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Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

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Thanks Lois

My son had this test and showed high in mercury. Where did he get it at just 1.5 yrs old?

I was told a baby in utero can absorb mercury from a Mother very easily. The placenta

actually drags it in. Quite amazing and sad. Mercury is very high believe it or not in our

enviorment also..No fish while pregnant..Amalgams are thought to continually release mercury

as long as they are in your mouth. Why are there more boys than girls diagnosed with ASD?

Estrogen is very protective of mercury damage and also helps excrete it. Testosterone does not.Many vaccines have mercury added in the first stages of making. They are " mostly " filtered out

by the time the vaccine is finished. There is NO outside testing ( and rarely ) inside testing of

the actual amount left over. This is a fact. It is left up to the money making big pharma companies

whether to care or not. There is no safety standard where this is concerned. I myself dont trust

pharm companies. How many products have killed thousands of people before being pulled off

the shelves? many many. I sound anti vaccine..I am not. But there should be close monitoring

on the mercury content and they should not be allowed to claim trace amounts or no thimerisol..when

in fact that could be very untrue. My psychologist even said to me their is surely mercury in the DTaP

vaccine. The same vaccine my son received two doses of " by accident " at 4 months. Our enviorment

has enough toxins in it for our poor children to deal with. Way more than even 20 years ago. They

dont need it injected right into their bodies.

Do I think my son is autistic because of vaccines..dont know. Because of mercury...dont know.

But I do think the slow but steady rise of many childhood problems..ADD, ADHD, asthma

diabetes, apraxia, sensory problems, ASD..is not better diagnosis...Where are all the 30year old autistic

adults? Its scientifically impossible to have a jump this large in numbers because of genetics. Even the

government admits this. I think children..extra sensitive children ..that may have been more prone to

have a mild learning disability or a weak nature are moving into these more severe disabilities ( I hate that

word ) due to our enviorment...including the added burden of junk in vaccines. Even our food is modified..

Genetically modified foods..arggg..soy formula derived from genetically modified soy beans..There is

even MSG in some formulas and baby foods. Oh get me started..sorry.


I feel better now thanks for letting me vent

38 and Mom to threeTasha 23..new Mommy ( means I am a Grammy )Casey-Mae 13..sweet as pieElijah 2.. ASD and beautiful

To: WACASA ; H_A_P_P_Y_ ; gloriaknight3@...; Jim Lynch (E-mail) ; DMILLS0208@...; ; Frazzlednanny@...; De Jong ; AutismMeds ; AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 8:47:12 PMSubject: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

RESEARCHLandmark Review Confirms: Mercury Poisoning Causes Autism A new article, “A Comprehensive Review of Mercury Provoked Autism” in a special issue on Metal Toxicity and Human Health in the peer-reviewed Indian Journal of Medical Research1, confirms a causal link between subacute mercury poisoning in children and their autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. This review2 confirms, “emerging evidence supports the theory that some autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from a combination of genetic/biochemical susceptibility, specifically a reduced ability to excrete mercury (Hg), and exposure to Hg at critical developmental periods”. Based on a thorough

review of a massive body of peer-reviewed medical studies, this new study establishes that low-level mercury exposure causes immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions similar to traits defining and/or associated with ASDs, and that these dysfunction similarities extend to neuroanatomy, neurotransmitter alterations, and altered biochemistry. Furthermore, a review of molecular mechanisms indicates that: a) mercury exposure can induce death, disorganization and/or damage to selected neurons in the brain similar to that seen in recent ASD brain pathology studies, and B) these neuron alterations would produce the clinical symptoms by which ASDs are diagnosed. It was also observed that a review of treatments suggests that patients diagnosed with an ASD and found to be mercury poisoned who undergo protocols to reduce mercury and/or its effects show significant clinical improvements in many

