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Re: Houston pediatrician recommendation

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Is your office willing

to take unvaccinated children w/o coercion? Are you willing to treat illnesses

that children are typically vaccinated for (whooping cough, chicken pox,

measles etc) without questioning the integrity of the family?

I’m not asking

these questions angrily, I just need to know the answers in a straightforward manner

as there are many of us who do not vaccinate and are frustrated at being

treated as ignorant fools when our kids actually need medical help.

Many people I know went

to a pediatrician around the corner from your office when pertussis broke out last

summer. She officially takes unvaccinated children, but it was really a

struggle for her to deal with these families, and she let them know she was not

happy w/ their decisions. She really did not know what to do with the many

families she saw subsequently in the outbreak (those who had been exposed to

the confirmed cases and had symptoms) whose fully vaccinated kids tested

positive for pertussis.

Of course when this

was discussed, she admitted that the current pertussis vax (not the old one

which caused anaphylactic shock and injury in high numbers of kids and death in

many but still gave short term protection to those who lived through it) only

prevents whooping cough in a very small number of cases, and yes, the medical

community KNOWS that most vaccinated kids walk around w/a mild case of the

disease giving it to entire schools and everyone who ever goes to Walmart! And

the worst part is most Drs are unwilling to diagnose pertussis even when it’s

plain as the nose on their face, but call it bronchitis instead prescribing an ineffective

antibiotic that will not kill the bacteria. So much for herd eradication

through vaccines! These facts about the pertussis vax and its ineffectiveness were

later confirmed by county public health and they apologized for not

doing a great job of educating doctors about considering doing a WC swab in

cases of spasmodic cough more than 2 weeks old. So here we are. Whooping cough

is now rampant thanks to the current standard of medical care.

Anyhow, our child #1

was vaccine injured at 2 months old, child #6 (unvaccinated) is autistic and,

thankfully, becoming better every day. Some of our family members have food

allergies which I understand are markers for problems w/ vaccinations. I will

never, knowing the possibilities in our family genetic pool, subject one of our

kids to vaccination again. I know many families who take the same road, and are

so intimidated that they go “underground” for their medical care.

We are hoping for some

real doctors around here who are willing to practice real medicine instead of

dispensing drug company jargon along w/ their prescriptions. It would be

refreshing if you are one of those.


Tina in Hockley

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