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Hi Kathie,

My GI was good about diagnosing me that's for sure because she

ordered an esophgeal manometry as the first test (I had an EGD in the

past that was normal) She told me straight out that it was either

esophageal spasms or achalasia... so I prepared myself for the worst,

but hoped for the best.

My sympotms are less severe compared to what I've read here. Maybe

this is because it's early in the process. My main problem is the

night spasms. I sleep with my head really high up, about 90-45

degree angle and I never eat anything for 4 hours before I go to

bed. Food goes down slow, sometimes its painful sometimes it feels

really good! Most of my regurgitation is water and saliva, the

medical term I believe is called " waterbrash " . I don't ever throw

up. Sometimes I get a throbing in the back of my throat. Also I

notice when I get chest pain it starts in my upper right abdomen

radiates into my chest, to the back of my throat, and down my back.

I notice if I drink anything or eat anything it goes away most of the

time...somtimes within seconds it can stop. I noticed as well, I can

only burb if I force it out... no long belches. I was thinking that

maybe this is why I get abdomenal discomfort and pain in my upper

right abdomen because of gas. I've lost minimal amount of weight 130

lbs prior to diagnosis and now I weight 125. I eat smaller portions

because I fill up really fast I find. My appitite is ALWAYS there

thank God, and like I said, my food goes down most of the time and

stays there.

All these symptoms are never consistant like you stated. For

example, the past 3 nights I woke up with severe spasms. Then I wont

have an attack for a week. I do believe the foods affect the

symptoms. If I have anytype of red sauce I'm asking for disaster! I

don't do spicy foods and NEVER anything greesy. Fried foods hurt bad

for me! Maybe because it takes longer to digest because of the oils

that sit around in the Upper GI track. I heard caffiene is bad? Is

this true? I feel guilty when I drink coffee because I don't know if

its bad for A or not?!?! Pop hurts too because it makes me bloaded

with the carbination and its hard for me to burp it out.

I'm glad to hear your myotomy went well! I'm sorry that the dr's

couldn't help you earlier in your disease. To see everyone choosing

the myotomy as the method of choice helps me feel better about my

decision in choosing surgery. I've found some reserch about the

surgery, what I'm trying to find out is the length of time at which

the myotomy works. I found one article that showed positive results

after 16 years!!! If anyone has access to journal articles (you can

find these at most libraries) here is the reference:

Bloomston, Mark, Worth, B., Mamel, J. et al. (1999) Videoscopic

Heller Myotomy for Achalasia- Results beyond Short-Term Follow-Up.

Journal of Surgical Research, volume 92, pg. 150-156.

*Department of Surgery and Department of Gastroenterology, University

of South Florida College of Medicine Tampa FL.

Michigan Go Pistons! :)

> I truly understand the overwhelming feeling that you have when


> are first trying to get this disease diagnosed. You feel like you

> are alone, and no one understands. That is why this group is such


> Godsend.

> , I am THRILLED that your GI recognized your problem and


> directing you to the Myotomy. I was scared to death at the thought

> of surgery ... but I am SO grateful that I did it.

> , glad to hear you " fired " your doctor and found someone

> who knows what they are talking about. You will soon know that if

> you do your research, you will know more than most of the doctors


> in a very short period of time.

> My name is Kathie and I am 57 years old. I had my Hellers


> Laproscopically on March 16, 2005. I live in Pittsburgh, PA and my

> surgeon is Dr. Luketich, UPMC Presbyterian Hospital. Of

> course, since I am doing remarkably well, I personally feel he is


> best there is. (That is my opinion and I am sticking to it).

> My diagnosis took quite a bit of time. I lost 50 pounds in 14

> weeks, so by the time I was diagnosed, found a surgeon, and was

> scheduled, I was terribly weak, nervous, worried and worn out.

> Despite all of this, (and other health issues which complicate the

> whole mess), I sailed thru and am really doing well now. (I am a

> stickler for following the rules and not hurrying the eating


> so I believe this has alot to do with a good recovery)

> Neither of you mentioned how you are doing in the weight loss

> area. Are you regurging often? The spasms ARE awful, and many of

> our fine members have terrific suggestions to help.

> The problem with this disease ... it is different for everyone.

> There is absolutely NOTHING in the progression of this disease that

> is consistant for everyone. Not the symptoms, not the things that

> helps. There are ALOT of similiarities, but no Absolutes. That is

> why it is so difficult to diagnose and treat. If you read thru the

> posts, you will find many helpful suggestions. You will need to


> and choose what works for you.

> There are some really smart people in the group that can direct

> you more to the " actual medical " sites and answers (I am not one of

> them). There is a wonderful pamphlet written by Joan Pearce on the

> data base. Be sure to download it and read it. I have downloaded

> many copies (10 pages) and gave it to my family members and several

> of the doctors who are treating me. It really helps people

> understand what we are going thru.

> I am truly sorry for you that you had to find our group due to

> this disease, however, I am sure you will find the support and

> encouragement that we all need to move on with our lives in spite


> it. Good luck and hope to hear from you both again.

> Kathie in Pittsburgh,PA

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I heard caffiene is bad? Is

this true? I feel guilty when I drink coffee because I don't know if

its bad for A or not?!?! Pop hurts too because it makes me bloaded

with the carbination and its hard for me to burp it out.


I also heard caffiene was supposed to be bad. But I go thru at least a pot

of coffee every day (and never the decaf stuff!) with no problems. I had

surgery in Sept of 03, and drank my coffe up to surgery time and as soon after

as I could! I think you will find that pop has different effects on different

people. Some love it 'cause it opens the les. I, however, am on your side.

Even a couple sips sends the ole' E into spasms!

I know it may be a little further drive, but my surgery was done in

Milwaukee by Dr. Dennis Blom. I believe he did a fantastic job, and would

recommend him to anyone who doesn't mind driving to Milwaukee.

Mike in WI

mc wagner



Take with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

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