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Theory on Cause of Autism

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Heidi...that was a fascinating article. I'm sad to say that that scenario is our story...and my damaged immune system was the lyme that I didn't even know I had. Everything else was US ....the pitocin, in and out of labor, the problems breastfeeding. UGG

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I love this theory on the cause of autism. Now note, that several pathogens also cause Th 2 dominance, such as lyme. Thus, its not like I am excluding anything by supporting this theory. This theory explains how our immune systems are tilted by pathogens, vaccines, induced labor, not breastfeeding, etc. It also talks about metals. Skim to half-way down, go past the whole survey thing and read from:"The Theory: What Causes Autism" after using this link:http://www.selfhealthandawarenesscenter.com/autism_survey.htmYou will not regret spending the time to read this, I promise.Heidi N Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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I love this theory on the cause of autism. Now note, that several

pathogens also cause Th 2 dominance, such as lyme. Thus, its not like

I am excluding anything by supporting this theory. This theory

explains how our immune systems are tilted by pathogens, vaccines,

induced labor, not breastfeeding, etc. It also talks about metals.

Skim to half-way down, go past the whole survey thing and read from:

" The Theory: What Causes Autism " after using this link:


You will not regret spending the time to read this, I promise.

Heidi N

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In short, if a child has a compromised immune system (either from

the use of pitocin or a parent whose immune system was compromised

before birth or they are sick at the time they are given a vaccine)

and that child is administered vaccines, it will likely become


sadly I don't agree because whe you travel to other countries where

they do not receive petusin or oxitoxin or vaccines and they still

have autistic children you still have to find the common denominator

and i found it to be pesticides in crops and foods.



> I love this theory on the cause of autism. Now note, that several

> pathogens also cause Th 2 dominance, such as lyme. Thus, its not


> I am excluding anything by supporting this theory. This theory

> explains how our immune systems are tilted by pathogens, vaccines,

> induced labor, not breastfeeding, etc. It also talks about


> Skim to half-way down, go past the whole survey thing and read



> " The Theory: What Causes Autism " after using this link:


> http://www.selfhealthandawarenesscenter.com/autism_survey.htm


> You will not regret spending the time to read this, I promise.


> Heidi N


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Lets look at this together. I have seen that the commonality among

the children with autism and adults with MCS, MS, ALS, Alzheimers,

etc. is that they are full of pathogens and toxins and that their

immune systems are off. The TH1/Th2 is off. Now, you can say that

you believe that the pesticides are causing this. That could easily

be true. You can say they are the main cause; that could be true.

But to say these other things don't interplay is false because I have

read too many stories where children are getting better by consuming

colustrum, even from cows to tilt the Th1/Th2 back to normal. Plus,

I have read too many recoveries and have seen my own recoveries from

concentrating on these areas. But, there are studies showing a link

between pesticides, metals, pathogens, etc. to autism. I say they

can all be right. And there doesn't have to be one answer. There is

just too many toxins, electrosmog, processed foods, pathogens, poor

health care, today that all kinds of things can be to blame. Tell me

of a country with no pitocin, everyone breastfeeds, no lyme, no

metals, only pesticides and has autism. I will study that country to

learn more. But, I don't know if you can find one anymore. Last

word I got, lyme disease is such an epidemic, that countries that do

not have ticks, are getting it in epidemic proportions. The world is

not in good shape.

Heidi N

> >

> > I love this theory on the cause of autism. Now note, that


> > pathogens also cause Th 2 dominance, such as lyme. Thus, its not

> like

> > I am excluding anything by supporting this theory. This theory

> > explains how our immune systems are tilted by pathogens,


> > induced labor, not breastfeeding, etc. It also talks about

> metals.

> > Skim to half-way down, go past the whole survey thing and read

> from:

> >

> > " The Theory: What Causes Autism " after using this link:

> >

> > http://www.selfhealthandawarenesscenter.com/autism_survey.htm

> >

> > You will not regret spending the time to read this, I promise.

> >

> > Heidi N

> >


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A while back when I was researching the forums daily concerning autism (still do), I remember seeing from time to time, postings from parents such as, "my kid no longer has autism, I found out he had lyme and treated him"; "just found out my child with autism has lyme, just started treating him, and his autism symptoms are already going away". I actually did not look up lyme yet after seeing a post here and there because, I too, thought about the whole tick thing. My thoughts were, "Wow, those people are so lucky to know the cause of their child's autism, there's no way I could be that lucky". I had a lot of stupid thoughts during my journey. I never looked into it, and I may have only found some out-dated allopathic information had I attempted, which would not have been helpful. It's all in the key words you use to google. One day, I stumbled on this website link:


That was my light bulb. I danced and sang for 30 minutes of joy. Finally it all came to me. My whole family had symptoms of lyme, although each member had different symptoms. My mother even died of what I now believe to be lyme and Babesia. The docs never figured out what was wrong with her. Everything then made total sense to me. What I did not see coming was that lyme docs were struggling more than the autism docs in keeping the medical boards, insurance companies, etc. off their backs.

My son had a rash that was the Bartonella rash, which looks like stretch marks. I thought it was stretch marks, but he is skinney, so it was odd for him to have them. But, upon researching lyme, I learned it was Bartonella, a coinfection of lyme. I then did much struggling and paid out of pocket to get testing done and we did test positive for Babesia and Bartonella and with low CD 57's. Lyme makes your CD 57 count go low. Its very difficult to test positive for lyme because it destroys your ability to make antibodies, hence the damaged immune system, allowing all other pathogens and toxins to stock-pile. Plus lyme lives inside of cells, where it cannot be seen by tests nor by your immune system to fight it. That's why is such a awful thing.

I have read so many various reports on lyme. It is thought by many to also spread by lice, fleas, mosquitoes, biting flies, sexual intercouse, from mother to fetus, etc. Know that when a tick bites you, you also get other germs, called lyme coinfections, which include Babesia and Bartonella, and there are others. Now note that when you get lyme, you may never have any symptoms and just be a carrier or you may develop symptoms later in life, or you may get sick right away. Lyme's main function is damaging the immune system. Pretty much it causes one to not be able to fight pathogens, nor rid toxins, and also this leads to a disrupted GI tract. As you can see, lyme can fill the bill as the main cause of the epidemics today. I am seeing famous autism docs, one-by-one, turning to lyme as the main treatment target to make their patients with autism well.

Ok, this is very long, but know that lyme is worth exploring.

Heidi N

From Kim:

"I don't know much about Lyme. I thought it wasonly spread by ticks. Can you explain this? Also what does Lyme look like, esp in a childwith ASD? I never considered Lyme because I knewhe'd never had a tick bite."Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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