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Re: Is raw meat or absence of cooked meat that is important?

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I did help people beat cancer who wanted to remain vegetarians, even

vegans. But what I discovered was that it had to be in conjunction with a

number of other protocols in order for it to work. With raw animal foods,

DIET ALONE often did its magic, something that rarely happened with


The other thing to keep in mind is that anything can happen in any given

case. The woman who cures herself of cancer with carrot juice, the

gentlemen who does it with an exotic herb, etc. We might win the lottery

as well. The key question is what works on a regular ongoing basis, not

in an exceptional event.

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 18:11:47 -0800 (PST) Roman <r_rom@...> writes:

I was just telling my coworker about Bianca's

experience curing cancer in people using raw animal

food, and he told me about a university, whose name I

forgot, that had good results curing cancer using

completely raw totally vegetarian diet. I then

remembered about Dr. Day (http://www.drday.com/) who

cured herself of cancer using a raw vegetarian diet

(actually, the diet was only a part of her approach).

Attempting to reconcile all these pieces with Bianca's

statement that cooked animal protein needs to be

virtually eliminated from a sick person's diet, I am

thinking that maybe it's not raw animal food that is

of essence but absence of cooked animal food. What do

you think about that?



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I also wanted to ask a question. I don't doubt that you have good

results therapeutically putting people on a raw omnivorous diet. I

am curious how your approach relates to Aajonus Vonderplanitz's

book " We Want to Live " and his own clinical practice. I think some

people on this list would find what you say a little less incredible

if they knew that you are not the only person who uses raw animal

foods therapeutically. Did you get your start with RAF from Aajonus

like so many folks seem to have? Actually this question came up for

me a few posts ago when you referred to your RAF suggestions as 'your

crazy ideas.' I guess I have a little charge around this because it

seems like Aaj. doesn't really cite his own inspirations in his book

and that bothers me. You could read WWTL and come away without

knowing anything about Price, for example....


> I was just telling my coworker about Bianca's

> experience curing cancer in people using raw animal

> food, and he told me about a university, whose name I

> forgot, that had good results curing cancer using

> completely raw totally vegetarian diet. I then

> remembered about Dr. Day (http://www.drday.com/) who

> cured herself of cancer using a raw vegetarian diet

> (actually, the diet was only a part of her approach).

> Attempting to reconcile all these pieces with Bianca's

> statement that cooked animal protein needs to be

> virtually eliminated from a sick person's diet, I am

> thinking that maybe it's not raw animal food that is

> of essence but absence of cooked animal food. What do

> you think about that?


> Roman


> __________________________________________________


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Thanks. This is what my coworker was talking about. I

recognise the way wigmore sounds.


--- Evely <jenevely_2000@...> wrote:


> I think this site is worth noting since we are

> talking about this


> http://www.wigmore.org/annwigmore.html


> btw... I could not access the drday site for some

> reason




> ---------------------------------


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>I guess I have a little charge around this because it

>seems like Aaj. doesn't really cite his own inspirations in his book

>and that bothers me. You could read WWTL and come away without

>knowing anything about Price, for example....

Though I haven't read his book, I've read a fair amount about him and a

couple excerpts, and it seems like he gets a little wiggy at times. One

example, IIRC, was suggesting juicing vegetables and not having any fat

with them, which is a terrible idea.


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I had never had of Aajonus Vonderplanitz until I read NT. There Sally and

spoke of how well his followers were doing on a raw meat diet,

including poultry! (perhaps someone could dig up the reference). Needless

to say I quickly went out and bought the book. I was floored! Despite my

misgivings in the way the book was written (although the first half was a

stroke of genius in communicating his message) he clearly was

implementing the same dietary principles that I had come to discover.

Come to discover that he has a rather large following and have since met

some people who have benefited greatly from his work. Dr. Atkins says his

is the greatest diet book written!! Effusive praise from a

multimillionaire bestselling author of diet books. But no, I was on to

this long long ago, and Mr. Vonderplanitz is a rather new discovery.

He does mention Dr. Price's book in his bibliography. In the story he

makes some unusual claims as to how he got on this path, or received his

inspiration. As for me, it was Price, Pottenger, , Steffanson, Dr.

Crewe etc., that sent me on my merry way, in terms of diet and disease.

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 02:39:12 -0000 " radlife2002 "

<radiantlife@...> writes:


I also wanted to ask a question. I don't doubt that you have good

results therapeutically putting people on a raw omnivorous diet. I

am curious how your approach relates to Aajonus Vonderplanitz's

book " We Want to Live " and his own clinical practice. I think some

people on this list would find what you say a little less incredible

if they knew that you are not the only person who uses raw animal

foods therapeutically. Did you get your start with RAF from Aajonus

like so many folks seem to have? Actually this question came up for

me a few posts ago when you referred to your RAF suggestions as 'your

crazy ideas.' I guess I have a little charge around this because it

seems like Aaj. doesn't really cite his own inspirations in his book

and that bothers me. You could read WWTL and come away without

knowing anything about Price, for example....


