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I had some problems with my 5year old and you are right, get it in writing keep a log of every phone call, who said what, and when they said it.

You should get yourself a mediator, they will help you. They are free and that is what they do, assist individual with IEP's, 504's and situations like this.



We had our meeting at the school today. Ds, 8yr (TS, ADHD, PDD, AnxietyDisorder) is not doing well academically so towards the end of themeeting, which is bogus anyway, we presented the team with a formalevaluation letter.Funniest thing I've ever heard in my life was when the schoolpsychologist, after reading the letter, smiles at me and says "Oh, youdidn't have to put it in writing. We can just talk about it here."I almost had a conniption! I can't believe they would actually SAYthat. I know that they can be difficult to work with in terms of IEPand 504, but really? How could she just come out and be so condescending??I just smiled and said "Oh yes we do."So make sure everything at school meetings are in writing. KEEP APAPER TRAIL for accountability!!It's a shame that these people let our children slip to the point offailing before they do something (if what they do is actually something).My son has PDD, TS, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorder and under IDEA he wouldbe qualified with either PDD or TS as a dx.If anyone is interested in viewing the letter we had READY to submit,I will gladly share. I know there's lots of samples, but it doesn'thurt to see another.I really wish I had other parents to TALK to so I could say everythingthat happened at the meeting. I am still worked up about it.We have been "negotiating" with the school since pre-K to get him theIEP. The only year he had the IEP, grade 2, he had a great year, noissues at all. Then this year they pull it from under us (I'm actuallythinking that they may have coerced us into giving up the IEP, butthat's another issue), and now he's coming home with some papers thatare failing.I felt like telling them "Look! I'm not at a car dealershipnegotiating the price of a car by going back and forth with numbersand prices. This is my child and he is struggling academically andneeds an IEP to be successful."I am in the process of writing a meeting follow-up letter which willbasically state everything that was discussed and that thePsychologist refused to do a Functional Behavior Analysis because shesaid it wasn't necessary.Hold them accountable and make sure the paper trail says EVERYTHING.If it isn't written down, then it wasn't said.I hope this helps other parents who are struggling with the school. IREALLY wish there was someone around me that knew the "system" and howto navigate through this BS!Just because my ds is doing better now is not because he has been"cured", it's part of his disability.I don't know where to go from here. I wish I could tell them all off,but can't.

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"If it isn't in writing, ot didn't happen"-My last spec ed adminI feel yor pain.Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "echo1017" Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 17:12:58 -0000To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING!! We had our meeting at the school today. Ds, 8yr (TS, ADHD, PDD, Anxiety Disorder) is not doing well academically so towards the end of the meeting, which is bogus anyway, we presented the team with a formal evaluation letter. Funniest thing I've ever heard in my life was when the school psychologist, after reading the letter, smiles at me and says " Oh, you didn't have to put it in writing. We can just talk about it here. " I almost had a conniption! I can't believe they would actually SAY that. I know that they can be difficult to work with in terms of IEP and 504, but really? How could she just come out and be so condescending?? I just smiled and said " Oh yes we do. " So make sure everything at school meetings are in writing. KEEP A PAPER TRAIL for accountability!! It's a shame that these people let our children slip to the point of failing before they do something (if what they do is actually something). My son has PDD, TS, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorder and under IDEA he would be qualified with either PDD or TS as a dx. If anyone is interested in viewing the letter we had READY to submit, I will gladly share. I know there's lots of samples, but it doesn't hurt to see another. I really wish I had other parents to TALK to so I could say everything that happened at the meeting. I am still worked up about it. We have been " negotiating " with the school since pre-K to get him the IEP. The only year he had the IEP, grade 2, he had a great year, no issues at all. Then this year they pull it from under us (I'm actually thinking that they may have coerced us into giving up the IEP, but that's another issue), and now he's coming home with some papers that are failing. I felt like telling them " Look! I'm not at a car dealership negotiating the price of a car by going back and forth with numbers and prices. This is my child and he is struggling academically and needs an IEP to be successful. " I am in the process of writing a meeting follow-up letter which will basically state everything that was discussed and that the Psychologist refused to do a Functional Behavior Analysis because she said it wasn't necessary. Hold them accountable and make sure the paper trail says EVERYTHING. If it isn't written down, then it wasn't said. I hope this helps other parents who are struggling with the school. I REALLY wish there was someone around me that knew the " system " and how to navigate through this BS! Just because my ds is doing better now is not because he has been " cured " , it's part of his disability. I don't know where to go from here. I wish I could tell them all off, but can't.

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Yep, you are so right. I always take my binder wih me, with his picture on the front of it, and take notes in it. I have had that since that god awful meeting I had in Oct.


