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Thoughts on the Valkion and the Eng3 Active Air

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I have found the postings about the Valkion and the Eng3 Active Air to be most interesting. Watching the video helped me feel that there is something "real" to the Valkion. It seems to be very effective in a short span of time to bring about improvements. I went to the websites for both products in an attempt to gain some understanding of what each was designed to address healthwise.

For me these machines seem to be able to accomplish what has been accomplished in our family with the use of the supplements Microhydrin and HydraCell. I want to share this because I from my experience in the last 14 years rapid gains are possible when one addresses health issues at the cellular level.

The use of a machine such as the Valkion or the Eng3 sounds like it could bring about even faster results that what we had with Microhydrin.

I am including a website that has good information about Microhydrin so you can compare what its consumption can and does do. http://www.thewolfeclinic.com/microhydrin.html Compare it with the machines. I think you will find that there are some close comparisons.

The most recent experience we had with Microhydrin in addressing a troubling health issue with our 19 yr old daughter was last March. She was enrolled in a swimming class her 2nd semester of her freshman year in our local university. She loves to be in the water and since she needed a health & wellness class in order to graduate, we all figured swimming would be perfect. What we did not know was that the roof over the swimming pool leaked. When it rained outside it rained inside too!!!! The ceiling was stained --- clearly there was mold growing above the pool. If you know anything about mold you will understand the fact that molds give off micotoxins. These are chemicals. Well, those micotoxins from the mold mixed with the chemicals in the pool. And the next thing we knew was unable to concentrate. She flunked a math test. She was crying at the smallest thing. She exhibited levels of higher than usual anxiety that her sublingual B12 could not address. And she was not able to sing on pitch. That might seem strange but the fact is she was singing on pitch when she was 18 months old -- beautiful voice. Sang before she could communicate in words. She was singing in 2 choral groups at the university. (One she had to audition for.) So this was the clear indication that something was really wrong. Well, once I figured out there was mold in the pool, I knew we had to do something quick to pull out the toxins that had built up in our body. You see we had lived in a toxic mold house which we renovated in 2001-2002 --- out of our house for 6 months. I know what toxic mold can do to our family members.

What I did was to have consume extra amounts of Microhydrin every 3 hours along with 8 oz of pure water with HydraCell added to the water. Within 48 hours she was back to her old self. There is more to the story. That is how we addressed the issue with the University of removing her from swimming but keeping her in an exercise class ---- interesting but not pertinant to what I am trying to share.

The main point here is I believe that the machines are something families might want to seriously considering using. It looks like they are expensive. But if more than one family member can use the machine in the comfort of ones home at anytime of the day or night, then this just might be worth it. And it is an easier method than swallowing tablets or opening them and mixing with food.

Would I personally purchase one? Well, probably not since what we have done has worked for the last 9 years. But for some other families these just might be the way to go.

JanThe Famous, the Infamous, the Lame - in your browser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now!

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I'm so glad you were able to acheive what you did with the

supplements. After the research, with a family that could all use

this we decided just what you posted. The machine is expensive, but

supplements for all of us for any length of time would be more

expensive, so we felt less supplements and the machine which we

would use for many years ended up being our choice, both financially

and physically. The machine was purchased mainly because of my son,

but feel the whole family is definely benefitting. We have

experience some slight detox (headache, extra stools...all good).

The extra energy is nice though. We activated our water today. We'll

keep you posted as we use it further.



> I have found the postings about the Valkion and the Eng3 Active

Air to be most interesting.??? Watching the video helped me feel

that there is something " real " to the Valkion.? It seems to be very

effective in a short span of time to bring about improvements.???? I

went to the websites for both products in an attempt to gain some

understanding of what each was designed to address healthwise.


> For me these machines seem to be able to accomplish what has been

accomplished in our family with the use of the supplements

Microhydrin and HydraCell.? I?want to share this because?I from my

experience in the last 14 years rapid gains are possible when one

addresses health issues at the cellular level.??


> The use of a machine such as the Valkion or the Eng3 sounds like

it could bring about even faster results that what we had with



> I am including a website that has good information about

Microhydrin so you can compare what its consumption can and does

do.? http://www.thewolfeclinic.com/microhydrin.html?? Compare it

with the machines.?? I think you will find that there are some close



> The most recent experience we had with Microhydrin in addressing a

troubling health issue with our 19 yr old daughter was last

March.? She was enrolled in a swimming class her 2nd semester of her

freshman year in our local university.? She loves to be in the water

and since she needed a health & wellness class in order to graduate,

we all figured swimming would be perfect.? What we did not know was

that the roof over the swimming pool leaked.? When it rained outside

it rained inside too!!!!?? The ceiling was stained --- clearly there

was mold growing above the pool.?? If you know anything about mold

you will understand the fact that molds give off micotoxins.? These

are chemicals.? Well, those micotoxins from the mold mixed with the

chemicals in the pool.? And the next thing we knew was

unable to concentrate.? She flunked a math test.? She was crying at

the smallest thing.? ?She exhibited levels of higher than usual

anxiety that her sublingual B12?could not address.? And she was not

able to sing on pitch.? That might seem strange but the fact is she

was singing on pitch when she was 18 months old -- beautiful voice.?

Sang before she could communicate in words.?She was?singing in 2

choral groups at the university. (One she?had to audition for.)? So

this was the clear indication that something was really wrong.?

Well, once I figured out there was mold in the pool, I knew we had

to do something quick to pull out the toxins that had built up in

our body.? You see we had lived in a toxic mold house which we

renovated in 2001-2002 --- out of our house for 6 months.?? I know

what toxic mold can do?to our family members.?


