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RE: raw vs. cooked

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Raw animal foods heal. They also marvelously help digestion in that they

provide all the enzymes that are needed to digest the food itself.

Avocados are high in fat for example, but they are also high in lipase

which is necessary to digest fat.

Sick people need raw animal products to get well. It is precisly people

who are ill and suffering from low level chronic afflications who need

this the most. Depending on what ills them will determine what exact

proportions of which particular animal food they need, but they do need


Raw animals food will help build and strenghten the immune system. Your

source foods should always be healthy and clean (and grass fed) when used

therapeutically. But in general parasites show up when there is dead and

decaying matter around. A healthy body will shed unnecessary parasites,

they simply cannot survive. When they are around they become a tremendous

cleanup crew, helping more quickly to detoxify a toxic body. I have seen

a lot of parasites passed by people through their colon. Sometimes it was

in their fecal matter, sometimes it was in a tumor that was passed, but

never as a result of directly treating parasitical infestation. When the

body got well, they simply died off (sometimes very uncomfortably) but

they did. Many foods in the regimen I used are anti-parastical: raw milk,

coconut products, garlic, even butter to name a few. Some are also

vermifuges, i.e not only killing but ridding the body of parsites as

well. Know your source and you shouldn't have a problem.

The truth of the matter is if a person has been sick or suffering from

low level problems parasites are probably already present. The trick is

understanding that most parasites and bacteria are your friends, you just

need to support your body properly to make sure they don't become your

enemies. In most instances, the presence of parasites is an indication

that something else needs to be changed and cleaned up, and when that

happens the parasite problem goes away. Many many people have an almost

hysterical aversion to parasites, blaming them for all sorts of things.

But in general parasites are no more to blame for disease than the

vultures who show up to finish off a dead carcass are to be blamed for

the death of the animal. Even now medicine is beginning to recognize our

symbiotic nature with some parasites in our gut and are introducing them

to treat some diseases.

Those are my thoughts, which I'm sure many will disagree with.

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 12:01:21 -0500 " "

<R@...> writes:

What are your thoughts on the safety of raw meat and fish? My

understanding is that native people might have had stronger immune

systems and a healthier gut than we do to start with.. Ron Schmid talks

about this in " Traditional Foods are your Best Medicine " ., that there are

two considerations about the safety of eating raw animal foods; the

health of the source animal and the health of the person eating it.

Healthy people being resistant to disease, it makes sense that raw animal

foods would be health promoting for them, but what about ill people or

those on a SAD diet who have low-level chronic illness? How would you

approach this?


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The truth of the matter is if a person has been sick or suffering from

low level problems parasites are probably already present. The trick is

understanding that most parasites and bacteria are your friends, you just

need to support your body properly to make sure they don't become your

enemies. In most instances, the presence of parasites is an indication

that something else needs to be changed and cleaned up, and when that

happens the parasite problem goes away. Many many people have an almost

hysterical aversion to parasites, blaming them for all sorts of things.

But in general parasites are no more to blame for disease than the

vultures who show up to finish off a dead carcass are to be blamed for

the death of the animal. Even now medicine is beginning to recognize our

symbiotic nature with some parasites in our gut and are introducing them

to treat some diseases.


I agree with you - parasites just grow in numbers and become problems when

there is a lousy internal terrain and lots of junk food to eat. They are like

trash collectors. But if you have a big trash problem in your body (from eating

a SAD for most your life), then don't attack the trash men...it isn't their

fault. Get rid of the trash and the trashmen (parasites) will move on. It's sort

of like free radicals. So many people talk about taking anti-oxidants and free

radical damage...but the free radicals are created because of toxins and damaged

cells. Don't ingest toxic foods and don't damage your cells faster than normal

cellular aging and you won't have a bunch of free radicals to contend with. I

think both parasites and free radicals can cause problems in the body but they

are the result of other problems and not the primary cause.


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Barb wrote:

> So many people talk about taking anti-oxidants

> and free radical damage...but the free radicals

> are created because of toxins and damaged cells.

> Don't ingest toxic foods and don't damage your

> cells faster than normal cellular aging and you

> won't have a bunch of free radicals to contend with.

I partly agree, but I would point out that given the level of pollution that

most people are faced with, some focus on anti-oxidants is probably

warranted. ...and the broader the array of anti-oxidants (although not

necessarily the greater the quantity) the better. Some antioxidants play

very different roles than others; vitamin C and Vitamin E are perfect

examples of two powerful antioxidants with rather different biological

roles. So taking mega-doses of Vitamin C doesn't make nearly as much sense

as trying to ensure that you're getting at least some of many different

types. Sadly, the tone of the research on the topic misleads the public as

usual. They're much more focused on degree of anti-oxidant power than they

are on how each really functions in the body. Nothing new there...