We had our meeting at the school today. 8yr son is not doing wellacademically so towards the end of the meeting, which is bogus anyway,we presented the team with a formal evaluation letter.Funniest thing I've ever heard in my life was when the schoolpsychologist, after reading the letter, smiles at me and says "Oh, youdidn't have to put it in writing. We can just talk about it here."I almost had a conniption! I can't believe they would actually SAYthat. I know that they can be difficult to work with in terms of IEPand 504, but really? How could she just come out and be so condescending??I just smiled and said "Oh yes we do."So make sure everything at school meetings are in writing. KEEP APAPER TRAIL for accountability!! One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now.

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I would love to see the letter. And, I would love to talk to you. I have free long distance on my home phone, and of course on my cell. I also have att so if you do, then it is free minutes too. Let me know if you would like to talk. I would be glad to listen to you.


We had our meeting at the school today. Ds, 8yr (TS, ADHD, PDD, AnxietyDisorder) is not doing well academically so towards the end of themeeting, which is bogus anyway, we presented the team with a formalevaluation letter.Funniest thing I've ever heard in my life was when the schoolpsychologist, after reading the letter, smiles at me and says "Oh, youdidn't have to put it in writing. We can just talk about it here."I almost had a conniption! I can't believe they would actually SAYthat. I know that they can be difficult to work with in terms of IEPand 504, but really? How could she just come out and be so condescending??I just smiled and said "Oh yes we do."So make sure everything at school meetings are in writing. KEEP APAPER TRAIL for accountability!!It's a shame that these people let our children slip to the point offailing before they do something (if what they do is actually something).My son has PDD, TS, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorder and under IDEA he wouldbe qualified with either PDD or TS as a dx.If anyone is interested in viewing the letter we had READY to submit,I will gladly share. I know there's lots of samples, but it doesn'thurt to see another.I really wish I had other parents to TALK to so I could say everythingthat happened at the meeting. I am still worked up about it.We have been "negotiating" with the school since pre-K to get him theIEP. The only year he had the IEP, grade 2, he had a great year, noissues at all. Then this year they pull it from under us (I'm actuallythinking that they may have coerced us into giving up the IEP, butthat's another issue), and now he's coming home with some papers thatare failing.I felt like telling them "Look! I'm not at a car dealershipnegotiating the price of a car by going back and forth with numbersand prices. This is my child and he is struggling academically andneeds an IEP to be successful."I am in the process of writing a meeting follow-up letter which willbasically state everything that was discussed and that thePsychologist refused to do a Functional Behavior Analysis because shesaid it wasn't necessary.Hold them accountable and make sure the paper trail says EVERYTHING.If it isn't written down, then it wasn't said.I hope this helps other parents who are struggling with the school. IREALLY wish there was someone around me that knew the "system" and howto navigate through this BS!Just because my ds is doing better now is not because he has been"cured", it's part of his disability.I don't know where to go from here. I wish I could tell them all off,but can't. One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now.

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It would be nice to talk to other parents. :)

I know the holidays are close, but I would love to get advice from

others and possibly help another mom by sharing some of my experiences.

Here's the letter I am mailing out tomorrow (names and dates have been


Name & Address


To: Principal

Re: child

Dear Team,

Regarding our meeting on " date " , this will confirm that the following

areas were discussed/addressed:

* child is diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD),

Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorder.

* Parents are concerned about child's academic progress because

during the parent teacher conference on " date " , it was communicated

that he is showing significant decline in his schoolwork.

* child has had issues recording and remembering homework

assignments. It was suggested that a buddy check or other validation

that the homework assignment has been recorded properly be put in place.

* Parent request letter was submitted for formal evaluations to be

conducted and consent form signed.

* psychologist stated she does not feel the FBA assessment is

necessary. Parents ask for a written explanation for her decision.

* New Behavior Plan is rarely used since implemented on " date " .

Parents questioned the team as to what was working, the team was

unclear about which tools are or are not currently working in the


* Occupational Therapist, stated she visited child on two

occasions, " date " , for a maximum 20 minutes on first visit, second

visit was not documented.

* Parent's stated their request to revisit an IEP.

* Discussed the option of using " stability balls " in the classroom

to assist with sensory needs.

We request a copy of child's Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA) and

the Evaluation Consent Form.

Team Members Present: ***

Next meeting to be on *




> I would love to see the letter. And, I would love to talk to you.

I have

> free long distance on my home phone, and of course on my cell. I

also have

> att so if you do, then it is free minutes too. Let me know if you

would like

> to talk. I would be glad to listen to you.

> Stacie



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Hi, does your son have problems getting tests done on time, paying

attention in class? In my school district we have some classrooms

that have a regular teacher and an in class support special ed

teacher to help the students who need it via their IEP (this is for

my adhd son, not for my autistic son who must be in a self contained

class). The support teacher helps with whatever the child is

struggling with and aids in test taking and keeping me informed of

what's happening. How old is your child? With my son and a few others

I know who were doing fairly well in school, 4th - 5th grade seemed

to be the time they had the most problems/behaviors.