> I was just telling my coworker about Bianca's

> experience curing cancer in people using raw animal

> food, and he told me about a university, whose name I

> forgot, that had good results curing cancer using

> completely raw totally vegetarian diet. I then

> remembered about Dr. Day (http://www.drday.com/) who

> cured herself of cancer using a raw vegetarian diet

> (actually, the diet was only a part of her approach).

> Attempting to reconcile all these pieces with Bianca's

> statement that cooked animal protein needs to be

> virtually eliminated from a sick person's diet, I am

> thinking that maybe it's not raw animal food that is

> of essence but absence of cooked animal food. What do

> you think about that?


> Roman


> __________________________________________________


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Dr. Day probably ate humans. She's either psychotic or evil as you will readily

discover if you read the paranoid and viciously anti Semitic articles on her

website. (hidden under the the anthrax and smallpox topic).

Sara (new here and hoping no one here actually has any respect for " Dr. Day " )

----- Original Message -----

From: Roman

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 9:11 PM

Subject: Is raw meat or absence of cooked meat that is


I was just telling my coworker about Bianca's

experience curing cancer in people using raw animal

food, and he told me about a university, whose name I

forgot, that had good results curing cancer using

completely raw totally vegetarian diet. I then

remembered about Dr. Day (http://www.drday.com/) who

cured herself of cancer using a raw vegetarian diet

(actually, the diet was only a part of her approach).

Attempting to reconcile all these pieces with Bianca's

statement that cooked animal protein needs to be

virtually eliminated from a sick person's diet, I am

thinking that maybe it's not raw animal food that is

of essence but absence of cooked animal food. What do

you think about that?



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I don't think that is quite right, since he is big on fat (rightly so)

and death on fasting (a point where we disagree, although not totally

since he is referring to water fasting). Oops, wait, you are right, he

recommends fat with fruit, and especially fruit juice, which he doesn't

recommend. Nevertheless, the fat percentage in his diet is so high it

wouldn't really matter whether he thinks it should go with veggie juice.

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 21:51:00 -0500 Idol <Idol@...>



>I guess I have a little charge around this because it

>seems like Aaj. doesn't really cite his own inspirations in his book

>and that bothers me. You could read WWTL and come away without

>knowing anything about Price, for example....

Though I haven't read his book, I've read a fair amount about him and a

couple excerpts, and it seems like he gets a little wiggy at times. One

example, IIRC, was suggesting juicing vegetables and not having any fat

with them, which is a terrible idea.


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>She's either psychotic or evil as you will readily discover if you read

>the paranoid and viciously anti Semitic articles on her website. (hidden

>under the the anthrax and smallpox topic).

Jeez, no kidding! Sometimes it seems there's a nutbag under every blanket.


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Now why would bible studies appear under the heading " Anthrax and

Smallpox " ? Maybe an error? Dr. Day appears to be an evangelical

charismatic christian with beliefs distinctive to that segment of

christianity. Is that why you are saying she is viciously anti-semitic?

If so, this probably isn't the list to pursue such stuff.

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 22:03:44 -0500 " saral " <vze2cfw8@...> writes:

Dr. Day probably ate humans. She's either psychotic or evil as you will

readily discover if you read the paranoid and viciously anti Semitic

articles on her website. (hidden under the the anthrax and smallpox


Sara (new here and hoping no one here actually has any respect for " Dr.

Day " )

----- Original Message -----

From: Roman

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 9:11 PM

Subject: Is raw meat or absence of cooked meat that

is important?

I was just telling my coworker about Bianca's

experience curing cancer in people using raw animal

food, and he told me about a university, whose name I

forgot, that had good results curing cancer using

completely raw totally vegetarian diet. I then

remembered about Dr. Day (http://www.drday.com/) who

cured herself of cancer using a raw vegetarian diet

(actually, the diet was only a part of her approach).

Attempting to reconcile all these pieces with Bianca's

statement that cooked animal protein needs to be

virtually eliminated from a sick person's diet, I am

thinking that maybe it's not raw animal food that is

of essence but absence of cooked animal food. What do

you think about that?



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I just read that article, and she does seem baised

towards jews. She seems quite paranoid for someone who

preaches giving all one's problems to God. I guess I

won't mention her web site to anyone else anymore. Not

that I was going to since I learned about falseness of

her statements about animal food in human diet.


--- saral <vze2cfw8@...> wrote:

> Dr. Day probably ate humans. She's either psychotic

> or evil as you will readily discover if you read the

> paranoid and viciously anti Semitic articles on her

> website. (hidden under the the anthrax and smallpox

> topic).