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>but I would point out that given the level of pollution that

>most people are faced with, some focus on anti-oxidants is probably


To that I'd add the corruption of the food supply as an added reason to

consume a range of anti-oxidants. The lipid profiles of animals raised on

inappropriate diets can be more unsaturated and otherwise problematic than

those of pastured animals, for example, something vitamin E can help with

(at least if taken as all four natural tocopherals and all four natural

tocotrionols). And it's REALLY hard to avoid all bad or compromised foods.


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  • 9 years later...
Guest guest

Thanks a lot for the information, Lea Ann! I tried to go completely raw a couple of months ago, and for that week I felt fantastic. However, I quickly realized that I still need meat now and then. So now I'm working on a balance I can live by. Last night, for example: I made a nice salad in the Vitamix with grape tomatoes, baby carrots, spinach, flaxseeds & coconut oil and had it with a small burger. I don't eat meat very often, but I know I wouldn't fare well if I had the feeling that all meat was forbidden to me.

SerenaOn Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> wrote:

My .2 is that an all raw foods diet helps so many people because it automatically gets them off of wheat and grains which for a large % of the population (NOT ALL) is a problem.  Especially anyone with a tendency to diabetes.

I don't discourage anyone from a raw food diet, but I do advise that they not stress over it, and I say that an 80% or even a 50% raw food diet is 100% better than a SAD diet!

I couldn't agree with Vickilynn's statement any more:

Not everyone is the same. Assuming that they are means giving out dangerous advice. Not everyone has the same nutritional needs, we can see this by so many different requirements for food allergies, intolerances etc.

Here is an article that gives an alternative viewpoint to the benefits of eating all raw:

http://www.drfuhrman.com/faq/question.aspx?sid=16 & qindex=4

ONE of the benefits (not the only) of cooking vegetables is that it destroys the cell wall releasing more nutrients.  Well if you want to eat a raw food diet, your Vitamix can do the same thing as cooking IN THIS RESPECT (rupturing cell walls).  It can't, however, destroy the anti-nutrients like cooking does.  I think there should be a balance.

Here is the paragraph from the above linked article that addresses this idea that cooking releases more nutrients by destroying cell walls.

Recent studies confirm that the body absorbs much more of the beneficial anti-cancer compounds (carotenoids and phytochemicals—especially lutein and lycopene) from cooked vegetables compared with raw. Scientists speculate that the increase in absorption of antioxidants after cooking may be attributed to the destruction of the cell matrix (connective bands) to which the valuable compounds are bound.

All of this is just " food for thought " , and because beliefs about diet can run very deep, and become very emotional, I believe that it is best to support people in their goals towards better health regardless of what diet they are on, and to just encourage them to always listen to their body and to always be open to learning more.  I've gone from years of vegetarianism (where my health steadily deteriorated) to 100% raw, where I actually felt good for a while before I tried the 80-10-10 diet (an extreme form of the raw food diet) which cause a complete crash in my health, back to vegetarian (no health improvement), to being drug by my naturopath kicking and screaming back into eating meat (and red meats at that…) and now I am steadily on the mend, but it is a LONG, SLOW improvement.  During all of these changes I felt that the diet I was on was THE DIET for everyone.  Now I know that I was simply wrong.  The diet that is best for you is the one that makes you feel the best - emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

If anyone is interested, this is the diet that is making me feel good right now:


I do NOT claim that my diet is right for everyone!!!   :-)


Lea Ann Savage

Satellite Beach, FL

(321) 773-7088 (home)

(321-961-9219 (cell)




On Aug 4, 2011, at 9:01 AM, Vickilynn Haycraft wrote:

I won't get into the living / " dead " food debate, but I don't buy into it. :-)

Also, (throwing my 2 cents in here, FWIW), sometimes advocating an all-raw diet is the right thing for everyone can get people sick.

Not everyone is the same. Assuming that they are means giving out dangerous advice. Not everyone has the same nutritional needs, we can see this by so many different requirements for food allergies, intolerances etc.

When I was diagnosed with cancer, of course, I had deeply concerned friends who insisted (ala certain raw gurus) that the ONLY way I would survive is a raw food and juiced diet.

My system was so ravaged, I could not handle raw. In any form. For quite awhile. I won't tell you what I lived on to survive, it might hurt some of you and your food consciences, but I did what was my body could tolerate at the time. And even now, 6 years later and REMISSION (thank G-d!), my system still cannot handle concentrated juices or much raw food and although I can eat a good amount of fresh, raw salads and veggies, it cannot make up the major portion of my intake and juicing still bothers me.

So, there is no " one size fits all " when it comes to nutritional and dietary or even herbal advice. It's simply what each of us have to find about what our bodies need and that changes as we heal or as we grow or as our bodies are subjected to different assaults or develop different challenges.

Vickilynn Haycraft

Micah 6:8







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