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new oversees member- how to find a dr

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Hi everybody,

I'm a new member from Turkey.

We received our lyme and co-infections panels results from Igenex Lab. previus week.

My husband is positive both for IFA B Burgdorfery and IGM western blot.

I'm negative but I have +++ for band 41 and IND for band 39 and band 23-25 .

My ASD son is positive for serum multiplex b. burgdorferry genomic and plasmid.

All of us is positive for HME, Human Ehrilichiosis Monocyctic.

I think those results shows that we are all effected by lyme disease.

My husband and I , we are without symptoms. I'm feeling tired, but not severely.

and my husband has reccurent sinus infections, that's all.

Also, we don't remember any tick bite.

But our 9,5 years-old ASD son has a week immune system since his birth, had always reccurent fewers.

He has PDD since 2,5 years old , he was mild since 7 years old, but regressed severely at 7 years old.

We are doing biomedical treatments since 2 years ( without gains)

We have another 4,5 years old NT son.

In our country lyme disease was 'unknown' until this year. Recently, in 2008 summer, there is only 2 people bitten by tick and diagnosed.

So it's imposible for us, to find a experienced dr here.

I looked to LIA Foundation web page, but all dr listed are in US.

Is there any LLMD dr in Europe ?

If not, does LLMD dr's are doing phone consultations like DAN drs?




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