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Those are the people you need to give the special card to ;) It's a

little business card that says " We've noticed you watching our son's

behavior. We've also noticed your behavior. Our son has autism. What's

your excuse? "

Mean, yes, but I have had rude people make comments, tell me how to

parent, say 'he wouldn't do that with me' or any number of things that

just shows how ignorant they are. I could tell stories of people we've

met in the waiting room of our neuro's office alone...and I love my

neuro who reminded me that people ignorant of autism didn't know any

better and I needed to ignore them as they won't learn even if I try.

disorderlybehavior wrote:

> If I had a dime for every time someone told me I needed to

> " give my son a good ass whipping " , I could retire! My response now

> is; " When you have done extensive research on AS and AS behavioral

> issues , taken parenting classes, spent hours at a time keeping my

> son in a physical hold so he cannot harm himself or others, stayed

> with him through hours of crying himself to sleep because he has no

> friends and feels like something is wrong with him and he doesn't

> deserve to live, THEN and ONLY then, will I take any parenting

> advice from you, and then, probably not! "

> The audacity of some people that have no clue what we are dealing

> with, and the heartache we go through seeing our kids suffer

> and " lose control " ! Many of our kids have low self esteem as it is,

> so lets knock them down a few more inches by " giving them a good ass

> whipping " , when what they really need, is our understanding of what

> their real needs are.

> The ignorance is MADDENING!........I'm done now......till the next

> time anyway.....there will always be opinionated idiots.\


> Theresa

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Dear Melinda,

Congratulations on your soon-to-be-fourth child! I remember your saying long

ago that you would like to have a fourth. I know this one was a surprise, but

maybe he or she is the surprise answer to your prayers.

I'm glad that is doing so well, and even has a girlfriend! I think it


be miracle if Owen ever has one -- but miracles can happen!

Good luck with your pregnancy!

Love, Jill

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  • 3 months later...


what a nightmare

I know here in Florida, If a teacher tried something like that and was caught they would be in big trouble... my mom worked for 13 years with SED - severely emotionally disturbed, and now is 2 years in with the autistic classes and they are very well trained and instructed on what to do and what not to do.... I mentioned this to her and she went nuts... even in her classes such a thing would be completely uncalled for, much less something as simple as you described.... They could never be allowed to touch a child in such a manner no matter what they did... she has been stabbed with pencils and punched and bruised by these children numerous times... they just call the office to call the parents if there is an issue... they are never to take matters into their own hands. In her case it is a little different given the children's disabilities so they are trained to properly detain them & put them into a safe room if they may cause harm to themselves but this never involves hurting the child or dragging them - even if they (the teacher)get hurt themselves. I would immediately call the school board and file a report & demand an investigation - in no way is that appropriate no matter what your son was doing in that class.....especially if other children were upset by these actions.. you have witnesses....I have never heard of such a thing.... Think of it this way as well - if it happened to your boy it will happen again unless someone reports it and puts a stop to it....You can not tell me that an elementary school teacher isn't used to a little "hyperness" here and there - especially with boys.. if not - she is in the wrong business!!

How awful!

I hope he is OK now....


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ly, I'd suggest that this teacher be put on drugs! . . . She's obviously has a problem that needs addressing. Rogene Sandy Verticelli <dusty.com@...> wrote: Talking about medications...My son takes adderal Only during school is he on this stuff and never

on summer break I am done worrying about this issue I am saying no to the medical field and the teachers this year I am his mother not them.... They have always wanted this in my son's system I already had a teacher screaming to me on the phone to bring in his medicine My son was never suspended from school so it could not have been that bad I had mentioned that I will find something heathier for my son's system but the teachers were against it ,they prefer drugs in his little body instead My son was finished taking his test and sat on top of a table, that made the teacher very angry The teacher dragged my son across the floor and my son's was foot got caught in the leg of the chair The other children were yelling to stop dragging him and his pants ripped as she continued to drag him This is why my child only a sixth grader at the time.... should be drugged up ?? A nother teacher than took all the kids out to the hallway and rehearsed a few times what he wanted them to say Parents called my home saying their child came home so upset because

my son did not deserve this treatment I pray someone who is skilled will get the rest of the crap out of my chest !! I need my health and strength this year I am sooo done with this guinne pig nonsense with drugs and implants. Just Venting My Thoughts, Sandy

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Sandy, what a horrible thing to go through! I feel for you...it's

tough to deal with conflict when you're feeling so ill. That teacher

should be dismissed and charged with assault. How dare they treat a

child like that! There's no way someone can force you to have your

child on medication. There are alot of natural supplements to

provide assistance to the brain. My grandson has been on MegaFocus--

essentially Omega 3 and fish oils. It helps me as well. I'll be

praying for your situation.

