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Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Printable Version +- Aspies For Freedom (http://www.aspiesforfreedom.com) +-- Forum: General (/forumdisplay.php?fid=48) +--- Forum: Treatment in society (/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +--- Thread: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder (/showthread.php?tid=14904) Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-16-2008 08:26 PM

There is a highly offensive group on Facebook called: "Protection Force for Young Females from Autism" Their description is as follows: "Contrarary to what Autism supremesy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE AUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most, of Autistic people are more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder, MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of being around Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people; we do not want violence against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are aware of the potential danger. Kayukov- My friend who made the video has a self diagnosed online Autistic friend. Too much of what people hear on the news and on the internet about Autism is biased positive information created by the lovers of Autistic

people to try to create Autism awareness with the sole intention of giving the Autistic people a special place in normal society. These people who are promoting "Autism awareness" are not giving the complete picture; the purpose of this group is to provide that picture and protect the innocent. Autism is a disease that affects almost entirely boys; one theory for this is that Autism is an "extreme male mind." Autistic boys are apethetic and are unable to know how another person feels, or will feel. They also become very distressed if they do not get their way. This could be somthing like a minor violation of their strict rutine, the birth of a sister, a haircut, or failure for another person to make a decision that the Autistic boy agrees with. Part of the problem with the intense reaction to a dicision that the Autistic boy does not agree with is their need for control and lack of empathy. How can a person accept a decision different from their own if they cannot

imagine that other people have thoughts different from their own? Finally, Autistic boys often use and threaten violence as a way of expressing their frustrutation because they have great difficulty in expressing their feelings to other people in meaningful ways. To review the elements of the Autistic boy, they cannot empathize, imagine that other people have views different from their own, require a rigidly structured enviornment and become very distressed if anyone disturbs it, and frequently resort to violence. If this isn't enough, Autistic boys are extremely impulsive. Imagine that an Autistic boy named is alone with his friend Kate. Autistic boys desire sex like all boys do, but boys with Autism are unable to express their emotions in ways that are meaningful to other people and have an exteme male mind. What if Kate does not want to have sex with ? He is rigid, apethetic, thinks everyone shares his ideas, impulsive, extremely male, and violent. Do you think

would accept Kate's feelings? No, I think you know what comes next. This group does not encurage hatred of any kind; it is only to give young women a complete picture and to help them." That is their description. On the site, there is also a drawing of a female teenager with the caption: "To you she is a human being like you, but to a person mentally crippled with autism she is no more an object than a blender". They have a so called "autism awareness" video warning females that autistic males are potential sexual predators. This video also has a mug shot of Ted Bundy and another picture of Andrei Chikatilo (known as the Rostov Ripper) a Ukranian serial murderer convicted of the murders of 52 women and children. Here is the hyperlink to the website: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20379907381

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-16-2008 09:06 PM Does this have any connection to the videos on Youtube which were made by, or with, friends of a woman called Tanja Koch? It sounds very similar, and yes, horrific and absolutely out of order. Do Facebook remove sites like this if they are reported and found to be offensive? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-16-2008 09:11 PM

Yes it does. her friend was the one who made them. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-16-2008 09:22 PM facebook should be asked to take that down.I dont know how to do that do you? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - FeelingArranger - 11-16-2008 09:34 PM Almost all the way down, "report group". RE: Facebook Group

Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-16-2008 09:59 PM What a lot of rot. Facebook a blot on human society where any whacko can say anything and get away with it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - ethereal - 11-16-2008 10:42 PM I'm so flabberghasted, disgusted and outraged at this!!! What utter **** ***!!! My boyfriend has severe Asperger's and is THE most gentle man I have ever dated. I want to do something about this but don't know what............I'm so **** angry!

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-16-2008 10:55 PM I have reported it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-16-2008 11:47 PM Nice, very nice. And we have no right of reply, since they have said they'll ban autistics, or "autistic supremisists" (their misspelling) who try to post. And did you know we're now considered a separate race? (Do they mean species, I wonder?) Oh, but what am I

thinking, despite my dx, I'm not autistic, I'm a GIRL, so presumably I'm still a part of the human species! What a load of dingoes kidneys. Alison (who has never once in my life ever mistaken a girl for a blender ... ) RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-17-2008 12:29 AM This is disgusting! Would it help if loads of people reported ti? B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Harry - 11-17-2008 12:45 AM Her video was on YouTube (again) recently, but got taken down after a few days... The more people report it the better. Could you help spread the word on other boards; especially WP? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-17-2008 12:59 AM I have already posted this on WP. A lot of posters have reported it and are quite upset over this. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - RJARRRPCGP - 11-17-2008 01:08 AM Why don't you rat them out on YouTube? Have the videos flagged? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - couldbecousin - 11-17-2008 01:14 AM Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-17-2008 01:36 AM Their video was removed from YouTube twice when I reported this. That video is on facebook. Yes, I am going to be making a video about this and putting it on YouTube. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - 11-17-2008

02:27 AM Judging from that, I doubt that the group is valid. From what mental hospital have they escaped from? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 02:59 AM couldbecousin Wrote:Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed? I think it has been removed, I can't find it anywhere.

Well, we certainly have some very vicious enemies out there for what end, who knows? I can only guess. Yet another group of whackos to push offline. Any idea what country the perps are in? There are some very tough slander laws in many countries and this thing is full of slander. I'm happy to pursue them if in OZ. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - 11-17-2008 03:27 AM Let me guess: Amerikkka. (Satiric misspelling) RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 06:31 AM Judging from the names and places involved, Russia or Ukraine? Over the weekend I was listening to a brief sermon on Christian radio riding back from Hagerstown to Shepherdstown in my friend's truck. Some female preacher was saying that Hannah, mother of whom she dedicated unto the LORD, had two problems, first that she simply wanted a child, and two, that she had deeper cultural and personal issues: a second wife that had plenty of kids and rubbed her infertility into her, a culture that said kids were a woman's reward and glory and old age security (when said if she did not have a son she would die, she meant literally, but in old age), a culture that said if women did not have kids they had sinned ( said God had removed her curse when she bore the

Baptist), a false accusation of sin against Hannah by a priest, and so on. I think I have two problems, the first one being solved. 1. Being mistreated because of Asperger/being inferior by reason of Asperger. Waldorf land (1977-1988) was a place where I was mistreated because of what lay people thought was mental retardation and because of special education until 1983. Most misbehaviors against me (up to and including sexual battery) were done and legitimated by the sense a disability made it acceptable to mistreat a child. There were also periods after college when I could not get an employment interview, and time after graduate school when interviews failed, presumably because of Asperger (the one interview that did succeed was supported by heavy coaching). The fact that I succeed as a computer programmer and am compensated reasonably well for it as some sort of vengenance and

affirmation against what went on. 2. I am single, yes, but that might be for lack of a neurocompatible woman (female of my subspecies?) I don't think neurodiverse/neurotypical unions work often, and if they do, the two of them write books and sell them on Amazon. Even Temple Grandin said neurobalanced unions work best. That is not an emotionally threatening thing to say. I am simply surrounded by females of a slightly different species. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 07:02 AM Ah well Shrek what can I say, heading off on a tangent again. Cause females are a slightly different species, they are

female. Who can understand the female mind, least of all us mere males. I always take the bible with a big grain of salt only to the extent of known knowledge from the time period when written so a literal interpretation is extremely fallicious to say the least. *I duck for cover* Theological debates last for years on this point. At least 5000 years and counting. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-17-2008 07:08 AM Shrek Wrote:2. I am single, yes, but that might be for lack of a neurocompatible woman (female of my subspecies?) I don't think neurodiverse/neurotypical unions work often, and if they do, the two

of them write books and sell them on Amazon. Even Temple Grandin said neurobalanced unions work best. That is not an emotionally threatening thing to say. I am simply surrounded by females of a slightly different species. Well, NT/AT unions *can* work, but it's not an easy road, you do have to work at it. (Like any marriage, I suppose?) One thing I've noticed is that a lot of us with such miscegenacious marriages that do work often have found NT partners from a very different background culture to our own. In my case, Vernu is a Indian Ocean Islander, whose third language is English! His culture is as different to my own background as is possible to get, and that's why he accepted a lot of stuff from me at the start of the relationship as "normal" or representative of how all Aussie girls acted (studious with intense interests).

And it may sound sexist, but it's true that his background culture favours women who are reserved and quiet, which is definitely me a lot of the time! And I know of a few other couples who are mixed NT/AT, and those with a cultural "mix" tend to be the ones that work. So I'm all for mixing up the genes and cultures; it's fun and educational all at the same time Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 07:15 AM I've never been insulted by a blender RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 07:21 AM Any marriage is hard work. The wedding day lasts for a few hours. The marriage is for life. As you well know my wife is NT well and truly and I am not. A fair bit of learned relationship skills go a long way. OK I did have to learn them at an intellectual level and not by NT osmosis (for lack of a better word) RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-17-2008 07:26 AM micgrace

Wrote:A fair bit of learned relationship skills go a long way. OK I did have to learn them at an intellectual level and not by NT osmosis (for lack of a better word) "NT osmosis"! That's an excellent term for it, and doesn't it seem like that sometimes? There was a new advertisement on television last night, and neither nor I got it, and had to turn to Vernu, our resident NT Translator, for help! (It was that new one that the government is running, where child abusers say "thank you" to all those people who suspect but don't say or do anything about it.) It was crystal clear (nastily so) once Vernu interpreted it for us, but I had no idea what was going on up until then. Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 07:39 AM "NT osmosis", what most learn at an intiuitive level by social interactions. And I as an aspies does not unless told or (fortunately) by close observation of others. Like all that pathetic small talk when someone is sizing up a potential mate, thats what it is for. The innuendo, gossip (where hints are dropped), you name it. They don't teach that ever. By the way I watch satellite TV almost exclusively so I haven't seen that ad yet. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-17-2008 08:49 AM couldbecousin Wrote:Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed? You must be in and its the Report Group link at the bottom of the page, I added this to my blog as well and a few have reported it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 09:15 AM This is the link to facebook to report malicious crap. I don't have

an account and refuse to due to security concerns with facebook. http://www.facebook.com/help/contact_generic.php RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-17-2008 10:46 AM couldbecousin Wrote:Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed? I

think the report link is only there if you have a facebook account and login. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-17-2008 10:47 AM Silver Meteor Wrote:Their video was removed from YouTube twice when I reported this. That video is on facebook. Yes, I am going to be making a video about this and putting it on YouTube. Please don't fuel them by giving them more attention RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - FeelingArranger - 11-17-2008 01:13 PM Gareth Wrote: Silver Meteor Wrote:Their video was removed from YouTube twice when I reported this. That video is on facebook. Yes, I am going to be making a video about this and putting it on YouTube. Please don't fuel them by giving them more attention Better to write to facebook, and the groups mislead members if you want to do something about it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-17-2008 02:59 PM Heh, look who just posted in that group.... Quote: Best wrote at 9:30am Hi, Did you know that we can cure autism now? There are a few mental cases who have Asperger's and think they are superior to everyone but most people with autism have severe struggles in their lives. I can't blame you for being afraid of people with brain damage who might not be fully aware of what they are doing. It's not enough to simply identify a possible problem. You need to be aware of solutions. You could turn this into a positive outcome for everyone by helping us spread the word that autism is brain damage caused by vaccines and we know how to cure it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and

Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 03:57 PM I responded that a. when I turn on a blender it usually does b. I have never been insulted by a blender c. as a sociologist and diagnosed Aspie her statements are responsible for much of the discrimination against our minority group RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 04:18 PM I made a scathing and logical argument. It makes me feel better now. RE: Facebook Group Warns

Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marx - 11-17-2008 05:12 PM http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20379907381#/group.php?gid=20379907381 Four words to describe the creator of that facebook group, andra Kayukov: -Callous -Unpleasant -Nasty -Terrifying RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 05:25 PM I suggested those frightened women consider same sex relationships because men make

up the vast majority of rapes, spouse abuse, spouse murders (I didn't say child abuse but I should have). Women make better mates and parents on average, judging from statistics such as violent crime. This is not to say that the Violence Against Women Act does not eventually discuss, for example, a few other women in intimate relationships, nor deny that some mothers kill their children ( Yates), only in far fewer numbers than men. A sizable proportion of wife-killing-husband killings are in response to his long-term violence, frequently self-defense. Or perhaps the women are more intimidated against doing these things because we would punish them more harshly. Wives convicted of spouse murder get worse sentences than husbands convicted of spouse murder. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and

Murder - Marx - 11-17-2008 05:32 PM Marcia Wrote:I have reported it. I had too! RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 06:12 PM Wondering if I should write a submission for the local newspaper (land Independent) in Waldorf. Perhaps even just a letter to the editor, but enough to say that the laypeople's assessment of my specialness was wrong and that the good people of Waldorf should treat their current generation of

special education kids better. Shrek Wrote:1. Being mistreated because of Asperger/being inferior by reason of Asperger. Waldorf land (1977-1988) was a place where I was mistreated because of what lay people thought was mental retardation and because of special education until 1983. Most misbehaviors against me (up to and including sexual battery) were done and legitimated by the sense a disability made it acceptable to mistreat a child. There were also periods after college when I could not get an employment interview, and time after graduate school when interviews failed, presumably because of Asperger (the one interview that did succeed was supported by heavy coaching). The fact that I succeed as a computer programmer and am compensated reasonably well for it as some sort of vengenance and affirmation against what went on. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-18-2008 07:25 AM If this person is any of you please stop, your accomplishing making yourself look like Best Quote: (Charters School) wrote at 2:59pm YOU **** IDIOT, THERE ARE SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE YOU COULD PROTECT WOMEN FROM, SOCIOPATHS, MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS, GARRY GLITTER. BUT NO , NO YOU HAVE TO CHOSE US. PLEASE GO HOME AND RETHINK YOUR F**KING LIFE YOU RACIST. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder -

Marcia - 11-18-2008 08:27 AM ^^ I hope you're not suggesting that you seriously think that any of us would have posted something like that! RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-18-2008 08:38 AM No one here that I know. So don't troll here. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008

03:28 PM Scathing responses. This feels good. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-18-2008 03:42 PM I don't know many of the full names of people here, but from things I have had in the past with people here it would not surprise me if it was one of you. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 04:14 PM I am (Marsh). I am educated with a

scathing wit. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-18-2008 04:22 PM I'm not revealing my full name, but I do now have a red patch on my forehead where I banged it off my laptop! RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 04:30 PM Did you like my wit Marcia?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Harry - 11-18-2008 05:17 PM For some reason, Best doesn't want to be my facebook fiend :-( RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 05:30 PM Good show Harry. Harry do you like my wit? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-18-2008 08:35 PM TheZach Wrote:I don't know many of the full names of people here, but from things I have had in the past with people here it would not surprise me if it was one of you. One way to distinguish my posts from others is that, being hyperlexic, I would *never* write "chose" when I mean "choose" Alison Lesley Venugoban, age 47, pretty Australian Aspie, girl, etc ... RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 08:56 PM I believe you . My cousin is 49. Of she and her daughter Janet (24) at the family reunion last June I invented the phrase "Kravetzes are goddesses." I am very literate too. Is that what hyperlexic means? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-18-2008 09:54 PM The Zach always trolling. get lost. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - 11-19-2008 01:46 AM I...GAH! I'll get around this soon. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 03:14 AM I caught Best in an illegal recommendation. Best Wrote:Invite your female friends out for a drink, get them drunk and you might get lucky. which he recommended to me no less. According to my Criminology 402 at Shepherd University, it is generally illegal to have sex with a woman who is drunk even if

she is willing because she is not capable of consent (or driving). The law generally recognizes consent to require a mind below the legal limit. Get a breathalyzer for the master bedroom. "Blow, dear" So I reported him for supporting illegal activity. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-19-2008 03:26 AM A note: Every post you make there gives them more attention. Don't bother, just keep reporting it. Don't give free advertising and don't engage them. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - satyrwilder - 11-19-2008 03:41 AM ly, and this is something these philistine NTs are not capable of realizing until you tell them, but autistic people are at risk of sexual abuse from the NT population, not vice versa. After all that compliance that was pounded into our heads, after how long they spent teaching us that other people get to decide who and when and how it's okay to touch us, god forbid your autistic child grow up attractive. It's a recipe for vulnerability and exploitation. I should know. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008

04:09 AM I'm always watching out for my daughter. Teenage, very attractive, very aspie (which she won't admit) and heavily computer orientated. Locked code? What locked code? (active disencouragement underway) I have an intense dislike of bullies and such scum that try to take advantage of others. I do believe till bullying attracts the same sentence or indeed any sentence as an assault it will never be viewed as what it really is, a severe criminal offence against the person. I still suffer from effects of being bullied physically and sexually many years later. And I'm no wimp. Just aspie. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-19-2008 01:57 PM Yes,

I'd have to agree…The comments made by that facebook group are very ill-informed and offensive. A lack of empathy generally means autistic people avoid interaction with other; they don’t force interaction through violence. In addition, a lack of empathy doesn’t equate to a lack of compassion or morality. And (as has been stated above) autistic people are more likely to be those taken advantage of…not the reverse. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 03:33 PM Because I have had personal experience with a few members on this forum going around acting like immature idiots swearing and threatening to get there way and calling it activism - I thought I would point out that it is

not activism doing that once again. micgrace Wrote:The Zach always trolling. get lost. Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command." RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-19-2008 03:36 PM satyrwilder Wrote:ly, and this is something these philistine NTs are not capable of realizing until you tell them, but autistic people are at risk of sexual abuse from the NT

population, not vice versa. After all that compliance that was pounded into our heads, after how long they spent teaching us that other people get to decide who and when and how it's okay to touch us, god forbid your autistic child grow up attractive. It's a recipe for vulnerability and exploitation. I should know. Yes, and I know it only too well too. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - ethereal - 11-19-2008 04:09 PM I don't think being an attractive aspie/autie female has much to do with the increased chances of being raped, rape is about power, not sexual attraction. Rapists target anyone vulnerable. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 05:48 PM ethereal why don't you submit your statement about your anger on behalf of your boyfriend, the gentlest man you know? I think we need female support on that facebook page. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 06:03 PM I feel good for being there... "And calling handicapped for having degrees... that makes sense dimwit" Best makes

more and more sense every day RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - ethereal - 11-19-2008 08:53 PM Shrek Wrote:ethereal why don't you submit your statement about your anger on behalf of your boyfriend, the gentlest man you know? I think we need female support on that facebook page. I don't have an account on Facebook, I hate and despise Facebook and don't think it's safe. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 09:35 PM TheZach Wrote:Because I have had personal experience with a few members on this forum going around acting like immature idiots swearing and threatening to get there way and calling it activism - I thought I would point out that it is not activism doing that once again. micgrace Wrote:The Zach always trolling. get lost. Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command." Report me happily away. You think you can use this site as a link and free advertising to your own which has

products for sale on it in any which way you feel like. No not good enough. Or try and create a conflict where there is none. I certainly didn't come down in the last shower and can spot such things a mile away. It is my business too. Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 09:40 PM Is that because they ask for real names? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-19-2008 09:47 PM ethereal Wrote: Shrek Wrote:ethereal why don't you submit your statement about your anger on behalf of your boyfriend, the gentlest man you know? I think we need female support on that facebook page. I don't have an account on Facebook, I hate and despise Facebook and don't think it's safe. I share your dislike of facebook; it's trivial and pointless in the extreme. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 09:54 PM Facebook does reveal peoples real online

identities. It is after all an online social site (not sure of the exact term). Privacy? Whats that? Anywhere crooks can easily find out ones real identities is a crooks shopping paradise. New car? not a problem so and so will do for that. Need cash? Hey that guy looks good for some and so on. Party? Hey not a problem heaps to crash this week for free booze / chics etc. So much of problem has this become all parties are now getting registered at the local police station here to prevent such things. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 09:59 PM Bit of info about. Facebook is a social networking website launched on February 4, 2004. The free-access website is

privately owned and operated by Facebook, Inc. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profile to notify friends about themselves. The website's name refers to the paper facebooks depicting members of a campus community that some US colleges and preparatory schools give to incoming students, faculty, and staff as a way to get to know other people on campus. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook while he was a student at Harvard University. Website membership was initially limited to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Ivy League. It later expanded further to include any university student, then high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. The website currently has more than 120 million active users worldwide. Facebook has met with some controversy over the past few

years. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including Syria and Iran. It has also been banned at many places of work to increase productivity. Privacy has also been an issue, and it has been compromised several times. It is also facing several lawsuits from a number of Zuckerberg's former classmates, who claim that Facebook had stolen their source code and other intellectual property. One can imagine there is a fraud lurking in its innards somewhere. It certainly won't be the first time or the last. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-19-2008 10:06 PM I'd say facebook is pretty much a stalkers paradise. When the site first came into existance I did

have an account; but after a while it started to feel very intrusive so I got rid. I read in the newspaper a couple of weeks back that "young women" are experiencing low self esteem because they haven't got enough 'friends' on facebook. I suppose the same thing could also happen to guys; although the article did specify women. There's a young lady at work who spends most of the day on facebook; how she gets away with it is quite beyond me. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 10:59 PM micgrace Wrote: TheZach Wrote:Because I have had personal experience with a

few members on this forum going around acting like immature idiots swearing and threatening to get there way and calling it activism - I thought I would point out that it is not activism doing that once again. micgrace Wrote:The Zach always trolling. get lost. Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command." Report me happily away. You think you can use this site as a link and free advertising to your own which has products for sale on it in any which way you feel like. No not good enough. Or try and create a conflict where there is none. I certainly didn't come down in the last shower and can spot such things a mile away. It is my business too. Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing

you are exposed. Just because I disagree with you and your buddy Rossco the banned does not make me a troll. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 11:29 PM I'm ending this now by refusing to bite. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 11:44 PM Oh, I would like to apologize for trying to make a living, yes there are ads on my site. Yes, I do sell

a t-shirt. I also have to pay rent, feed myself, feed my dog, etc. I can get SSI for Aspergers Syndrome and have collected as late as June, but I want to be self-sufficent. I want to do something with my life. For that micgrace, I apologize. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 11:49 PM micgrace Wrote:I'm ending this now by refusing to bite. No... your ending this because you took too big a bite. You and your buddy rossco the banned have been going around the internet spreading half truths about me, and now you get confronted and run.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:02 AM You are certainly entitled to make a living from your site. I always applaud initiative. But not by using a totally non commercial site such as this to promote your wares. I take offense with that. I don't provide links to what I do as business here in fairness to the owners of this site. But you do every chance you get. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008

12:09 AM If the owners have a a problem with me they have my email.... otherwise you and Rosco the banned need to come up with some better material. This is getting old you two. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:12 AM I might add Rossco may be a friend of mine but his views are entirely independent of mine. I do not speak for Rossco. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008

12:14 AM micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:24 AM Would you like me to go after you? I'm not interested. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-20-2008 12:25 AM TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:30 AM chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? There are many people with AS that have SSI. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-20-2008 12:38 AM TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? There are many people with AS that have SSI. you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or

were you just taking advantage of the system? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:47 AM One cannot get disability here in OZ with AS you just get forced to do whatever demeaning job they shove you into. Then blame you when you leave it. Or work for the dole. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:48 AM chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? There are many people with AS that have SSI. you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system? AS is a disability (and is defined as a disability according to the Social Security Administration).

