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Dear Marie,

Thank you for welcoming me to the group. I had a very strong support group

of friends years ago in the early '90's who did a lot of leg work for me.

Some of them were parents of children that were sick in pediatrics of Jersey

Shore Medical Center, when my daughter was hospitalized on numerous

occasions. I had a friend who went out to California to see a well-known

Lyme doctor in San Francisco. His name escapes me, but I know he passed

away. Her daughter and my daughter were both suffering with this disease.

She came back with a wealth of info, which I always found very helpful.

Here are some tips to change your diet.

The first thing is to cut out sugar, white flour and dairy. Substitute the

milk with soy milk, Rice Dreams or Almond milk and cheese with soy cheese.

The vanilla is the best way to go. These milk substitutes are great. They

come in the non-refrigerated cartons and they last a long time. Substitute

sugar and artificial sweeteners with stevia. Stevia is a plant based

sweetener, which nourishes the liver and the pancreas and stabilizes blood

sugar. You can cook with it and it's great in tea. I don't like it in

coffee. It has kind of a licorice taste. I am not a hero . I do cheat, and

have ice cream once and a while. I buy all my cereals in the health food

store and use the ones without artificial ingredients. I became very

sensitive to all that stuff. I buy yeast free bread (7 grain or spelt is the

best), and try to buy whole wheat pasta or spelt pasta. It is important to

eat an alkaline diet as opposed to an acidic diet. This means more foods

along the lines of vegetables, fruits, nuts. Now, from all the

antibiotics, you will get an overgrowth of yeast in the body. This condition

is called Candida. This caused me to gain a lot of weight - kind of like the

Pillsbury Dough Boy rising like bread. Not a pretty sight. I gained 80 lbs

from all the meds over a five year period. I was also on some courses of

Prednazone for Asthma. In addition, when I was sick, I became a stress eater

and craved sugar, and the antibiotics in conjunction with the sugar make the

yeast condition worse. I only wish that I knew then what I know now, Still

struggling to loose this weight. You must take Acedophelis when you are on

antibiotics because the antibiotics kill all the good bacteria off in the

Colin, and puts the intestines out of balance. The Acedophelis balances out

the flora in the Colin and will help prevent Candida. It helps with stomach

upset, constipation and diarrhea. The thing about Candida is that it has

the same symptoms as Lyme, so it's difficult to tell when the Lyme disease is

in remission and the Candida takes over. Get the book, The Yeast Connection.

It's great and it explains all of this.

Going to the chiropractor does boost the immune system, if you can stand him

to adjust you when the inflammation is bad from the Lyme. My chiropractor

even worked on breaking up some of the Fibromialgia which I had from the

Lyme. It hurt like anything, but a day later, I felt so much better.

I had gone to a nutritionist and he recommended 30 different vitamins from

the healthfood store, and juicing carrots, beets and apples, 3X a day. The

vitamins made me throw up, and the juicing really did give me a little more

energy, but then when I didn't clean out the juicer fast enough, fruit flies

appeared as visitors in my kitchen. Not fun.

Now for the real alternative stuff, which I hesitate to mention because I

don't want to be accused of soliciting. All I am going to say is " Food based

Chinese Herbs " , which are based on the theory from ancient China, 3,000

(eastern medicine) that if the body is nourished properly it can regenerate,

and this is what gave me and my family back our health. If anyone is

interested, feel free to contact me because you unfortunately you can't this

quality stuff in a health food store.

I hope this information has been helpful to all of you. Lyme is a miserable

disease and my heart goes out to each and every one of you. I am grateful

for where I am today because it was a long and excruciating battle. My

little girl who was sicker than I was with third stage neurological Lyme from

1989-1995, has just graduated from college cum laude. I did not have an

on-line support group in the early '90's, and I think this is wonderful. I

am grateful to those who helped me get to this point in my life.

If I can be of any help to any of you, I would like to " pay it forward. "

Good luck,


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Hi Keddie,

Candida can cause many of the same symptoms as Lyme and if you look at

" disease " on a whole, it doesn't matter what you have when the body is out of

balance, when nourished properly, it can heal. It was a tough " pill " for me

to swallow, especially after downing all those meds, but it really works.

However, that book I mentioned, " The Yeast Connection " is a real eye opener.


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Hi, I am new also. I have been told I have candida for years and CFS. I

was just told I have Lyme this week SHOCK. Now this is VERY interesting

that you say candida and lyme have the same symptoms--and then there in

mycolasma which apears to be in the same ballpark HMMM???


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" The thing about Candida is that it has

the same symptoms as Lyme, so it's difficult to tell when the Lyme disease is

in remission and the Candida takes over. Get the book, The Yeast Connection.

It's great and it explains all of this. "

candida is indeed a widely experienced condition that has a pandora's

box of symptoms.

you can get this yeast overgrowth from antibiotics, improper diet, or

digestive irregularities.

candida overgrowth is curable thru extensive diet and life style changes.

right now, we do not know how many people have the lyme bacteria, but

live in a state of

" remission " . we do not know if the infection is manageable for many

thru a specific life-style.

i , for one, was " cured " of long term candida thru diet.

in my case, i was greatly helped by discovering i was a " celiac " and

that gluten was destroying

my intestine.

for anyone that has chronic lyme, i hold little hope for lasting

remission without general support

of their health thru rather drastic life style changes. i doubt most

can achieve remission without

becoming experts on supporting the health of their body. once you

understand how wrong doctors

are on lyme -how ignorant they are- you may begin to understand -or

suspect- how ignorant and

wrong they and our society at large is of a health promoting life style.

the advertisers and food " manufacturers " have sold america down the toilet.

take it for what you will.

lastly, any changes in your life style generally need to be

consistent and incremental.

too quick a change is often a problem, but consitent improvement

gives your system time to properly adjust.

think of lifting weights.



william meyer

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