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, If you are RH negative, the you had the Rogam shot during pregnancy which did contain mercuryhttp://www.vaccinetruth.org/rhogam.htm It's too bad we aren't told this at the injection site...............and there's not a darn thing we can do about it...........except say NO, untill we have time to research it. Carl and Tracie Happel wrote: I totally didn't make the connection of antibiotics during childbirth!!!! Argh!! Maybe that's our answer! The doc gave me some because of the Rh thing...I didn't want it but was in really no mood to discuss it (wink-wink!). You't think someone would've come to my aid as I had NO other drugs during delivery. This is something to definitely think about. Thanks for the info! :) From: miralax [mailto:miralax ] On Behalf Of littleliefSent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 7:24 PMTo: miralax Subject: Re: Just having a bad week.... I think that yeast is part of the problem for a lot of people -especially a lot of the kids with constipation

and other gut issues. If mom was given antibiotics during delivery the baby started lifewith antibiotic in their system. There's no chance the good gut floracould establish itself during those critical first few days, but everychance for unfriendly yeast and other non-friendly flora to jump rightin and colonize first. Even if you gave probiotics from the momentthe baby was born (and how many of us did this?), the antibiotic hasto clear out of the system before the probiotics could colonize. I think the fact that so many babies are born with antibiotics duringlabor/delivery predisposes these babies to gut yeast, c. difficile,and other antibiotic-resistant non-friendly flora. Add to that anyother incidences of antibiotic use during the infant/toddler years,and the unfriendly flora issue can really expand. I think that gut yeast and other non-friendly flora issues predisposesthem to a host of other gut

problems and insults like heavy metals(mercury), other vaccine components, etc. just add up and cause moreand more problems.Some kids probably have differing thresholds for processing theseinsults than others. Some kids get several doses of antibiotics inthe first few years. This helps explain (in my mind) how there are somany more kids with autism spectrum and related disorders, and couldcorrelate to the degree of severity of the disorder.I would love to know how many of our kids in this group were born withantibiotic during labor. Both of mine were. The next would be to know vaccination status of kids born withantibiotic versus no antibiotic. My constipated 3 y.o. was born inhospital, but I insisted on no vaccination and my 1 y.o. (showingyeast issues and tendency for constipation if I'm not overly cautious)was born at home - definitely no vaccination.Does anyone know if there has been a study of

antibiotic use duringlabor and early childhood and the incidence of sensory and autismdisorders? Sorry to go on a soap box, this stuff is really on my mind lately asI'm working through yeast with my boys.>> HI,> > I have not been with the group for some time now but I still readposts and > wanted to share my experiences with regard to bowel movements. Ihave read so > many posts about everyone's children being unable to move bowels,suffering > from constipation, experiencing big bloated bellies and on and on. My son who > is 4, almost 5, suffered from the same thing constantly. Always hadbelly > pain, bloating, very gassy but always had issues being able to movehis bowels. > As you all know you read everything, do constant research,

go tomessage boards > and evaluate and re-evaluate your childs pains, gains, anddifficulties. I > had also followed closely McCarthy's story about her son andshe had > mentioned a product called Threelac. I researched this product andthought I'd > give it a try. I tried it for a month on myself first and fullyended up > realizing that I like many Americans have a yeast overgrowth aswell. I started my > son on Threelac in mid November, in part to treat him for yeast. Itis very > hard removing all sugars from the diet and then dealing with a childwho > self-limits his foods. BUT, the unbelievable thing is that withindays, maybe 3 > days, he began having regular bowel movements. Solid, formed bowel > movements!!!!!! His bowels then became no longer peutrid smelling;he has not been gassy; > he no longer has that BLOATED belly and I know he feels much

better.He has a > bowel movement on a daily basis, sometimes twice. Occasionally itis runny, > seemingly when he has had a sugary treat. I use to have to use thefleet baby > lax on him and that is a thing of the past. The only side effect hemay have > experienced was a little belly upset. Although he is non-verbal Icould > tell when he'd lay down on the couch or something but it did notseem to last for > long. I experienced this too but it was mild and was nothing thatlasted for > hours or anything like that. Now he seems to be fine but you reallyhave to > limit sugar intake. It is hard to do especially when you have togive him > juice to get him to take his other supplements. I still use pearjuice, which is > how I get the Threelac into him. > The downside of course, like everything else is the expense. But itworks > for him so I am more than

willing to spend the $$ on it. > I just wanted to share this with all of you and maybe you canmention it to > your child's doctor to see what they say. It has helped him sotremendously > and I plan on continuing the use of it. The next battle will begetting him to > use the potty for poo-poo. He is still not potty trained, and couldseem to > care less but I'm just so happy he's moving his bowels regularlythat I'll deal > with everything else. > > Hope this helps someone.> > Thanks, > > > **************************************> See AOL's top rated > recipes(http://food.aol.com/top-rated-recipes?NCID=aoltop00030000000004)>

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