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-20-2008 12:57 AM TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud.

Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? There are many people with AS that have SSI. you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system? AS is a disability (and is defined as a disability according to the Social Security Administration). I have read all of your posts here on AFF,you seem to be a very intelligent man. I have been to your website ,and even tho it didnt really stir my coffee, I was impressed with your effort. I guess my question should have , how did you equate your AS with being disabiling enough to claim SSI. Were you unable to adjust well enough to a work situation in the private sector where you could obtain and keep a job? Do you consider yourself to be self-employed now? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - MissNewZealand - 11-20-2008 01:07 AM I find this very offensive. First off, Autistic boys are NOT the most likely to be rapists. Who on earth came up with such a ludicrous idea?? What is confusing to me is that the group claims to not promote hatred toward Autism, but at that same time, its making assumptions, and potentially creating stereotypes for autism. I disagree, I am going to go on there and try to report that, thinking of all the Autistic males who will be greatly offended, and females as well: "male minds", we have no such thing!!!. Silver Meteor Wrote:There is a highly

offensive group on Facebook called: "Protection Force for Young Females from Autism" Their description is as follows: "Contrarary to what Autism supremesy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE AUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most, of Autistic people are more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder, MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of being around Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people; we do not want violence against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are aware of the potential danger. Kayukov- My friend who made the video has a self diagnosed online Autistic friend. Too much of what people hear on the news and on the internet about Autism is biased positive information created by the lovers of Autistic people to try to create Autism awareness with the sole

intention of giving the Autistic people a special place in normal society. These people who are promoting "Autism awareness" are not giving the complete picture; the purpose of this group is to provide that picture and protect the innocent. Autism is a disease that affects almost entirely boys; one theory for this is that Autism is an "extreme male mind." Autistic boys are apethetic and are unable to know how another person feels, or will feel. They also become very distressed if they do not get their way. This could be somthing like a minor violation of their strict rutine, the birth of a sister, a haircut, or failure for another person to make a decision that the Autistic boy agrees with. Part of the problem with the intense reaction to a dicision that the Autistic boy does not agree with is their need for control and lack of empathy. How can a person accept a decision different from their own if they cannot imagine that other people have thoughts different from

their own? Finally, Autistic boys often use and threaten violence as a way of expressing their frustrutation because they have great difficulty in expressing their feelings to other people in meaningful ways. To review the elements of the Autistic boy, they cannot empathize, imagine that other people have views different from their own, require a rigidly structured enviornment and become very distressed if anyone disturbs it, and frequently resort to violence. If this isn't enough, Autistic boys are extremely impulsive. Imagine that an Autistic boy named is alone with his friend Kate. Autistic boys desire sex like all boys do, but boys with Autism are unable to express their emotions in ways that are meaningful to other people and have an exteme male mind. What if Kate does not want to have sex with ? He is rigid, apethetic, thinks everyone shares his ideas, impulsive, extremely male, and violent. Do you think would accept Kate's feelings? No, I think you

know what comes next. This group does not encurage hatred of any kind; it is only to give young women a complete picture and to help them." That is their description. On the site, there is also a drawing of a female teenager with the caption: "To you she is a human being like you, but to a person mentally crippled with autism she is no more an object than a blender". They have a so called "autism awareness" video warning females that autistic males are potential sexual predators. This video also has a mug shot of Ted Bundy and another picture of Andrei Chikatilo (known as the Rostov Ripper) a Ukranian serial murderer convicted of the murders of 52 women and children. Here is the hyperlink to the website: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20379907381 RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - MissNewZealand - 11-20-2008 01:13 AM I just reported that group, hopefully some action will be taken. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-20-2008 01:28 AM I have been posting on that group MNZ. I have been kicking Best's cyber butt.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 01:37 AM Shrek Wrote:I have been posting on that group MNZ. I have been kicking Best's cyber butt. Yes Shrek you have been busy I see. Well done. But watch this lot it ends up adding legitimacy to their agenda. The aim is to get facebook to remove them and their hate site and remove this blot from cyberspace. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 01:54 AM I'd put your talents to use and get this blot removed from face book. If there is a way. Please don't try to take them on in their own site. One cannot have them gaining any legitimacy. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 02:37 AM chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote:

chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? There are many people with AS that have SSI. you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system? AS is a disability (and is defined as a disability according to the Social Security Administration). I have read all of your posts here on AFF,you seem to be a

very intelligent man. I have been to your website ,and even tho it didnt really stir my coffee, I was impressed with your effort. I guess my question should have , how did you equate your AS with being disabiling enough to claim SSI. Were you unable to adjust well enough to a work situation in the private sector where you could obtain and keep a job? Do you consider yourself to be self-employed now? I think this is more relevant for another thread. Feel free to start one. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 08:03 AM Quote: micgrace Wrote:The Zach always trolling. get lost. Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command." Here's the action: No personal attacks please - that goes for everyone. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 08:03 AM Oh, the actual action will be something more if the warning isn't heeded. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 08:09 AM micgrace Wrote:You are certainly entitled to make a living from your site. I always applaud initiative. But not by using a totally non commercial site such as this to promote your wares. I take offense with that. I don't provide links to what I do as business here in fairness to the owners of this site. But you do every chance you get. He isn't posting commercial spam - he's posting a link to a personal site which has a commercial element to it. There's nothing dishonest in the way he presents it and it is less commercial than my and Amy's own litesim. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-20-2008 09:10 AM I used to have a FB account, but I closed it after people from another forum turned it into some kind of 'adult school playground', deleting people as their friend just because they were a friend of someone they didn't like and so on. It was absolutely ridiculous and I felt I'd had enough of that at school without wasting my time on it now Eurgh! B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder

- Gareth - 11-20-2008 09:32 AM "adult school playground" perfectly sums up a lot of these social networking sites. I avoid them myself on principle. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-20-2008 12:08 PM micgrace Wrote:One cannot get disability here in OZ with AS you just get forced to do whatever demeaning job they shove you into. Then blame you when you leave it. Or work for the dole. Depends - I know several aspies who do get SSI but they had to have a detailed report from a

psychiatrist or psychologist showing how their condition prevented them from holding a job for very long. Two of them also had learning difficulties and one also has a diagnosis of ADHD. I've been told if I lose my job, I'd probably get SSI because of the psychiatrist's report that was written on me a few years ago. My employer is understanding but I still have troubles coping sometimes. With a less understanding employer, I would not cope at all well. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-20-2008 10:46 PM Pakrat Wrote:Depends - I know several aspies who do get SSI but they had to have a detailed report from a

psychiatrist or psychologist showing how their condition prevented them from holding a job for very long. Two of them also had learning difficulties and one also has a diagnosis of ADHD. I've been told if I lose my job, I'd probably get SSI because of the psychiatrist's report that was written on me a few years ago. My employer is understanding but I still have troubles coping sometimes. With a less understanding employer, I would not cope at all well. What's SSI? I've never heard of it: something like the dole or disability pension? Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 10:59 PM Alison

Wrote: Pakrat Wrote:Depends - I know several aspies who do get SSI but they had to have a detailed report from a psychiatrist or psychologist showing how their condition prevented them from holding a job for very long. Two of them also had learning difficulties and one also has a diagnosis of ADHD. I've been told if I lose my job, I'd probably get SSI because of the psychiatrist's report that was written on me a few years ago. My employer is understanding but I still have troubles coping sometimes. With a less understanding employer, I would not cope at all well. What's SSI? I've never heard of it: something like the dole or disability pension? Alison http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=What+is+SSI & l=1 RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 10:59 PM I think SSI is substantial social impairment aka disability. Certainly one won't get a disability pension with aspies as one is certainly capable of more than 15 hours of work a week unless one begins with a list of porky pies. My back, my back, I can't move the usual route to a disability pension. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 11:09 PM micgrace Wrote:I think SSI is substantial social impairment aka disability. Certainly one won't get a disability pension with aspies as one is certainly capable of more than 15 hours of work a week unless one begins with a list of porky pies. My back, my back, I can't move the usual route to a disability pension. Actually I know of many Aspies that are on disability, and I know of many aspies that used to be on disability but are now self-supporting. I know of some who frequent this board and other AS boards - but I will leave that to them to name themselves. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 11:13 PM

We are talking very different disability pension systems. OZ vs UK. OZ rules are byzantine and put the onus onto to the person to try and prove they aren't malingering. Basically if you can move you don't get it. UK I'll leave you to outline that. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 11:13 PM Actually I'm in the US RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 11:15 PM Thats a very

different story again. My apologies. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-20-2008 11:19 PM I think you're thinking of SSDI. Social Security Disability Insurance is the disability insurance everyone has as American citizens (very much the same thing as Social Security retirement), but they are both a pittance, and you really have to prove you can't make so much as X dollars a month to get it. Through my job I also have private short term and long term disability insurance. It covers two thirds of salary. It would be vastly preferable to SSDI if I was at home with a broken back, for example. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-20-2008 11:24 PM We are actually expected as Americans to contribute to our own retirements as people used to do before the 1930s. We try. Our employers often choose to match our contributions to personal retirement accounts (401K) up to several percent (2.5% at my employer, some companies even higher). Automatically, every American citizen who works for an employer has 7.65% of pay taken out to pay into Social Security, and the employer must match that amount. In practice that pays for current retirees. God knows where the money will come from in 2037 when I am eligible to retire and in 2039 when I actually have 40 years of steady full time job

experience. For the self employed, since they are their own employers, they pay 15.30% percent all by themselves if they earn more than $400 some a year. In practice some companies illegally make their agents self employees just to make the paperwork easier. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-21-2008 12:21 AM Silver Meteor Wrote:Yes it does. her friend was the one who made them. Is there any evidence anywhere that a male who was found to have autism was convicted or charged with rape or forced sexual acts? One may aks this group for their evidence that this has happened. I have seen

on other sites testimony by wives and girlfriends about the cruelty of their husband/boyfriends. If one was to believe their stories there seems to be some evidence of aspie men sometimes not being good companions. Saying that I have never seen a post or story anywhere about an aspie teenager/adult male raping anyone. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-21-2008 12:39 AM Most rapes and such are about power using sex as a means of control. The article is to me on a personal level a very big slur and smacks of pure hate groups. I think their real agenda is to recruit others to something much more sinister if that is possible. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - M - 11-21-2008 01:41 PM The more I think about the 8 stages of genocide -- I can see it happening all around me. http://www.genocidewatch.org/8stages.htm The propaganda, the hate talk, is all there. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-21-2008 02:10 PM M Wrote:The more I think about the 8 stages of genocide -- I can see it happening all around me. http://www.genocidewatch.org/8stages.htm The propaganda, the hate talk, is all there. Read my thread in general....... RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-21-2008 02:38 PM micgrace Wrote:I think SSI is substantial social impairment aka disability. Certainly one won't get a disability pension with aspies as one is certainly capable of more than 15 hours of work a week unless one begins with a list of

porky pies. My back, my back, I can't move the usual route to a disability pension. I'm sorry, I meant DSP (Disability Support Pension). That is what my friends are on. Some people certainly are quite disabled by Asperger's and its comorbids so there wouldn't have to be any mistruths told in order to be assessed for DSP. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-21-2008 09:43 PM Its the co morbids that will get the DSP. Aspies won't. In fact the majority with aspies lead full and interesting lives. But that is not to deny the requirement for adjustments and support sometimes. RE:

Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-22-2008 08:34 AM micgrace Wrote:Its the co morbids that will get the DSP. Aspies won't. In fact the majority with aspies lead full and interesting lives. But that is not to deny the requirement for adjustments and support sometimes. So, I'm a little confused. Centrelink assessed me as needing some accommodations with all jobs and the psychiatrist assessed me as permanently and partially impaired and recommended that all instructions be given to me in writing (or if verbal, reinforced in writing). If I knew exactly where on the spectrum I was, it would make it easier to know just how much I was capable of. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Lavendersky - 11-22-2008 08:59 AM Some Aspies can get disability because they have Asperger's, whether they have co-morbids or not. As far as I have heard, assessment for disability is dependent on level of functioning, not diagnosis. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-22-2008 10:08 AM Lavendersky Wrote:Some Aspies can get disability because they have Asperger's, whether they

have co-morbids or not. As far as I have heard, assessment for disability is dependent on level of functioning, not diagnosis. And for those of us diagnosed late in life, well, we just got on with it as well as we could manage. It hasn't been easy: I was also misdiagnosed as having RSI rather than the autoimmune condition Hashimotos, so for years had to have expensive, time-consuming and ultimately useless therapy for something which has since been virtually fixed by taking one small hormone tablet daily. This treatment included, at one stage, psychotherapy, since it was thought that perhaps I was having "imaginary" pain due to depression, not that I was depressed because I was experiencing constant pain! Then it was found out that a host of other physical problems I had actually boiled down to Lupus (luckily only a "mild" version). My co-morbids have made my life a misery, but it's been their mis-diagnoses by too

many so-called "health professionals" that let it continue for as long as it did. I've been called a malingerer and a hypochondriac in the past, even though I've never been on a disability pension and always worked a full-time job despite (at times) literally agonising pain. Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-22-2008 10:30 AM Autism is classed as a disability by many health authorities, therefore it'd make sense you can claim disability benefits for it. However, be warned: it isn't free money - it costs your freedom in most places. In other words, you are not allowed to claim disability and get any other income, unless it's "permitted work", and doing permitted

work is limited to only so much per year. There also tends not to be any sliding scale either, you're either on disability or you aren't, so you can't slowly increase your income and gain independence, but need to go from nothing to a reasonable living income straight away. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 11:26 AM Our previous Liberal Government changed to very harsh rules across all disabilities pensions. And is based on meeting the level of functioning (and that means if you can work at all basically you don't get it) and those rules are enforced by their medicos. Then theres the national sport of classing anyone reliant on centrelink as a malingerer, dole

bludger or generally taking advantage of the sytem regardless of circumstances. One must be careful in dealing with our social security system as they have no qualms or conscience in dealing with people. And the penalities they apply are out of all proportion to the perceived error / fault or whatever. And can include jail. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Lavendersky - 11-22-2008 11:28 AM Hi Gareth, I am unsure as to whether you are speaking generally or to my post specifically.... I just would like to say that I am familiar with disability benefits, having received them for depression, PTSD and anxiety in the past, and now again in the present, after my last job

did not work out (for reasons connected with being an aspie.) I no longer have PTSD or debilitating depression, though I do have a lot of anxiety. I am hoping that my recent diagnosis of Asperger's will connect me with resources that can help me find a job that will work for me in my specific situation. I did not mean to imply that an AS diagnosis is the way to free money. I am hoping for me it will be the opposite, now that I have insight into what and why things went wrong in my job previously and can access services. I think one must be careful when stating that people with this particular diagnosis will always have the ability/potential to be as capable as everyone else because it affects everyone differently. For many--and I don't necessarily mean personally--AS means a struggle to live independently and find gainful employment. This observation is based on the people I have met in the Adult's with Asperger's group I have been

attending. I would also like to add that I have to spend quite a while re-reading my replies before I post them to make sure I haven't said anything that is unintentionally offensive. I try to figure out all the possible ways that what I have written can be interpreted or misinterpreted, but I am not very good at it. So, just so people are aware, my intention is not to offend. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 11:33 AM Lavendersky you must have got yours prior to that very mean Gov. like my brother in law did. (Nothing to

do with aspies, very severe car accident, not able to function). The local centrelink office here has a total mercenary attitude and refuses people outright or boots them off without hesitation. No reason given. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 11:35 AM Ah yes. you are in Canada. My comments relating to OZ may be completely meaningless. But could happen there as we are both similar Commonwealth countries. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-22-2008 12:02 PM Gareth Wrote:Autism is classed as a disability by many health authorities, therefore it'd make sense you can claim disability benefits for it. However, be warned: it isn't free money - it costs your freedom in most places. In other words, you are not allowed to claim disability and get any other income, unless it's "permitted work", and doing permitted work is limited to only so much per year. There also tends not to be any sliding scale either, you're either on disability or you aren't, so you can't slowly increase your income and gain independence, but need to go from nothing to a reasonable living income straight away. In the UK I thought Disability Living Allowance was not related to income? It's meant to cover the

additional costs of a person's disability, e.g. the mobility element can be used for a Motability vehicle. B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Lavendersky - 11-22-2008 12:08 PM "The local centrelink office here has a total mercenary attitude and refuses people outright or boots them off without hesitation. No reason given." That is much worse than anything I have experienced in dealing with ODSP and CPP (Ontario Disability Support Services and Canada Pension Plan-Disability.) I have heard horror stories from other people though. The

thing that bothers me a lot is that their decision-making seems to be so random--like whether or not someone is in a good mood. Seems like that might be what is going on in Australia (Australia, right?) I cannot figure out how to quote anything anymore. I knew when I first started posting, but apparently not anymore.... RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-22-2008 12:15 PM bridie Wrote: Gareth Wrote:Autism is classed as a

disability by many health authorities, therefore it'd make sense you can claim disability benefits for it. However, be warned: it isn't free money - it costs your freedom in most places. In other words, you are not allowed to claim disability and get any other income, unless it's "permitted work", and doing permitted work is limited to only so much per year. There also tends not to be any sliding scale either, you're either on disability or you aren't, so you can't slowly increase your income and gain independence, but need to go from nothing to a reasonable living income straight away. In the UK I thought Disability Living Allowance was not related to income? It's meant to cover the additional costs of a person's disability, e.g. the mobility element can be used for a Motability vehicle. B

Incapacity benefit, income support etc DLA is not meant for (and is not appropriate to be used as) a replacement for employment wages. If you aren't working and live off benefits, you need income support or incapacity benefit, both of which are tied to income. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-22-2008 12:21 PM Sorry, Gareth, didn't realise the conversation was just about benefits to replace employment You're quite right, DLA in the UK is in addition to wages. B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-22-2008 01:10 PM Lavendersky Wrote:I cannot figure out how to quote anything anymore. I knew when I first started posting, but apparently not anymore.... Lavendersky, just click the "reply" link at the bottom of the box of the person you want to quote. It should bring it up. Alison

