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FW: From Ho Weng Koeng

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-----Original Message-----

From: Ho Weng Keong

Thank you for your kind note and welcome. Ai-Hui, my 4y4m MDS daughter, and

I went to the World Down Syndrome Congress 2000 in Sydney Australia between

17/3-1/4/2000 and was happily shocked to see so many emails from your MDS

group members when I returned. I appreciate it.

My impression was mixed at the Congress. Some of it was too technical for us

parents and there was no programme for those younger than 13 yrs old. Yet I

was glad to note there was so much work done and are doing to help these

kids and adults and EIP for the infants.

I enclose a letter I wrote to a very nearby pre-school which initially

rejected my Ai-Hui a few times but then I couldn't stand it any longer and

gave this last shot and wrote to the head and management. (Other pre-schools

near to us had already rejected her.) When I did not receive a reply from

them I went to see them and was told they were going to contact us and asked

whether they would interview us and see our daughter and later at the

interview agreed to allow Ai-Hui a try and are very happy with her now.

There was no problem accepting my younger 2-1/2 yr old normal daughter.

After reading this letter I have come to see that I shouldn't have been too

apologetic and condescending but this is me.

26th Oct 1999.

Dear Madam,

RE : Ms Ho Ai-Hui d.o.b. 7th Nov. 1995 Down Syndrome child.

My wife and I have come to see you on two separate occasions this past

few months and year, to your school on open day 23rd Oct 1999 seeing Ms May,

and I thank you for entertaining us and again also over the phone just now

regarding the schooling for my daughter Ai-Hui.

I would like to appeal to you and your management to reconsider again to

accept my daughter into your toddler or any class suitable for her

development. I live just in the next road to your school and I would like

both my daughters to attend. Attending once a week for Ai-Hui in Kiwanis is

not sufficient. As mentioned to you and to Ms May, I primarily want my

daughter to play and learn things in a SOCIAL environment at HER OWN PACE.

I do not require rapid acadamic achievement. I do not expect long and

deliberate attention to her and causing other children to be neglected.

You can be sure she will learn things as she has been progressing in

Kiwanis and especially progressed well in Lorna Whiston English Language

Centre Taman Tun Dr Ismail only that it is too far for my wife to take her

daily and attend to another new-born infant now. Lorna Whiston is preparing

a report on my daughter¹s progress and should be ready soon for your

perousal if needed.

As I mentioned to you I think she should be assessed and given a

trial period of attending class and see how she copes. She is toilet

trained and if needed my helper can be there on standby, she likes reading

quietly, is not violent, can eat and drink on her own, can understand words

and your instructions and speak some words and basically she is just like

any other toddler only slower in learning and maybe clumsier. I ask you

what other requirement do you want my daughter to have before she can be

admitted ?

Actually I am finding out as I ask schools to accept her is that the

issue is becoming more that I have to defend her human rights to normal

schooling. Whether you accept her or not I am realising is not as important

as her dignity and rights as a human. You may say expertise is needed. I

agree but I feel you have the skills already only something else is needed.

A change of attitude and willingness to accept this challenge is what I am

appealing to you as I am learning myself now. Aren¹t we all learning ?

Mr Weng Keong, HO.

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