instances. Based upon these findings, the researchers concluded, “…the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence favours acceptance that Hg [mercury] exposure is capable of causing some ASDs.” The non-profit CoMeD, Inc., and, through a grant from the Brenen Hornstein Autism Research & Education (BHARE) Foundation, the non-profit Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc. funded this research study. Today, any parent, physician, or healthcare provider can easily confirm whether or not a non-chelated child diagnosed with an ASD is mercury poisoned by having urine-porphyrin- profile-analysis (UPPA) testing run at LabCorp (CLIA-certified, test# 120980) or Laboratoire Philippe Auguste (ISO-certified, 119 Philippe Auguste Avenue, Paris, France 75011). Please, visit CoMeD’s web site, http://www.Mercury- freeDrugs. org for information on how to order UPPA tests and some of the many published papers validating the applicability of UPPA results in diagnosing mercury toxicity and/or monitoring its reduction following the use of chelation agents that have been proven to be effective in reducing mercury bioburden in humans.•

Lois Noland Always in search for the "cure"

Lois NolandI don't give inI don't give upAnd I don't take no for an answerAlways looking for the "Cure"

I don't give inI don't give upAnd I don't take NO for an answer.

If God Brings you to it,He will Bring you though it.

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I know that the shots caused JJ to get autism. We lookeed on the "hot-shot" list and J has his 18 month shot in it! It is called the "lot" number. All shots have a "lot" number. It is the "Batch" of the vaccine made at the time. They update the "hot shot list" every year.Lois

Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

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I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I

took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggie

mom to Aiden


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I would say go with your gut on this. Make sure you look at both sides and understand the risks either way. Know that if you choose to vaccinate that you do not have to follow any set schedule. There is no reason to give 2 or 3 combo shots at the same time. You can also get the shots that come in combos individually. I don't understand why any child needs all these vaccines given in such a short period of time. It just doesn't make sense. I am not pro or anti vaccine. I do believe that some children have been effected by them but that not all cases of autism are caused my shots or mercury. I also know that we vaccinate for a reason and that (my own personal experience) choosing not to can also have bad consequences. It is not an easy decision but I would say check out the research from both ends and follow your gut. Kellie

Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autismTo: AutismBehaviorProblems Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 3:57 AM

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let

him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem@ yahoo.com-

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Thats very good common sense advice. I second it : ) They are now

discontinuing the seperate MM and R shots. Or actually merc decided

to stop production. This leaves parents who wish to choose a slower

schedule and to do the MMR seperate...have little chance. Very unfare.

My daughter has chosen to wait until my Grandaughter is 2 to start. Very

slowly.She has put her in 3 play dates a week with other non vaccinnated children

as the preschool wont take her...just for the social play..we think its important.

She is now planning to do the MMR when she is 5. That way she will be

older and is only required the one dose. Maybe that will change. So little options.

You really so have to use your mommy instincts. If you choose what you truly

believe is best for your child then your not ever wrong. Well.. : ) Either choice comes with

its disadvantages..uggghhh

38 and Mom to threeTasha 21..new Mommy ( means I am a Grammy )Casey-Mae 13..sweet as pieElijah 2.. ASD and beautiful

To: AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:43:16 PMSubject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism


I would say go with your gut on this. Make sure you look at both sides and understand the risks either way. Know that if you choose to vaccinate that you do not have to follow any set schedule. There is no reason to give 2 or 3 combo shots at the same time. You can also get the shots that come in combos individually. I don't understand why any child needs all these vaccines given in such a short period of time. It just doesn't make sense. I am not pro or anti vaccine. I do believe that some children have been effected by them but that not all cases of autism are caused my shots or mercury. I also know that we vaccinate for a reason and that (my own personal experience) choosing not to can also have bad consequences. It is not an easy decision but I would say check out the research from both ends and follow your gut. Kellie

From: Maggie Marschner <maggielouisem@ yahoo.com>Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autismTo: AutismBehaviorProbl emsyahoogroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 3:57 AM

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let

him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem@ yahoo.com-

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Hi, Maggie...blessings to you as you make this choice...Kellie offers some wonderful words of wisdom. To vaccinate or not to, is such a personal decision. For us we did choose to vaccinate. We did so carefully, but we did...