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-22-2008 03:26 PM I know of adults in the UK who get DLA for AS. B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 09:42 PM Lavender Sky Just hit the reply button just below on the right thats the one. When I lost my

business and reduced to poverty I needed them fast just to survive and figure out what the **** I was going to do. But, no, inspite of extremely severe panic attacks, multiple hospitalisations etc at that time period I couldn't get a damn thing when it was really needed. The idea was I had companies registered to myself and I must be making a motza. Yeh right. Ever heard of what happens when a business fails. But the real horror from ours comes with a penalty regime that is harsh in the extreme. Lets say someone neglects to put in a form as one is sick or any reasonable excuse one can loose all benefits for eight weeks while still being expected to comply. And part of the conditions can include retraining / rehabilitation. My stint with them has me owing more than I ever got as a sickness benefit when I needed it. They call it an overpayment. I call it an oxymoron. Anyway certainly glad to be free of their clutches. (copied

from report by ACOSS)  People with disabilities who apply for payments and are assessed as able to work part time will no longer be able to getthe Disability Support Pension (DSP). 81,000 people will be put on lower payments, mainly Newstart Allowance. Those without work will receive $46 per week less than the pension and those who study full time will receive up to $166 per week less. Although the main ‘taper rate’ on the income test for Newstart Allowance is eased from 70 cents in the dollar to 60 cents, this is still higher than the 40 cents in the dollar deducted from the earnings of pensioners. So, if they get a job for 15 hours a week at the minimum wage their weekly disposable income will be $101 less than on the pension. Single parents  who apply for payments (including many existing recipients who leave Parenting Payment and reapply after 12 weeks) will no longer be able to get Parenting Payment once their youngest child

turns 8. 77,000 single parents will instead go onto lower payments like Newstart Allowance. Those who remain jobless will receive $29 per week less than the pension, and those who study full time will receive $63 per week less. Due to the tighter income test, if they get a job for 15 hours a week at the minimum wage, their weekly disposable income will be $96 less than on the pension. Some single parents on Newstart Allowance will continue to be paid at pension rates: foster carers, home or distance educators, and parents with 4 or more dependent children (see ‘changes to legislation’ below). People with disabilities  on Newstart or Youth Allowance will be required to seek part time employment of at least 15 hours a week if they are assessed as able to work part time. They will also be required to participate in programs like Job Network, Disability Open Employment Services, and Work for the Dole. Penalties

 for failure to meet participation requirements will be changed from the loss of a fixed proportion of the income support payment over a number of weeks to the ‘suspension’ of one or more payments as long as recipients fail to comply. Recipients will be given opportunities to explain their non compliance to Centrelink and rectify it, in which case payments may be fully restored. However, if the recipient breaches requirements three times in a year (including minor breaches like failure to attend a Job Network interview) they will lose 8 weeks’ income support. Leaving a job voluntarily, failing to accept a suitable job offer, and failure to participate in ‘full time work for the dole’ will attract an immediate 8 week penalty. All recipients of activity tested payments such as Newstart Allowance will automatically be referred to employment services, in most cases Job Network. People with disabilities may instead be

referred to Disability Open Employment Services, Rehabilitation or the Personal Support Program, depending on the assessment of their disability. Many parents and mature age job seekers will receive ‘Employment Preparation’ within the Job Network, which allows for extra interviews and a small ‘job seeker account’.  Disability Support Pensioners can still participate voluntarily in Disability Open Employment or other employment services, but places are not guaranteed for them and there are queues. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Moriah - 11-22-2008 11:29 PM micgrace Wrote:Our previous Liberal Government changed

to very harsh rules across all disabilities pensions. And is based on meeting the level of functioning (and that means if you can work at all basically you don't get it) and those rules are enforced by their medicos. Then theres the national sport of classing anyone reliant on centrelink as a malingerer, dole bludger or generally taking advantage of the sytem regardless of circumstances. One must be careful in dealing with our social security system as they have no qualms or conscience in dealing with people. And the penalities they apply are out of all proportion to the perceived error / fault or whatever. And can include jail. The social welfare system in the US is in need of reform. So many who can work dont just so they can be on the dole. We have a thing called ,earned income tax credit(basically welfare through the IRS), wherein an individual will work a job until they reach the cutoff limit for recieving the credit. They will

then quit working until the beginning of the next tax season. When they file their tax returns they are eligible for the credit. This can add up to thousands of dollars,and they recieve a check for basically being lazy. The system is rampant with fraud. I work 50+ hours a week for my pittance. So the welfare system really pisses me off. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-23-2008 12:18 AM There's a woman I know who was born with two severely clubbed feet. Despite operations, she still cannot walk, so is wheelchair-bound. She has a "job" where she sits in her wheelchair all shift just inside the entrance of one of the big retail chain stores in the local mall,

being "security". She's very bitter: as she told me once, what is she expected to do if somebody doesn't stop when she asks them to? How can she possibly hope to catch them? But that's the only way she can get any sort of income - it's one of the "newstart" schemes. She has said to me, with very bleak humour, that it makes her feel like a doorstop. Poor thing. Things like that remind me of how lucky I am, despite all my comorbids. Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-23-2008 12:21 AM Alison Wrote:There's a woman I know who was born with two severely clubbed

feet. Despite operations, she still cannot walk, so is wheelchair-bound. She has a "job" where she sits in her wheelchair all shift just inside the entrance of one of the big retail chain stores in the local mall, being "security". She's very bitter: as she told me once, what is she expected to do if somebody doesn't stop when she asks them to? How can she possibly hope to catch them? But that's the only way she can get any sort of income - it's one of the "newstart" schemes. She has said to me, with very bleak humour, that it makes her feel like a doorstop. Poor thing. Things like that remind me of how lucky I am, despite all my comorbids. Alison Oh, I meant to add, the reason she can't get a desk job, which the Newstart people initially wanted her to get, is because she also is epileptic, and computer monitors bring on seizures. And where in the

developed world now are there desk jobs sans computers? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-23-2008 12:26 AM My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day. When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-23-2008 07:44 AM Yes Alsison they are very cruel to anyone who may have a disability. One jumps to the tune of the Newstart mob. And refusal of an unsuitable job as your friend has is removal of assistance for 8 weeks. Whether the current Government remedies that is probably not likely. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-23-2008 09:13 AM Marcia Wrote:My

sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day. When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't. No offence, but does it really bother a blind person if there's no light in the room? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marx - 11-23-2008 10:48 AM Gareth Wrote: Marcia Wrote:My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day. When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't. No offence, but does it really bother a blind person if there's no light in the room? I think it's really about seperating her from the rest of the colleages. However, she might have decided to work in the cupboard at her own free will. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-23-2008 10:55 AM Gareth Wrote: Marcia Wrote:My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day. When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she

wasn't. No offence, but does it really bother a blind person if there's no light in the room? Access to natural light (even for blind people) is important for health. Ultraviolet light helps to convert the skin's vitamin precursors into vitamin D--which regulates calcium and phosphates in the body; and protects against cancer. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-23-2008 11:44 AM To be legally blind can include, I believe, having up to 15% sight in either eye. Which is enough to make out light and dark. Not only that, but if it was so small, the room probably wasn't properly ventilated either. I worked in a small

office for one year in the Public Service, back when I was eighteen - it had no ventilation, the windows couldn't be opened, and the other two women working there with me (we were typists in what used to be known as a typing pool). They were both chain smokers, whilst I had never smoked and had no wish to start, as I think it's a filthy way to commit slow suicide. Nevertheless, it wasn't long before I became hooked on their side-stream smoke. Enough to make me feel ill and shaky by the next morning, when I'd go into work and take deep breaths of filthy tobacco-laden air and start to feel "normal" again. And let's not even mention going cold turkey every weekend! Only innate ***-mindedness on my part stopped me from becoming a smoker at that point. After one year, I'd kicked up enough of a fuss to be moved; and to have "trouble-maker, does not get on with co-workers" marked on my file. Alison

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-23-2008 03:19 PM micgrace Wrote:Yes Alsison they are very cruel to anyone who may have a disability. One jumps to the tune of the Newstart mob. And refusal of an unsuitable job as your friend has is removal of assistance for 8 weeks. Whether the current Government remedies that is probably not likely. Can't people who are treated really unjustly by Centrelink ask for a review of the decision? (I understood that this was possible). Government department staff generally fear "ministerials" so a complaint to the local member of parliament often helps. Another possibility is to get the Ombudsman

involved but the person has to first exhaust the appeals option. Until plenty of people make such complaints, little will change. Unfortunately, Australians can be rather apathetic and not want to make waves but sometimes it is necessary if you are to look out for your best interests. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Callista - 11-23-2008 03:20 PM I think "legally blind" also includes distorted vision which admits normal amounts of light but is so blurred that you can't be corrected to any better than... hmm, is it 20/1000? I'm not sure. But some really huge number. Or it could be described as "vision too bad when corrected to legally drive" in which case the limit varies

by state. Here it's 20/40, I think. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-23-2008 03:28 PM micgrace Wrote:Lavendersky you must have got yours prior to that very mean Gov. like my brother in law did. (Nothing to do with aspies, very severe car accident, not able to function). The local centrelink office here has a total mercenary attitude and refuses people outright or boots them off without hesitation. No reason given. micgrace, they have to abide by guidelines and if they are making up their own as they go along as this lot could be doing, they could be in a lot of trouble. A few ministerial

complaint investigations could make all the difference. That said, it is quite possible to get different decisions by two different people and that is why there is a right of appeal. It's no good sitting around and wringing one's hands if a decision seems bad, there are avenues of redress including contacting the local parliamentary member's office (at least in Australia). RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-23-2008 10:10 PM There is a right of appeal and many very bad decisions get overturned but the fact one has to go to that trouble is indicative of the culture of centrelink. Problem is most people seem resigned to their "decisions" especially as regards to

administrative penalties and alleged overpayments. It is of course a hangover from the days and "Hot air" Kev has hardly done a thing to fix it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-24-2008 03:20 PM No he hasn't. But the only way to get things changed is for many people to shake off their torpor and get angry enough to do whatever it takes to have unjust decisions overturned. [edit] typo fixed upon request [couldbecousin] RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-24-2008 10:03 PM The whole of the Government was a never ending stream of unjust decisions. That government would be right at home in the 1950's. Good riddance. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-25-2008 08:52 PM I think I am banned from andra's page. I think she emerged from her self pititis long enough to notice we noticed. Was it a. If you were in the United States I'd sue you or b. Report this group (show them where the link was) RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-25-2008 08:59 PM That mentally abused Russian Aspie hater wouldn't make it as a mail order bride. Grrrrrrr. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-25-2008 09:16 PM It wasn't a real good idea to post on that hate site. I wondered how long you would get away with it before the mongrels woke up. At least they know we aren't taking it lying down. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - Yesterday 04:30 PM I am surprised that the group wasn't took down...yet. NT's just stand there and watch. Two Blessings wrote: Hi, all. this message was passed on to me, and they asked each of us to pass it along.... This is horrible. I know we have free speech...here again we are faced with how cruel people can be. Once again we all know that if in place of the word Autism, they chose another race, sex, or whatever...they'd have much more of a push back... Anyhow, this is not to start a debate on how some people are just stupid and I don't have time, etc....I'm sending it for those of you who are affected by it, and feel led to contact facebook...That's all. Blessings, e P.S. Below is the groups response to their claim that "Autistic people are more likely to be rapist..."---yes you heard me correctly. It's sick.

(the highlighted part is my addition). By the way...I have not seen this group, or logged on as I just got this info...but it does come from a very reputable source...just an fyi. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20379907381Contrary to what Autism supremacy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE AUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most, of Autistic people are more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder, MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of being around Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people; we do not want violence against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are aware of the potential

danger.++++++++Is this what we want people to really think? It's time to get this out and write facebook and everyone else...Our sons and daughters WILL suffer if people like these are allowed to post such hate...in addition, we need to be VERY careful of what we say about how "horrendous" autism is...This COULD be the future of what people think about our children... "Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler" - Albert Einstein

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Here's the link to the group that is opposed to this one! What a bunch of, yes, I am using the R word - retards! Autism isn't contagious but stupidity is!http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=37682788201If this link does not work, its because yahoo inserts spaces into the links, thereby deactivating them. You will have to go in and edit it or go to facebook groups and search:protection force for autistic people against the anti autistic group Welch wrote:

Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Printable Version +- Aspies For Freedom (http://www.aspiesforfreedom.com) +-- Forum: General (/forumdisplay.php?fid=48) +--- Forum: Treatment in society (/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +--- Thread: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder (/showthread.php?tid=14904) Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-16-2008 08:26

PM There is a highly offensive group on Facebook called: "Protection Force for Young Females from Autism" Their description is as follows: "Contrarary to what Autism supremesy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE AUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most, of Autistic people are more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder, MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of being around Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people; we do not want violence against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are aware of the potential danger. Kayukov- My friend who made the video has a self diagnosed online Autistic friend. Too much of what people hear on the news and on the internet about Autism is biased positive information created by the

lovers of Autistic people to try to create Autism awareness with the sole intention of giving the Autistic people a special place in normal society. These people who are promoting "Autism awareness" are not giving the complete picture; the purpose of this group is to provide that picture and protect the innocent. Autism is a disease that affects almost entirely boys; one theory for this is that Autism is an "extreme male mind." Autistic boys are apethetic and are unable to know how another person feels, or will feel. They also become very distressed if they do not get their way. This could be somthing like a minor violation of their strict rutine, the birth of a sister, a haircut, or failure for another person to make a decision that the Autistic boy agrees with. Part of the problem with the intense reaction to a dicision that the Autistic boy does not agree with is their need for control and lack of empathy. How can a person accept a decision different from

their own if they cannot imagine that other people have thoughts different from their own? Finally, Autistic boys often use and threaten violence as a way of expressing their frustrutation because they have great difficulty in expressing their feelings to other people in meaningful ways. To review the elements of the Autistic boy, they cannot empathize, imagine that other people have views different from their own, require a rigidly structured enviornment and become very distressed if anyone disturbs it, and frequently resort to violence. If this isn't enough, Autistic boys are extremely impulsive. Imagine that an Autistic boy named is alone with his friend Kate. Autistic boys desire sex like all boys do, but boys with Autism are unable to express their emotions in ways that are meaningful to other people and have an exteme male mind. What if Kate does not want to have sex with ? He is rigid, apethetic, thinks everyone shares his ideas, impulsive, extremely male,

and violent. Do you think would accept Kate's feelings? No, I think you know what comes next. This group does not encurage hatred of any kind; it is only to give young women a complete picture and to help them." That is their description. On the site, there is also a drawing of a female teenager with the caption: "To you she is a human being like you, but to a person mentally crippled with autism she is no more an object than a blender". They have a so called "autism awareness" video warning females that autistic males are potential sexual predators. This video also has a mug shot of Ted Bundy and another picture of Andrei Chikatilo (known as the Rostov Ripper) a Ukranian serial murderer convicted of the murders of 52 women and children. Here is the hyperlink to the website: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20379907381 RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-16-2008 09:06 PM Does this have any connection to the videos on Youtube which were made by, or with, friends of a woman called Tanja Koch? It sounds very similar, and yes, horrific and absolutely out of order. Do Facebook remove sites like this if they are reported and found to be offensive? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-16-2008 09:11 PM Yes it does. her friend was the one who made them. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-16-2008 09:22 PM facebook should be asked to take that down.I dont know how to do that do you? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - FeelingArranger - 11-16-2008 09:34

PM Almost all the way down, "report group". RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-16-2008 09:59 PM What a lot of rot. Facebook a blot on human society where any whacko can say anything and get away with it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - ethereal - 11-16-2008 10:42 PM I'm so flabberghasted, disgusted and outraged at this!!! What utter **** ***!!! My boyfriend has

severe Asperger's and is THE most gentle man I have ever dated. I want to do something about this but don't know what............I'm so **** angry! RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-16-2008 10:55 PM I have reported it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-16-2008 11:47 PM Nice, very nice. And we have no right of reply, since they have said they'll ban autistics, or

"autistic supremisists" (their misspelling) who try to post. And did you know we're now considered a separate race? (Do they mean species, I wonder?) Oh, but what am I thinking, despite my dx, I'm not autistic, I'm a GIRL, so presumably I'm still a part of the human species! What a load of dingoes kidneys. Alison (who has never once in my life ever mistaken a girl for a blender ... ) RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-17-2008 12:29 AM This is disgusting! Would it help if loads of people reported

ti? B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Harry - 11-17-2008 12:45 AM Her video was on YouTube (again) recently, but got taken down after a few days... The more people report it the better. Could you help spread the word on other boards; especially WP? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor -

11-17-2008 12:59 AM I have already posted this on WP. A lot of posters have reported it and are quite upset over this. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - RJARRRPCGP - 11-17-2008 01:08 AM Why don't you rat them out on YouTube? Have the videos flagged? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - couldbecousin - 11-17-2008 01:14 AM Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in

#chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-17-2008 01:36 AM Their video was removed from YouTube twice when I reported this. That video is on facebook. Yes, I am going to be making a video about this and putting it on YouTube. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and

Murder - Dark Shamshir X - 11-17-2008 02:27 AM Judging from that, I doubt that the group is valid. From what mental hospital have they escaped from? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 02:59 AM couldbecousin Wrote:Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed? I think it has been removed, I can't find it anywhere. Well, we certainly have some very vicious enemies out there for what end, who knows? I can only guess. Yet another group of whackos to push offline. Any idea what country the perps are in? There are some very tough slander laws in many countries and this thing is full of slander. I'm happy to pursue them if in OZ. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - 11-17-2008 03:27 AM Let me guess: Amerikkka. (Satiric misspelling) RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 06:31 AM Judging from the names and places involved, Russia or Ukraine? Over the weekend I was listening to a brief sermon on Christian radio riding back from Hagerstown to Shepherdstown in my friend's truck. Some female preacher was saying that Hannah, mother of whom she dedicated unto the LORD, had two problems, first that she simply wanted a child, and two, that she had deeper cultural and personal issues: a second wife that had plenty of kids and rubbed her infertility into her, a culture that said kids were a woman's reward and glory and old age security (when said if she did not have a son she would die, she meant literally, but in old age), a culture that said if

women did not have kids they had sinned ( said God had removed her curse when she bore the Baptist), a false accusation of sin against Hannah by a priest, and so on. I think I have two problems, the first one being solved. 1. Being mistreated because of Asperger/being inferior by reason of Asperger. Waldorf land (1977-1988) was a place where I was mistreated because of what lay people thought was mental retardation and because of special education until 1983. Most misbehaviors against me (up to and including sexual battery) were done and legitimated by the sense a disability made it acceptable to mistreat a child. There were also periods after college when I could not get an employment interview, and time after graduate school when interviews failed, presumably because of Asperger (the one interview that did succeed was supported by heavy coaching). The fact that I succeed

as a computer programmer and am compensated reasonably well for it as some sort of vengenance and affirmation against what went on. 2. I am single, yes, but that might be for lack of a neurocompatible woman (female of my subspecies?) I don't think neurodiverse/neurotypical unions work often, and if they do, the two of them write books and sell them on Amazon. Even Temple Grandin said neurobalanced unions work best. That is not an emotionally threatening thing to say. I am simply surrounded by females of a slightly different species. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 07:02 AM Ah well Shrek what

can I say, heading off on a tangent again. Cause females are a slightly different species, they are female. Who can understand the female mind, least of all us mere males. I always take the bible with a big grain of salt only to the extent of known knowledge from the time period when written so a literal interpretation is extremely fallicious to say the least. *I duck for cover* Theological debates last for years on this point. At least 5000 years and counting. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-17-2008 07:08 AM Shrek Wrote:2. I am single, yes, but that might be for lack of a neurocompatible woman (female of my

subspecies?) I don't think neurodiverse/neurotypical unions work often, and if they do, the two of them write books and sell them on Amazon. Even Temple Grandin said neurobalanced unions work best. That is not an emotionally threatening thing to say. I am simply surrounded by females of a slightly different species. Well, NT/AT unions *can* work, but it's not an easy road, you do have to work at it. (Like any marriage, I suppose?) One thing I've noticed is that a lot of us with such miscegenacious marriages that do work often have found NT partners from a very different background culture to our own. In my case, Vernu is a Indian Ocean Islander, whose third language is English! His culture is as different to my own background as is possible to get, and that's why he accepted a lot of stuff from me at the start of the relationship as

"normal" or representative of how all Aussie girls acted (studious with intense interests). And it may sound sexist, but it's true that his background culture favours women who are reserved and quiet, which is definitely me a lot of the time! And I know of a few other couples who are mixed NT/AT, and those with a cultural "mix" tend to be the ones that work. So I'm all for mixing up the genes and cultures; it's fun and educational all at the same time Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 07:15

