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Toxic Metal Sources and Symptoms Recap

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3) Toxic Metals: A short overview of some of the Metals and their side effects. Vaccines alone contain Thimersol (mercury), aluminum, formaldehyde, human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue) and more.


Sources: Some vaccines, aluminum cookware, foil and most baking powders, many antacids, anti-inflammatory pain medications and several douche preparations.

Symptoms: Colic, rickets, gastrointestinal disturbances, poor calcium metabolism, extreme nervousness, anemia, headache, decreased liver and kidney function, forgetfulness, speech disturbances and memory loss, softening of the bones, and weak, aching muscles. Many symptoms of toxicity are similar to Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis.


Sources: Certain molds can produce highly neurotoxic gas, industrial areas, battery electrodes and some sheepskin bedding produced in New Zealand.

Symptoms: Fatigue, muscle weakness and myopathy. It also interferes with cellular metabolism.


Sources: Drinking water, insecticide residues on fruits & vegetables, auto exhaust and industrial pollution.

Symptoms: Headaches, drowsiness, confusion, weakness, or skin problems.


Sources: Vaccines, fish, fungicides, pesticides, dental amalgam fillings, some fabric softeners, some cosmetics, some laxatives containing calomel, some hemorrhoid suppositories, polishes, wood preservatives, latex, solvents, plastics, ink used by printers and tattooers, and some paint.

Symptoms: Mercury poisoning and autism have nearly identical symptoms. The EPA legal limit for mercury is .1 mcg per kilo per day. In the Hep B vaccine alone babies are given 12.5 mcg of mercury at birth, 12.5 mcg at 1 month, 50 mcg at 2 months, 50 mcg at 4 months, and 62.5 mcg at 6 month (before a child even produces bile which is necessary to excrete mercury). A fully vaccinated infant in the 1990’s received 237.5 mcg of mercury during their first 15 months of life. (Oral antibiotics and milk both decreased the rate of mercury excretion. Antibiotics increase the toxicity of mercury.) Thimerisol is 50 times more toxic than regular mercury (methylmercury). It is also injected (more toxic than ingested). Some kids get rid of the toxins, a growing number don’t.

Early signs of mercury exposure include decreased sense of touch, hearing, vision and taste, fatigue, increased salivation. Moderate exposure symptoms include numbness in mouth and extremities, headaches, hypertension, irritability and excitability, immune suppression. Advanced exposure includes tremors, incoordination, anemia, psychoses, manic behaviors, autoimmune disorders, renal dysfunction or failure.

July, 2000 Testimony before US House of Representatives: Mercury poisoning side affects “include the defining characteristics of autism - sensory disturbances such as numbness in the extremities and mouth, aversion to touch, and unusual response to noise; movement disorders like toe-walking, hand flapping, clumsiness, and choreiform movements; and cognitive impairments in specific domains like short-term verbal and auditory memory and in understanding abstract ideas.” Mercury is more toxic to males than to females.


Sources: Drinking water, auto exhaust, industrial air pollution, leaded house paint, canned foods.

Symptoms: Early signs include headaches, fatigue, muscle pains and poor coordination. Low-levels symptoms include decreased intelligence, concentration, speech and memory issues. Children often become easily distracted, frustrated, or hyperactive with learning disabilities.


Sources: Dyes, pigments and bleaching agents, “tin” cans without polymer coatings.

Symptoms: Reduced sense of smell, headaches, fatigue, ataxia, vertigo, hyperglycemia and glucosuria, mild anemia.

4) Mineral and Supplement Notes:

Due to digestive problems, Autistics are generally deficient in zinc, selenium, magnesium, molybdenum, manganese, vanadium and chromium (copper in excess).

a) Chromium is involved in the metabolism of glucose. It stabilizes blood sugar levels through proper insulin utilization. Large mood swings, especially in between meals, can be calmed with chromium. Diminished chromium is associated with diabetes, hypoglycemia, and abnormal cholesterol.

B) Calcium is vital in forming strong bones and teeth, in maintenance of regular heartbeat and the transmission of nerve impulses. It also protects bones and teeth from lead by inhibiting absorption. It also calms (promotes a sound sleep when taken at night). Deficiency symptoms: muscle cramps, nervousness, heart palpitations, brittle nails, eczema, hypertension, aching joints, increased cholesterol levels, rheumatoid arthritis, tooth decay, insomnia, rickets, and numbness in the arms and/or legs.

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