God bless you and heal you & your son,

Sunny :)


> Talking about medications...My son takes adderal

> Only during school is he on this stuff and never on summer break


> I am done worrying about this issue I am saying no to the medical

field and the teachers this year

> I am his mother not them.... They have always wanted this in my

son's system


> I already had a teacher screaming to me on the phone to bring in

his medicine

> My son was never suspended from school so it could not have been

that bad


> I had mentioned that I will find something heathier for my son's


> but the teachers were against it ,they prefer drugs in his little

body instead


> My son was finished taking his test and sat on top of a table, that

made the teacher very angry

> The teacher dragged my son across the floor and my son's was foot

got caught in the leg of the chair

> The other children were yelling to stop dragging him and his pants

ripped as she continued to drag him


> This is why my child only a sixth grader at the time.... should be

drugged up ??


> A nother teacher than took all the kids out to the hallway and

rehearsed a few times what he wanted them to say

> Parents called my home saying their child came home so upset

because my son did not deserve this treatment


> I pray someone who is skilled will get the rest of the crap out

of my chest !! I need my health and strength this year

> I am sooo done with this guinne pig nonsense with drugs and



> Just Venting My Thoughts,

> Sandy


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  • 2 weeks later...


These drugs are all drugs for RA and since you didn't list RA as a


that is probably why your doctor hasn't mentioned them. I'm sorry

you are

having such a hard time finding a good doctor.


On Sep 4, 2006, at 3:43 AM, Santana wrote:

> I have fibro, raynaud's disease, gastro problems, esophagus

> problems, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, something with liver, now

> my right arm,wrist,fingers. I saw a rhuematologist and not once did

> he ever mention any of the medicines that you guys talk about, e.g.

> methotrexate, folic acid, arava, plaguinel, what are these meds and

> what are they for, and do they work? Sorry for my ignorance, I have

> not had the best luck with doctors, in fact I was diagnosed by a

> specialist at UCLA, not one doctor here in so Oregon new what to do

> with me, I have been diagnosed and then undiagnosed, misdiagnosed

> and then finally I said the hell with this I am taking matters into

> my own hands, told my attending physician at the time that I did

> not want to see anymore doctors that they were sending me to, I

> found a fibro doctor at OHSU-Oregon health science university in

> Portland Oregon. both these doctors figured out what is wrong with

> me, but left everything up to primary doc, never ment any of theses

> meds like I said.


> any help would be great, I am looking for a new doc.


> Sincerely,


> happybluerainbow@...



> ---------------------------------

> Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.



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Now you need to find a rheumatologist in your area.

While primary care dr.s can be wonderful (I love

mine..he is a sweetheart!!)..he is the first to admit

that he is not up on all the latest on RA meds and

treatments and that is what you need. You need a

specialist who knows all the ins ad outs of RA and

what works and what doesn't and what to add to a

therapy if the first med is working some...just

needing a kick from an second med...and knows when to

throw in the towel on a therapy and change to

something else totally. So, a rheumtologist is what

you need. The big city drs can't prescribe for you

unless you want to keep going back there on a regualr

basis which can be costly dependig on how far you are

from them. My Rheummy is in Phoenix...so to go and see

him is about 120 miles round trip. The same with my

pain management DR., but I live in a small town that

can't support the specialists..so once or twice a

month I go the the big city!! It is worth it as you

are then getting the very best of care. And if you

feel that you are NOT getting the best of care then

you need to take things into your own hands and change

to a new Rheummy until you find oe that you can work

with a that will work with you. Some are wonderful,

and some are in and out of the exam room so fast that

you are left with all your questions unanswered...this

is not good. You are a customer...and you need to

expect good service. If you can't talk to your dr

because he hasn't got time for you, or won't answer

your calls etc...then it is time tobgobonline and find

someone else..or ask someone in your area who has a

similar diagnosis which Dr she sees and is she happy

with him? word of mouth is great ...if you can find

someone else with a similar diagnosis, otherwise go

online! WHen you start asking you will probably be

surprised at the number of people who have auto-immune

problems...they just don't hang a flag out and

announce it to everyone...but there are millions of

peopl in this country who are in the same boat you

are. Like here...we are all in the same boat...just

some of us are in big boats, some in little boats and

some have more leaks in the boat and so we have to

paddle harder to keep afloat!!! and remember that the

group is here for you and your questions, and just

about any of us would reply to a personal e-mail with

a more private question if you put RA group/HelP in

the supject line!!.......hope this has helped you

some!...hang in there!! We are here for you 24/7 and

keep paddling your boat!!.......jenna

When you lose a loved one, you gain an angel whos' name you know !


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