AM I've never been insulted by a blender RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 07:21 AM Any marriage is hard work. The wedding day lasts for a few hours. The marriage is for life. As you well know my wife is NT well and truly and I am not. A fair bit of learned relationship skills go a long way. OK I did have to learn them at an intellectual level and not by NT osmosis (for lack of a better word) RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-17-2008 07:26 AM micgrace Wrote:A fair bit of learned relationship skills go a long way. OK I did have to learn them at an intellectual level and not by NT osmosis (for lack of a better word) "NT osmosis"! That's an excellent term for it, and doesn't it seem like that sometimes? There was a new advertisement on television last night, and neither nor I got it, and had to turn to Vernu, our resident NT Translator, for help! (It was that new one that the government is running, where child abusers say "thank you" to all those people who suspect but don't say or do anything about it.) It was crystal clear (nastily so) once Vernu interpreted it for us, but I had no idea what was going on up

until then. Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 07:39 AM "NT osmosis", what most learn at an intiuitive level by social interactions. And I as an aspies does not unless told or (fortunately) by close observation of others. Like all that pathetic small talk when someone is sizing up a potential mate, thats what it is for. The innuendo, gossip (where hints are dropped), you name it. They don't teach that ever. By the way I watch satellite TV almost exclusively so I haven't seen that ad yet. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and

Murder - TheZach - 11-17-2008 08:49 AM couldbecousin Wrote:Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed? You must be in and its the Report Group link at the bottom of the page, I added this to my blog as well and a few have reported it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 09:15 AM This is the link to facebook to report malicious crap. I don't have an account and refuse to due to security concerns with facebook. http://www.facebook.com/help/contact_generic.php RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-17-2008 10:46 AM couldbecousin Wrote:Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find

the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed? I think the report link is only there if you have a facebook account and login. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-17-2008 10:47 AM Silver Meteor Wrote:Their video was removed from YouTube twice when I reported this. That video is on facebook. Yes, I am going to be making a video about this and putting it on YouTube. Please don't fuel them by giving

them more attention RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - FeelingArranger - 11-17-2008 01:13 PM Gareth Wrote: Silver Meteor Wrote:Their video was removed from YouTube twice when I reported this. That video is on facebook. Yes, I am going to be making a video about this and putting it on YouTube. Please don't fuel them by giving them more attention Better to write to facebook, and the groups mislead members if you want to do something about it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-17-2008 02:59 PM Heh, look who just posted in that group.... Quote: Best wrote at 9:30am Hi, Did you know that we can cure autism now? There are a few mental cases who have Asperger's and think they are superior to everyone but most people with autism have severe struggles in their lives. I can't blame you for being afraid of people with brain damage who might not be fully aware of what they are doing. It's not enough to simply identify a possible problem. You need to be aware of solutions. You could turn this into a positive outcome for everyone by helping us spread the word that autism is brain damage caused by vaccines and we

know how to cure it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 03:57 PM I responded that a. when I turn on a blender it usually does b. I have never been insulted by a blender c. as a sociologist and diagnosed Aspie her statements are responsible for much of the discrimination against our minority group RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 04:18 PM I made a

scathing and logical argument. It makes me feel better now. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marx - 11-17-2008 05:12 PM http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20379907381#/group.php?gid=20379907381 Four words to describe the creator of that facebook group, andra Kayukov: -Callous -Unpleasant -Nasty -Terrifying RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 05:25 PM I suggested those frightened women consider same sex relationships because men make up the vast majority of rapes, spouse abuse, spouse murders (I didn't say child abuse but I should have). Women make better mates and parents on average, judging from statistics such as violent crime. This is not to say that the Violence Against Women Act does not eventually discuss, for example, a few other women in intimate relationships, nor deny that some mothers kill their children ( Yates), only in far fewer numbers than men. A sizable proportion of wife-killing-husband killings are in response to his long-term violence, frequently self-defense. Or perhaps the women are more intimidated against doing these things because we would punish them more

harshly. Wives convicted of spouse murder get worse sentences than husbands convicted of spouse murder. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marx - 11-17-2008 05:32 PM Marcia Wrote:I have reported it. I had too! RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 06:12 PM Wondering if I should write a submission for the local

newspaper (land Independent) in Waldorf. Perhaps even just a letter to the editor, but enough to say that the laypeople's assessment of my specialness was wrong and that the good people of Waldorf should treat their current generation of special education kids better. Shrek Wrote:1. Being mistreated because of Asperger/being inferior by reason of Asperger. Waldorf land (1977-1988) was a place where I was mistreated because of what lay people thought was mental retardation and because of special education until 1983. Most misbehaviors against me (up to and including sexual battery) were done and legitimated by the sense a disability made it acceptable to mistreat a child. There were also periods after college when I could not get an employment interview, and time after graduate school when interviews failed, presumably because

of Asperger (the one interview that did succeed was supported by heavy coaching). The fact that I succeed as a computer programmer and am compensated reasonably well for it as some sort of vengenance and affirmation against what went on. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-18-2008 07:25 AM If this person is any of you please stop, your accomplishing making yourself look like Best Quote: (Charters School) wrote at 2:59pm YOU **** IDIOT, THERE ARE SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE YOU COULD PROTECT WOMEN FROM, SOCIOPATHS, MUSLIMS, CHRISTIANS, GARRY GLITTER. BUT NO , NO YOU

HAVE TO CHOSE US. PLEASE GO HOME AND RETHINK YOUR F**KING LIFE YOU RACIST. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-18-2008 08:27 AM ^^ I hope you're not suggesting that you seriously think that any of us would have posted something like that! RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-18-2008 08:38 AM No one here that I know. So don't troll here. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 03:28 PM Scathing responses. This feels good. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-18-2008 03:42 PM I don't know many of the full names of people here, but from things I have had in the past with people here it would not surprise me if it was one of you. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females

That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 04:14 PM I am (Marsh). I am educated with a scathing wit. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-18-2008 04:22 PM I'm not revealing my full name, but I do now have a red patch on my forehead where I banged it off my laptop! RE:

Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 04:30 PM Did you like my wit Marcia? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Harry - 11-18-2008 05:17 PM For some reason, Best doesn't want to be my facebook fiend :-( RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 05:30 PM Good show Harry. Harry do you like my wit? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-18-2008 08:35 PM TheZach Wrote:I don't know many of the full names of people here, but from things I have had in the past with people here it would not surprise me if it was one of you. One way to distinguish my posts from others is that, being hyperlexic, I would *never* write "chose" when I mean "choose" Alison Lesley

Venugoban, age 47, pretty Australian Aspie, girl, etc ... RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 08:56 PM I believe you . My cousin is 49. Of she and her daughter Janet (24) at the family reunion last June I invented the phrase "Kravetzes are goddesses." I am very literate too. Is that what hyperlexic means? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-18-2008

09:54 PM The Zach always trolling. get lost. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - 11-19-2008 01:46 AM I...GAH! I'll get around this soon. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 03:14 AM I caught Best in an illegal recommendation. Best Wrote:Invite your female friends

out for a drink, get them drunk and you might get lucky. which he recommended to me no less. According to my Criminology 402 at Shepherd University, it is generally illegal to have sex with a woman who is drunk even if she is willing because she is not capable of consent (or driving). The law generally recognizes consent to require a mind below the legal limit. Get a breathalyzer for the master bedroom. "Blow, dear" So I reported him for supporting illegal activity. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-19-2008 03:26 AM A note: Every post you make there gives them more attention. Don't bother, just keep

reporting it. Don't give free advertising and don't engage them. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - satyrwilder - 11-19-2008 03:41 AM ly, and this is something these philistine NTs are not capable of realizing until you tell them, but autistic people are at risk of sexual abuse from the NT population, not vice versa. After all that compliance that was pounded into our heads, after how long they spent teaching us that other people get to decide who and when and how it's okay to touch us, god forbid your autistic child grow up attractive. It's a recipe for vulnerability and exploitation. I should know. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 04:09 AM I'm always watching out for my daughter. Teenage, very attractive, very aspie (which she won't admit) and heavily computer orientated. Locked code? What locked code? (active disencouragement underway) I have an intense dislike of bullies and such scum that try to take advantage of others. I do believe till bullying attracts the same sentence or indeed any sentence as an assault it will never be viewed as what it really is, a severe criminal offence against the person. I still suffer from effects of being bullied physically and sexually many years later. And I'm no wimp. Just aspie. RE: Facebook

Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-19-2008 01:57 PM Yes, I'd have to agree…The comments made by that facebook group are very ill-informed and offensive. A lack of empathy generally means autistic people avoid interaction with other; they don’t force interaction through violence. In addition, a lack of empathy doesn’t equate to a lack of compassion or morality. And (as has been stated above) autistic people are more likely to be those taken advantage of…not the reverse. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008

03:33 PM Because I have had personal experience with a few members on this forum going around acting like immature idiots swearing and threatening to get there way and calling it activism - I thought I would point out that it is not activism doing that once again. micgrace Wrote:The Zach always trolling. get lost. Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command." RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-19-2008 03:36 PM

satyrwilder Wrote:ly, and this is something these philistine NTs are not capable of realizing until you tell them, but autistic people are at risk of sexual abuse from the NT population, not vice versa. After all that compliance that was pounded into our heads, after how long they spent teaching us that other people get to decide who and when and how it's okay to touch us, god forbid your autistic child grow up attractive. It's a recipe for vulnerability and exploitation. I should know. Yes, and I know it only too well too. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - ethereal - 11-19-2008 04:09 PM I

don't think being an attractive aspie/autie female has much to do with the increased chances of being raped, rape is about power, not sexual attraction. Rapists target anyone vulnerable. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 05:48 PM ethereal why don't you submit your statement about your anger on behalf of your boyfriend, the gentlest man you know? I think we need female support on that facebook page. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 06:03 PM I feel good for being there... "And calling handicapped for having degrees... that makes sense dimwit" Best makes more and more sense every day RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - ethereal - 11-19-2008 08:53 PM Shrek Wrote:ethereal why don't you submit your statement about your anger on behalf of your boyfriend, the gentlest man you know? I think we need female support on that facebook page. I don't have an account

on Facebook, I hate and despise Facebook and don't think it's safe. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 09:35 PM TheZach Wrote:Because I have had personal experience with a few members on this forum going around acting like immature idiots swearing and threatening to get there way and calling it activism - I thought I would point out that it is not activism doing that once again. micgrace Wrote:The Zach always trolling. get lost. Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action

according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command." Report me happily away. You think you can use this site as a link and free advertising to your own which has products for sale on it in any which way you feel like. No not good enough. Or try and create a conflict where there is none. I certainly didn't come down in the last shower and can spot such things a mile away. It is my business too. Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 09:40 PM Is that because they ask for real names? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-19-2008 09:47 PM ethereal Wrote: Shrek Wrote:ethereal why don't you submit your statement about your anger on behalf of your boyfriend, the gentlest man you know? I think we need female support on that facebook page. I don't have an account on Facebook, I hate and despise Facebook and don't think it's safe. I share your dislike of facebook; it's trivial and pointless in the extreme. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism =

Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 09:54 PM Facebook does reveal peoples real online identities. It is after all an online social site (not sure of the exact term). Privacy? Whats that? Anywhere crooks can easily find out ones real identities is a crooks shopping paradise. New car? not a problem so and so will do for that. Need cash? Hey that guy looks good for some and so on. Party? Hey not a problem heaps to crash this week for free booze / chics etc. So much of problem has this become all parties are now getting registered at the local police station here to prevent such things. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 09:59 PM Bit of info about. Facebook is a social networking website launched on February 4, 2004. The free-access website is privately owned and operated by Facebook, Inc. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profile to notify friends about themselves. The website's name refers to the paper facebooks depicting members of a campus community that some US colleges and preparatory schools give to incoming students, faculty, and staff as a way to get to know other people on campus. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook while he was a student at Harvard University. Website membership was initially limited to Harvard students, but was expanded to

other colleges in the Ivy League. It later expanded further to include any university student, then high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. The website currently has more than 120 million active users worldwide. Facebook has met with some controversy over the past few years. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including Syria and Iran. It has also been banned at many places of work to increase productivity. Privacy has also been an issue, and it has been compromised several times. It is also facing several lawsuits from a number of Zuckerberg's former classmates, who claim that Facebook had stolen their source code and other intellectual property. One can imagine there is a fraud lurking in its innards somewhere. It certainly won't be the first time or the last. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and

Murder - Gattaca - 11-19-2008 10:06 PM I'd say facebook is pretty much a stalkers paradise. When the site first came into existance I did have an account; but after a while it started to feel very intrusive so I got rid. I read in the newspaper a couple of weeks back that "young women" are experiencing low self esteem because they haven't got enough 'friends' on facebook. I suppose the same thing could also happen to guys; although the article did specify women. There's a young lady at work who spends most of the day on facebook; how she gets away with it is quite beyond me. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 10:59 PM micgrace Wrote: TheZach Wrote:Because I have had personal experience with a few members on this forum going around acting like immature idiots swearing and threatening to get there way and calling it activism - I thought I would point out that it is not activism doing that once again. micgrace Wrote:The Zach always trolling. get lost. Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command." Report me happily away. You think you

can use this site as a link and free advertising to your own which has products for sale on it in any which way you feel like. No not good enough. Or try and create a conflict where there is none. I certainly didn't come down in the last shower and can spot such things a mile away. It is my business too. Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. Just because I disagree with you and your buddy Rossco the banned does not make me a troll. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 11:29 PM I'm ending this now by refusing to bite.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 11:44 PM Oh, I would like to apologize for trying to make a living, yes there are ads on my site. Yes, I do sell a t-shirt. I also have to pay rent, feed myself, feed my dog, etc. I can get SSI for Aspergers Syndrome and have collected as late as June, but I want to be self-sufficent. I want to do something with my life. For that micgrace, I apologize. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 11:49

PM micgrace Wrote:I'm ending this now by refusing to bite. No... your ending this because you took too big a bite. You and your buddy rossco the banned have been going around the internet spreading half truths about me, and now you get confronted and run. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:02 AM You are certainly entitled to make a living from your site. I always applaud initiative. But not by using a totally non commercial site such as this to promote your wares. I take offense with that. I don't provide links to what I do as business here in fairness to the owners

of this site. But you do every chance you get. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:09 AM If the owners have a a problem with me they have my email.... otherwise you and Rosco the banned need to come up with some better material. This is getting old you two. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:12 AM I might add Rossco may be a friend of mine but his views are entirely

independent of mine. I do not speak for Rossco. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:14 AM micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:24 AM Would you like me to go after you? I'm not interested. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-20-2008 12:25 AM TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after

Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:30 AM chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont

understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? There are many people with AS that have SSI. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-20-2008 12:38 AM TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds

a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? There are many people with AS that have SSI. you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:47 AM One cannot get disability here in OZ with AS you just get forced to do whatever demeaning job they shove you into. Then blame you when you leave it. Or work for the dole. RE: Facebook

Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:48 AM chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS?

There are many people with AS that have SSI. you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system? AS is a disability (and is defined as a disability according to the Social Security Administration). RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-20-2008 12:57 AM TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach

Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? There are many people with AS that have SSI. you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system? AS is a disability (and is defined as a disability according to the Social Security Administration). I have read all of your posts here on AFF,you seem to be a very intelligent man. I have been to your website ,and even tho it didnt really stir my coffee,

I was impressed with your effort. I guess my question should have , how did you equate your AS with being disabiling enough to claim SSI. Were you unable to adjust well enough to a work situation in the private sector where you could obtain and keep a job? Do you consider yourself to be self-employed now? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - MissNewZealand - 11-20-2008 01:07 AM I find this very offensive. First off, Autistic boys are NOT the most likely to be rapists. Who on earth came up with such a ludicrous idea?? What is confusing to me is that the group claims to not promote hatred toward Autism, but at that same time, its making assumptions, and potentially creating stereotypes for

autism. I disagree, I am going to go on there and try to report that, thinking of all the Autistic males who will be greatly offended, and females as well: "male minds", we have no such thing!!!. Silver Meteor Wrote:There is a highly offensive group on Facebook called: "Protection Force for Young Females from Autism" Their description is as follows: "Contrarary to what Autism supremesy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE AUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most, of Autistic people are more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder, MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of being around Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people; we do not want violence against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are

aware of the potential danger. Kayukov- My friend who made the video has a self diagnosed online Autistic friend. Too much of what people hear on the news and on the internet about Autism is biased positive information created by the lovers of Autistic people to try to create Autism awareness with the sole intention of giving the Autistic people a special place in normal society. These people who are promoting "Autism awareness" are not giving the complete picture; the purpose of this group is to provide that picture and protect the innocent. Autism is a disease that affects almost entirely boys; one theory for this is that Autism is an "extreme male mind." Autistic boys are apethetic and are unable to know how another person feels, or will feel. They also become very distressed if they do not get their way. This could be somthing like a minor violation of their strict rutine, the birth of a sister, a haircut, or failure for another person

to make a decision that the Autistic boy agrees with. Part of the problem with the intense reaction to a dicision that the Autistic boy does not agree with is their need for control and lack of empathy. How can a person accept a decision different from their own if they cannot imagine that other people have thoughts different from their own? Finally, Autistic boys often use and threaten violence as a way of expressing their frustrutation because they have great difficulty in expressing their feelings to other people in meaningful ways. To review the elements of the Autistic boy, they cannot empathize, imagine that other people have views different from their own, require a rigidly structured enviornment and become very distressed if anyone disturbs it, and frequently resort to violence. If this isn't enough, Autistic boys are extremely impulsive. Imagine that an Autistic boy named is alone with his friend Kate. Autistic boys desire sex like all boys do, but boys with

Autism are unable to express their emotions in ways that are meaningful to other people and have an exteme male mind. What if Kate does not want to have sex with ? He is rigid, apethetic, thinks everyone shares his ideas, impulsive, extremely male, and violent. Do you think would accept Kate's feelings? No, I think you know what comes next. This group does not encurage hatred of any kind; it is only to give young women a complete picture and to help them." That is their description. On the site, there is also a drawing of a female teenager with the caption: "To you she is a human being like you, but to a person mentally crippled with autism she is no more an object than a blender". They have a so called "autism awareness" video warning females that autistic males are potential sexual predators. This video also has a mug shot of Ted Bundy and another picture of Andrei Chikatilo

(known as the Rostov Ripper) a Ukranian serial murderer convicted of the murders of 52 women and children. Here is the hyperlink to the website: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20379907381 RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - MissNewZealand - 11-20-2008 01:13 AM I just reported that group, hopefully some action will be taken. RE: Facebook Group

Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-20-2008 01:28 AM I have been posting on that group MNZ. I have been kicking Best's cyber butt. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 01:37 AM Shrek Wrote:I have been posting on that group MNZ. I have been kicking Best's cyber butt. Yes Shrek you have been busy I see. Well done. But watch this lot it ends up adding legitimacy to their agenda. The aim is to get facebook

to remove them and their hate site and remove this blot from cyberspace. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 01:54 AM I'd put your talents to use and get this blot removed from face book. If there is a way. Please don't try to take them on in their own site. One cannot have them gaining any legitimacy. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 02:37 AM chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: chie1 Wrote: TheZach Wrote: micgrace Wrote:Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed. You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud. Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me. I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS? There are many people with AS that have SSI. you didnt answer my question. Is your

AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system? AS is a disability (and is defined as a disability according to the Social Security Administration). I have read all of your posts here on AFF,you seem to be a very intelligent man. I have been to your website ,and even tho it didnt really stir my coffee, I was impressed with your effort. I guess my question should have , how did you equate your AS with being disabiling enough to claim SSI. Were you unable to adjust well enough to a work situation in the private sector where you could obtain and keep a job? Do you consider yourself to be self-employed now? I think this is more relevant for another thread. Feel free to start one. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 08:03 AM Quote: micgrace Wrote:The Zach always trolling. get lost. Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command." Here's the action: No personal attacks please - that goes for everyone. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 08:03 AM Oh, the actual action will be something more if the warning isn't heeded. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 08:09 AM micgrace Wrote:You are certainly entitled to make a living from your site. I always applaud initiative. But not by using a totally non commercial site such as this to promote your wares. I take offense with that. I don't provide links to what I do as business here in fairness to the owners of this site. But you do every chance you get. He isn't posting commercial spam - he's posting a link to a personal site which has a

commercial element to it. There's nothing dishonest in the way he presents it and it is less commercial than my and Amy's own litesim. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-20-2008 09:10 AM I used to have a FB account, but I closed it after people from another forum turned it into some kind of 'adult school playground', deleting people as their friend just because they were a friend of someone they didn't like and so on. It was absolutely ridiculous and I felt I'd had enough of that at school without wasting my time on it now Eurgh!

