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Re: supplements [was: help... constipated on NT milk formula...]

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>But why won't they take my money

>unless I spend more of it on a doctor?

I second that question! With doctors telling me to avoid saturated fat

like the plague, cut way down on protein and eat a lot of cereal, I'm not

too inclined to trust most of them. For that matter, most aren't even in

favor of vitamins period, let alone specialty brands like SP!


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Dear Daphne,

I'm not quite sure as to the nature of your disturbance

regarding Standard Processes distribution methods. As a Non-health

care professional I years ago, a well-informed, healthy, educated

person who wanted the best supplement nutrition I could get bought

Standard Process supplements without any qualms. I did not care then

and do not care now what methods they use for distribution. You can

purchase any SP product from any health care professional who has

them in their office. Go to the SP website, find out who is in your

area, call them up or go right in and say hey I want your

mutltivitamin/mineral Catalyn. 99% of them will say fine that's $32

please, and you will go on your merry way with the best multivitamin

made on planet earth. There is no great conspiracy to keep you from

the good stuff. If you are in good health and don't need a doctor's

services then you are right you should be able to get the simple

wellness type supplements you want, and you can, so do it.

You are pandering when you say you don't want to be offensive as

you are being offensive. I understand your frustration with the

health care system and I personally and professionally share those

frustration however to lump every single individual and company in

the health care system in with one bad experience you've had is only

going to harm one person ... you. I see it everyday, people coming

in my office with supplements they don't want or need. Worse yet

they are virtually all synthetics that will ultimately cause them

more harm than good. Everyday I see people coming in maimed and

damagedby a bogus sick care system, in regard to that frustration you

are preaching to the choir.

My next statement I will admit I am not 100% certain on.

However I am about 90% and if it is important to you let me know and

I will confirm it beyond any doubt. Standard Process has been

battling the FDA on YOUR behalf and their own of course, for over 70

years, they follow strict guidelines that allows them to produce the

unparalleled product they do without being shut down. You'll notice

that on most every supplement you buy at the retail store it says

something to the effect of " these statements have not been evaluated

by the FDA " you will not find this on SP products, why? because the

ridiculous labeling rigors they are subjected to is beyond belief and

they are evaluated by the FDA. You may ask why do they do this? My

honest answer is I don't know. From a business perspective this is

the most moronic practice you can imagine. Subjecting yourself to

FDA scruitiny and limiting your sales outlets to private

practitioners when instead you can cut cost on product quality, spend

some of the savings on marketing and a flashy label and then sell it

at unlimited numbers of retail outlets where just based on results

alone will absolutely assure multiplying the financial power of the

company many times over. I don't really know why they don't do

this. But the important thing is they don't.

An answer to your question also as to why they are sold in

health care practitioners offices is this. They produce a huge line

of products. Some general wellness based and many organ, system,

tissue specific. I am certain that you are educated and I am certain

you are intelligent, and it is not my intention to blow my own horn

and I'm the last person to stick up for doctors of any kind, however

there is something to be said for a well thought out extensive health

based education and something called thousands of patients and years

of experience, I am going to assume niether of which you have.

You are CORRECT 100% beyond any shadow of a doubt Daphne you are

healthy and well informed, very intelligent and scientifically

educated and as such you should be able to just pick out the

nutrients you want and need without having a doctor's say so... and

you can. So do it.

I appreciate your candor and I also appreciate your passion and

frustration on the topic. So thank you for caring enough to say so.

However this time your throwing stones at the good guys.

Sincerely Wishing You My Very Best,

Dr. Marasco, BS, DC

Cincinnati, Oh

> It's interesting that all three of the supplement companies


> require a doctor or " health care professional " (what does that mean

> exactly?) in order to buy. I find that a bit disturbing and I


> others might too. Maybe we are so damaged by the health care


> that has pitted the populace against the experts, the " we know it

> all, shut up and do what we say " mentality. Not to say that is the

> attitude of these vitamin companies or the professionals who use

> them. But if I am in good health, well informed, with a scientific

> education, and all I want is a supplemental multivitamin -- is it

> really necessary for me to see a doctor to get that vitamin? I


> understand if they strongly suggest one should get a professional

> evaluation and recommendation. But why won't they take my money

> unless I spend more of it on a doctor? Also no one responded to


> post asking for an NT-compatible Bay Area doctor, so maybe there


> none. I went to an " alternative " practice a few years ago on Ocean

> Ave. and they charged huge sums of money and sold me supplements I

> didn't need right from their office. I'm not trying to be


> -- I just suggest the " rolls royce " of supplement companies might

> act more like toyota - honest well built products; innovation; and

> availability to anyone smart enought to buy from their company.

> End of rant.


> >Message: 14

> > Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2002 23:08:59 -0000

> > From: " drmichaelmarasco " <mmarasco@c...>

> >Subject: Re: help... constipated on NT milk formula...



> >As you might have guessed yes.

