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Re: 10000 mg. Vitamin C

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Hi everyone ------ Taking 10,000 mg of Vitamin C a day is SAFE? Is

there any improvements on patients, walking, gaining of muscle or

improvement on gait. Scared of taking too much, but it is worth it to

be able to walk normally and stand for a long time. Thanks.


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From the research (on animal models) that is our Files section, I urge

caution, especially if you 'expect to walk' and 'have a gait

improvement'. Please read ALL info in the Files and read the archived

posts from April 2004 forward. I think the largest dose I remember was

8,000. and Matt, regular posters, have had 'reported' good

effects, however small.

You must realize that Vit. C for CMT (and by this I mean CMT 1A) is

undergoing clinical trials world wide for the next 2-3 years. Until

then, realize NO human research has been done on this, with the

exception of Dr. Toth's presentation which is also in our Files.

I don't mean to dash your hope, but there is still MUCH to be learned from Vit.

C for CMT 1A. Megadoses, such as the one you mention, are not good for our CMT

in general.

~ Gretchen

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I believe 10,000 mg of Vit. C might be a bit too much. The Emergen-C packets

have 1000mg each and they recommend 2 packets a day. It depends on what other

Vit. C you might take along with drinking juices too. The packets have made a

big difference for me. Of course, potassium and other vitamins are good for

muscles also. Try to adjust it so you don't get too much.

Debbie from MO

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I agree that research has been done and I believe that I also read that up to

10000mg/day is safe although I cannot comment from experience. I also agree

with Gretchen that there have not been any clinical trials and there are

currently studies underway to determine if any the positive effects of taking

Vit C. In other words it has not been proven to help yet.

Now from Experience I can say this. I am a 245LBS man at 6 foot 1 inch and I

take 6000-7000/day of time release, I also take Vit E as is help the absorbing

and facilitations in my calves. I take 2 doses of 3000 time release at

breakfast and dinner. I usually eat a couple chewable during the day as well.

I like the taste of my daughters. The biggest improvement I find are as


- I can feel all my toes could not prior

- I have the sense that I don't trip as much

- I also have a sense that I do not sprain my ankle as much

- I believe that I am building more muscle, but I also just started an exercise

routine since I have been diagnose with Diabetes.

- I also don't feel as cold, especially in my feet, and as points to it

might be thinner blood.

- I am not as tired, this is a big one for me, and others; I assume, I hate

being tired and I just learned that Diabetes had tiredness and muscle atrophy as

well, who knew until you get it.

I can also tell you I have stopped taking it a few times though out the year for

periods of time. During these time periods I must say that I get tired again, I

start to trip more. Also the pain that comes back is much worse then it was

when I started. Mostly in my feet. I find I get much sharper pain then I had

before. I contribute this to the fact that while I am on Vit C I have built new

muscle and this is what is causing me more pain. " The new muscle " , of course I

cannot prove this to be the case but this is my gut instant. I cannot comment

on gait or walking improvement except for less tripping. Now while I do have

Type 1A, I am under the opinion from my neuro Dr that I am in the top 20% in

regards to how bad my CMT effects me. Although my CMT has given me the typical

grief over the years, I do not feel like I am in the advanced stages by any

means. My Dr agrees with that well. I am curious to find out from the studies

how the benefits compare with different levels of CMT. From beginning stages of

atrophy to advanced stages. I do not use AFOs although I do have orthotics in

my shoes.

I still get tired more easily then my wife when we are walking through the mall.

Many times I need to still stop and take breaks. My only advice is if you start

taking Vit C then start with a small does and work your way up. Do not start by

taking 10000, depending on weight start with a smaller amount. One other thing

I would like to comment on is my GP is not as excited as I am about taking it.

Her opinion it Vit C is still an acid and large does could have side effects.

She did not say what, just that it could.

Hope this helps,

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Hi ,

Many people can tolerate high doses - it just takes time to build up to for most

people. My nutritionist does mega C doses when she feels run down - starting

with 5000 and going up to 12000 until she feels better. And she does not have


Best wishes from London,


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I remember this from college. Vit. C is Water-soluble, which means, if your body

does not use it and feels it has to much, you just excrete it. If it were a

fat-soluble vitamin, then you would have to worry b/c it could stay in your body

too long. But, since it's water-soluble, not to worry!!!


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I agree. I TRIP LESS when I take more Vit C. I don't buy vitamins but drink more

o.j. Also, found out that apple juice has Vit. C. and other types of fruit and

veggies. Even broccoli has Vit. C.

Take Care,


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