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What major city are you near? I would use your city as a subject line and

ask about about good professionals in your area. The parents on this list

number over 2700 and are from all over the world. (What an awesome thinking

pool we all make up!)

Here is a page that talks about finding speech-language pathologists in your



In terms of speech professionals, I would start by calling a university in

your area that has a communication disorders program of sorts. Look here

for the one nearest you:


I always think that when there is more going on other than speech, that

going to a neuro-developmental pediatrician is a good start. Again, I would

use your city as a subject line and then ask for input from folks on this

list for good MDs in your area.

Remember that we are all here for you in your pursuit to help your child.

Good for you for looking for answers!

Tricia Morin

North Carolina




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Hi Faisal and welcome,

At your son's age of 6 and a half, he clearly is extremely

frustrated in his inability to express his thoughts to everyone

which would explain some of the behaviors -shouting, vomiting,

hyperness, being naughty and not listening. Of course it is

possible that your son has a speech problem with other co existing

conditions such as ADHD, sensory integration dysfunction, etc.

Also some of what your son is doing may be due to comfort, and/or

control. For example, a child may repeat something over and over because it's

something he likes saying -or because it's one thing he knows he is

understood when he says it.

From your email address I'm guessing that you live in Pakistan -

please let us know. I know that -one of the members here

- is excellent in researching resources. It's her son Khalid's

17th birthday however so may be a few days (Can't believe Khalid is

17!! Happy Birthday Khalid!)

Has your child been to a neurodevelopmental MD/SLP/OT? What grade is he in

and how is he doing in school? Does he have friends? Do you have

him in any sports? Is he currently in any type of therapy? Have

you read The Late Talker book


Some of these answers will help us as a group to better answer your


You are not alone and we are all here for you!


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Hi Faisal... I'm going to put commentary within your text with *****

preceding them, so please read thru till you see me sign my name...


******** What country are you in? Look for Speech-Language

Pathologists in the yellow pages. Call and talk to them beforehand

to get an idea of how experienced they are with kids with similar

symptoms to your child. Ask for names of people that are willing to

talk to you to share their experiences with you. In some countries,

public schools must provide speech therapy evaluations/services and

so ask at your local school, too.





******** he may respond to not only the EFA's that has mentioned

but also epsom salt baths. I will email epsom salt bath information

to you privately.


******* again, epsom salt baths may help with this because they will

supply the body with some magnesium. If he continues to do it, then

you may want to look at giving extra magnesium... extra zinc... extra

calcium... I mention all three because I have seen posts where kids

have been helped by one of those three things. One mom said extra

manganese was what finally did the trick for her child, but I would

try the other things first.


********* sounds like a reflux issue. Talk to a doctor about this.

Epsom salt baths again, might help, because they supply sulphate to

the body and it *might* help. He may also be a bit constipated too.

My daughter gets reflux when she lays down if she's gone a few days

without having a bowel movement.


********* sounds like he is saying some sounds incorrectly. Again,

a speech therapist can evaluate this for you.


******** does he twist it for his S and Z sounds? If so, that sounds

like a lateral (sideways) lisp.






******* again, EFA's and epsom salt baths would be the first things

on my list to try.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Do you know what test he looked at? RA isnĀ¹t diagnosed with just a blood


Is this new doctor diagnosing you with Lupus?


> I was Dx 4 years ago RA-Sjogren's-Lupus. I recently went to see a new

> Rhuematologist. He looked at some old test. Looked at me. Then said I

> don't have RA. I was in total shock. I am in so much pain. If this

> isn't RA, What next?






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  • 1 year later...

Your sister has been dealing with RA for a very long time. It is not

easy to live with, and so no one really knows unless they have

stepped in her shoes. With RA, it is not uncommon for people to take

a lot of medications. Along with RA, there is depression, its hard

coping, and so sometimes you get at a point, you just want to be left

alone. You get tired of doctors, and I know that is probably hard for

you to understand. But, its frustrating to go to the doctors, take

meds all your life, and don't really get any better.

That is kind of strange the doctor at the hospital would give her the

same meds she OD on. You might let her know about the RA group. We

help each other through good and bad times. We have great moderators,

so it might help her to talk with others in her condition. All you

can really do is be supportive, and learn more about RA.


--- In , " jeanraelily " <jeanraelily@y...>


> My sister has RA. She is 50 and has had it since the age of 16. She

> has had ups and downs with RA. She got to the point about 20 years

> ago that she would never try to do or go to PT. She just won't. All

> she wanted and still wants are pills....