B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 09:32 AM "adult school playground" perfectly sums up a lot of these social networking sites. I avoid them myself on principle. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-20-2008 12:08 PM micgrace

Wrote:One cannot get disability here in OZ with AS you just get forced to do whatever demeaning job they shove you into. Then blame you when you leave it. Or work for the dole. Depends - I know several aspies who do get SSI but they had to have a detailed report from a psychiatrist or psychologist showing how their condition prevented them from holding a job for very long. Two of them also had learning difficulties and one also has a diagnosis of ADHD. I've been told if I lose my job, I'd probably get SSI because of the psychiatrist's report that was written on me a few years ago. My employer is understanding but I still have troubles coping sometimes. With a less understanding employer, I would not cope at all well. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-20-2008 10:46 PM Pakrat Wrote:Depends - I know several aspies who do get SSI but they had to have a detailed report from a psychiatrist or psychologist showing how their condition prevented them from holding a job for very long. Two of them also had learning difficulties and one also has a diagnosis of ADHD. I've been told if I lose my job, I'd probably get SSI because of the psychiatrist's report that was written on me a few years ago. My employer is understanding but I still have troubles coping sometimes. With a less understanding employer, I would not cope at all well. What's SSI? I've never heard of it: something like the dole or disability pension? Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 10:59 PM Alison Wrote: Pakrat Wrote:Depends - I know several aspies who do get SSI but they had to have a detailed report from a psychiatrist or psychologist showing how their condition prevented them from holding a job for very long. Two of them also had learning difficulties and one also has a diagnosis of ADHD. I've been told if I lose my job, I'd probably get SSI because of the psychiatrist's report that was written on me a few years ago. My employer is understanding but I still have troubles coping sometimes. With a less understanding employer,

I would not cope at all well. What's SSI? I've never heard of it: something like the dole or disability pension? Alison http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=What+is+SSI & l=1 RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 10:59 PM I think SSI is substantial social impairment aka disability. Certainly one won't get a disability pension with aspies as one is certainly capable of more than 15 hours of work a week unless one begins with a list of porky pies. My back, my back, I can't move the usual route to a

disability pension. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 11:09 PM micgrace Wrote:I think SSI is substantial social impairment aka disability. Certainly one won't get a disability pension with aspies as one is certainly capable of more than 15 hours of work a week unless one begins with a list of porky pies. My back, my back, I can't move the usual route to a disability pension. Actually I know of many Aspies that are on disability, and I know of many aspies that used to be on disability but are now self-supporting. I know of some who frequent this board and other AS boards - but I will leave

that to them to name themselves. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 11:13 PM We are talking very different disability pension systems. OZ vs UK. OZ rules are byzantine and put the onus onto to the person to try and prove they aren't malingering. Basically if you can move you don't get it. UK I'll leave you to outline that. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 11:13 PM

Actually I'm in the US RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 11:15 PM Thats a very different story again. My apologies. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-20-2008 11:19 PM I think you're thinking of SSDI. Social Security Disability Insurance is the disability insurance everyone has as American citizens (very much the same thing as Social Security retirement), but they are both a

pittance, and you really have to prove you can't make so much as X dollars a month to get it. Through my job I also have private short term and long term disability insurance. It covers two thirds of salary. It would be vastly preferable to SSDI if I was at home with a broken back, for example. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-20-2008 11:24 PM We are actually expected as Americans to contribute to our own retirements as people used to do before the 1930s. We try. Our employers often choose to match our contributions to personal retirement accounts (401K) up to several percent (2.5% at my employer, some companies even higher).

Automatically, every American citizen who works for an employer has 7.65% of pay taken out to pay into Social Security, and the employer must match that amount. In practice that pays for current retirees. God knows where the money will come from in 2037 when I am eligible to retire and in 2039 when I actually have 40 years of steady full time job experience. For the self employed, since they are their own employers, they pay 15.30% percent all by themselves if they earn more than $400 some a year. In practice some companies illegally make their agents self employees just to make the paperwork easier. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-21-2008 12:21

AM Silver Meteor Wrote:Yes it does. her friend was the one who made them. Is there any evidence anywhere that a male who was found to have autism was convicted or charged with rape or forced sexual acts? One may aks this group for their evidence that this has happened. I have seen on other sites testimony by wives and girlfriends about the cruelty of their husband/boyfriends. If one was to believe their stories there seems to be some evidence of aspie men sometimes not being good companions. Saying that I have never seen a post or story anywhere about an aspie teenager/adult male raping anyone. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-21-2008 12:39 AM Most rapes and such are about power using sex as a means of control. The article is to me on a personal level a very big slur and smacks of pure hate groups. I think their real agenda is to recruit others to something much more sinister if that is possible. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - M - 11-21-2008 01:41 PM The more I think about the 8 stages of genocide -- I can see it happening all around me. http://www.genocidewatch.org/8stages.htm The propaganda, the hate talk, is all there. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-21-2008 02:10 PM M Wrote:The more I think about the 8 stages of genocide -- I can see it happening all around me. http://www.genocidewatch.org/8stages.htm The propaganda, the hate talk, is all there. Read my thread in general....... RE: Facebook

Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-21-2008 02:38 PM micgrace Wrote:I think SSI is substantial social impairment aka disability. Certainly one won't get a disability pension with aspies as one is certainly capable of more than 15 hours of work a week unless one begins with a list of porky pies. My back, my back, I can't move the usual route to a disability pension. I'm sorry, I meant DSP (Disability Support Pension). That is what my friends are on. Some people certainly are quite disabled by Asperger's and its comorbids so there wouldn't have to be any mistruths told in order to be assessed for DSP. RE: Facebook Group Warns

Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-21-2008 09:43 PM Its the co morbids that will get the DSP. Aspies won't. In fact the majority with aspies lead full and interesting lives. But that is not to deny the requirement for adjustments and support sometimes. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-22-2008 08:34 AM micgrace Wrote:Its the co morbids that will get the DSP. Aspies won't. In fact the majority with aspies lead full and interesting lives. But that is not to

deny the requirement for adjustments and support sometimes. So, I'm a little confused. Centrelink assessed me as needing some accommodations with all jobs and the psychiatrist assessed me as permanently and partially impaired and recommended that all instructions be given to me in writing (or if verbal, reinforced in writing). If I knew exactly where on the spectrum I was, it would make it easier to know just how much I was capable of. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Lavendersky - 11-22-2008 08:59 AM Some Aspies can get disability because they have Asperger's, whether they have co-morbids or not. As far as I have heard, assessment for disability is dependent on

level of functioning, not diagnosis. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-22-2008 10:08 AM Lavendersky Wrote:Some Aspies can get disability because they have Asperger's, whether they have co-morbids or not. As far as I have heard, assessment for disability is dependent on level of functioning, not diagnosis. And for those of us diagnosed late in life, well, we just got on with it as well as we could manage. It hasn't been easy: I was also misdiagnosed as having RSI rather than the autoimmune condition Hashimotos, so for years had to have expensive, time-consuming and ultimately useless therapy for

something which has since been virtually fixed by taking one small hormone tablet daily. This treatment included, at one stage, psychotherapy, since it was thought that perhaps I was having "imaginary" pain due to depression, not that I was depressed because I was experiencing constant pain! Then it was found out that a host of other physical problems I had actually boiled down to Lupus (luckily only a "mild" version). My co-morbids have made my life a misery, but it's been their mis-diagnoses by too many so-called "health professionals" that let it continue for as long as it did. I've been called a malingerer and a hypochondriac in the past, even though I've never been on a disability pension and always worked a full-time job despite (at times) literally agonising pain. Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism =

Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-22-2008 10:30 AM Autism is classed as a disability by many health authorities, therefore it'd make sense you can claim disability benefits for it. However, be warned: it isn't free money - it costs your freedom in most places. In other words, you are not allowed to claim disability and get any other income, unless it's "permitted work", and doing permitted work is limited to only so much per year. There also tends not to be any sliding scale either, you're either on disability or you aren't, so you can't slowly increase your income and gain independence, but need to go from nothing to a reasonable living income straight away. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder -

micgrace - 11-22-2008 11:26 AM Our previous Liberal Government changed to very harsh rules across all disabilities pensions. And is based on meeting the level of functioning (and that means if you can work at all basically you don't get it) and those rules are enforced by their medicos. Then theres the national sport of classing anyone reliant on centrelink as a malingerer, dole bludger or generally taking advantage of the sytem regardless of circumstances. One must be careful in dealing with our social security system as they have no qualms or conscience in dealing with people. And the penalities they apply are out of all proportion to the perceived error / fault or whatever. And can include jail. RE:

Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Lavendersky - 11-22-2008 11:28 AM Hi Gareth, I am unsure as to whether you are speaking generally or to my post specifically.... I just would like to say that I am familiar with disability benefits, having received them for depression, PTSD and anxiety in the past, and now again in the present, after my last job did not work out (for reasons connected with being an aspie.) I no longer have PTSD or debilitating depression, though I do have a lot of anxiety. I am hoping that my recent diagnosis of Asperger's will connect me with resources that can help me find a job that will work for me in my specific situation. I did not mean to imply that an AS diagnosis is the way to free money. I am hoping for me it will be the opposite,

now that I have insight into what and why things went wrong in my job previously and can access services. I think one must be careful when stating that people with this particular diagnosis will always have the ability/potential to be as capable as everyone else because it affects everyone differently. For many--and I don't necessarily mean personally--AS means a struggle to live independently and find gainful employment. This observation is based on the people I have met in the Adult's with Asperger's group I have been attending. I would also like to add that I have to spend quite a while re-reading my replies before I post them to make sure I haven't said anything that is unintentionally offensive. I try to figure out all the possible ways that what I have written can be interpreted or misinterpreted, but I am not very good at it. So, just so people are aware, my intention is not to offend. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 11:33 AM Lavendersky you must have got yours prior to that very mean Gov. like my brother in law did. (Nothing to do with aspies, very severe car accident, not able to function). The local centrelink office here has a total mercenary attitude and refuses people outright or boots them off without hesitation. No reason given. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 11:35 AM Ah yes. you are in Canada. My comments relating to OZ may be completely meaningless. But could happen there as we are both similar Commonwealth countries. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-22-2008 12:02 PM Gareth Wrote:Autism is classed as a disability by many health authorities, therefore it'd make sense you can claim disability benefits for it. However, be warned: it isn't free money - it costs your freedom in most places. In other words, you are not

allowed to claim disability and get any other income, unless it's "permitted work", and doing permitted work is limited to only so much per year. There also tends not to be any sliding scale either, you're either on disability or you aren't, so you can't slowly increase your income and gain independence, but need to go from nothing to a reasonable living income straight away. In the UK I thought Disability Living Allowance was not related to income? It's meant to cover the additional costs of a person's disability, e.g. the mobility element can be used for a Motability vehicle. B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Lavendersky - 11-22-2008 12:08 PM "The local centrelink office here has a total mercenary attitude and refuses people outright or boots them off without hesitation. No reason given." That is much worse than anything I have experienced in dealing with ODSP and CPP (Ontario Disability Support Services and Canada Pension Plan-Disability.) I have heard horror stories from other people though. The thing that bothers me a lot is that their decision-making seems to be so random--like whether or not someone is in a good mood. Seems like that might be what is going on in Australia (Australia, right?) I cannot figure out how to quote anything anymore. I knew when I first started posting, but apparently not anymore.... RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-22-2008 12:15 PM bridie Wrote: Gareth Wrote:Autism is classed as a disability by many health authorities, therefore it'd make sense you can claim disability benefits for it. However, be warned: it isn't free money - it costs your freedom in most places. In other words, you are not allowed to claim disability and get any other income, unless it's "permitted work", and doing permitted work is limited to only so much per year. There also tends not to be any sliding scale either, you're either

on disability or you aren't, so you can't slowly increase your income and gain independence, but need to go from nothing to a reasonable living income straight away. In the UK I thought Disability Living Allowance was not related to income? It's meant to cover the additional costs of a person's disability, e.g. the mobility element can be used for a Motability vehicle. B Incapacity benefit, income support etc DLA is not meant for (and is not appropriate to be used as) a replacement for employment wages. If you aren't working and live off benefits, you need income support or incapacity benefit, both of which are tied to income. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape

and Murder - bridie - 11-22-2008 12:21 PM Sorry, Gareth, didn't realise the conversation was just about benefits to replace employment You're quite right, DLA in the UK is in addition to wages. B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-22-2008 01:10

PM Lavendersky Wrote:I cannot figure out how to quote anything anymore. I knew when I first started posting, but apparently not anymore.... Lavendersky, just click the "reply" link at the bottom of the box of the person you want to quote. It should bring it up. Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-22-2008 03:26 PM I know of adults in the UK who get DLA for AS. B RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 09:42 PM Lavender Sky Just hit the reply button just below on the right thats the one. When I lost my business and reduced to poverty I needed them fast just to survive and figure out what the **** I was going to do. But, no, inspite of extremely severe panic attacks, multiple hospitalisations etc at that time period I couldn't get a damn thing when it was really needed. The idea was I had companies registered to myself and I must be making a motza. Yeh right. Ever heard of what happens when

a business fails. But the real horror from ours comes with a penalty regime that is harsh in the extreme. Lets say someone neglects to put in a form as one is sick or any reasonable excuse one can loose all benefits for eight weeks while still being expected to comply. And part of the conditions can include retraining / rehabilitation. My stint with them has me owing more than I ever got as a sickness benefit when I needed it. They call it an overpayment. I call it an oxymoron. Anyway certainly glad to be free of their clutches. (copied from report by ACOSS)  People with disabilities who apply for payments and are assessed as able to work part time will no longer be able to getthe Disability Support Pension (DSP). 81,000 people will be put on lower payments, mainly Newstart Allowance. Those without work will receive $46 per week less than the pension and those who study full time will receive up to $166 per week less.

Although the main ‘taper rate’ on the income test for Newstart Allowance is eased from 70 cents in the dollar to 60 cents, this is still higher than the 40 cents in the dollar deducted from the earnings of pensioners. So, if they get a job for 15 hours a week at the minimum wage their weekly disposable income will be $101 less than on the pension. Single parents  who apply for payments (including many existing recipients who leave Parenting Payment and reapply after 12 weeks) will no longer be able to get Parenting Payment once their youngest child turns 8. 77,000 single parents will instead go onto lower payments like Newstart Allowance. Those who remain jobless will receive $29 per week less than the pension, and those who study full time will receive $63 per week less. Due to the tighter income test, if they get a job for 15 hours a week at the minimum wage, their weekly disposable income will be $96 less than on the pension.

Some single parents on Newstart Allowance will continue to be paid at pension rates: foster carers, home or distance educators, and parents with 4 or more dependent children (see ‘changes to legislation’ below). People with disabilities  on Newstart or Youth Allowance will be required to seek part time employment of at least 15 hours a week if they are assessed as able to work part time. They will also be required to participate in programs like Job Network, Disability Open Employment Services, and Work for the Dole. Penalties  for failure to meet participation requirements will be changed from the loss of a fixed proportion of the income support payment over a number of weeks to the ‘suspension’ of one or more payments as long as recipients fail to comply. Recipients will be given opportunities to explain their non compliance to Centrelink and rectify it, in which case payments may be fully

restored. However, if the recipient breaches requirements three times in a year (including minor breaches like failure to attend a Job Network interview) they will lose 8 weeks’ income support. Leaving a job voluntarily, failing to accept a suitable job offer, and failure to participate in ‘full time work for the dole’ will attract an immediate 8 week penalty. All recipients of activity tested payments such as Newstart Allowance will automatically be referred to employment services, in most cases Job Network. People with disabilities may instead be referred to Disability Open Employment Services, Rehabilitation or the Personal Support Program, depending on the assessment of their disability. Many parents and mature age job seekers will receive ‘Employment Preparation’ within the Job Network, which allows for extra interviews and a small ‘job seeker account’.  Disability Support Pensioners can still participate

voluntarily in Disability Open Employment or other employment services, but places are not guaranteed for them and there are queues. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Moriah - 11-22-2008 11:29 PM micgrace Wrote:Our previous Liberal Government changed to very harsh rules across all disabilities pensions. And is based on meeting the level of functioning (and that means if you can work at all basically you don't get it) and those rules are enforced by their medicos. Then theres the national sport of classing anyone reliant on centrelink as a malingerer, dole bludger or generally taking advantage of the sytem regardless of

circumstances. One must be careful in dealing with our social security system as they have no qualms or conscience in dealing with people. And the penalities they apply are out of all proportion to the perceived error / fault or whatever. And can include jail. The social welfare system in the US is in need of reform. So many who can work dont just so they can be on the dole. We have a thing called ,earned income tax credit(basically welfare through the IRS), wherein an individual will work a job until they reach the cutoff limit for recieving the credit. They will then quit working until the beginning of the next tax season. When they file their tax returns they are eligible for the credit. This can add up to thousands of dollars,and they recieve a check for basically being lazy. The system is rampant with fraud. I work 50+ hours a week for my pittance. So the welfare system really pisses me off. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-23-2008 12:18 AM There's a woman I know who was born with two severely clubbed feet. Despite operations, she still cannot walk, so is wheelchair-bound. She has a "job" where she sits in her wheelchair all shift just inside the entrance of one of the big retail chain stores in the local mall, being "security". She's very bitter: as she told me once, what is she expected to do if somebody doesn't stop when she asks them to? How can she possibly hope to catch them? But that's the only way she can get any sort of income - it's one of the "newstart" schemes. She has said to me, with very bleak humour, that it makes her feel

like a doorstop. Poor thing. Things like that remind me of how lucky I am, despite all my comorbids. Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-23-2008 12:21 AM Alison Wrote:There's a woman I know who was born with two severely clubbed feet. Despite operations, she still cannot walk, so is wheelchair-bound. She has a "job" where she sits in her wheelchair all shift just inside the entrance of one of the big retail chain stores in the local mall, being "security". She's very bitter: as she told me once, what is she expected to do if somebody doesn't stop when she asks them

to? How can she possibly hope to catch them? But that's the only way she can get any sort of income - it's one of the "newstart" schemes. She has said to me, with very bleak humour, that it makes her feel like a doorstop. Poor thing. Things like that remind me of how lucky I am, despite all my comorbids. Alison Oh, I meant to add, the reason she can't get a desk job, which the Newstart people initially wanted her to get, is because she also is epileptic, and computer monitors bring on seizures. And where in the developed world now are there desk jobs sans computers? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-23-2008

12:26 AM My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day. When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-23-2008 07:44 AM Yes Alsison they are very cruel to anyone who may have a disability. One

jumps to the tune of the Newstart mob. And refusal of an unsuitable job as your friend has is removal of assistance for 8 weeks. Whether the current Government remedies that is probably not likely. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-23-2008 09:13 AM Marcia Wrote:My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was

always closed, so she was shut in there all day. When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't. No offence, but does it really bother a blind person if there's no light in the room? RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marx - 11-23-2008 10:48 AM Gareth Wrote: Marcia Wrote:My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day. When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't. No offence, but does it really bother a blind person if there's no light in the room? I think it's really about seperating her from the rest of the colleages. However, she might have decided to work in the cupboard at her own free will. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-23-2008 10:55 AM Gareth Wrote: Marcia Wrote:My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day. When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't. No offence, but does it really bother a blind person if there's no light in the room? Access to natural light (even for blind people) is important for health. Ultraviolet light helps to convert the skin's vitamin precursors into vitamin D--which regulates calcium and phosphates in the

body; and protects against cancer. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-23-2008 11:44 AM To be legally blind can include, I believe, having up to 15% sight in either eye. Which is enough to make out light and dark. Not only that, but if it was so small, the room probably wasn't properly ventilated either. I worked in a small office for one year in the Public Service, back when I was eighteen - it had no ventilation, the windows couldn't be opened, and the other two women working there with me (we were typists in what used to be known as a typing pool). They were both chain smokers, whilst I had never smoked and had no wish to start, as I

think it's a filthy way to commit slow suicide. Nevertheless, it wasn't long before I became hooked on their side-stream smoke. Enough to make me feel ill and shaky by the next morning, when I'd go into work and take deep breaths of filthy tobacco-laden air and start to feel "normal" again. And let's not even mention going cold turkey every weekend! Only innate ***-mindedness on my part stopped me from becoming a smoker at that point. After one year, I'd kicked up enough of a fuss to be moved; and to have "trouble-maker, does not get on with co-workers" marked on my file. Alison RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-23-2008 03:19 PM

micgrace Wrote:Yes Alsison they are very cruel to anyone who may have a disability. One jumps to the tune of the Newstart mob. And refusal of an unsuitable job as your friend has is removal of assistance for 8 weeks. Whether the current Government remedies that is probably not likely. Can't people who are treated really unjustly by Centrelink ask for a review of the decision? (I understood that this was possible). Government department staff generally fear "ministerials" so a complaint to the local member of parliament often helps. Another possibility is to get the Ombudsman involved but the person has to first exhaust the appeals option. Until plenty of people make such complaints, little will change. Unfortunately, Australians can be rather apathetic and not want to make waves but sometimes it is necessary if you are to look out for your best interests. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Callista - 11-23-2008 03:20 PM I think "legally blind" also includes distorted vision which admits normal amounts of light but is so blurred that you can't be corrected to any better than... hmm, is it 20/1000? I'm not sure. But some really huge number. Or it could be described as "vision too bad when corrected to legally drive" in which case the limit varies by state. Here it's 20/40, I think. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-23-2008 03:28 PM micgrace Wrote:Lavendersky you must have got yours prior to that very mean Gov. like my brother in law did. (Nothing to do with aspies, very severe car accident, not able to function). The local centrelink office here has a total mercenary attitude and refuses people outright or boots them off without hesitation. No reason given. micgrace, they have to abide by guidelines and if they are making up their own as they go along as this lot could be doing, they could be in a lot of trouble. A few ministerial complaint investigations could make all the difference. That said, it is quite possible to get different decisions by two different people and that is why there is a right of appeal. It's no good sitting around and wringing one's hands if a decision seems bad, there are avenues of redress including contacting the

local parliamentary member's office (at least in Australia). RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-23-2008 10:10 PM There is a right of appeal and many very bad decisions get overturned but the fact one has to go to that trouble is indicative of the culture of centrelink. Problem is most people seem resigned to their "decisions" especially as regards to administrative penalties and alleged overpayments. It is of course a hangover from the days and "Hot air" Kev has hardly done a thing to fix it. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and