> What I did was to have consume extra amounts of

Microhydrin every 3 hours along with 8 oz of pure water with

HydraCell added to the water.?? Within 48 hours she was back to her

old self.?? There is more to the story.? That is how we addressed

the issue with the University of removing her from swimming but?

keeping her in?an exercise class ---- interesting but not pertinant

to what I am trying to share.


> The main point here is I believe that the machines are something

families might want to seriously considering using.? It looks like

they are expensive.? But if more than one family member can use the

machine in the comfort of ones home at anytime of the day or night,

then this just might be worth it. And it is an easier method than

swallowing tablets or opening them and mixing with food.


> Would I personally purchase one?? Well, probably not since what we

have done has worked for the last 9 years.?? But for some other

families these just might be the way to go.


> Jan


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I have to think that the fact that extra oxygen is getting into blood

and bathing the cells is a major factor for the rapid response you

have observed. I suspect if you were able to take blood samples

before and after its use you would find the before the red blood

cells would be clumped together. Afterward they would be unclumped

and moving freely and each on its own.

I have seen video of this with both the use of Microhydrin and

Pycnogenol. First say it in 1994 on a video from the company (Kaire)

we purchased Pycnogenol from and that convinced me that we needed to

keep using it. And the fact was we were seeing good results with

brain function with both our teenage daughter - bedridden with a

diagnosis of Fibromyalgia (I will always believe it was far more that

that!). Our youngest daughter then 5 yr and ASD was also

responding. Then in 1997 the Microhydrin came on the market

(company then called Light Force) and we found that it worked.

At that time there was not Internet discussion lists and our local

doctors were clueless as how to help us. There were no Alternative

physicians that I could find here that were of much more help. A

machine such as theses were not either available or totally unknown

to me. And I suspect even if it had been presented to me in the

1990s I would have dismissed it. I was not looking for answers from

a machine. But now I can better understand and appreciate how such

machines could work. I think the use of this machine is helping the

mitochondria to function and in turn the waste products in each cell

are excreted more fully and nutrients are ushered in more fully.

I wonder if you have taken any body fluid samples before and after

using the Valkion? If so, what is the pH in both cases? I suspect

you may find that the body fluid changes from acid to alkaline.


> >

> > I have found the postings about the Valkion and the Eng3 Active

> Air to be most interesting.??? Watching the video helped me feel

> that there is something " real " to the Valkion.? It seems to be very

> effective in a short span of time to bring about improvements.????


> went to the websites for both products in an attempt to gain some

> understanding of what each was designed to address healthwise.

> >

> > For me these machines seem to be able to accomplish what has been

> accomplished in our family with the use of the supplements

> Microhydrin and HydraCell.? I?want to share this because?I from my

> experience in the last 14 years rapid gains are possible when one

> addresses health issues at the cellular level.??

> >

> > The use of a machine such as the Valkion or the Eng3 sounds like

> it could bring about even faster results that what we had with

> Microhydrin.

> >

> > I am including a website that has good information about

> Microhydrin so you can compare what its consumption can and does

> do.? http://www.thewolfeclinic.com/microhydrin.html?? Compare it

> with the machines.?? I think you will find that there are some


> comparisons.

> >

> > The most recent experience we had with Microhydrin in addressing


> troubling health issue with our 19 yr old daughter was last

> March.? She was enrolled in a swimming class her 2nd semester of


> freshman year in our local university.? She loves to be in the


> and since she needed a health & wellness class in order to


> we all figured swimming would be perfect.? What we did not know was

> that the roof over the swimming pool leaked.? When it rained


> it rained inside too!!!!?? The ceiling was stained --- clearly


> was mold growing above the pool.?? If you know anything about mold

> you will understand the fact that molds give off micotoxins.? These

> are chemicals.? Well, those micotoxins from the mold mixed with the

> chemicals in the pool.? And the next thing we knew was

> unable to concentrate.? She flunked a math test.? She was crying at

> the smallest thing.? ?She exhibited levels of higher than usual

> anxiety that her sublingual B12?could not address.? And she was not

> able to sing on pitch.? That might seem strange but the fact is she

> was singing on pitch when she was 18 months old -- beautiful


> Sang before she could communicate in words.?She was?singing in 2

> choral groups at the university. (One she?had to audition for.)? So

> this was the clear indication that something was really wrong.?

> Well, once I figured out there was mold in the pool, I knew we had

> to do something quick to pull out the toxins that had built up in

> our body.? You see we had lived in a toxic mold house which we

> renovated in 2001-2002 --- out of our house for 6 months.?? I know

> what toxic mold can do?to our family members.?

> >

> > What I did was to have consume extra amounts of

> Microhydrin every 3 hours along with 8 oz of pure water with

> HydraCell added to the water.?? Within 48 hours she was back to her

> old self.?? There is more to the story.? That is how we addressed

> the issue with the University of removing her from swimming but?

> keeping her in?an exercise class ---- interesting but not pertinant

> to what I am trying to share.

> >

> > The main point here is I believe that the machines are something

> families might want to seriously considering using.? It looks like

> they are expensive.? But if more than one family member can use the

> machine in the comfort of ones home at anytime of the day or night,

> then this just might be worth it. And it is an easier method than

> swallowing tablets or opening them and mixing with food.

> >

> > Would I personally purchase one?? Well, probably not since what


> have done has worked for the last 9 years.?? But for some other

> families these just might be the way to go.

> >

> > Jan

> >


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