I'd be happy to share our personal experience off-line...anytime.

Take good care...it is so good to see your name!!! :)


To: AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 10:43:16 PMSubject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism


I would say go with your gut on this. Make sure you look at both sides and understand the risks either way. Know that if you choose to vaccinate that you do not have to follow any set schedule. There is no reason to give 2 or 3 combo shots at the same time. You can also get the shots that come in combos individually. I don't understand why any child needs all these vaccines given in such a short period of time. It just doesn't make sense. I am not pro or anti vaccine. I do believe that some children have been effected by them but that not all cases of autism are caused my shots or mercury. I also know that we vaccinate for a reason and that (my own personal experience) choosing not to can also have bad consequences. It is not an easy decision but I would say check out the research from both ends and follow your gut. Kellie

From: Maggie Marschner <maggielouisem@ yahoo.com>Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autismTo: AutismBehaviorProbl emsyahoogroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 3:57 AM

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let

him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem@ yahoo.com-

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Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem-

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I have a question for all the parents of children afflicted with autism. When your child was diagnosed as 'being on the spectrum', did you continue to vaccinate your child or did you stop? I've always been curious what other parents decided. We stopped, for fear they would worsen our two youngest boys conditions.


Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem writes:

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem-

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My son was diagnosed at 5 yrs old so we are have only had one sense then. We were pretty much done by the time I knew!Sent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerryFrom: "Sara" Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 12:40:11 -0500To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism I have a question for all the parents of children afflicted with autism. When your child was diagnosed as 'being on the spectrum', did you continue to vaccinate your child or did you stop? I've always been curious what other parents decided. We stopped, for fear they would worsen our two youngest boys conditions. Sara Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem writes: I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem- New year...new news. Be the first to know what is making headlines.

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We did not give our son his mmr booster - don't think it caused the autism but could stand him regressing - he is non verbal with severe learning disabilities as it is - any worse would have been a tragedy.

Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem writes:

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem-

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Has anyone had their kids tested for mitochondrial disorders, that would make them more prone to autism?


Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem writes:

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem-

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NopeSent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerryFrom: "Sara" Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 13:45:53 -0500To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism Has anyone had their kids tested for mitochondrial disorders, that would make them more prone to autism? Sara Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem writes: I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem- New year...new news. Be the first to know what is making headlines.

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I still vaccinate my son because my doctor does lots of rescreach on Autism and so he would suggested he would reather have my son get the shots then not. So I do try to get them. Now my sister inlaws son has something wrong with him but they aren't sure what it is yet but she has only let him have his 6 months shots and he is 2 fixing to be 3. They keep him in the house and don't really let him play with other children unless its our family. She isn't planing on puting him in school so she won't have to worry about getting him anymore shots because he can't talk very well so she is home schooling him.

Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autismTo: AutismBehaviorProblems Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 11:40 AM

I have a question for all the parents of children afflicted with autism. When your child was diagnosed as 'being on the spectrum', did you continue to vaccinate your child or did you stop? I've always been curious what other parents decided. We stopped, for fear they would worsen our two youngest boys conditions.


Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem@ yahoo.com writes:

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let

him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem@ yahoo.com-

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Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autismTo: AutismBehaviorProblems Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 12:46 PM


Sent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerry

From: "Sara" Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 13:45:53 -0500To: <AutismBehaviorProbl emsyahoogroups (DOT) com>Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Has anyone had their kids tested for mitochondrial disorders, that would make them more prone to autism?


Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem@ yahoo.com writes:

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let

him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem@ yahoo.com-

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Hi Sara,

had already had his vaccinations by the time we found out. We didn't give him the MMR booster for the same reason that Mel just mentioned. Although he is verbal, his behaviour is extremely challenging and that is an understatement. We don't feel that the vaccinations caused his autism but we were afraid to chance it in case we were wrong.

was tested for Fragile-X Syndrome and that was negative but I think (I'm not sure) that mitochondrial testing is something different from this. As I understand it, mitochondria is an organelle responsible for enough cell functions to fill a book! lol I think that Fragile-X has more to do with one of the arms of the X chromosome????? (Sorry, I haven't read too much about that one.)

I totally agree with Mel, however, the chance of any regression was just not something we were willing to risk.



Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem writes:

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem-

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We stopped asap. We also chose not to vaccinate our next child, it was a no brainer in my opinion.

Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem writes:

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem-

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Hi, Sara -- the quick answer is yes, but wow the thought and research that went into that very personal decision was not quick, nor was it easy, rather with all the info out there it was painstaking...Yes, is up to date on his vaccines... was the same yesterday as he is today. No regression, unlike Pat K, and her precious Karac, was not "typical" prior to the majority of his shots... and I knew he had Autism (although undiagnosed) very early....while I was concerned about him-I did my research, I was as careful as I could be, and for us the decision to vaccinate was something we felt and feel strongly about. I come from a NICU back-round, as

Lily (5 yr old), and our first was a preemie, she HAD to be vaccinated...her little lungs could not have withstood the flu, RSV (which she got a shot a month for for six months her first year of life), nor could I risk her getting whooping cough...although a slim chance of that I was not willing to risk it. Lily is NT...and she had a TON more than will ever have (I know that boys are more likely...). I really like what Kellie said last night when she said...one has to weigh both sides, do a ton of research, and to with their gut...all the while knowing that both decisions bares their own risks...

I only share the above because this is such a personal choice, one in which much emotion is attached...the decision to vaccinate was made with a combination of fear, trepidation, followed by peace. I can say this without hesitancy. Had been more severely affected, lower functioning, had he not been verbal, had we not had the Dr. we do, had I not had the support of an in-home therapy situation already running, had I not been allowed to choose when and how I vaccinate, I may have made different decisions and or waited on some of them...I can't know because it's not my story.



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No...at least I don't think that was part of his huge tests a few months ago...we had chromosome 15 stuff checked (like prader-willy, as well as others under 15), we had a basic chromosome check, as well as fragile X , etc...He also has been tested for allergies-as well as he has had an MRI and EEG....just to rule it all out... :)


To: AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 12:45:53 PMSubject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism


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Hi all,

First, I would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy, and safe

New Year.

I felt that I had to reply to this string.

My oldest daughter (25 soon to be 26 yo, NT) screamed like you have

never heard a baby scream for 8 straight hours after her first DPT

shot, then passed out and slept straight through the night. Back then

I didn't know any better. At 16 months she had her MMR shot. 22hours

later she had a grand-mal seizure. In the ambulance on the way to the

hospital her heart stopped, thank God they got her back.

Because of what she went through my other 3 have not gotten their

shots on anything close to a regular schedule. They also haven't

gotten some of them at all.

I have been very shot wary since August of 1985. My older 3 are all

NT (25 almost 26, 22 almost 23, and 18. My youngest (10) is PDD-NOS,

ADHD (dx) and possible OCD and ODD. I believe that his Autism is

genetic and something triggered it. I just don't know what the

trigger was, I wish I did. I think if shots caused it my older kids

would probably have it, but they don't.

Our Dr. advises that he get his shots, but doesn't push me to give

them to him. I think he knows better.

does get his shots, but he will not get anything other then a

single at any time, and then I wait several weeks or months before

the next one. He also does not get shots if he shows any signs of

being sick, sniffles anything.

So far this seems to work for us.

Hope this helps someone out there.


> No...at least I don't think that was part of his huge tests a few

months ago...we had chromosome 15 stuff checked (like prader-willy,

as well as others under 15), we had a basic chromosome check, as well

as fragile X , etc...He also has been tested for allergies-as well as

he has had an MRI and EEG....just to rule it all out... :)




> J





> ________________________________


> To: AutismBehaviorProblems

> Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 12:45:53 PM

> Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism



> ..