Murder - Pakrat - 11-24-2008 03:20 PM No he hasn't. But the only way to get things changed is for many people to shake off their torpor and get angry enough to do whatever it takes to have unjust decisions overturned. [edit] typo fixed upon request [couldbecousin] RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-24-2008 10:03 PM The whole of the Government was a never ending stream of unjust decisions. That government would be right at home in the 1950's. Good riddance. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-25-2008 08:52 PM I think I am banned from andra's page. I think she emerged from her self pititis long enough to notice we noticed. Was it a. If you were in the United States I'd sue you or b. Report this group (show them where the link was) RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-25-2008 08:59 PM That mentally abused Russian Aspie hater wouldn't make it as a mail order

bride. Grrrrrrr. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-25-2008 09:16 PM It wasn't a real good idea to post on that hate site. I wondered how long you would get away with it before the mongrels woke up. At least they know we aren't taking it lying down. RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - Yesterday 04:30 PM I am surprised that the group wasn't took down...yet. NT's just

stand there and watch. Two Blessings <ljdjd1234> wrote: Hi, all. this message was passed on to me, and they asked each of us to pass it along.... This is horrible. I know we have free speech...here again we are faced with how cruel people can be. Once again we all know that if in place of the word Autism, they chose another race, sex, or whatever...they'd have much more of a push back... Anyhow, this is not to start a debate on how some people are just stupid and I don't have time, etc....I'm sending it for

those of you who are affected by it, and feel led to contact facebook...That's all. Blessings, e P.S. Below is the groups response to their claim that "Autistic people are more likely to be rapist..."---yes you heard me correctly. It's sick. (the highlighted part is my addition). By the way...I have not seen this group, or logged on as I just got this info...but it does come from a very reputable source...just an fyi. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20379907381Contrary to what Autism supremacy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE AUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most, of Autistic people are more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder, MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE NOT

DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of being around Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people; we do not want violence against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are aware of the potential danger.++++++++Is this what we want people to really think? It's time to get this out and write facebook and everyone else...Our sons and daughters WILL suffer if people like these are allowed to post such hate...in addition, we need to be VERY careful of what we say about how "horrendous" autism is...This COULD be the future of what people think about our children... "Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler" - Albert Einstein

"Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler" - Albert Einstein

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...Thank you so much for this.


Maggie...I hope you can find it now.

To: AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 6:46:31 PMSubject: Re: Facebook info...

Here's the link to the group that is opposed to this one! What a bunch of, yes, I am using the R word - retards! Autism isn't contagious but stupidity is!http://www.facebook .com/home. php#/group. php?gid=37682788 201If this link does not work, its because yahoo inserts spaces into the links, thereby deactivating them. You will have to go in and edit it or go to facebook groups and search:

protection force for autistic people against the anti autistic group Welch <julie_welch17@ yahoo.com> wrote:

Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Printable Version+- Aspies For Freedom (http://www.aspiesfo rfreedom. com)+-- Forum: General (/forumdisplay. php?fid=48)+--- Forum: Treatment in society (/forumdisplay. php?fid=3)+--- Thread: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder (/showthread. php?tid=14904)

Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-16-2008 08:26 PM There is a highly offensive group on Facebook called: "Protection Force for Young Females from Autism"Their description is as follows:"Contrarary to what Autism supremesy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE AUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most, of Autistic people are more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder, MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of being around Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people; we do not want violence against Autistic people, only that girls

pass them by and are aware of the potential danger. Kayukov- My friend who made the video has a self diagnosed online Autistic friend.Too much of what people hear on the news and on the internet about Autism is biased positive information created by the lovers of Autistic people to try to create Autism awareness with the sole intention of giving the Autistic people a special place in normal society. These people who are promoting "Autism awareness" are not giving the complete picture; the purpose of this group is to provide that picture and protect the innocent.Autism is a disease that affects almost entirely boys; one theory for this is that Autism is an "extreme male mind." Autistic boys are apethetic and are unable to know how another person feels, or will feel. They also become very distressed if they do not get their way. This could be somthing like a minor violation of their strict rutine, the birth of a sister, a

haircut, or failure for another person to make a decision that the Autistic boy agrees with. Part of the problem with the intense reaction to a dicision that the Autistic boy does not agree with is their need for control and lack of empathy. How can a person accept a decision different from their own if they cannot imagine that other people have thoughts different from their own? Finally, Autistic boys often use and threaten violence as a way of expressing their frustrutation because they have great difficulty in expressing their feelings to other people in meaningful ways. To review the elements of the Autistic boy, they cannot empathize, imagine that other people have views different from their own, require a rigidly structured enviornment and become very distressed if anyone disturbs it, and frequently resort to violence. If this isn't enough, Autistic boys are extremely impulsive. Imagine that an Autistic boy named is alone with his friend

Kate. Autistic boys desire sex like all boys do, but boys with Autism are unable to express their emotions in ways that are meaningful to other people and have an exteme male mind. What if Kate does not want to have sex with ? He is rigid, apethetic, thinks everyone shares his ideas, impulsive, extremely male, and violent. Do you think would accept Kate's feelings? No, I think you know what comes next.This group does not encurage hatred of any kind; it is only to give young women a complete picture and to help them."That is their description. On the site, there is also a drawing of a female teenager with the caption: "To you she is a human being like you, but to a person mentally crippled with autism she is no more an object than a blender".They have a so called "autism awareness" videowarning females that autistic males are potential sexual predators. This video also

has a mug shot of Ted Bundy and another picture of Andrei Chikatilo (known as the Rostov Ripper) a Ukranian serial murderer convicted of the murders of 52 women and children. Here is the hyperlink to the website:http://www.facebook .com/group. php?gid=20379907 381

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-16-2008 09:06 PM Does this have any connection to the videos on Youtube which were made by, or with, friends of a woman called Tanja Koch? It sounds very similar, and yes, horrific and absolutely out of order.Do Facebook remove sites like this if they are reported and found to be offensive?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-16-2008 09:11 PM Yes it does. her friend was the one who made them.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-16-2008 09:22 PM facebook should be asked to take that down.I dont know how to do that do you?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - FeelingArranger - 11-16-2008 09:34 PM Almost all the way down, "report group".

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-16-2008 09:59 PM What a lot of rot. Facebook a blot on human society where any whacko can say anything and get away with it.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - ethereal - 11-16-2008 10:42 PM I'm so flabberghasted, disgusted and outraged at this!!! What utter **** ***!!!My boyfriend has severe Asperger's and is THE most gentle man I have ever dated. I want to do something about this but don't know what........ ....I'm so **** angry!

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-16-2008 10:55 PM I have reported it.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-16-2008 11:47 PM Nice, very nice. And we have no right of reply, since they have said they'll ban autistics, or "autistic supremisists" (their misspelling) who try to post. And did you know we're now considered a separate race? (Do they mean species, I wonder?) Oh, but what am I thinking, despite my dx, I'm not autistic, I'm a GIRL, so presumably I'm still a part of the human species! What a load of dingoes kidneys.Alison (who has never once in my life ever mistaken a girl for a blender ... )

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-17-2008 12:29 AM This is disgusting! Would it help if loads of people reported ti?B

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Harry - 11-17-2008 12:45 AM Her video was on YouTube (again) recently, but got taken down after a few days...The more people report it the better.Could you help spread the word on other boards; especially WP?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-17-2008 12:59 AM I have already posted this on WP. A lot of posters have reported it and are quite upset over this.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - RJARRRPCGP - 11-17-2008 01:08 AM Why don't you rat them out on YouTube? Have the videos flagged?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - couldbecousin - 11-17-2008 01:14 AM Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Silver Meteor - 11-17-2008 01:36 AM Their video was removed from YouTube twice when I reported this. That video is on facebook. Yes, I am going to be making a video about this and putting it on YouTube.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - 11-17-2008 02:27 AM Judging from that, I doubt that the group is valid. From what mental hospital have they escaped from?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 02:59 AM

couldbecousin Wrote:

Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed?

I think it has been removed, I can't find it anywhere. Well, we certainly have some very vicious enemies out there for what end, who knows? I can only guess. Yet another group of whackos to push offline. Any idea what country the perps are in? There are some very tough slander laws in many countries and this thing is full of slander. I'm happy to pursue them if in OZ.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - 11-17-2008 03:27 AM Let me guess: Amerikkka. (Satiric misspelling)

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 06:31 AM Judging from the names and places involved, Russia or Ukraine?Over the weekend I was listening to a brief sermon on Christian radio riding back from Hagerstown to Shepherdstown in my friend's truck. Some female preacher was saying that Hannah, mother of whom she dedicated unto the LORD, had two problems, first that she simply wanted a child, and two, that she had deeper cultural and personal issues: a second wife that had plenty of kids and rubbed her infertility into her, a culture that said kids were a woman's reward and glory and old age security (when said if she did not have a son she would die, she meant literally, but in old age), a

culture that said if women did not have kids they had sinned ( said God had removed her curse when she bore the Baptist), a false accusation of sin against Hannah by a priest, and so on.I think I have two problems, the first one being solved.1. Being mistreated because of Asperger/being inferior by reason of Asperger. Waldorf land (1977-1988) was a place where I was mistreated because of what lay people thought was mental retardation and because of special education until 1983. Most misbehaviors against me (up to and including sexual battery) were done and legitimated by the sense a disability made it acceptable to mistreat a child. There were also periods after college when I could not get an employment interview, and time after graduate school when interviews failed, presumably because of Asperger (the one interview that did succeed was supported by heavy

coaching).The fact that I succeed as a computer programmer and am compensated reasonably well for it as some sort of vengenance and affirmation against what went on.2. I am single, yes, but that might be for lack of a neurocompatible woman (female of my subspecies?) I don't think neurodiverse/ neurotypical unions work often, and if they do, the two of them write books and sell them on Amazon. Even Temple Grandin said neurobalanced unions work best. That is not an emotionally threatening thing to say. I am simply surrounded by females of a slightly different species.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 07:02 AM Ah well Shrek what can I say, heading off on a tangent again. Cause females are a slightly different species, they are female. Who can understand the female mind, least of all us mere males. I always take the bible with a big grain of salt only to the extent of known knowledge from the time period when written so a literal interpretation is extremely fallicious to say the least. *I duck for cover* Theological debates last for years on this point. At least 5000 years and counting.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-17-2008 07:08 AM

Shrek Wrote:

2. I am single, yes, but that might be for lack of a neurocompatible woman (female of my subspecies?) I don't think neurodiverse/ neurotypical unions work often, and if they do, the two of them write books and sell them on Amazon. Even Temple Grandin said neurobalanced unions work best.. That is not an emotionally threatening thing to say. I am simply surrounded by females of a slightly different species..

Well, NT/AT unions *can* work, but it's not an easy road, you do have to work at it. (Like any marriage, I suppose?) One thing I've noticed is that a lot of us with such miscegenacious marriages that do work often have found NT partners from a very different background culture to our own. In my case, Vernu is a Indian Ocean Islander, whose third language is English! His culture is as different to my own background as is possible to get, and that's why he accepted a lot of stuff from me at the start of the relationship as "normal" or representative of how all Aussie girls acted (studious with intense interests). And it may sound sexist, but it's true that his background culture favours women who are reserved and quiet, which is definitely me a lot of the time!And I know of a few other couples who are mixed NT/AT, and those with a cultural "mix" tend to be the

ones that work. So I'm all for mixing up the genes and cultures; it's fun and educational all at the same timeAlison

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 07:15 AM I've never been insulted by a blender

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 07:21 AM Any marriage is hard work. The wedding day lasts for a few hours. The marriage is for life. As you well know my wife is NT well and truly and I am not. A fair bit of learned relationship skills go a long way. OK I did have to learn them at an intellectual level and not by NT osmosis (for lack of a better word)

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-17-2008 07:26 AM

micgrace Wrote:

A fair bit of learned relationship skills go a long way. OK I did have to learn them at an intellectual level and not by NT osmosis (for lack of a better word)

"NT osmosis"! That's an excellent term for it, and doesn't it seem like that sometimes? There was a new advertisement on television last night, and neither nor I got it, and had to turn to Vernu, our resident NT Translator, for help! (It was that new one that the government is running, where child abusers say "thank you" to all those people who suspect but don't say or do anything about it.) It was crystal clear (nastily so) once Vernu interpreted it for us, but I had no idea what was going on up until then.Alison

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 07:39 AM "NT osmosis", what most learn at an intiuitive level by social interactions. And I as an aspies does not unless told or (fortunately) by close observation of others.Like all that pathetic small talk when someone is sizing up a potential mate, thats what it is for. The innuendo, gossip (where hints are dropped), you name it. They don't teach that ever. By the way I watch satellite TV almost exclusively so I haven't seen that ad yet.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-17-2008 08:49 AM

couldbecousin Wrote:

Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed?

You must be in and its the Report Group link at the bottom of the page, I added this to my blog as well and a few have reported it.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-17-2008 09:15 AM This is the link to facebook to report malicious crap. I don't have an account and refuse to due to security concerns with facebook.http://www.facebook .com/help/ contact_generic. php

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-17-2008 10:46 AM

couldbecousin Wrote:

Aghhhh...I just posted the link to this thread in #chatautism (the 18+ chatroom channel)...but I cannot find the "report" button on the Facebook page! Am I looking right past it, or has it been removed?

I think the report link is only there if you have a facebook account and login.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-17-2008 10:47 AM

Silver Meteor Wrote:

Their video was removed from YouTube twice when I reported this. That video is on facebook. Yes, I am going to be making a video about this and putting it on YouTube.

Please don't fuel them by giving them more attention

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - FeelingArranger - 11-17-2008 01:13 PM

Gareth Wrote:

Silver Meteor Wrote:

Their video was removed from YouTube twice when I reported this. That video is on facebook. Yes, I am going to be making a video about this and putting it on YouTube.

Please don't fuel them by giving them more attention

Better to write to facebook, and the groups mislead members if you want to do something about it.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-17-2008 02:59 PM Heh, look who just posted in that group....


Best wroteat 9:30amHi,Did you know that we can cure autism now?There are a few mental cases who have Asperger's and think they are superior to everyone but most people with autism have severe struggles in their lives. I can't blame you for being afraid of people with brain damage who might not be fully aware of what they are doing.It's not enough to simply identify a possible problem. You need to be aware of solutions. You could turn this into a positive outcome for everyone by helping us spread the word that autism is brain damage caused by vaccines and we know how to cure it.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 03:57 PM I responded that a. when I turn on a blender it usually doesb. I have never been insulted by a blenderc. as a sociologist and diagnosed Aspie her statements are responsible for much of the discrimination against our minority group

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 04:18 PM I made a scathing and logical argument. It makes me feel better now.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marx - 11-17-2008 05:12 PM http://www.facebook .com/group. php?gid=20379907 381#/group. php?gid=20379907 381Four words to describe the creator of that facebook group, andra Kayukov:-Callous-Unpleasant-Nasty-Terrifying

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 05:25 PM I suggested those frightened women consider same sex relationships because men make up the vast majority of rapes, spouse abuse, spouse murders (I didn't say child abuse but I should have).Women make better mates and parents on average, judging from statistics such as violent crime. This is not to say that the Violence Against Women Act does not eventually discuss, for example, a few other women in intimate relationships, nor deny that some mothers kill their children ( Yates), only in far fewer numbers than men. A sizable proportion of wife-killing- husband killings are in response to his long-term violence, frequently

self-defense.Or perhaps the women are more intimidated against doing these things because we would punish them more harshly. Wives convicted of spouse murder get worse sentences than husbands convicted of spouse murder.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marx - 11-17-2008 05:32 PM

Marcia Wrote:

I have reported it.

I had too!

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-17-2008 06:12 PM Wondering if I should write a submission for the local newspaper (land Independent) in Waldorf. Perhaps even just a letter to the editor, but enough to say that the laypeople's assessment of my specialness was wrong and that the good people of Waldorf should treat their current generation of special education kids better.

Shrek Wrote:

1. Being mistreated because of Asperger/being inferior by reason of Asperger. Waldorf land (1977-1988) was a place where I was mistreated because of what lay people thought was mental retardation and because of special education until 1983. Most misbehaviors against me (up to and including sexual battery) were done and legitimated by the sense a disability made it acceptable to mistreat a child. There were also periods after college when I could not get an employment interview, and time after graduate school when interviews failed, presumably because of Asperger (the one interview that did succeed was supported by heavy coaching).The fact that I succeed as a computer programmer and am compensated reasonably well for it as some sort of vengenance and affirmation against what went on.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-18-2008 07:25 AM If this person is any of you please stop, your accomplishing making yourself look like Best



RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-18-2008 08:27 AM ^^ I hope you're not suggesting that you seriously think that any of us would have posted something like that!

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-18-2008 08:38 AM No one here that I know. So don't troll here.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 03:28 PM Scathing responses. This feels good..

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-18-2008 03:42 PM I don't know many of the full names of people here, but from things I have had in the past with people here it would not surprise me if it was one of you.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 04:14 PM I am (Marsh). I am educated with a scathing wit.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-18-2008 04:22 PM I'm not revealing my full name, but I do now have a red patch on my forehead where I banged it off my laptop!

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 04:30 PM Did you like my wit Marcia?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Harry - 11-18-2008 05:17 PM For some reason, Best doesn't want to be my facebook fiend :-(

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 05:30 PM Good show Harry. Harry do you like my wit?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-18-2008 08:35 PM

TheZach Wrote:

I don't know many of the full names of people here, but from things I have had in the past with people here it would not surprise me if it was one of you.

One way to distinguish my posts from others is that, being hyperlexic, I would *never* write "chose" when I mean "choose" Alison Lesley Venugoban, age 47, pretty Australian Aspie, girl, etc ...

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-18-2008 08:56 PM I believe you . My cousin is 49. Of she and her daughter Janet (24) at the family reunion last June I invented the phrase "Kravetzes are goddesses."I am very literate too. Is that what hyperlexic means?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-18-2008 09:54 PM The Zach always trolling. get lost.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - 11-19-2008 01:46 AM I...GAH!I'll get around this soon.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 03:14 AM I caught Best in an illegal recommendation.

Best Wrote:

Invite your female friends out for a drink, get them drunk and you might get lucky.

which he recommended to me no less.According to my Criminology 402 at Shepherd University, it is generally illegal to have sex with a woman who is drunk even if she is willing because she is not capable of consent (or driving). The law generally recognizes consent to require a mind below the legal limit.Get a breathalyzer for the master bedroom. "Blow, dear"So I reported him for supporting illegal activity.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-19-2008 03:26 AM A note:Every post you make there gives them more attention.Don't bother, just keep reporting it. Don't give free advertising and don't engage them.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - satyrwilder - 11-19-2008 03:41 AM ly, and this is something these philistine NTs are not capable of realizing until you tell them, but autistic people are at risk of sexual abuse from the NT population, not vice versa.After all that compliance that was pounded into our heads, after how long they spent teaching us that other people get to decide who and when and how it's okay to touch us, god forbid your autistic child grow up attractive. It's a recipe for vulnerability and exploitation.I should know.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 04:09 AM I'm always watching out for my daughter. Teenage, very attractive, very aspie (which she won't admit) and heavily computer orientated. Locked code? What locked code? (active disencouragement underway) I have an intense dislike of bullies and such scum that try to take advantage of others.I do believe till bullying attracts the same sentence or indeed any sentence as an assault it will never be viewed as what it really is, a severe criminal offence against the person. I still suffer from effects of being bullied physically and sexually many years later. And I'm no wimp. Just aspie.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-19-2008 01:57 PM Yes, I'd have to agree…The comments made by that facebook group are very ill-informed and offensive. A lack of empathy generally means autistic people avoid interaction with other; they don’t force interaction through violence. In addition, a lack of empathy doesn’t equate to a lack of compassion or morality. And (as has been stated above) autistic people are more likely to be those taken advantage of…not the reverse.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 03:33 PM Because I have had personal experience with a few members on this forum going around acting like immature idiots swearing and threatening to get there way and calling it activism - I thought I would point out that it is not activism doing that once again.

micgrace Wrote:

The Zach always trolling. get lost.

Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command.."

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-19-2008 03:36 PM

satyrwilder Wrote:

ly, and this is something these philistine NTs are not capable of realizing until you tell them, but autistic people are at risk of sexual abuse from the NT population, not vice versa.After all that compliance that was pounded into our heads, after how long they spent teaching us that other people get to decide who and when and how it's okay to touch us, god forbid your autistic child grow up attractive. It's a recipe for vulnerability and exploitation.I should know.

Yes, and I know it only too well too.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - ethereal - 11-19-2008 04:09 PM I don't think being an attractive aspie/autie female has much to do with the increased chances of being raped, rape is about power, not sexual attraction. Rapists target anyone vulnerable.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 05:48 PM ethereal why don't you submit your statement about your anger on behalf of your boyfriend, the gentlest man you know? I think we need female support on that facebook page.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 06:03 PM I feel good for being there..."And calling handicapped for having degrees.... that makes sense dimwit" Best makes more and more sense every day

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - ethereal - 11-19-2008 08:53 PM

Shrek Wrote:

ethereal why don't you submit your statement about your anger on behalf of your boyfriend, the gentlest man you know? I think we need female support on that facebook page.

I don't have an account on Facebook, I hate and despise Facebook and don't think it's safe.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 09:35 PM

TheZach Wrote:

Because I have had personal experience with a few members on this forum going around acting like immature idiots swearing and threatening to get there way and calling it activism - I thought I would point out that it is not activism doing that once again.

micgrace Wrote:

The Zach always trolling. get lost.

Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command."

Report me happily away. You think you can use this site as a link and free advertising to your own which has products for sale on it in any which way you feel like. No not good enough. Or try and create a conflict where there is none. I certainly didn't come down in the last shower and can spot such things a mile away. It is my business too. Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-19-2008 09:40 PM Is that because they ask for real names?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-19-2008 09:47 PM

ethereal Wrote:

Shrek Wrote:

ethereal why don't you submit your statement about your anger on behalf of your boyfriend, the gentlest man you know? I think we need female support on that facebook page.

I don't have an account on Facebook, I hate and despise Facebook and don't think it's safe.

I share your dislike of facebook; it's trivial and pointless in the extreme.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 09:54 PM Facebook does reveal peoples real online identities. It is after all an online social site (not sure of the exact term). Privacy? Whats that? Anywhere crooks can easily find out ones real identities is a crooks shopping paradise. New car? not a problem so and so will do for that. Need cash? Hey that guy looks good for some and so on.Party? Hey not a problem heaps to crash this week for free booze / chics etc. So much of problem has this become all parties are now getting registered at the local police station here to prevent such things.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 09:59 PM Bit of info about.Facebook is a social networking website launched on February 4, 2004. The free-access website is privately owned and operated by Facebook, Inc. Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profile to notify friends about themselves. The website's name refers to the paper facebooks depicting members of a campus community that some US colleges and preparatory schools give to incoming students, faculty, and staff as a way to get to know other people on campus.Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook while

he was a student at Harvard University. Website membership was initially limited to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Ivy League. It later expanded further to include any university student, then high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. The website currently has more than 120 million active users worldwide.Facebook has met with some controversy over the past few years. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries including Syria and Iran. It has also been banned at many places of work to increase productivity. Privacy has also been an issue, and it has been compromised several times. It is also facing several lawsuits from a number of Zuckerberg's former classmates, who claim that Facebook had stolen their source code and other intellectual property.One can imagine there is a fraud lurking in its innards somewhere. It certainly won't be the first time or the last.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-19-2008 10:06 PM I'd say facebook is pretty much a stalkers paradise. When the site first came into existance I did have an account; but after a while it started to feel very intrusive so I got rid.I read in the newspaper a couple of weeks back that "young women" are experiencing low self esteem because they haven't got enough 'friends' on facebook. I suppose the same thing could also happen to guys; although the article did specify women. There's a young lady at work who spends most of the day on facebook; how she gets away with it is quite beyond me.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 10:59 PM

micgrace Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

Because I have had personal experience with a few members on this forum going around acting like immature idiots swearing and threatening to get there way and calling it activism - I thought I would point out that it is not activism doing that once again.

micgrace Wrote:

The Zach always trolling. get lost.

Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command."

Report me happily away. You think you can use this site as a link and free advertising to your own which has products for sale on it in any which way you feel like. No not good enough. Or try and create a conflict where there is none. I certainly didn't come down in the last shower and can spot such things a mile away. It is my business too. Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed.

Just because I disagree with you and your buddy Rossco the banned does not make me a troll.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-19-2008 11:29 PM I'm ending this now by refusing to bite.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 11:44 PM Oh, I would like to apologize for trying to make a living, yes there are ads on my site. Yes, I do sell a t-shirt. I also have to pay rent, feed myself, feed my dog, etc. I can get SSI for Aspergers Syndrome and have collected as late as June, but I want to be self-sufficent. I want to do something with my life. For that micgrace, I apologize.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-19-2008 11:49 PM

micgrace Wrote:

I'm ending this now by refusing to bite.

No... your ending this because you took too big a bite. You and your buddy rossco the banned have been going around the internet spreading half truths about me, and now you get confronted and run.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:02 AM You are certainly entitled to make a living from your site. I always applaud initiative. But not by using a totally non commercial site such as this to promote your wares. I take offense with that. I don't provide links to what I do as business here in fairness to the owners of this site. But you do every chance you get.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:09 AM If the owners have a a problem with me they have my email.... otherwise you and Rosco the banned need to come up with some better material.This is getting old you two.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:12 AM I might add Rossco may be a friend of mine but his views are entirely independent of mine. I do not speak for Rossco.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:14 AM

micgrace Wrote:

Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed.

You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud.Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:24 AM Would you like me to go after you? I'm not interested.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-20-2008 12:25 AM

TheZach Wrote:

micgrace Wrote:

Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed.

You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud.Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me.

I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:30 AM

chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

micgrace Wrote:

Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed.

You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud.Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me.

I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS?

There are many people with AS that have SSI.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-20-2008 12:38 AM

TheZach Wrote:

chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

micgrace Wrote:

Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed.

You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud.Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me.

I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS?

There are many people with AS that have SSI.

you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 12:47 AM One cannot get disability here in OZ with AS you just get forced to do whatever demeaning job they shove you into. Then blame you when you leave it. Or work for the dole.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 12:48 AM

chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

micgrace Wrote:

Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed.

You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud.Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me.

I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS?

There are many people with AS that have SSI.

you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system?

AS is a disability (and is defined as a disability according to the Social Security Administration) .

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-20-2008 12:57 AM

TheZach Wrote:

chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

micgrace Wrote:

Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed.

You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud.Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me.

I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS?

There are many people with AS that have SSI.

you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system?

AS is a disability (and is defined as a disability according to the Social Security Administration) .

I have read all of your posts here on AFF,you seem to be a very intelligent man. I have been to your website ,and even tho it didnt really stir my coffee, I was impressed with your effort. I guess my question should have , how did you equate your AS with being disabiling enough to claim SSI. Were you unable to adjust well enough to a work situation in the private sector where you could obtain and keep a job? Do you consider yourself to be self-employed now?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - MissNewZealand - 11-20-2008 01:07 AM I find this very offensive. First off, Autistic boys are NOT the most likely to be rapists. Who on earth came up with such a ludicrous idea?? What is confusing to me is that the group claims to not promote hatred toward Autism, but at that same time, its making assumptions, and potentially creating stereotypes for autism. I disagree, I am going to go on there and try to report that, thinking of all the Autistic males who will be greatly offended, and females as well: "male minds", we have no such thing!!!.

Silver Meteor Wrote:

There is a highly offensive group on Facebook called: "Protection Force for Young Females from Autism"Their description is as follows:"Contrarary to what Autism supremesy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE AUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most, of Autistic people are more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder, MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of being around Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people; we do not want violence against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are aware of the potential danger. Kayukov- My friend who made the video has a self diagnosed online Autistic friend.Too much of what people hear on the news and on the internet about Autism is biased positive information created

by the lovers of Autistic people to try to create Autism awareness with the sole intention of giving the Autistic people a special place in normal society. These people who are promoting "Autism awareness" are not giving the complete picture; the purpose of this group is to provide that picture and protect the innocent.Autism is a disease that affects almost entirely boys; one theory for this is that Autism is an "extreme male mind." Autistic boys are apethetic and are unable to know how another person feels, or will feel. They also become very distressed if they do not get their way. This could be somthing like a minor violation of their strict rutine, the birth of a sister, a haircut, or failure for another person to make a decision that the Autistic boy agrees with. Part of the problem with the intense reaction to a dicision that the Autistic boy does not agree with is their need for control and lack of empathy. How can a person accept a

decision different from their own if they cannot imagine that other people have thoughts different from their own? Finally, Autistic boys often use and threaten violence as a way of expressing their frustrutation because they have great difficulty in expressing their feelings to other people in meaningful ways. To review the elements of the Autistic boy, they cannot empathize, imagine that other people have views different from their own, require a rigidly structured enviornment and become very distressed if anyone disturbs it, and frequently resort to violence. If this isn't enough, Autistic boys are extremely impulsive. Imagine that an Autistic boy named is alone with his friend Kate. Autistic boys desire sex like all boys do, but boys with Autism are unable to express their emotions in ways that are meaningful to other people and have an exteme male mind. What if Kate does not want to have sex with ? He is rigid, apethetic, thinks everyone

shares his ideas, impulsive, extremely male, and violent. Do you think would accept Kate's feelings? No, I think you know what comes next.This group does not encurage hatred of any kind; it is only to give young women a complete picture and to help them."That is their description. On the site, there is also a drawing of a female teenager with the caption: "To you she is a human being like you, but to a person mentally crippled with autism she is no more an object than a blender".They have a so called "autism awareness" videowarning females that autistic males are potential sexual predators. This video also has a mug shot of Ted Bundy and another picture of Andrei Chikatilo (known as the Rostov Ripper) a Ukranian serial murderer convicted of the murders of 52 women and children. Here is the hyperlink to the website:http://www.facebook .com/group. php?gid=20379907 381

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - MissNewZealand - 11-20-2008 01:13 AM I just reported that group, hopefully some action will be taken.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-20-2008 01:28 AM I have been posting on that group MNZ. I have been kicking Best's cyber butt.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 01:37 AM

Shrek Wrote:

I have been posting on that group MNZ. I have been kicking Best's cyber butt.

Yes Shrek you have been busy I see. Well done. But watch this lot it ends up adding legitimacy to their agenda. The aim is to get facebook to remove them and their hate site and remove this blot from cyberspace.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 01:54 AM I'd put your talents to use and get this blot removed from face book. If there is a way. Please don't try to take them on in their own site. One cannot have them gaining any legitimacy.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 02:37 AM

chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

chie1 Wrote:

TheZach Wrote:

micgrace Wrote:

Antifraud (or maybe that sends shivers up your spine) seeing you are exposed.

You sound a lot like Best now. You disagree with someone so you go accusing them of being a fraud.Sounds a lot like Best going after Baggs to me.

I dont understand,how where you able to collect SSI because of AS?

There are many people with AS that have SSI.

you didnt answer my question. Is your AS a disability to you? Or were you just taking advantage of the system?

AS is a disability (and is defined as a disability according to the Social Security Administration) ..

I have read all of your posts here on AFF,you seem to be a very intelligent man. I have been to your website ,and even tho it didnt really stir my coffee, I was impressed with your effort. I guess my question should have , how did you equate your AS with being disabiling enough to claim SSI. Were you unable to adjust well enough to a work situation in the private sector where you could obtain and keep a job? Do you consider yourself to be self-employed now?

I think this is more relevant for another thread. Feel free to start one.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 08:03 AM


micgrace Wrote:

The Zach always trolling. get lost.

Your post has been reported as harassment and I trust the administrators will take apporpriate action according to the rules "Do not post personal attacks, actual threats, or demands to other users to do as you command."

Here's the action:No personal attacks please - that goes for everyone.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 08:03 AM Oh, the actual action will be something more if the warning isn't heeded.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 08:09 AM

micgrace Wrote:

You are certainly entitled to make a living from your site. I always applaud initiative. But not by using a totally non commercial site such as this to promote your wares. I take offense with that. I don't provide links to what I do as business here in fairness to the owners of this site. But you do every chance you get.

He isn't posting commercial spam - he's posting a link to a personal site which has a commercial element to it. There's nothing dishonest in the way he presents it and it is less commercial than my and Amy's own litesim.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-20-2008 09:10 AM I used to have a FB account, but I closed it after people from another forum turned it into some kind of 'adult school playground', deleting people as their friend just because they were a friend of someone they didn't like and so on.It was absolutely ridiculous and I felt I'd had enough of that at school without wasting my time on it now Eurgh!B

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-20-2008 09:32 AM "adult school playground" perfectly sums up a lot of these social networking sites. I avoid them myself on principle.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-20-2008 12:08 PM

micgrace Wrote:

One cannot get disability here in OZ with AS you just get forced to do whatever demeaning job they shove you into. Then blame you when you leave it. Or work for the dole.

Depends - I know several aspies who do get SSI but they had to have a detailed report from a psychiatrist or psychologist showing how their condition prevented them from holding a job for very long. Two of them also had learning difficulties and one also has a diagnosis of ADHD.I've been told if I lose my job, I'd probably get SSI because of the psychiatrist' s report that was written on me a few years ago. My employer is understanding but I still have troubles coping sometimes. With a less understanding employer, I would not cope at all well.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-20-2008 10:46 PM

Pakrat Wrote:

Depends - I know several aspies who do get SSI but they had to have a detailed report from a psychiatrist or psychologist showing how their condition prevented them from holding a job for very long. Two of them also had learning difficulties and one also has a diagnosis of ADHD.I've been told if I lose my job, I'd probably get SSI because of the psychiatrist' s report that was written on me a few years ago. My employer is understanding but I still have troubles coping sometimes. With a less understanding employer, I would not cope at all well.

What's SSI? I've never heard of it: something like the dole or disability pension? Alison

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 10:59 PM

Alison Wrote:

Pakrat Wrote:

Depends - I know several aspies who do get SSI but they had to have a detailed report from a psychiatrist or psychologist showing how their condition prevented them from holding a job for very long. Two of them also had learning difficulties and one also has a diagnosis of ADHD.I've been told if I lose my job, I'd probably get SSI because of the psychiatrist' s report that was written on me a few years ago. My employer is understanding but I still have troubles coping sometimes. With a less understanding employer, I would not cope at all well.

What's SSI? I've never heard of it: something like the dole or disability pension? Alison

http://letmegooglet hatforyou. com/?q=What+ is+SSI & l=1

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 10:59 PM I think SSI is substantial social impairment aka disability. Certainly one won't get a disability pension with aspies as one is certainly capable of more than 15 hours of work a week unless one begins with a list of porky pies. My back, my back, I can't move the usual route to a disability pension.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 11:09 PM

micgrace Wrote:

I think SSI is substantial social impairment aka disability. Certainly one won't get a disability pension with aspies as one is certainly capable of more than 15 hours of work a week unless one begins with a list of porky pies. My back, my back, I can't move the usual route to a disability pension.

Actually I know of many Aspies that are on disability, and I know of many aspies that used to be on disability but are now self-supporting. I know of some who frequent this board and other AS boards - but I will leave that to them to name themselves.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 11:13 PM We are talking very different disability pension systems. OZ vs UK. OZ rules are byzantine and put the onus onto to the person to try and prove they aren't malingering. Basically if you can move you don't get it. UK I'll leave you to outline that.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - TheZach - 11-20-2008 11:13 PM Actually I'm in the US

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-20-2008 11:15 PM Thats a very different story again. My apologies.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-20-2008 11:19 PM I think you're thinking of SSDI.Social Security Disability Insurance is the disability insurance everyone has as American citizens (very much the same thing as Social Security retirement), but they are both a pittance, and you really have to prove you can't make so much as X dollars a month to get it.Through my job I also have private short term and long term disability insurance. It covers two thirds of salary. It would be vastly preferable to SSDI if I was at home with a broken back, for example.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-20-2008 11:24 PM We are actually expected as Americans to contribute to our own retirements as people used to do before the 1930s. We try. Our employers often choose to match our contributions to personal retirement accounts (401K) up to several percent (2.5% at my employer, some companies even higher).Automatically, every American citizen who works for an employer has 7.65% of pay taken out to pay into Social Security, and the employer must match that amount. In practice that pays for current retirees. God knows where the money will come from in 2037 when I am eligible to retire and in 2039 when I actually have 40 years of steady full time job

experience.For the self employed, since they are their own employers, they pay 15.30% percent all by themselves if they earn more than $400 some a year. In practice some companies illegally make their agents self employees just to make the paperwork easier.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - chie1 - 11-21-2008 12:21 AM

Silver Meteor Wrote:

Yes it does. her friend was the one who made them.

Is there any evidence anywhere that a male who was found to have autism was convicted or charged with rape or forced sexual acts? One may aks this group for their evidence that this has happened. I have seen on other sites testimony by wives and girlfriends about the cruelty of their husband/boyfriends. If one was to believe their stories there seems to be some evidence of aspie men sometimes not being good companions.Saying that I have never seen a post or story anywhere about an aspie teenager/adult male raping anyone.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-21-2008 12:39 AM Most rapes and such are about power using sex as a means of control. The article is to me on a personal level a very big slur and smacks of pure hate groups.I think their real agenda is to recruit others to something much more sinister if that is possible.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - M - 11-21-2008 01:41 PM The more I think about the 8 stages of genocide -- I can see it happening all around me. http://www.genocide watch.org/ 8stages.htmThe propaganda, the hate talk, is all there.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-21-2008 02:10 PM

M Wrote:

The more I think about the 8 stages of genocide -- I can see it happening all around me. http://www.genocide watch.org/ 8stages.htmThe propaganda, the hate talk, is all there.

Read my thread in general..... ..

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-21-2008 02:38 PM

micgrace Wrote:

I think SSI is substantial social impairment aka disability. Certainly one won't get a disability pension with aspies as one is certainly capable of more than 15 hours of work a week unless one begins with a list of porky pies. My back, my back, I can't move the usual route to a disability pension.

I'm sorry, I meant DSP (Disability Support Pension). That is what my friends are on. Some people certainly are quite disabled by Asperger's and its comorbids so there wouldn't have to be any mistruths told in order to be assessed for DSP.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-21-2008 09:43 PM Its the co morbids that will get the DSP. Aspies won't. In fact the majority with aspies lead full and interesting lives. But that is not to deny the requirement for adjustments and support sometimes.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-22-2008 08:34 AM

micgrace Wrote:

Its the co morbids that will get the DSP. Aspies won't. In fact the majority with aspies lead full and interesting lives. But that is not to deny the requirement for adjustments and support sometimes.

So, I'm a little confused. Centrelink assessed me as needing some accommodations with all jobs and the psychiatrist assessed me as permanently and partially impaired and recommended that all instructions be given to me in writing (or if verbal, reinforced in writing).If I knew exactly where on the spectrum I was, it would make it easier to know just how much I was capable of.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Lavendersky - 11-22-2008 08:59 AM Some Aspies can get disability because they have Asperger's, whether they have co-morbids or not. As far as I have heard, assessment for disability is dependent on level of functioning, not diagnosis.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-22-2008 10:08 AM

Lavendersky Wrote:

Some Aspies can get disability because they have Asperger's, whether they have co-morbids or not. As far as I have heard, assessment for disability is dependent on level of functioning, not diagnosis.

And for those of us diagnosed late in life, well, we just got on with it as well as we could manage. It hasn't been easy: I was also misdiagnosed as having RSI rather than the autoimmune condition Hashimotos, so for years had to have expensive, time-consuming and ultimately useless therapy for something which has since been virtually fixed by taking one small hormone tablet daily. This treatment included, at one stage, psychotherapy, since it was thought that perhaps I was having "imaginary" pain due to depression, not that I was depressed because I was experiencing constant pain!Then it was found out that a host of other physical problems I had actually boiled down to Lupus (luckily only a "mild" version). My co-morbids have made my life a misery, but it's been their mis-diagnoses by too many so-called "health professionals" that let it continue for as long as it did. I've been called a

malingerer and a hypochondriac in the past, even though I've never been on a disability pension and always worked a full-time job despite (at times) literally agonising pain.Alison

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-22-2008 10:30 AM Autism is classed as a disability by many health authorities, therefore it'd make sense you can claim disability benefits for it. However, be warned: it isn't free money - it costs your freedom in most places. In other words, you are not allowed to claim disability and get any other income, unless it's "permitted work", and doing permitted work is limited to only so much per year. There also tends not to be any sliding scale either, you're either on disability or you aren't, so you can't slowly increase your income and gain independence, but need to go from nothing to a reasonable living income straight away..

