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Re: Hyper on B 12 (ALEX)

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Hi ,

It's Sheryl again... I was wondering if you could clarify for me what you mean by your son "regressing" on the mB12? With my son, he definitely got hyper, woke up really early, and did a lot of flapping and scripting. Now, my son has always done arm flapping and scripting, so I never considered this a regression, rather I assumed that the increase in hyperactivity was due to the folinic acid. (BTW, when I called Coastal, they said that most of their patients that request the mb12 without the folinic is because of hyperactivity) As you can tell from my previous posts, I am really confused as to the next type of nasal b 12 to order. Some reactions go hand in hand. For example, if your child is doing more jumping around, and more scripting, then he has less time and attention for eye contact and interaction. Anyway, I'm just rambling on now, but, I'd love to hear other's perspectives on this.



Re: Viruses binding metals/()

Hi ,The clock is ticking for all of us :) That I why these groups are soamazing. I have learned soooo much from here, chelatingkids2 andautism-mercury. I hope you are a member of those 2 groups. They willtell you far more things than I can. Those parents have gone throughit all. Great people.My son will be 4 this month. We started him on Methyl B12 shots last April. We had him on that for 3 months and he was very hyper, lots ofhand flapping, bouncing, difficult to control, could not concentrate,very little language (less than 30 words). His DAN! told me to takehim off as he had not improved with the shots and usually you can tellby the end of month 3. Then he prescribed transdermal glutathione and started putting 2 and 3 words together. His DAN! waspuzzled. The coolest thing for me was that his expressive languagehad improved dramatically. I was able to negotiate with him. If hewanted to watch Barney, he had to eat first. Our lives were filledwith negotiations. So that is when he decided to go into TransdermalDMPS (and continue with the 15 supplements that I was giving him). Westarted very very slow. And even at the lowest dosage, the firstweek, my son had a bad rash on his neck and vomited for 2 days(remember that DMPS has some antiviral agents in it). When thatended, he started to relate more with us. By the end of month 2, hestarted playing with his 2 year old sister. By month 5, most of hissensory integration problems were 70% reduced. Now, in 7 months, notonly can I talk to him but he is putting 5 and 6 words in one sentenseAND he is now (as of last week) negotiating my negotiations. He isasking "what" and "where" questions and he is trying to answer "why"questions with "because" (although he is not asking them yet). He hasapraxia (both verbal and motor), so his pretend play is far behind andhe has the "tarzan" talk. But he has made such an improvement, that Iam excited. He gets 40 hours a week of ABA/VB and Floortime (combined).Now, I am a computer scientist and things happen in life for a reason.Whether we know the reason or not, there is a reason. Unfortunately,we don't know why autism happens and we all have to play the guessinggame of trial and error. What we know is that it is physical. So Ihave tried many therapies and my son is not yet were a normal childshould be. That is when I decided to give the genetics a chance. Ilike the RNA supplementation theory, but I am not sure how to pursueit. Chelation has been "the" answer for us. Starting withTD-Glutathione and going into TD-DMPS. But I believe my son has viralissues and that is my next approach. Genetics is only going to tellme how to supplement, not how to cure him. Supplementation isimportant to assist the body in healing itself.I have not tried Valtrex. I didn't even know of its existance untilabout 2 weeks ago. And neither one of my DAN!s ever even brought upthe subject. That is why I joined this group. To learn about it andsee if I can do it while chelating. Valtrex can be hard on the liverand so can DMPS. So I am scared about it. But I believe that I mustdo it in order to fully get the metals out. And then, with Yasko'srecommendations on supplementation, I pray that my son will fullyrecover in another year or two.Thanks for listening..> >>> >> Hi Anita,> >> > >> not sure if your original question was toDawn or to all, if to > >all:> >> from what I gathered there is no question ofno-need-to-chelate, > >believe> >> it is a question of being able tostart/improve on > >detoxing/chelating> >> once viruses are out of the way. Or somethingalong those lines.> >> > >> Natasa> >> > >Hi Natasa,> >> >I think things are getting a bit muddled herenow. Or maybe it's > >just me ;-).> >> >Are you speaking of Yasko's ideas here? Itseems to me you might be.> >> >My original question, which was to Stan andeveryone, was not about > >Dr. Yasko's idea, but more about what I think Stanhas been > >theorizing in some of his posts:> >> >I've copied it below (and left what I hoped mightclarify my > >original post):> >> >Stan and everyone else who might have thoughts,> >> >From what I understand, you believe that byclearing up the viral> >issues, some of our children are able to excretethe mercury from> >their bodies, including their brains, all on theirown. When I hear> >this, I think about the autopsies done on men whohad because of > >their jobs been exposed to all sorts ofmercury. These men didn't > >show any signs of mercury poisoning (had they doneso, they wouldn't > >have continued at their jobs) but their brainswere full of mercury > >at autopsy. I remember after I read that, Iconcluded that because > >of mercury's affinity for the brain, once itcrossed the BBB the > >only way to get it out again would be chelating itout. I was also > >reading about "recoveries" with justbehavioural treatments at that > >point and this caused me to really question theextent of those > >recoveries, particularly in the long-term. I'm wondering what would > >make some of our children different from thesemen? Is there some > >sort of explanation that I'm missing? Ormaybe I didn't understand > >the implications correctly in the first place?> >> >Thanks if you have any thoughts on this,> >> > My underlying thought is this: if adultswho> >> > are known to be good excretors (peoplewho work with mercury) > >don't> >> > excrete mercury from their brains, thenwhy would we believe > >that our> >> > kids could do so by removing viruses(i.e. without chelation)?> >> >> >> >> >It's hard to get things straight with just akeyboard sometimes.> >> >I hope I've not mixed things up even more.> >> >Anita> >> >> >> >> > > >> >

