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Re: How do I teach my child to......?

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if he is just learning to answer yes/no questions, he is not ready for why questions. those come much later developmentally. my daughter learned yes/no at 3.5 but could not begin to comprehend why questions until much, much later. but hang in there and give it some time :)

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Autistic children have a really tough time with the WH questions...where, when, why --- also many struggle with how. It is part of their inability to communicate...

Try http://www.babybumblebee.com/store/new_releases.cfm...They have so many wonderful DVD's for these kiddos... is 2 and loves them...the link I'm sending should take you to the WH DVD...but they are each so, so good...we have the Vocabulary volumes 1-3...Motor Madness, Action words 1 and 2...and the WH one...we are set for now :) I'm going to get the color one next...

Hope this helps...be patient with him, as it's not about defiance, it is about inability at this point...with lots of intervention he's going to be so much more able...


And Welcome,


To: AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 11:51:47 AMSubject: How do I teach my child to......?

How do I teach my child to answer a question of "Why did you.....?" It's so frustrating when he won't answer questions. He is 3.5YO and we have just recently been able to get him to answer "yes" or "no" to those type questions - and it's not even all the time, just sporadically. For those who do not recognize me, I am a newbie on here. My son has not been diagnosed yet (and so we are not receiving any help yet) but we, his parents, know that he is definitely somewhere on the spectrum. TIA

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My son is 5 and is High functioning and still can not answer wh questions. this is EXTREMLY difficult for autistic children let alone normal children to process. You may get frustrated when he does something that you do not like and want to know why but they CAN NOT process this information. Sometimes I will give my son options and he will be able to tell me why but sometimes he just says yes to everything. Try to just ask him yes or no questions after you have asked the wh questions and then answer the wh question for him.

For example. Why did you hit your brother? no reply

Did your brother take something? No

Did he hit you? Yes

You hit your brother because he hit you? Yes

Why did you hit your brother? He hit me.

Sometimes I have to answer the question a few times before carter can repeat He hit me

Think outside the box at videos or experiences your child has had if he keeps saying no to a questions. Once came up to me and slapped me across the face several times on both cheeks and I was stunned and he laughed about it. It took me a very long time to figure out where he had known how to do that let alone why he had done it. He had seen it on the BEE MOVIE. When the bee slaps his friend to "snap out of it" I was getting frustrated because I couldn't find my keys so was helping me "Snap out of it" It was not intentional or hateful he was actually doing it because he thought that was the correct reaction.

Subject: Re: How do I teach my child to......?To: AutismBehaviorProblems Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 11:34 PM

Autistic children have a really tough time with the WH questions... where, when, why --- also many struggle with how. It is part of their inability to communicate. ..

Try http://www.babybumb lebee.com/ store/new_ releases. cfm...They have so many wonderful DVD's for these kiddos... is 2 and loves them...the link I'm sending should take you to the WH DVD...but they are each so, so good...we have the Vocabulary volumes 1-3...Motor Madness, Action words 1 and 2...and the WH one...we are set for now :) I'm going to get the color one next...

Hope this helps...be patient with him, as it's not about defiance, it is about inability at this point...with lots of intervention he's going to be so much more able...


And Welcome,


From: pnewlin2005 <pnewlinprodigy (DOT) net>To: AutismBehaviorProbl emsyahoogroups (DOT) comSent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 11:51:47 AMSubject: How do I teach my child to......?

How do I teach my child to answer a question of "Why did you.....?" It's so frustrating when he won't answer questions. He is 3.5YO and we have just recently been able to get him to answer "yes" or "no" to those type questions - and it's not even all the time, just sporadically. For those who do not recognize me, I am a newbie on here. My son has not been diagnosed yet (and so we are not receiving any help yet) but we, his parents, know that he is definitely somewhere on the spectrum. TIA

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> How do I teach my child to answer a question of " Why did you.....? "


Wow! While you're trying to figure that one out, you may as

well figure out how to explain why the sky is blue, or why the Earth

spins. I think that you may be expecting a bit too much. A child of

that age has a hard enough time understanding the concept of why, but

when you add abstract and Autism -- you're really in for a

challenge!!! Of course, this is my humble opinion as someone who has

spent a good deal with little ones in a non-professional manner.

CJ is " Six and a half, Mama " , and even though he is extremely

high-functioning, he struggles with the 'why' of things probably more

than anything else. I found myself for the longest time giving him

options for why he did something. He'd choose one, but if I switched

the options up, it would be a different answer. I finally realized

that he was just choosing the last thing I said.

So, for now, I've let go of needing to know 'why'. Instead,

we try to figure out better alternatives. For instance, if the

situation was that he hit someone in his class. Instead of focusing

all of my attention on why it happened, I focus on how he could've

handled it better. He could've walked away, he could've asked the

kid to stop, he could've told the teacher, etc... It's not nearly a

perfect science, but few things in life are. I hope that this helps.

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> How do I teach my child to answer a question of " Why did you.....? "

> It's so frustrating when he won't answer questions. He is 3.5YO and we

> have just recently been able to get him to answer " yes " or " no " to

> those type questions - and it's not even all the time, just

> sporadically.


> For those who do not recognize me, I am a newbie on here. My son has

> not been diagnosed yet (and so we are not receiving any help yet) but

> we, his parents, know that he is definitely somewhere on the spectrum.




You need to have him tested so you know the developmental level. Is

you child 1 month behind or 1 year behind. My first thought is ABA or

PRT therapy, but not diagnosed you just don't know. You might be able

to ask your child " Did you do this because (option 1) or (option 2)? " .

Giving them a choice and helping them put a label on the question.

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Also, there is a lot of info about "w" questions in the DTT-NET group (under the "Files" link).To: AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 8:52:07 AMSubject: Re: How do I teach my child to......?


> How do I teach my child to answer a question of "Why did you.....?"

> It's so frustrating when he won't answer questions. He is 3.5YO and we

> have just recently been able to get him to answer "yes" or "no" to

> those type questions - and it's not even all the time, just

> sporadically.


> For those who do not recognize me, I am a newbie on here. My son has

> not been diagnosed yet (and so we are not receiving any help yet) but

> we, his parents, know that he is definitely somewhere on the spectrum.




You need to have him tested so you know the developmental level. Is

you child 1 month behind or 1 year behind. My first thought is ABA or

PRT therapy, but not diagnosed you just don't know. You might be able

to ask your child "Did you do this because (option 1) or (option 2)?".

Giving them a choice and helping them put a label on the question.

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