, and affidavits. After a thorough review, DVIC has concluded that compensation is appropriate in this case. In sum, DVIC has concluded that the facts of this case meet the statutory criteria for demonstrating that the vaccinations CHILD received on July 19, 2000, significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder, which predisposed her to deficits in cellular energy metabolism, and manifested as a regressive encephalopathy with features of autism spectrum disorder. Therefore, respondent recommends that compensation be awarded to petitioners in accord ance with 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-11©( In sum DVIC has concluded that CHILD's complex partial seizure disorder, with an onset of almost six years after her July 19, 2000 vaccinations, is not related to a vaccine-injury. Respectfully submitted, PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General TIMOTHY P. GARREN Director Torts Branch, Civil Division MARK W. ROGERS Deputy Director Torts Branch, Civil Division VINCENT J. MATANOSKI Assistant Director Torts Branch, Civil Division s/ S. Renzi by s/ Lynn E. Ricciardella LINDA S. RENZI Senior Trial Counsel Torts Branch, Civil Division U.S. Department of Justice P.O. Box 146 lin Station Washington, D.C. 20044 DATE: November 9, 2007 PS: On Friday, February 22, HHS conceded that this child's complex partial seizure disorder was also caused by her vaccines. Now we the taxpayers will award this family compensation to finance her seizure medication. Surely ALL decent people can agree that is a good thing. By the way, it''s worth noting that her seizures did not begin until six years after the date of vaccination, yet the government acknowledges they were, indeed, linked to the immunizations of July, 2000, - Kirby Now I am going to prove to you, BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT, that mercury is a distraction in the case of autism: Please go to _http://healthtruthrhttp://healthttp://healthtruhttp_ ( , click on " inoculations the true weapons of mass destruction " , click on " inoculations the true weapons of mass destruction " <WBR> You will hear interviewer Greg Ciola mention research done at the University of Calgary in Canada regarding mercury's effect on brain neurons, and I thank him for sending me a link to this information. He also mentions an interview he did with , a researcher in the dangers of mercury who himself was severely injured by mercury poisoning due to multiple amalgam fillings. His interview is posted at _http://healthtruthrhttp://healthttp://heahttp://he & & page=news_ ( & & page=news) .. You will read on page 16 that Mr. states that the research done at the University of Calgary shows " the myelin sheathing simply stripped away from the nerve " . Now, go to _ ( ; this is CRITICAL. You will hear and see the effect of mercury on brain neurons demonstrated by the University of Calgary which Mr. refers to. Mercury causes DEATH of the nerve's axon, as the actin & tubulin which make up the neurofibrils are destroyed when mercury binds to the tubulin molecules, causing the neurofibril to collapse, and some neurofibrils form aggregates or tangles. THIS IS THE KEY DIAGNOSTIC FEATURE SEEN IN ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE; NOT AUTISM! You will also notice that these neurons in a culture dish do not have myelin on them; in fact, THE MYELIN SHEATH IS NOT EVEN MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO. (Side note - when the brains of Alzheimer's patients are studied microscopically, ALUMINUM is found in the middle of these neurofibrillary tangles). I also encourage you to go to _http://video.http://videhttp://vidhttp://video.<WBhttp://vi_ ( , and hear Dr Boyd Haley discuss autism & thimerosol (be sure to watch all 4 videos in this series). Dr Haley blames thimerosol for Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) as well as autism. I have done many shows on GWS, which has many factors; Gulf War PLAGUE (the infectious component of the SYNDROME) is due to mycoplasma incognitas which was in the vaccines given to the soldiers. (In fact, this pathogenic mycoplasma has actually been PATENTED by Dr. Shyn Ching Lo of the American Registry of Pathology in Washington, DC, patent # 5,242,820). As explained in my document " Inoculation the True Weapons of Mass Destruction " at _www.drcarley.www_ ( , the injection of vaccines corrupts the immune system and prevents any infective agent from being eliminated from the body. GWS has many other aspects to it; depleted uranium, pyridostigmine pills given to the soldiers, aspartame in their beverages, etc. To blame thimerosol solely for GWS is disinformation in its highest form. Dr. Haley brings up the work of Dr Wakefield, whose medical license was attacked because he demonstrated measles virus in the lymphoid patches in the guts of autistic children. DR. BOYD ADMITS HE DID NOT EVEN STUDY THE MEASLES VIRUS. Although Dr Wakefield did not realize that these viruses' significance as a chronic infection is that this leads to a constant production of anti-measles antibody which, through molecular mimicry, then attacks the myelin sheath (causing demyelination) Although Dr Wakefield did not realize that these viruses' significance as a chronic infection is that this leads to a Dr. Haley's work reinforces the notion that if you take mercury out of vaccines, they will be safe. My work proves there is NO SUCH THING as a safe vaccine, due to the corruption of the immune system caused by injection of live viruses. Dr. Haley also discusses how antibiotics further accelerate the damage in these children. The question he does not address is why are the vaccinated children on antibiotics? Answer...because they have chronic infection caused by inoculation of live bacteria & viruses; as quoted from on's principles of medicine in my response to the CDC (also on my website), " RARELY IS PREVENTION OF INFECTION PER SE CONSIDERED TO BE AN IMPORTANT GOAL OF VACCINATION. In fact, asymptomatic infection after vaccination can serve to enhance and prolong the immune response " . (And this prolonged immune response IS prolonged production of anti-measles antibody which then continue to attack the myelin sheath, causing demyelination) I also quote from on's in my CDC response the symptoms