> This past week she went to a Dr. in a small town because she was

> having back pain. She told them she had pulled a muscle and was in

> horrible pain. They gave her a shot of demoral. Gave her four

> prescriptions and called for a driver to take her home.....


> Within 2 days she was hullicanating and really out of her head. We

> brought her to the hospital and they called it an overdose. Within

> 36 hours the Dr. that gave her these meds saw her in the hospital-

> told her he would release her and gave her the same

> prescriptions. ???


> We are worried about her. She already takes about 15- 20 other RA

> meds, sleeping pills and who knows what else. She is furious that


> are questioning her meds and what is going on with her..... She

> thinks we are being mean..


> HELP- what do we do?

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Whew, tough call.... I think you do the hardest thing if you love someone, stay

on them, make sure you make it clear that you are only worried about thier

safety. See about asking to go to the Dr with her one time. Tell the dr your

concerned in fromt of her and say I just want to understand. I fear for my

sister, please make me feel at ease, or help me to understand. It might even be

true that he doesnt know of all her meds if she is seeing several docs.

Just my opinion, Cortnee

jeanraelily <jeanraelily@...> wrote: My sister has RA. She is 50 and has

had it since the age of 16. She

has had ups and downs with RA. She got to the point about 20 years

ago that she would never try to do or go to PT. She just won't. All

she wanted and still wants are pills....

This past week she went to a Dr. in a small town because she was

having back pain. She told them she had pulled a muscle and was in

horrible pain. They gave her a shot of demoral. Gave her four

prescriptions and called for a driver to take her home.....

Within 2 days she was hullicanating and really out of her head. We

brought her to the hospital and they called it an overdose. Within

36 hours the Dr. that gave her these meds saw her in the hospital-

told her he would release her and gave her the same

prescriptions. ???

We are worried about her. She already takes about 15- 20 other RA

meds, sleeping pills and who knows what else. She is furious that we

are questioning her meds and what is going on with her..... She

thinks we are being mean..

HELP- what do we do?

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  • 1 year later...

Posted by: " asronsr1 " asronsr1@... asronsr1

Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:16 am (PST)


I'am from Indonesia. I was diagnosed with RA on 2005. I have already

taken therapy with Arava and Methotrexate until now. I feel that both

med doesn't work well because until now I'm still have pain on many


I want to try AP therapy. But I'm still hesitate to start because I

could not find doctor around my place that have knowlegde about RA

very well.

Is it possible to start theraphy without a doctor ?

If I do it myself what is the risk ?

Thank you,



Hello " ASRONSR1 " from Indonesia,

I know of two ways that someone can find an AP doctor, using two websites:

1) American College for the Advancement in Medicine www.acam.org

There is a referral section. From the home page, go to " Public " / " Find a

Doctor " . Enter your zip code, city, or state.

2) International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists (IACP) www.iacprx.org

There is a referral section. From the home page, go to " Referral Service " .

Find the compounding pharmacist nearest you, and ask them who they'd recommend

for the condition that you have, or the protocol that you want to use.

Looking on www.acam.org, I found 1 doctor in Indonesia that practices AP.

Hendra Setiady, MD, APCT

Pulo MAS Timur IIA #2.

Jakarta Timur, 13210


Telephone: 62-21-4713880

Fax: 62-21-4717147

E-Mail: hendrasetiadymd@...



My name is Jeff and I have RA. I have gotten a lot of useful information from

this Group and I wanted to pass on what I have learned from my experience

with RA.

I don't know of anyone that I am related to, by blood, that also has RA. I

contracted scabies in January of 2004. I was prescribed in March, 2004, two

drugs which I believe caused my RA:

1) On 3/19/04, ne lotion (USP 1%), generic for Kwell, Bio-Well

* This is a pesticide of the organochlorine type, in the same group as DDT

* This is classified as a carcinogen

2)On 3/24/04, Permethrin Cream, 5%, generic for Acticin, Elimite, Nix, Rid

* Each gram contains 50mg of permethrin

* Less than 2% absorbed into bloodstream

On 4/21/04, I was diagnosed with RA by a rheumatologist. But, he later confessed

that he could not do anything for me until my RA got really bad at which point

he would " hit me really hard " with some cancer-fighting drugs. I stopped going

to him and soon after made an appointment with a holistic doctor, Dr. Nusbaum,

from the Center for Holistic Medicine in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Dr. Nusbaum

is an associate of Dr. Brownstein. See www.drbrownstein.com and


Dr. Nusbaum confirmed by tests that I had RA and was infected with mycoplasma.