> Sara (new here and hoping no one here actually has

> any respect for " Dr. Day " )

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Roman


> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 9:11 PM

> Subject: Is raw meat or absence

> of cooked meat that is important?



> I was just telling my coworker about Bianca's

> experience curing cancer in people using raw

> animal

> food, and he told me about a university, whose

> name I

> forgot, that had good results curing cancer using

> completely raw totally vegetarian diet. I then

> remembered about Dr. Day (http://www.drday.com/)

> who

> cured herself of cancer using a raw vegetarian

> diet

> (actually, the diet was only a part of her

> approach).

> Attempting to reconcile all these pieces with

> Bianca's

> statement that cooked animal protein needs to be

> virtually eliminated from a sick person's diet, I

> am

> thinking that maybe it's not raw animal food that

> is

> of essence but absence of cooked animal food. What

> do

> you think about that?


> Roman


> __________________________________________________


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>Now why would bible studies appear under the heading " Anthrax and

>Smallpox " ? Maybe an error?

Pretty simple -- she believes the Jews were behind 9/11 and the anthrax


>Dr. Day appears to be an evangelical

>charismatic christian with beliefs distinctive to that segment of

>christianity. Is that why you are saying she is viciously anti-semitic?

While that sort of attitude may indeed be characteristic of evangelical

and/or fundamentalist Christians, its pseudo-religious nature is hardly a

defense of its anti-semitic, nor does the fact that her bigotry may be

religious in character mean it's not anti-semitic bigotry.

ly, I'm puzzled by your confusion.


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On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 22:51:34 -0500 Idol <Idol@...>


>Now why would bible studies appear under the heading " Anthrax and

>Smallpox " ? Maybe an error?

Pretty simple -- she believes the Jews were behind 9/11 and the anthrax


Me: Unless I misread, I thought she said the state of Israel, or more

precisely, the government of the state of the Israel, was in on 9/11 amd

the anthrax attacks.

>Dr. Day appears to be an evangelical

>charismatic christian with beliefs distinctive to that segment of

>christianity. Is that why you are saying she is viciously anti-semitic?

While that sort of attitude may indeed be characteristic of evangelical

and/or fundamentalist Christians, its pseudo-religious nature is hardly a

defense of its anti-semitic, nor does the fact that her bigotry may be

religious in character mean it's not anti-semitic bigotry.

Me: While not an evangelical christian, I fail to see the anti-semitism

in believing that the goverment of Israel was behind these attacks. Wrong

headed perhaps but anti-semitic? Sorry I don't see that. No more than

believing Iran or Iraq was behind it makes me anti-muslim.

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Me: Unless I misread, I thought she said the state of Israel, or more

precisely, the government of the state of the Israel, was in on 9/11 amd

the anthrax attacks.

what?! she blames Jews for everything-Kennedy's assassination, Vietnam, calls

Jews the bankers who own wall st and make money off of both sides in wars. No

rational, moral human being could read this article and not see her for the anti

semite she is. But if you still truly can't see it, maybe you should read " who

is israel who is the church " under her " good news about god " category.

In regard to your comment " this probably isn't the list to pursue such stuff " -

I wasn't perusing anything, just quietly lurking, searching the archive, reading

messages getting myself ready to take the plunge into native nutrition. Someone

posted a website so I naturally checked it out and was quite horrified. I had

planned to introduce myself, so I guess that was my introduction. Obviously my

interest in this group is related to pursuing a healthy lifestyle, but no matter

what the topic, I will always expose a racist when I see one.


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>what?! she blames Jews for everything-Kennedy's assassination, Vietnam,

>calls Jews the bankers who own wall st and make money off of both sides in

>wars. No rational, moral human being could read this article and not see

>her for the anti semite she is.

Well said. I don't understand how someone can read a vast laundry list of

irrational accusations against an ethnic group and not see it for what it

is. Just substitute " blacks " or " gays " for " jews " and see how it plays if

it's not clear by itself.


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Is there a reference to Aaj. in NT?

> > I was just telling my coworker about Bianca's

> > experience curing cancer in people using raw animal

> > food, and he told me about a university, whose name I

> > forgot, that had good results curing cancer using

> > completely raw totally vegetarian diet. I then

> > remembered about Dr. Day (http://www.drday.com/) who

> > cured herself of cancer using a raw vegetarian diet

> > (actually, the diet was only a part of her approach).

> > Attempting to reconcile all these pieces with Bianca's

> > statement that cooked animal protein needs to be

> > virtually eliminated from a sick person's diet, I am

> > thinking that maybe it's not raw animal food that is

> > of essence but absence of cooked animal food. What do

> > you think about that?