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We stopped after 1st DPT @ 6 wks of age!!! "On Tylenol they gave him BECAUSE THE SHOT AREA MIGHT BE A LITTLE SORE, I picked him up off the table and he was FLOPPY, LIKE A RAG DOLL. That night we were at the hospital 104 fever On Tylenol, projectile vomiting, convulsions.

We have not vaccinated our daughter, and if the Lord takes her from any of those disabilities to be vaccinated againist.....she will not live the life of struggles our son has.

Our lives begin to end

The day we become silent About things that matter. ~ Luther King, Jr.

D. West

-- Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

I have a question for all the parents of children afflicted with autism. When your child was diagnosed as 'being on the spectrum', did you continue to vaccinate your child or did you stop? I've always been curious what other parents decided. We stopped, for fear they would worsen our two youngest boys conditions.


Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem writes:

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem-

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I am so sorry that this happened to your son. I also respect your decision to not give your child any shots. That is your choice and I'm sure you made it very carefully. It only bothers and hurts my heart to see the words if the Lord takes her from any of those disabilities to be vaccinated againist.... .she will not live the life of struggles our son has.

It is not better to be dead then autistic.... You have your son to hold, you can work with him and fight for him. My is gone and there are no hugs and nothing to fight for. I cherish my son and would go through the same or even more struggles if it meant I could hold my and look at her face every day. I am not against shots and I do feel that for some children they present a risk. I only ask that people make an informed decision and know what the risks are on both sides of this debate. I am not in any way trying to scare anyone into shots. What happened to my family was extremely rare but it did happen and I live with it every day. Kellie

Subject: Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autismTo: AutismBehaviorProblems Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 4:20 AM

We stopped after 1st DPT @ 6 wks of age!!! "On Tylenol they gave him BECAUSE THE SHOT AREA MIGHT BE A LITTLE SORE, I picked him up off the table and he was FLOPPY, LIKE A RAG DOLL. That night we were at the hospital 104 fever On Tylenol, projectile vomiting, convulsions.

We have not vaccinated our daughter, and if the Lord takes her from any of those disabilities to be vaccinated againist.... .she will not live the life of struggles our son has.

Our lives begin to end

The day we become silent About things that matter. ~ Luther King, Jr.

D. West

-- Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

I have a question for all the parents of children afflicted with autism. When your child was diagnosed as 'being on the spectrum', did you continue to vaccinate your child or did you stop? I've always been curious what other parents decided. We stopped, for fear they would worsen our two youngest boys conditions.


Re: Confirms-Mercury Poisoning causes autism

Karac was normal before the MMR shot. His siblings did not get the shot. They are normal. I wish Karac had not had the shot until he was five. Pat K

In a message dated 12/30/2008 9:58:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, maggielouisem@ yahoo.com writes:

I find this topic very very interesting. I also don't know *for sure* but I do know that my son went through way way too much before the age of two, and I include way too many immunizations. I think he was sick too much, had surgeries, and went through so many immunizations that his body could not handle it. He is still sick all the time...allergies, reflux...tons of GI troubles. You can't help but see the connections when you live it.We are thinking of having another baby. And frankly, I am terrified. I just don't know what to do. I was never anti-vaccine. I lived in a huge community that was. And it really worried me as my son was already born medically fragile. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for him. But in the past four years, I can say I am very very unsure of the path I took. My instincts with the next baby is to keep him/her close and let

him/her develop for at least three years before I introduce a vaccine.It also bothers me that as a supporter of vaccines and close to my son's pediatrician, the hostility that I have been met with when I began expressing my concerns. After everything we've gone through, I see in many instances where I should have followed my instincts.I know this post probably does not make any sense.Maggiemom to Aidenmaggielouisem@ yahoo.com-

New year...new news. Be the first to know what is making headlines.

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