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Cracking Down on Handicapped Fraud

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Cracking Down on Handicapped Fraud


The abuse and misuse of handicapped placards is more prevalent than

ever. Not only does this affect handicapped individuals, but robs

metropolitan cities of millions of dollars in revenue each year.

This is money that can be used for schools, parks and other

community programs.

Oakland, CA, July 27, 2007 --(PR.com)-- If you drive in any downtown

metropolitan city in Northern California, you can't help but notice

the immense amounts of handicapped placard cars that line the

street. You think to yourself " there really can't be that many

handicapped individuals in this city " but then realize that these

blue placards are people's " golden ticket " for all day free parking;

no questions asked. It is a truly unfortunate situation that not

only affects the handicapped, but robs cities of much needed revenue

for schools, parks and overall improvement. A local group in Oakland

has seen enough of the illegal use of placards and has assembled a

task force to take action against these abusers.

HandicappedFraud.org was built to raise awareness of the

overwhelming illegal use of handicapped placards in California and

throughout the nation. Its founder (who wishes to remain anonymous)

began her fight against handicapped fraud after driving around her

severely handicapped grandfather and brother for many years. It was

one incident (amongst many) in particular that truly inspired her to

give the handicapped a voice and to help raise awareness of the

escalating abuse.

" I was driving my 90 year old grandfather to Muir Hospital for

an appointment one day, " said the founder. " As I drove towards the

last open handicapped space, a red corvette literally cut me off and

swung in. Out popped a blond woman (about 30) and a boy (maybe 5 or

6). She looked around - stuck up the placard and darted into the

doors. This is when I realize that something had to be done " .

It's a current hot topic for many cities across the country, and

there have been many small groups and task forces put into place.

The Bay Area has become the hot bed for abuse with the illegal use

of handicapped placards more prevalent than ever. Not only do the

true handicapped individuals lose in this situation, but also the

cities. Tens of millions of dollars are lost to our cities each year

due to placard abuse; this is money that could go to schools, local

shelters, parks and other community funded projects. It is estimated

that California cities such as Oakland and San Francisco lose

between 10-15 million dollars per year in metered parking due to the

overwhelming misuse use of placards that obtain the user free

parking for the day.

" The main goal of the site, " states the founder, " is to not only

create a public service, but allow everyday citizens to report this

law breaking behavior and make a difference. I want the cities to

recoup the millions of dollars they have lost as well as allow the

handicapped community to have the rights they deserve. I currently

send a list to the DMV each month in hopes that abusers will be

ticketed, doctors will be questioned about handing out placards,

handicapped people will have ample parking opportunities and cities

will regain metered revenue " .

The handicappedfraud.org site is a call to action for change in what

is a visibly flawed system. The site will empower citizens and

community leaders to patrol the streets in their area and give them

a vehicle to report abuse and demand change. Already the site has

received hundreds of posts uncovering the misuse of handicapped

placards across the country. The founder expects the site to involve

political leaders so that legal action and more severe laws will be

instilled in communities throughout the nation. To learn more about

the site and how you can join the cause, visit

http://www.handicappedfraud.org and begin reporting abuse in your


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