> >Multizyme is the Rolls Royce of Enzymes, and it is made not

> >surprisingly by Standard Process.


> >Biotics makes a good enzyme product.

> >Doctors Research makes a good one if I remember correctly.

> >There is another company out of Montana that makes a good enzyme

> >product also however I do not remember their name right now.

> >And I'm certain that there are others out there that are good that


> >don't even know about. However there's Elvis and there's everybody

> >else. There's Jordan and there's everybody else. There's


> >and there's everybody else. Don't take my word for it, see for

> >yourself.

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this is very interesting. i had also written off this product line b/c i

thought i was forced to go through a doctor - another doctor's visit that i

did not need or want to pay for - particularly for two reasons:

1. if it was just to get vitamins

2. if i would be refered to a doctor that was not covered by my insurance.

i could be wrong, but my impression was that complaints about SP were for

this very reason. one gets the impression that they will have to spend a

cover charge just to allow them to purchase vitamins or other

upplements. - i am glad to hear that we don't need to do this.

----- Original Message -----

From: " drmichaelmarasco " <mmarasco@...>

< >

Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 6:06 PM

Subject: Re: supplements [was: help... constipated on NT

milk formula...]

Dear Daphne,

I'm not quite sure as to the nature of your disturbance

regarding Standard Processes distribution methods. As a Non-health

care professional I years ago, a well-informed, healthy, educated

person who wanted the best supplement nutrition I could get bought

Standard Process supplements without any qualms. I did not care then

and do not care now what methods they use for distribution. You can

purchase any SP product from any health care professional who has

them in their office. Go to the SP website, find out who is in your

area, call them up or go right in and say hey I want your

mutltivitamin/mineral Catalyn. 99% of them will say fine that's $32

please, and you will go on your merry way with the best multivitamin

made on planet earth. There is no great conspiracy to keep you from

the good stuff. If you are in good health and don't need a doctor's

services then you are right you should be able to get the simple

wellness type supplements you want, and you can, so do it.

You are pandering when you say you don't want to be offensive as

you are being offensive. I understand your frustration with the

health care system and I personally and professionally share those

frustration however to lump every single individual and company in

the health care system in with one bad experience you've had is only

going to harm one person ... you. I see it everyday, people coming

in my office with supplements they don't want or need. Worse yet

they are virtually all synthetics that will ultimately cause them

more harm than good. Everyday I see people coming in maimed and

damagedby a bogus sick care system, in regard to that frustration you

are preaching to the choir.

My next statement I will admit I am not 100% certain on.

However I am about 90% and if it is important to you let me know and

I will confirm it beyond any doubt. Standard Process has been

battling the FDA on YOUR behalf and their own of course, for over 70

years, they follow strict guidelines that allows them to produce the

unparalleled product they do without being shut down. You'll notice

that on most every supplement you buy at the retail store it says

something to the effect of " these statements have not been evaluated

by the FDA " you will not find this on SP products, why? because the

ridiculous labeling rigors they are subjected to is beyond belief and

they are evaluated by the FDA. You may ask why do they do this? My

honest answer is I don't know. From a business perspective this is

the most moronic practice you can imagine. Subjecting yourself to

FDA scruitiny and limiting your sales outlets to private

practitioners when instead you can cut cost on product quality, spend

some of the savings on marketing and a flashy label and then sell it

at unlimited numbers of retail outlets where just based on results

alone will absolutely assure multiplying the financial power of the

company many times over. I don't really know why they don't do

this. But the important thing is they don't.

An answer to your question also as to why they are sold in

health care practitioners offices is this. They produce a huge line

of products. Some general wellness based and many organ, system,

tissue specific. I am certain that you are educated and I am certain

you are intelligent, and it is not my intention to blow my own horn

and I'm the last person to stick up for doctors of any kind, however

there is something to be said for a well thought out extensive health

based education and something called thousands of patients and years

of experience, I am going to assume niether of which you have.

You are CORRECT 100% beyond any shadow of a doubt Daphne you are

healthy and well informed, very intelligent and scientifically

educated and as such you should be able to just pick out the

nutrients you want and need without having a doctor's say so... and

you can. So do it.

I appreciate your candor and I also appreciate your passion and

frustration on the topic. So thank you for caring enough to say so.

However this time your throwing stones at the good guys.

Sincerely Wishing You My Very Best,

Dr. Marasco, BS, DC

Cincinnati, Oh

> It's interesting that all three of the supplement companies


> require a doctor or " health care professional " (what does that mean

> exactly?) in order to buy. I find that a bit disturbing and I


> others might too. Maybe we are so damaged by the health care


> that has pitted the populace against the experts, the " we know it

> all, shut up and do what we say " mentality. Not to say that is the

> attitude of these vitamin companies or the professionals who use

> them. But if I am in good health, well informed, with a scientific

> education, and all I want is a supplemental multivitamin -- is it

> really necessary for me to see a doctor to get that vitamin? I


> understand if they strongly suggest one should get a professional

> evaluation and recommendation. But why won't they take my money

> unless I spend more of it on a doctor? Also no one responded to


> post asking for an NT-compatible Bay Area doctor, so maybe there


> none. I went to an " alternative " practice a few years ago on Ocean

> Ave. and they charged huge sums of money and sold me supplements I

> didn't need right from their office. I'm not trying to be


> -- I just suggest the " rolls royce " of supplement companies might

> act more like toyota - honest well built products; innovation; and

> availability to anyone smart enought to buy from their company.