of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), and you will see that autism is a non-fatal form of SSPE. The way Dr. Haley gets around the fact that almost every parent reports their child descended into autism following their MMR shot is by saying that the children received OTHER vaccines containing mercury at the same time as they received the MMR. Dr. Haley also discusses how mercury is more toxic in children with immune disorders. Where did these immune disorders come from? From the corruption of the immune system caused by the inoculation of live viruses. He also discusses that mercury can cause toxicity which affects genetics by decreased methylation of DNA & RNA. However, no mention is made of the genetic mutations caused by injection of plasmids of DNA from the organisms themselves and the tissues that the viruses are cultured on, which is the whole basis of DNA vaccines. That is why this court case focuses on the fact that the child had a genetic defect which caused mitochondrial dysfunction, and states that the child has " a regressive encephalopathy with features of autism spectrum disorder " . Where this mitochondrial defect originated is not discussed... Where this mitochondrial defect originated is not discussed...<WBR>injection of foreign DNA in prior vaccines i (However, if one of Hannah's parents has this mitochondrial defect, then why don't they have autism?) Lastly, Dr. Haley also states that oral vaccines would be safer, but does not say this is because of the secretory IgA causing proper handling of the germ and its subsequent elimination from the body (as also explained in my inoculation paper), leading to life long NATURAL immunity. Of course, if all vaccines were made into oral forms, people may then ask the hard question...SO WHY ISN'T NATURAL EXPOSURE TO THESE VIRUSES THE BEST WAY TO GO? This question would stop vaccine production altogether, which would stop the creation of all autoimmune diseases and cancer, which would shut down Big Pharma. THAT IS THE POTENTIAL OF MY INFORMATION; which is why the medical mafia has gone as far as taking my only child, not just my medical license as they tried with Dr. Wakefield in an attempt to shut me down. Can you handle knowing the fact that all this is being done to the children ON PURPOSE? Then go to _http://www.republichttp://www.rehttp://wwwhttp://www.repubhttp:/ & Prog ramID=36 & y\ ear=8 & month=3 & backURL=index.backURL=indebackURL=index backURL=index.<WbackURL=indexbackURL=indbackURL=inbackURL=indebackURL= index.<W back_ ( cmd=archives.month & ProgramID=36 & y\ ear=8 & month=3 & backURL=index.php%3Fcmd%3Darchives.getyear%26ProgramID%3 D36 & year=8 & backURL=index.php%3Fcmd%3Darchives) and listen to the 2nd hour of my interview on 3/5/08 with Dr. True Ott, where he discusses how the history of MediSIN goes back to the 1600's as detailed in the Magnum Opus by Jesuit Del Rio, with the creation of amulets by sacrificing animals and mixing their blood with mercurial compounds TO CAST A SPELL AND CONTROL THE MINDS OF THE POPULATIONS (Dr Ott discusses this starting at 13 minutes of the 2nd hour of our interview). He explains how the origins of the word " pharmaceutical " in Latin is " pharmakia " , which translates to " SORCERY " . Yes, have now entered the rabbit hole...because nothing has changed since the 1600's. I have been trying for 10 years to stop the vaccination holocaust on people and pets. I have proven, with the quoted studies and works of the " mercury causes autism " disinformers themselves, that it is NOT MERCURY WHICH CAUSES AUTISM. I leave it up to you to forward this e-mail to all the individuals and groups which promote mercury as the cause of autism, so you will see for YOURSELVES who is intentionally misleading you, vs. who was misguided. You will know which is the case by whether or not they respond. SILENCE IS CONSENT that I am right; and if they do not join with me to stop this holocaust altogether, you must then ask yourself WHY. IT IS TIME FOR THOSE WITH HONORABLE INTENTIONS TO JOIN WITH ME TO STOP THIS EPIDEMIC OF VIDS. I have already sent this document to Dr. Boyd Haley (_behaley@..._ (mailto:behaley@...) ) and Kirby (_brook200@..._ (mailto:brook200@...) ); please do so yourselves. Let's roll.... Namaste, Dr Carley -- _www.drcarley.www_ ( Listen to " What's Ailing America? " every Thursday night at 8:00 PM EST on _www.bbsradio.www_ ( and also on _www.republicbroadcawww.repub_ ( at 12 noon EST every Wednesday " Inoculations are the true weapons of mass destruction, causing an epidemic of genocide " Carley, MD Court Qualified Expert in vaccine Induced Diseases " The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous that he cannot believe it exists " J Edgar Hoover FBI Director All TRUTH passes through 3 stages: 1st - it is ridiculed 2nd - it is violently opposed 3rd - it is accepted as SELF EVIDENT Arthur Schopenhauer In a time of universal deceit, telling the TRUTH is a revolutionary act. 1984, Orwell WARNING Any attempts to intercept this message are in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 2511(1) of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). All violators are subject to fines, imprisonment or civil damages, or both. " Medical research has made such progress, that there are practically no healthy people any more. " †" Aldous Huxley " ....Perfume to you, to me is excrement. " - Pope I will not have my life narrowed down .. I will not bow down to somebody else's whim or to someone else's ignorance. -bell hooks It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money Finance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 11, 2008 Report Share Posted March 11, 2008 Dr. Carley is giving us an introduction into the "cellular theory" of disease. One that is NOT taught in medical school. Western physicians are trained in the "germ theory"...which is wrought with inaccuracies. Anyone who really digs into it's concepts, will find it incredibly simple compared to the "germ theory". Truth is obvious and pure...Lies are complicated. Perhaps that is why it takes so long to earn a medical degree? It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money Finance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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