In your letter, ask/demand for a functional behavior assessment

regardless of what the pyschologist said. If there are behaviors

occurring, you need this to determine why and when and what can be

done to address them. List the types of behaviors he's been having

as support for your request. When you do the IEP perhaps ask for an

aide/shadow or in class support system to help him in the areas he's

having trouble.

> >

> > I would love to see the letter. And, I would love to talk to


> I have

> > free long distance on my home phone, and of course on my cell. I

> also have

> > att so if you do, then it is free minutes too. Let me know if


> would like

> > to talk. I would be glad to listen to you.

> > Stacie

> >

> >


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That is a very good letter and very thorough!StacieSent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "echo1017" Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 05:57:09 -0000To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING!! It would be nice to talk to other parents. :) I know the holidays are close, but I would love to get advice from others and possibly help another mom by sharing some of my experiences. Here's the letter I am mailing out tomorrow (names and dates have been removed): Name & Address Date: To: Principal Re: child Dear Team, Regarding our meeting on " date " , this will confirm that the following areas were discussed/addressed: * child is diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorder. * Parents are concerned about child's academic progress because during the parent teacher conference on " date " , it was communicated that he is showing significant decline in his schoolwork. * child has had issues recording and remembering homework assignments. It was suggested that a buddy check or other validation that the homework assignment has been recorded properly be put in place. * Parent request letter was submitted for formal evaluations to be conducted and consent form signed. * psychologist stated she does not feel the FBA assessment is necessary. Parents ask for a written explanation for her decision. * New Behavior Plan is rarely used since implemented on " date " . Parents questioned the team as to what was working, the team was unclear about which tools are or are not currently working in the classroom. * Occupational Therapist, stated she visited child on two occasions, " date " , for a maximum 20 minutes on first visit, second visit was not documented. * Parent's stated their request to revisit an IEP. * Discussed the option of using " stability balls " in the classroom to assist with sensory needs. We request a copy of child's Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA) and the Evaluation Consent Form. Team Members Present: *** Next meeting to be on * Sincerely, CC: > > I would love to see the letter. And, I would love to talk to you. I have > free long distance on my home phone, and of course on my cell. I also have > att so if you do, then it is free minutes too. Let me know if you would like > to talk. I would be glad to listen to you. > Stacie > >

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We have also had many issues with the school. My son is 7 now and doing much better. Our advocate suggested tape recording the meetings. That way you don't miss anything and can also reference later if something is unclear. We had some issues with taking notes were we always got the "we never said that" "you must have misunderstood" . There is no arguing with someones own voice. You just have to inform them that you plan on taping the meetings in advance. We only had to do that once and got alot more cooperation. I hope this helps anyone else having these issues

Subject: GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING!!To: AutismBehaviorProblems Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 12:12 PM

We had our meeting at the school today. Ds, 8yr (TS, ADHD, PDD, AnxietyDisorder) is not doing well academically so towards the end of themeeting, which is bogus anyway, we presented the team with a formalevaluation letter.Funniest thing I've ever heard in my life was when the schoolpsychologist, after reading the letter, smiles at me and says "Oh, youdidn't have to put it in writing. We can just talk about it here."I almost had a conniption! I can't believe they would actually SAYthat. I know that they can be difficult to work with in terms of IEPand 504, but really? How could she just come out and be so condescending? ?I just smiled and said "Oh yes we do."So make sure everything at school meetings are in writing. KEEP APAPER TRAIL for accountability! !It's a shame that these people let our children slip to the point offailing before they do something (if what they do is

actually something).My son has PDD, TS, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorder and under IDEA he wouldbe qualified with either PDD or TS as a dx.If anyone is interested in viewing the letter we had READY to submit,I will gladly share. I know there's lots of samples, but it doesn'thurt to see another.I really wish I had other parents to TALK to so I could say everythingthat happened at the meeting. I am still worked up about it.We have been "negotiating" with the school since pre-K to get him theIEP. The only year he had the IEP, grade 2, he had a great year, noissues at all. Then this year they pull it from under us (I'm actuallythinking that they may have coerced us into giving up the IEP, butthat's another issue), and now he's coming home with some papers thatare failing.I felt like telling them "Look! I'm not at a car dealershipnegotiating the price of a car by going back and forth

with numbersand prices. This is my child and he is struggling academically andneeds an IEP to be successful."I am in the process of writing a meeting follow-up letter which willbasically state everything that was discussed and that thePsychologist refused to do a Functional Behavior Analysis because shesaid it wasn't necessary.Hold them accountable and make sure the paper trail says EVERYTHING.If it isn't written down, then it wasn't said.I hope this helps other parents who are struggling with the school. IREALLY wish there was someone around me that knew the "system" and howto navigate through this BS!Just because my ds is doing better now is not because he has been"cured", it's part of his disability.I don't know where to go from here. I wish I could tell them all off,but can't.

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