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OK, now I have a question about Zithromax. I went to the doctor today

and presented all of my stuff on mycoplasma, Lyme and all the testing

options. She was very receptive and agreed right away about there

being something with mycoplasma with myself and the kids. She

suggested that we test the kids with LapCorp to start (what their

insurance covers) and see how that comes back. With me, she suggested

that we try Zithromax since I am obviously suffering along with

Nystatin. As well as continuing what I am already doing for yeast

(OLE, Lots of probiotics, diet, YeastAid). She also agreed that my

youngest is probably affected as well. The Nystatin is fine, but I am

on the fence with the Zithromax. I was just reading Heidi's excellent

notes on the LIAF Conf and see that Zithro does seem to be effective

on Intracellular stuff.

SO, I am wondering if I should give it a try and see how it goes.

Maybe give this all a jumpstart with the Zithromax and then transition

to a more herbal protocol? The doctor suggested 250 mg a day 5 days on

and 5-10 days off (I am trying to remember as I am foggy brained on it

already now).

Does this sound like something that may get results or is the dose too




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Zithromax was helpful to me, but it did give me a viscious die-off /herxheimer reaction. I thought I had the flu. Felt better when the cycle was done, though. I don't remember the dosage. I cycled on and off doxycyline for quite a while. Our DAN doc reminded me that if I ever need an antibiotic for any reason, ask if doxy or zithromax would be acceptable. That way it can take care of a myco flare that might be waiting in the wings. Jill

"Every mighty oak was once a nut that stood its ground."


OK, now I have a question about Zithromax. I went to the doctor todayand presented all of my stuff on mycoplasma, Lyme and all the testingoptions. She was very receptive and agreed right away about therebeing something with mycoplasma with myself and the kids. Shesuggested that we test the kids with LapCorp to start (what theirinsurance covers) and see how that comes back. With me, she suggestedthat we try Zithromax since I am obviously suffering along withNystatin. As well as continuing what I am already doing for yeast(OLE, Lots of probiotics, diet, YeastAid). She also agreed that myyoungest is probably affected as well. The Nystatin is fine, but I amon the fence with the Zithromax. I was just reading Heidi's excellentnotes on the LIAF Conf and see that Zithro does seem to be effectiveon Intracellular stuff. SO, I am wondering if I should give it a try and see how it goes.Maybe give this

all a jumpstart with the Zithromax and then transitionto a more herbal protocol? The doctor suggested 250 mg a day 5 days onand 5-10 days off (I am trying to remember as I am foggy brained on italready now). Does this sound like something that may get results or is the dose toolow?Thanks!Jane

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