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TyKiah Reneé 's story - founder of Choice (see post #41648)

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One Key Fits All: Faith

by TyKiah Reneé


How hard can it be to defy the odds, or should I say easy? How many

times will I let doors slam in my face, or how many times will I

welcome the second door of opportunity? Can I do things that society

labels uncommon? Better yet, watch me turn societys uncommon tasks

into everyday events.

Like most people with disabilities, Ive faced all of these questions

and obstacles repeatedly. Ive learned that theyre overcome by one

key, the belief in things not seen as though they were the key of


Conquering Obstacles

Every child has dreams, but developing the will to pursue them can

ultimately set lifes standards. As a child, I mentally mapped out my

path of life. When I viewed the world through my bedroom window,

that path seemed so simple.

But outside my front door I soon found that simple would turn to

complicated and that Id be looking opposition in the face for the

rest of my life. Conquering obstacles became a game. I looked at

each obstacle as a challenge to be conquered - and with

determination and perseverance I won each time.

" My daughter will not live life not knowing how to write, " was my

parents reply to the doctors false predetermination of my abilities.

This experience foreshadowed the hurdles that were yet to come in

living with peripheral neuropathy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease).

" Your daughter must be tested to see if she belongs in a special

school. " This was yet another negative statement that my parents had

to combat.

" Her disability affects her hands and feet, not her mind, " was their


Needless to say, I attended all the schools of my choice, and my

family became my primary source of support and stamina. Watching my

parents fight my battles when I was still ignorant of the ways of

the world has efficiently equipped me to hold my own.

Having faith in God coupled with faith in myself allowed me to do

many things that society labeled uncommon, especially for someone

with a disability.

Becoming the first high school cheerleader in the city of Columbus,

Ohio, to pump up the crowd from a wheelchair is one example.

Learning to drive and obtaining two college degrees in six years

were other notches on a belt of tasks that others considered

uncommon for someone like me.

More Education, More Obstacles

My years at State University in Dayton, Ohio, gave me the

chance to become more independent of my parents.

While attending college, I assumed a degree would help me find

gainful employment with a generous salary. I asked myself, What

steps do I need to take in order to position myself for a successful

job search? Studying human resource management gave me insight into

the way job recruiters think, and I realized that experience was a

powerful factor for college graduates in a tight job market.

As a college student I sought out job experiences that would

increase my knowledge of human resources practices. I searched for

an internship but found myself going from interview to interview

with no results.

Evaluating the process and speaking with interview professionals, I

received feedback rating my interview as excellent and my resume as

well prepared. So what was the problem?

My answer has nothing to do with fundamental job-hunting skills, but

has everything to do with the obvious fear of hiring someone with a


Because I valued the experience, I accepted a nonpaid position in

human resources at Goodwill Industries. With a goal to build my

resume I was concurrently working in the HR department on campus.

An important door opened during my senior year when the federal

government came recruiting on campus. The Department of Energy was

seeking interns with and without disabilities. Working in the

training department at DOE allowed me to take my book knowledge and

give it practical application. I began to understand how to evaluate

employee training needs and how to effectively implement a plan to

address those needs.

A summer experience with DOE turned into a full years experience. To

qualify for a year-long internship you have to be enrolled in

college, so I decided to tackle graduate school.

Ready for the Job Market

After finishing my MBA degree in five quarters, I was propelled into

the " real world. " Having an optimistic view of life, I thought Id

prepared myself for a smooth transition.

But, despite improved awareness in recent years, the area of

employment still presents barrier after barrier for people with

disabilities. The barriers become more evident when youre trying to

obtain a management position.

After graduation I found myself on the job market as an

overeducated, underexperienced, black female who happens to have a

physical disability and use a wheelchair - pick a barrier, any


The smooth transition turned into a long rocky road that ultimately

landed me in a customer service position at a credit card company.

Who wouldve imagined that, after getting a masters degree, Id be

answering credit card questions?

I clung to my belief that " what the enemy meant for bad, God meant

for good. "

Finding degree-related employment, despite an advanced degree and

two years experience, was an unanticipated frustration. But as I

walked that situation out, I walked right into Gods purpose for my

life to be a blessing to other people.

During my job search I realized that students need to put a much

greater emphasis on obtaining meaningful internship experience

before graduation. Employers are looking for experience, and that

factor doesnt change for job-seekers who have disabilities.

The Future Is Now

In 2001 at age 23, I decided to dedicate myself to the advancement

of all minority students and students with disabilities in

internship opportunities. I established the Choice Intern

Program (www.wrightchoice.org).

I designed WCIP to be committed to recruiting, developing and

linking tomorrows work force with todays opportunities. Our slogan

is " Building a Bridge Between Resource & Opportunity. "

WCIP is a nonprofit corporation thats funded by grants. The funding

allows the program to operate and to hire me as the paid director

along with a paid college intern. Weve acquired several corporate

partners, and each year, we place more students in internships.

At 26, my life is just beginning, but I cant help thinking, " Whats

next? " WCIP serves the Columbus area for now, but I have dreams of

going statewide and then

With every situation I overcome and every barrier I destroy, I pray

that it makes the road clearer and much easier for the next person.

And for me, " Faith is the key to all of lifes challenges dream the

undreamable and think the impossible. "

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