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Re: Re:MDS round 2

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When they're under the age of 18, whether or not the child receives SSI *IS* dependent on the parents income and assets. At this point, my son no longer qualifies for SSI due to my husbands income, and how many cars we have.

However, when they turn 18, as long as they're deemed disabled (and they don't automatically deem MDS as a disability!) They qualify on their own, the parents or gaurdians income and assets are no longer a factor.


Mom to , 9 MDS

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Hi , we tried to but we also made to much money( and we don't make that

much) I think there's also alot of red tape involved too.

Re:MDS round 2

> Hi everyone, I have a question for anyone who may want to answer.

> Do all of you try to get SSI for your children now? We tried to get

> this for Jakob when we filled out the information to get Jakob his

> ACCESS card, but they turned us down because Dave makes too much

> money. (One more question) Is it better to try to get it now, so

> when he gets to be 18 this will already be done? Or am I going to

> have the fight a is right now? I am not sure how to handle

> this. Thanks! (Mom to Jakob, 7)




> Won't you please consider adding your personal story on the MDS website

today? http://www.mosaicdownsyndrome.com

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a, When I filled out the form for the Medicaid (ACCESS card) a friend of mine told me to be sure to write in big bold letters on top of the form SECTION 355.4 DISABLED CHILD. After I did that no one even asked me about income. But, originally I had to complete the form for SSI even to be considered for the Medicaid card. If you ask me it all is a bunch of BULL. I just hope when Jakob does need it, he can get it. Thanks for your input. I certainly hope all goes well with Brannon. Also, I am going to mail you a picture of Jakob, but he has pictures being taken at school the end of April and if they come out good I will send that one to you. Thanks again. P.S. Give Brannon a hug from me for his birthday!!!!! Re:MDS round 2 ,Right after I found out Brannon had MDS was when I went to the SocialSecurity Dept to get him started on his SSI check. I didn't knownothing about this stuff until the people from EI told me about itand told me go do this. They said to see if can get a check and thathe was eligible for Medicaid even though we do have insurance. He wasaccepted for a check right away and since he was receiving a checkpeople from Social Services accepted him for Medicaid. Now they wantto make sure he is DISABLE enough to get the checks. Which makes mesick! I'm happy that he's on Medicaid b/c our insurance will notcover speech therapy for some odd reason. Plus Medicaid can pay forall the co payments and if Brannon has to be on any type of medicine(which he doesn't) Medicaid will pay for that.I thought everyone was suppose to go sign up for all these things assoon as they find out that their child has DS or MDs. That's how theEI people explained it to us. I don't know if it's different in otherstates. I do believe the check in on income and how disable yourchild is. Right now is the only one working, but I start my newjob on Monday so they will most likely lower the amount on Brannon'scheck or stop it altogether.a MOm to Brannon (2 yrs Sat) w/mds and Gabby> Hi everyone, I have a question for anyone who may want to answer.> Do all of you try to get SSI for your children now? We tried toget> this for Jakob when we filled out the information to get Jakob his> ACCESS card, but they turned us down because Dave makes too much> money. (One more question) Is it better to try to get it now, so> when he gets to be 18 this will already be done? Or am I going to> have the fight a is right now? I am not sure how to handle> this. Thanks! (Mom to Jakob, 7)

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I do not get any SSI benefits for because I also make too much. When

I first moved to San , I was unemployed and I did receive it for about 3

months. My understanding is that I will have to re-apply when reaches

18. So, I wouldn't think anything you do now will have any benefits when Jakob

turns 18, you will have to do it all over again.


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SSI is a Federal Government plan, so it doesn't vary by state to state. We are

all under the same rules! If you do lose his check, please know that you also

lose the Medicaid benefit. It is all one package. When I didn't qualify when

was first born (I was $50 over), the SS office explained to me that it

is welfare and that's why you have to be making a very low income to get the

benefits. As long as Brannon is under your guardianship, your income is used.

Then when he turns 18, his income will be used, along with any assets and

possible income (inheritance).

If you have any other questions, let me know.


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When they're under the age of 18, whether or not the child receives SSI *IS* dependent on the parents income and assets. At this point, my son no longer qualifies for SSI due to my husbands income, and how many cars we have.

However, when they turn 18, as long as they're deemed disabled (and they don't automatically deem MDS as a disability!) They qualify on their own, the parents or gaurdians income and assets are no longer a factor.

I hope that in 13 years when kaitee turns 18 that with the power of what we are learning about mds, and the thearpies and education available that none of us have to deal with ssi that our kids grow up to be self sufficient and independant. (and not doing time for graffitt) debbi

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SSI is a Federal Government plan, so it doesn't vary by state to state. We are all under the same rules! If you do lose his check, please know that you also lose the Medicaid benefit. It is all one package. When I didn't qualify when was first born (I was $50 over), the SS office explained to me that it is welfare and that's why you have to be making a very low income to get the benefits. As long as Brannon is under your guardianship, your income is used. Then when he turns 18, his income will be used, along with any assets and possible income

this is what I was told too...... they are helping me out by trying to get kaitee into the childrens medical insurance plan for maryland..... income can be higher and there are other loop holes we can use ....

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Hi All! Jonas qualifies for the medical card or "access card" even though he does not qualify for any SSI monies due to my husband's income. I was told specifically in the hospital by the social worker that if they try to say that Jonas may or may not qualify for a medical card based upon our income, I should tell them that I understood he would qualify based upon his disability through some loop hole for handicapped children. I actually have the specific act number somewhere that "gets around" the income thing so that my son could have a medical card to pick up anything our family BC/BS does not pay for. I did have some hassle with the woman at the welfare office because she wanted all our financial info etc. and I did not bring it because I was told not to. I got out the paper that the social worker had given me and showed her about the loop hole, and Jonas got the medical card and I have never had to do anything else after they got the initial info about his family insurance and a doctor's note to say he has MDS. They had to call me once to ask what Trisomy 21 is, because they "never heard of that before" (I am not kidding either!) :) Barb Martz Mom to Jonas 17 mo (MDS) & 7 Re: Re:MDS round 2 a:SSI is a Federal Government plan, so it doesn't vary by state to state. We are all under the same rules! If you do lose his check, please know that you also lose the Medicaid benefit. It is all one package. When I didn't qualify when was first born (I was $50 over), the SS office explained to me that it is welfare and that's why you have to be making a very low income to get the benefits. As long as Brannon is under your guardianship, your income is used. Then when he turns 18, his income will be used, along with any assets and possible income (inheritance).If you have any other questions, let me know.Terri

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