> End of rant.


> >Message: 14

> > Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2002 23:08:59 -0000

> > From: " drmichaelmarasco " <mmarasco@c...>

> >Subject: Re: help... constipated on NT milk formula...



> >As you might have guessed yes.

> >Multizyme is the Rolls Royce of Enzymes, and it is made not

> >surprisingly by Standard Process.


> >Biotics makes a good enzyme product.

> >Doctors Research makes a good one if I remember correctly.

> >There is another company out of Montana that makes a good enzyme

> >product also however I do not remember their name right now.

> >And I'm certain that there are others out there that are good that


> >don't even know about. However there's Elvis and there's everybody

> >else. There's Jordan and there's everybody else. There's


> >and there's everybody else. Don't take my word for it, see for

> >yourself.

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I am glad to have helped clear this up. You do not need a doctor or

a prescription to be able to get Standard Process products. You just

need to find out who in your area carries them from the SP website.

I will admit that someone out there is going to find some weenie doc

who won't sell to them without a visit to that office. However if

that happens 1 of 100 times it will be a lot. For most all you need

to do is call the office, verify they stock the product you want, go

in and pick it up or have them order it for you. If all this is too

complicated or inconvenient just email me and I'll get it for you.

I do want to reiterate that this is how you can easily acquire

Catalyn (multi) and All Organic Trace Minerals and other " wellness "

daily type products, SP does have an extensive array of tissue and

system specific products and although you certainly can I do not

recommend just arbitrarily shotgunning this or that product to see if

it " works " . That being said, I don't recommend that for any

supplement not just SP. If there is a problem outside the realm of

wellnes then I strongly recommend doing your due dilligence, whacking

at the bushes and finding a good pro to work with. As I have

extended before to all if I can help find a local person for someone

I always am happy to try, sometimes the pickins are way to thin and

then the other options are to work with someone from afar, pro's like

Dr. Byrnes or myself and there are several others out there who are

excellent. The point being, the sentiment of handling your own

wellness I am in full agreement with. However if it gets more

complex than that, for most people consulting someone with a track

record and experience is invaluable and will save lots of time, money

and dissappointment.

Ps- Do NOT consult a professional who will not teach you as they work

with you. If they're just going to give you a bunch of pills find

someone else.

Thanks Dana for bringing this to my attention. I hope I have

provided some clarity on the subject.


Dr. Marasco,BS,DC


> > It's interesting that all three of the supplement companies

> mentioned

> > require a doctor or " health care professional " (what does that


> > exactly?) in order to buy. I find that a bit disturbing and I

> suspect

> > others might too. Maybe we are so damaged by the health care

> system

> > that has pitted the populace against the experts, the " we know it

> > all, shut up and do what we say " mentality. Not to say that is


> > attitude of these vitamin companies or the professionals who use

> > them. But if I am in good health, well informed, with a


> > education, and all I want is a supplemental multivitamin -- is it

> > really necessary for me to see a doctor to get that vitamin? I

> could

> > understand if they strongly suggest one should get a professional

> > evaluation and recommendation. But why won't they take my money

> > unless I spend more of it on a doctor? Also no one responded to

> the

> > post asking for an NT-compatible Bay Area doctor, so maybe there

> are

> > none. I went to an " alternative " practice a few years ago on


> > Ave. and they charged huge sums of money and sold me supplements I

> > didn't need right from their office. I'm not trying to be

> offensive

> > -- I just suggest the " rolls royce " of supplement companies might

> > act more like toyota - honest well built products; innovation; and

> > availability to anyone smart enought to buy from their company.

> > End of rant.

> >

> > >Message: 14

> > > Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2002 23:08:59 -0000

> > > From: " drmichaelmarasco " <mmarasco@c...>

> > >Subject: Re: help... constipated on NT milk formula...

> >

> >

> > >As you might have guessed yes.

> > >Multizyme is the Rolls Royce of Enzymes, and it is made not

> > >surprisingly by Standard Process.

> >

> > >Biotics makes a good enzyme product.

> > >Doctors Research makes a good one if I remember correctly.

> > >There is another company out of Montana that makes a good enzyme

> > >product also however I do not remember their name right now.

> > >And I'm certain that there are others out there that are good


> I

> > >don't even know about. However there's Elvis and there's


> > >else. There's Jordan and there's everybody else.


> SP

> > >and there's everybody else. Don't take my word for it, see for

> > >yourself.





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