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To put it in perspective, in at least 3 out of 4 trials that I've observed with

a gain, folinic

included MB12 spray works really well. There is only a minority of folks who I

have seen

not handle folinic well and it typically expresses itself with hyperactivity or,

at times,

feeling tired. The nice thing about this therapy is that it only takes a few

tries before

figuring out what will work. Not many therapies are like that.

That said, if you're confused about what to do, you can always order a bottle

with folinic

and one without. I would start with without folinic and then the the one with.

- Stan

> > >>

> > >> Hi Anita,

> > >>

> > >> not sure if your original question was toDawn or to all, if to

> > >all:

> > >> from what I gathered there is no question ofno-need-to-chelate,

> > >believe

> > >> it is a question of being able tostart/improve on

> > >detoxing/chelating

> > >> once viruses are out of the way. Or somethingalong those lines.

> > >>

> > >> Natasa

> > >>

> > >Hi Natasa,

> > >

> > >I think things are getting a bit muddled herenow. Or maybe it's

> > >just me ;-).

> > >

> > >Are you speaking of Yasko's ideas here? Itseems to me you might be.

> > >

> > >My original question, which was to Stan andeveryone, was not about

> > >Dr. Yasko's idea, but more about what I think Stanhas been

> > >theorizing in some of his posts:

> > >

> > >I've copied it below (and left what I hoped mightclarify my

> > >original post):

> > >

> > >Stan and everyone else who might have thoughts,

> > >

> > >From what I understand, you believe that byclearing up the viral

> > >issues, some of our children are able to excretethe mercury from

> > >their bodies, including their brains, all on theirown. When I hear

> > >this, I think about the autopsies done on men whohad because of

> > >their jobs been exposed to all sorts ofmercury. These men didn't

> > >show any signs of mercury poisoning (had they doneso, they wouldn't

> > >have continued at their jobs) but their brainswere full of mercury

> > >at autopsy. I remember after I read that, Iconcluded that because

> > >of mercury's affinity for the brain, once itcrossed the BBB the

> > >only way to get it out again would be chelating itout. I was also

> > >reading about " recoveries " with justbehavioural treatments at that

> > >point and this caused me to really question theextent of those

> > >recoveries, particularly in the long-term. I'm wondering what would

> > >make some of our children different from thesemen? Is there some

> > >sort of explanation that I'm missing? Ormaybe I didn't understand

> > >the implications correctly in the first place?

> > >

> > >Thanks if you have any thoughts on this,

> > >

> > > My underlying thought is this: if adultswho

> > >> > are known to be good excretors (peoplewho work with mercury)

> > >don't

> > >> > excrete mercury from their brains, thenwhy would we believe

> > >that our

> > >> > kids could do so by removing viruses(i.e. without chelation)?

> > >> >

> > >

> > >

> > >It's hard to get things straight with just akeyboard sometimes.

> > >

> > >I hope I've not mixed things up even more.

> > >

> > >Anita

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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