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 11:26 AM Our previous Liberal Government changed to very harsh rules across all disabilities pensions. And is based on meeting the level of functioning (and that means if you can work at all basically you don't get it) and those rules are enforced by their medicos.Then theres the national sport of classing anyone reliant on centrelink as a malingerer, dole bludger or generally taking advantage of the sytem regardless of circumstances.One must be careful in dealing with our social security system as they have no qualms or conscience in dealing with people. And the penalities they apply are out of all proportion to the perceived error / fault or whatever. And

can include jail.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Lavendersky - 11-22-2008 11:28 AM Hi Gareth,I am unsure as to whether you are speaking generally or to my post specifically. ... I just would like to say that I am familiar with disability benefits, having received them for depression, PTSD and anxiety in the past, and now again in the present, after my last job did not work out (for reasons connected with being an aspie.) I no longer have PTSD or debilitating depression, though I do have a lot of anxiety. I am hoping that my recent diagnosis of Asperger's will connect me with resources that can help me find a job that will work for me in my specific situation.I did not mean to imply that an AS diagnosis is the way to free

money. I am hoping for me it will be the opposite, now that I have insight into what and why things went wrong in my job previously and can access services. I think one must be careful when stating that people with this particular diagnosis will always have the ability/potential to be as capable as everyone else because it affects everyone differently. For many--and I don't necessarily mean personally-- AS means a struggle to live independently and find gainful employment. This observation is based on the people I have met in the Adult's with Asperger's group I have been attending.I would also like to add that I have to spend quite a while re-reading my replies before I post them to make sure I haven't said anything that is unintentionally offensive. I try to figure out all the possible ways that what I have written can be interpreted or misinterpreted, but I am not very good at it. So, just so people are aware, my intention is

not to offend.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 11:33 AM Lavendersky you must have got yours prior to that very mean Gov. like my brother in law did. (Nothing to do with aspies, very severe car accident, not able to function).The local centrelink office here has a total mercenary attitude and refuses people outright or boots them off without hesitation. No reason given.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 11:35 AM Ah yes. you are in Canada. My comments relating to OZ may be completely meaningless. But could happen there as we are both similar Commonwealth countries.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-22-2008 12:02 PM

Gareth Wrote:

Autism is classed as a disability by many health authorities, therefore it'd make sense you can claim disability benefits for it. However, be warned: it isn't free money - it costs your freedom in most places. In other words, you are not allowed to claim disability and get any other income, unless it's "permitted work", and doing permitted work is limited to only so much per year. There also tends not to be any sliding scale either, you're either on disability or you aren't, so you can't slowly increase your income and gain independence, but need to go from nothing to a reasonable living income straight away.

In the UK I thought Disability Living Allowance was not related to income? It's meant to cover the additional costs of a person's disability, e.g. the mobility element can be used for a Motability vehicle.B

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Lavendersky - 11-22-2008 12:08 PM "The local centrelink office here has a total mercenary attitude and refuses people outright or boots them off without hesitation. No reason given."That is much worse than anything I have experienced in dealing with ODSP and CPP (Ontario Disability Support Services and Canada Pension Plan-Disability. ) I have heard horror stories from other people though. The thing that bothers me a lot is that their decision-making seems to be so random--like whether or not someone is in a good mood. Seems like that might be what is going on in Australia (Australia, right?)I cannot figure out how to quote anything anymore. I knew when I first started posting, but

apparently not anymore....

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-22-2008 12:15 PM

bridie Wrote:

Gareth Wrote:

Autism is classed as a disability by many health authorities, therefore it'd make sense you can claim disability benefits for it. However, be warned: it isn't free money - it costs your freedom in most places. In other words, you are not allowed to claim disability and get any other income, unless it's "permitted work", and doing permitted work is limited to only so much per year. There also tends not to be any sliding scale either, you're either on disability or you aren't, so you can't slowly increase your income and gain independence, but need to go from nothing to a reasonable living income straight away.

In the UK I thought Disability Living Allowance was not related to income? It's meant to cover the additional costs of a person's disability, e.g. the mobility element can be used for a Motability vehicle.B

Incapacity benefit, income support etcDLA is not meant for (and is not appropriate to be used as) a replacement for employment wages. If you aren't working and live off benefits, you need income support or incapacity benefit, both of which are tied to income.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-22-2008 12:21 PM Sorry, Gareth, didn't realise the conversation was just about benefits to replace employment You're quite right, DLA in the UK is in addition to wages.B

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-22-2008 01:10 PM

Lavendersky Wrote:

I cannot figure out how to quote anything anymore. I knew when I first started posting, but apparently not anymore....

Lavendersky, just click the "reply" link at the bottom of the box of the person you want to quote. It should bring it up.Alison

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - bridie - 11-22-2008 03:26 PM I know of adults in the UK who get DLA for AS.B

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-22-2008 09:42 PM Lavender Sky Just hit the reply button just below on the right thats the one.When I lost my business and reduced to poverty I needed them fast just to survive and figure out what the **** I was going to do. But, no, inspite of extremely severe panic attacks, multiple hospitalisations etc at that time period I couldn't get a damn thing when it was really needed. The idea was I had companies registered to myself and I must be making a motza. Yeh right. Ever heard of what happens when a business fails.But the real horror from ours comes with a penalty regime that is harsh in the extreme.Lets say someone neglects to put in a form as one is sick or

any reasonable excuse one can loose all benefits for eight weeks while still being expected to comply. And part of the conditions can include retraining / rehabilitation.My stint with them has me owing more than I ever got as a sickness benefit when I needed it. They call it an overpayment. I call it an oxymoron. Anyway certainly glad to be free of their clutches.(copied from report by ACOSS) People with disabilities who apply for payments and are assessed as able to work part time will no longer be able to getthe Disability Support Pension (DSP). 81,000 people will be put on lower payments, mainly Newstart Allowance. Those without work will receive $46 per week less than the pension and those who study full time will receive up to $166 per week less. Although the main ‘taper rate’ on the income test for Newstart Allowance is eased from 70 cents in the dollar to 60 cents, this is still higher than the 40 cents in the dollar

deducted from the earnings of pensioners. So, if they get a job for 15 hours a week at the minimum wage their weekly disposable income will be $101 lessthan on the pension.Single parentsï‚· who apply for payments (including many existing recipients who leave Parenting Payment andreapply after 12 weeks) will no longer be able to get Parenting Payment once their youngest childturns 8. 77,000 single parents will instead go onto lower payments like Newstart Allowance. Thosewho remain jobless will receive $29 per week less than the pension, and those who study full timewill receive $63 per week less. Due to the tighter income test, if they get a job for 15 hours a weekat the minimum wage, their weekly disposable income will be $96 less than on the pension. Somesingle parents on Newstart Allowance will continue to be paid at pension rates: foster carers, homeor distance educators, and parents with 4 or more dependent

children (see ‘changes to legislation’below).People with disabilities on Newstart or Youth Allowance will be required to seek part time employment of at least 15 hoursa week if they are assessed as able to work part time. They will also be required to participate inprograms like Job Network, Disability Open Employment Services, and Work for the Dole.Penalties for failure to meet participation requirements will be changed from the loss of a fixed proportion ofthe income support payment over a number of weeks to the ‘suspension’ of one or more paymentsas long as recipients fail to comply. Recipients will be given opportunities to explain their noncompliance to Centrelink and rectify it, in which case payments may be fully restored. However, ifthe recipient breaches requirements three times in a year (including minor breaches like failure toattend a Job Network interview) they will lose

8 weeks’ income support. Leaving a job voluntarily,failing to accept a suitable job offer, and failure to participate in ‘full time work for the dole’ willattract an immediate 8 week penalty.All recipients of activity tested payments such as Newstart Allowance will automatically be referredto employment services, in most cases Job Network. People with disabilities may instead bereferred to Disability Open Employment Services, Rehabilitation or the Personal Support Program,depending on the assessment of their disability. Many parents and mature age job seekers willreceive ‘Employment Preparation’ within the Job Network, which allows for extra interviews and asmall ‘job seeker account’. Disability Support Pensioners can still participate voluntarily in Disability Open Employment orother employment services, but places are not guaranteed for them and there are queues.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Moriah - 11-22-2008 11:29 PM

micgrace Wrote:

Our previous Liberal Government changed to very harsh rules across all disabilities pensions. And is based on meeting the level of functioning (and that means if you can work at all basically you don't get it) and those rules are enforced by their medicos.Then theres the national sport of classing anyone reliant on centrelink as a malingerer, dole bludger or generally taking advantage of the sytem regardless of circumstances.One must be careful in dealing with our social security system as they have no qualms or conscience in dealing with people. And the penalities they apply are out of all proportion to the perceived error / fault or whatever. And can include jail.

The social welfare system in the US is in need of reform. So many who can work dont just so they can be on the dole. We have a thing called ,earned income tax credit(basically welfare through the IRS), wherein an individual will work a job until they reach the cutoff limit for recieving the credit. They will then quit working until the beginning of the next tax season. When they file their tax returns they are eligible for the credit. This can add up to thousands of dollars,and they recieve a check for basically being lazy. The system is rampant with fraud. I work 50+ hours a week for my pittance. So the welfare system really pisses me off.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-23-2008 12:18 AM There's a woman I know who was born with two severely clubbed feet. Despite operations, she still cannot walk, so is wheelchair-bound. She has a "job" where she sits in her wheelchair all shift just inside the entrance of one of the big retail chain stores in the local mall, being "security". She's very bitter: as she told me once, what is she expected to do if somebody doesn't stop when she asks them to? How can she possibly hope to catch them? But that's the only way she can get any sort of income - it's one of the "newstart" schemes. She has said to me, with very bleak humour, that it makes her feel like a

doorstop. Poor thing. Things like that remind me of how lucky I am, despite all my comorbids.Alison

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-23-2008 12:21 AM

Alison Wrote:

There's a woman I know who was born with two severely clubbed feet. Despite operations, she still cannot walk, so is wheelchair-bound. She has a "job" where she sits in her wheelchair all shift just inside the entrance of one of the big retail chain stores in the local mall, being "security". She's very bitter: as she told me once, what is she expected to do if somebody doesn't stop when she asks them to? How can she possibly hope to catch them? But that's the only way she can get any sort of income - it's one of the "newstart" schemes. She has said to me, with very bleak humour, that it makes her feel like a doorstop. Poor thing. Things like that remind me of how lucky I am, despite all my comorbids.Alison

Oh, I meant to add, the reason she can't get a desk job, which the Newstart people initially wanted her to get, is because she also is epileptic, and computer monitors bring on seizures. And where in the developed world now are there desk jobs sans computers?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marcia - 11-23-2008 12:26 AM My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day.When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-23-2008 07:44 AM Yes Alsison they are very cruel to anyone who may have a disability. One jumps to the tune of the Newstart mob. And refusal of an unsuitable job as your friend has is removal of assistance for 8 weeks. Whether the current Government remedies that is probably not likely..

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gareth - 11-23-2008 09:13 AM

Marcia Wrote:

My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day.When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't.

No offence, but does it really bother a blind person if there's no light in the room?

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Marx - 11-23-2008 10:48 AM

Gareth Wrote:

Marcia Wrote:

My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day.When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking. Sadly, she wasn't.

No offence, but does it really bother a blind person if there's no light in the room?

I think it's really about seperating her from the rest of the colleages. However, she might have decided to work in the cupboard at her own free will.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Gattaca - 11-23-2008 10:55 AM

Gareth Wrote:

Marcia Wrote:

My sister worked briefly in a lawyer's office where the switchboard operator was a lady who was blind. This lady worked in what was essentially a large cupboard, with no window and no light! And the door was always closed, so she was shut in there all day.When my sister first told me about this I thought she was joking.. Sadly, she wasn't.

No offence, but does it really bother a blind person if there's no light in the room?

Access to natural light (even for blind people) is important for health.. Ultraviolet light helps to convert the skin's vitamin precursors into vitamin D--which regulates calcium and phosphates in the body; and protects against cancer.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Alison - 11-23-2008 11:44 AM To be legally blind can include, I believe, having up to 15% sight in either eye. Which is enough to make out light and dark. Not only that, but if it was so small, the room probably wasn't properly ventilated either. I worked in a small office for one year in the Public Service, back when I was eighteen - it had no ventilation, the windows couldn't be opened, and the other two women working there with me (we were typists in what used to be known as a typing pool). They were both chain smokers, whilst I had never smoked and had no wish to start, as I think it's a filthy way to commit slow suicide. Nevertheless, it wasn't

long before I became hooked on their side-stream smoke. Enough to make me feel ill and shaky by the next morning, when I'd go into work and take deep breaths of filthy tobacco-laden air and start to feel "normal" again. And let's not even mention going cold turkey every weekend! Only innate ***-mindedness on my part stopped me from becoming a smoker at that point. After one year, I'd kicked up enough of a fuss to be moved; and to have "trouble-maker, does not get on with co-workers" marked on my file.Alison

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-23-2008 03:19 PM

micgrace Wrote:

Yes Alsison they are very cruel to anyone who may have a disability. One jumps to the tune of the Newstart mob. And refusal of an unsuitable job as your friend has is removal of assistance for 8 weeks. Whether the current Government remedies that is probably not likely.

Can't people who are treated really unjustly by Centrelink ask for a review of the decision? (I understood that this was possible). Government department staff generally fear "ministerials" so a complaint to the local member of parliament often helps. Another possibility is to get the Ombudsman involved but the person has to first exhaust the appeals option.Until plenty of people make such complaints, little will change. Unfortunately, Australians can be rather apathetic and not want to make waves but sometimes it is necessary if you are to look out for your best interests.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Callista - 11-23-2008 03:20 PM I think "legally blind" also includes distorted vision which admits normal amounts of light but is so blurred that you can't be corrected to any better than... hmm, is it 20/1000? I'm not sure. But some really huge number.Or it could be described as "vision too bad when corrected to legally drive" in which case the limit varies by state. Here it's 20/40, I think.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-23-2008 03:28 PM

micgrace Wrote:

Lavendersky you must have got yours prior to that very mean Gov. like my brother in law did. (Nothing to do with aspies, very severe car accident, not able to function).The local centrelink office here has a total mercenary attitude and refuses people outright or boots them off without hesitation. No reason given.

micgrace, they have to abide by guidelines and if they are making up their own as they go along as this lot could be doing, they could be in a lot of trouble. A few ministerial complaint investigations could make all the difference. That said, it is quite possible to get different decisions by two different people and that is why there is a right of appeal. It's no good sitting around and wringing one's hands if a decision seems bad, there are avenues of redress including contacting the local parliamentary member's office (at least in Australia).

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-23-2008 10:10 PM There is a right of appeal and many very bad decisions get overturned but the fact one has to go to that trouble is indicative of the culture of centrelink.Problem is most people seem resigned to their "decisions" especially as regards to administrative penalties and alleged overpayments.It is of course a hangover from the days and "Hot air" Kev has hardly done a thing to fix it.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Pakrat - 11-24-2008 03:20 PM No he hasn't. But the only way to get things changed is for many people to shake off their torpor and get angry enough to do whatever it takes to have unjust decisions overturned.[edit] typo fixed upon request [couldbecousin]

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-24-2008 10:03 PM The whole of the Government was a never ending stream of unjust decisions. That government would be right at home in the 1950's. Good riddance.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-25-2008 08:52 PM I think I am banned from andra's page. I think she emerged from her self pititis long enough to notice we noticed.Was ita. If you were in the United States I'd sue youorb. Report this group (show them where the link was)

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Shrek - 11-25-2008 08:59 PM That mentally abused Russian Aspie hater wouldn't make it as a mail order bride. Grrrrrrr.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - micgrace - 11-25-2008 09:16 PM It wasn't a real good idea to post on that hate site. I wondered how long you would get away with it before the mongrels woke up. At least they know we aren't taking it lying down.

RE: Facebook Group Warns Females That Autism = Rape and Murder - Dark Shamshir X - Yesterday 04:30 PM I am surprised that the group wasn't took down....yet. NT's just stand there and watch.

Two Blessings <ljdjd1234yahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

Hi, all. this message was passed on to me, and they asked each of us to pass it along....

This is horrible. I know we have free speech...here again we are faced with how cruel people can be. Once again we all know that if in place of the word Autism, they chose another race, sex, or whatever....they' d have much more of a push back...

Anyhow, this is not to start a debate on how some people are just stupid and I don't have time, etc....I'm sending it for those of you who are affected by it, and feel led to contact facebook...That' s all.



P.S. Below is the groups response to their claim that "Autistic people are more likely to be rapist..."-- -yes you heard me correctly. It's sick. (the highlighted part is my addition). By the way...I have not seen this group, or logged on as I just got this info...but it does come from a very reputable source...just an fyi.

http://www.facebook .com/group.. php?gid=20379907 381Contrary to what Autism supremacy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE AUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most, of Autistic people are more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder, MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of being around Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people; we do not want violence against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are aware of the potential danger.++++++++Is this what we want people to really think? It's time to get this out and write facebook and everyone else...Our sons and daughters WILL suffer if people like these are allowed to

post such hate...in addition, we need to be VERY careful of what we say about how "horrendous" autism is...This COULD be the future of what people think about our children...

"Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler" - Albert Einstein

"Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler" - Albert Einstein

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I also wanted to make everyone aware that Facebook does have a cause

for ppl dealing with Autistic children..It is listed under causes for

support. I have joined that cause. I have not seen the group that she

is speaking about but I do agree there should not be any group

condemning our children or others. PAT


> Hi, all.  this message was passed on to me, and they asked each of

us to pass it along....


> This is horrible.  I know we have free speech...here again we are

faced with how cruel people can be.  Once again we all know that if in

place of the word Autism, they chose another race, sex, or

whatever...they'd have much more of a push back...


> Anyhow, this is not to start a debate on how some people are just

stupid and I don't have time, etc....I'm sending it for those of you

who are affected by it, and feel led to contact facebook...That's all.


> Blessings,

> e


> P.S. Below is the groups response to their claim that " Autistic

people are more likely to be rapist... " ---yes you heard me correctly. 

It's sick. (the highlighted part is my addition).  By the way...I have

not seen this group, or logged on as I just got this info...but it

does come from a very reputable source...just an fyi.



> http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20379907381


> Contrary to what Autism supremacy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATE


> only goal is to inform girls and women that a percentage, not most,

of Autistic people are

> more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder,


> NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger of

being around

> Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people;

we do not want violence

> against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are aware

of the potential danger.


> ++++++++


> Is this what we want people to really think? It's time to get this

out and write facebook and

> everyone else...Our sons and daughters WILL suffer if people like

these are allowed to post

> such hate...in addition, we need to be VERY careful of what we say

about how " horrendous "

> autism is...This COULD be the future of what people think about our



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Great info thanks...did you read Welches email? She posted what the concern is all about.


To: AutismBehaviorProblems Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:55:26 AMSubject: Re: Facebook info...

I also wanted to make everyone aware that Facebook does have a causefor ppl dealing with Autistic children..It is listed under causes forsupport. I have joined that cause. I have not seen the group that sheis speaking about but I do agree there should not be any groupcondemning our children or others. PAT>> Hi, all. this message was passed on to me, and they asked each ofus to pass it along....> > This is horrible. I know we have free speech...here again we arefaced with how cruel people can be. Once again we all know that if inplace of the word Autism, they chose another race, sex, orwhatever...they' d have much more of a push

back...> > Anyhow, this is not to start a debate on how some people are juststupid and I don't have time, etc....I'm sending it for those of youwho are affected by it, and feel led to contact facebook...That' s all.> > Blessings,> e> > P.S. Below is the groups response to their claim that "Autisticpeople are more likely to be rapist..."-- -yes you heard me correctly. It's sick. (the highlighted part is my addition). By the way...I havenot seen this group, or logged on as I just got this info...but itdoes come from a very reputable source...just an fyi.> > > http://www.facebook .com/group. php?gid=20379907 381> > Contrary to what Autism supremacy groups claim, WE DO NOT HATEAUTISTIC PEOPLE! Our > only goal is to inform girls and

women that a percentage, not most,of Autistic people are > more likely to be rapists. It is the same as any other disorder,MOST AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE > NOT DANGROUS! We only want young women to be aware of the danger ofbeing around > Autistic people. We do not approve of hate toward Autistic people;we do not want violence > against Autistic people, only that girls pass them by and are awareof the potential danger.> > ++++++++> > Is this what we want people to really think? It's time to get thisout and write facebook and > everyone else...Our sons and daughters WILL suffer if people likethese are allowed to post > such hate...in addition, we need to be VERY careful of what we sayabout how "horrendous" > autism is...This COULD be the future of what people think about ourchildren...>

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