> >

> > Roman

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Re: http://www.drday.com

This labelling of anything anti-Israeli as

anti-Semitic is making me sick. Israel is a racist,

genocidal state. If the Palestinians were black and

the Israelis were Christians or Muslims, people would

have a completely different perspective.

BTW, please don't call me anti-Semitic because I am




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I agree with you 100 %!!!!!


>From: Moustafa Elqabbany <elqabbany@...>



>Subject: Re: Is raw meat or absence of cooked meat that

>is important?

>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 22:56:27 -0800 (PST)


>Re: http://www.drday.com


>This labelling of anything anti-Israeli as

>anti-Semitic is making me sick. Israel is a racist,

>genocidal state. If the Palestinians were black and

>the Israelis were Christians or Muslims, people would

>have a completely different perspective.


>BTW, please don't call me anti-Semitic because I am









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2/22/2002 1:56:27 AM, Moustafa Elqabbany <elqabbany@...>


>BTW, please don't call me anti-Semitic because I am


I'll bite: just who are Semites? And if one group of Semites are

opposed to another group does that make them anti-Semitic?


Rex Harrill

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Help me out here, how is this related to the posts on raw meat? I thought

Ann Wigmore was a vegan.

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 18:37:43 -0800 (PST) Evely

<jenevely_2000@...> writes:

I think this site is worth noting since we are talking about this


btw... I could not access the drday site for some reason


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was your co-worker saying that Ann Wigmore or her institute had/has great

success with cancer?

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 18:46:23 -0800 (PST) Roman <r_rom@...> writes:

Thanks. This is what my coworker was talking about. I

recognise the way wigmore sounds.


--- Evely <jenevely_2000@...> wrote:


> I think this site is worth noting since we are

> talking about this


> http://www.wigmore.org/annwigmore.html


> btw... I could not access the drday site for some

> reason




> ---------------------------------


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Here is a breakdown of how each of the people below helped in my growth:

Price - traditional raw foods for health and the reversal of disease when

health was lost

Pottenger - same as above

s - the reiteration of what I learned from Dr. Crewe regarding raw

milk for health and the treatment of many physical problems.

Steffanson - raw meat for health and the reversal of disease

Crewe - raw milk in the treatment and reversal of disease. Dr. Crewe

worked at the famed Mayo Clinic

some more not mentioned:

Jensen - milk straight from the animal was the most effective in treating

disease. I had learned this clinically (i.e. the hard way) for both meat

and milk years earlier but had this confirmed by his experiences with


From Jensen and the natural healers from another era (whose original

works I had to search high and low for), the combining of diet and

powerful horology (and related protocols) to cure ANYTHING. There is NO

ONE I know of today who has combined such EFFECTIVELY and is practicing

such. The one guy who did decided that they don't serve organic food in

jail and so he better find another line of work. And if they are

practising they better keep their head down before the powers that be

come and shut them down. It doesn't matter whether or not you are an MD.

Just read Dr. Gerson's story, another powerful influence.

This kind of thing happens even with food, let alone being successful in

curing people who are pronounced incurable by the medical profession.

A good example is the retail sale of raw milk. In Washington if the sale

of milk becomes too popular the state does its best to make life

EXTREMELY hard for you even though it is technically legal. That is why

there are no producers of butter and cream at retail in this state

anymore because they got tired of the hassle. That is why I am always

hesitant in sharing my sources in a public forum. It usually means that I

eventually will have to find another source. Now the Internet has helped

things considerably, but things can change in a heartbeat.

So I have great sympathy for those of you on this list who have suffered

and are suffering needlessly with severe disease and with continuing low

level problems as well. It simply doesn't have to be that way. I recently

helped a friend who was told she was going to die from pancreatic cancer.

" Do you really want to live? " I asked. She said yes. " Read this. " It was

a copy of Pottengers Cats. She did. She also read Dr. Price's book. I

also gave her a book called, There Are No Incurable Diseases so she

could see the herbal side of things. " How do I put this all together to

treat my problem? " she asked. " If you are willing I can show you how " .

She was willing. Six months later she was cancer free. To this day the

Doctors can't figure it out. She did most of the work along with some

help from her family. I was just a cheerleader pointing her in the right


It is the continued dissemination of Dr. Price's work and the radical and

not so radical application of it, that will help one day, at least in

part, in bringing total health freedom to this country. That means you

and I can visit the practitioners we want and eat the food that we want

without regulation from the powers that be who think THEY know best.

Until then lets stay at the task, each in our own way trying to find what

works best for us.

Keep up the good work.

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:01:57 -0800 bianca3@... writes:

He does mention Dr. Price's book in his bibliography. In the story he

makes some unusual claims as to how he got on this path, or received his

inspiration. As for me, it was Price, Pottenger, , Steffanson, Dr.

Crewe etc., that sent me on my merry way, in terms of diet and disease.

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