He then prescribed for me:

For inflammation:

1) Traumeel, 10 drops three times a day

2) Vitalzym X, 500mg tablets, now 8 tablets three times a day

3) Kaprex by Metagenics, 440mg - four a day

3) Ultra Inflam X (detoxification for a short period)

For mycoplasma infection:

1) Minocin (AP- antibiotic protocol)100mg twice a day on M,W,F

2) Bifa 15 (to restore my good bacteria)1.1g a day

For hormonal balance:

1) Testosterone cream, and monthly shots

2) Pregnenolone, now 50mg twice a day

3) Armour Thyroid Hormone, now 75mg a day

For vitamin D deficiency:

1) Bio-D-Mulsion Forte, Emulsified Vitamin D, 4000 IU per day, which is 1000%



I did a search through the past year of postings in this Group and I have

not found anyone talking about Vitalzym X from World Nutrition

www.worldnutrition.info/index.html or www.vitalzymx.com

Although it is not cheap, I noticed an immediate improvement in my inflammation

after taking this product. Since I am not a physician, I am not going to pretend

to tell you how enzymes can naturally consume inflammation and pass it out of

your body naturally. But, I highly recommend that anyone fighting an

inflammatory condition like RA look very closely at this natural method. It can

be purchased at www.centerforholisticmedicine.com . Vitalzym is the older,

weaker version and Vitalzym X is the stronger version. To purchase Vitalzym X,

you must create a user id and password. As with any medication, you should be

under supervision of a doctor. I was prescribed 3-500mg pills, three times a

day. I was told to increase to 4 pills, three times a day after two weeks. And,

I should keep increasing by one pill (three times a day) until the inflammation

subsided. Some patients were taking as many as 10 pills, three times a day. Too

many pills, and you could have diarrhea, too few

and your inflammation would not go away.

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  • 5 months later...

I can hardly walk today. I am a toddler teacher with a classroom of 28

children and 3 assistants. My job is very demanding. What should I do?

I love my job. I can't imagine that I could make as much money doing

something else. I do not really have a lot of office skills. I make in

the 40s now. Should I be applying for disability. This sucks. I really

love my job big-time!!!!!!

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" slump "

I take it from your post you are the primary teacher - if you have 3

assistants maybe you all could work out a way for you to conserve

your energy (I don't know if you've considered a wheelchair). Is

working with a different age group a feasible option?

I am in a similar situation - having to start using my wheelchair for

work now instead of excursions :-(

I have been on disability and it stinks - besides a dramatic cut in

income it's just a frustrating process -- one of the reasons I went

back and got my Masters in a field I now I can manage regardless of

my CMT.

Chin up! Now is a new moment in time - you'll figure something out

after a deep breath.

Let me know if I can help.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

I would go ahead and band. Our specialist recommended banding above 10mm of

asymmetry, which I think is pretty reasonable. However I would get a second

opinion about the orthotist ;-) I just mean that if you have several options

check out who you are working with and decide accordingly. The ortho can make a

difference. One with experience in banding is important. Please keep us updated

on your daughter.


sydney, 4 yrs, starband grad


> Hi All,


> My DD got evaluated today for her plagio. Her CVA is 12.6 and CVAI is 9.1. Her

orthotist said, It would take 3 to 5 mo for correction as she belongs to class

4(Don't know what class4 is). She will be 5 months old by that appt. Do you guys

think We should get a second opinion abt it?


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Hi ,

Thanks for the reply. We will definetly band her. But, what I am concerned is he was stressing on 5 months time frame(I know it totally depends on her growth rate). Is star band takes more time than other bands?


From: <melanie.watson@...>Plagiocephaly Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 6:53:13 AMSubject: Re: Please advise

Sounds like you had a starscan because they use the CVAI number. The also use a severity system based upon a scale of 1 to 5 that incorporates a lot of other numbers besides those that you mentioned (symmetry ratios, for example). So, a 4 out of 5 would be considered moderate to severe.

I think that most orthos would recommend a band, but if it would help you to accept this, then you could go ahead and get the second opinion. I'm guessing that at your daughter's age, it would be closer to 3 months than 5 months. My coworker's son was 5.5 months when banded at 15 mm and he graduated from his STARband in 12 weeks after getting down to 4 mm. And, two of those weeks were part time wear.

Please advise

Hi All,My DD got evaluated today for her plagio. Her CVA is 12.6 and CVAI is 9.1. Her orthotist said, It would take 3 to 5 mo for correction as she belongs to class 4(Don't know what class4 is). She will be 5 months old by that appt. Do you guys think We should get a second opinion abt it?

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