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Re: Autism Reform Act 2009 Need your vote

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Looks like this received enough votes!


> Someone is now paying attention to the children on the ASD. But we

need to

> be heard. Best way to get your vote in is Google Autism Reform Act

2009 it

> will take you to the site, but you need to join the Change.org list

to vote,

> you can always remove yourself after you vote. But, If the

president elect

> is listening, let him hear for all of ours who can not speak.

> Our lives begin to end

> The day we become silent

> About things that matter.

> ~ Luther King, Jr.

> Donelle





> ********


> The Autism 2009 Act does not even remotely impact all children with

an IEP.

> This proposed legislation would set a precedent that one disorder

and one

> population of children are more entitled to

> Programs and services.

> >

> >

> > We need 191 more votes by December 31st, 2008, this is a ground

> > breaking introduction for our new president elect, we have to get

> The

> > votes for this to make it to the next level! This would be life

> > changing for many parents. Please share, and most importantly, vote

> > for the Autism 2009 Reform Act to be brought to the forefront of our

> > new presidency. We need any and all votes, it affects everyone with

> A

> > child on an IEP, please share with your friends. Let's bring this

> > issue the national attention it deserves!

> > As a country we have watched Autism Spectrum Disorders grow in a

> > devastating number. Over the last decade it has spiraled so quickly

> > out of control that: 1.) There must not just be one person but an

> > ENTIRE U.S. OFFICE OF COMPLIANCE for Educating Children with Autism.

> > 2.) The use of Time Out Rooms, Corporal punishments, Restraints, and

> > the high amount of Abuse must be monitored with severe penalties to

> > states and fines or conviction of those that break such a REFORM

> Law.

> > 3.) School Districts/States must each have an " Office of Autism

> > Education Compliance or be subject to loss of Federal Funding. 4.)

> Due

> > Process Hearing Officers must NOT be employees of the state and

> Shall

> > be employed by the Federal Government ONLY. 5.) Insurance companies

> > MUST provide the Early Interventions such as ABA Discreet Trial at

> No

> > cost to parents. 6.) Protection and Advocacy MUST be funded properly

> > to allow parents that need help get it without any more then a 15

> Day

> > waiting period.7.) Grants for research, education, and non profit

> > organizations for those with Autism Spectrum Disorders must be made

> In

> > the amount of 5 billion dollars.8.) Relief for parents who have paid

> > out of pocket to educate their children must be made swiftly with

> 100%

> > reimbursement. 9.) Behavior Intervention Plans must accompany all

> > Individual Education Plans.10.) Insurance companies must make

> > available all resources for children and adults with Autism Spectrum

> > Disorders including but not limited to any items deemed necessary by

> > the physician for the treatment of metal toxicities and any other

> > theraputic orders their physician may order. 11.) The Autism Reform

> > Act shall consider all Autism Spectrum Disorders including

> Aspergers.

> > 12.) This Reform Act must be 'open' for additions as needed and

> Create

> > a 12 parent panel to propose such additions.

> >

> > About Ideas for Change in America

> >

> > What is Ideas for Change in America?

> >

> > Ideas for Change in America is a citizen-driven project that aims to

> > identify and create momentum around the best ideas for how the Obama

> > Administration and 111th Congress can turn the broad call

> For " change "

> > across the country into specific policies.

> >

> > The project is nonpartisan, and invites all political points of

> View.

> > It is not connected to the Obama campaign or the Obama

> Administration.

> > Who's behind it?

> >

> > Ideas for Change in America is a project of Change.org, an online

> > community and media network for social issues, in partnership with

> > more than three dozen leading organizations, including MySpace,

> > techPresident, the Sunlight Foundation, Netroots Nation, Declare

> > Yourself, Student PIRGs, Voto Latino, HeadCount, and Change

> Congress.

> > How does it work?

> >

> > Anyone can submit an idea and comment and vote on others. The top 10

> > rated ideas will be presented to the Obama Administration on

> > Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009 as the " Top 10 Ideas for

> America. "

> > We will then launch a national campaign behind each idea and

> mobilize

> > the collective energy of the millions of members of Change.org,

> > MySpace, and partner organizations to ensure that each winning idea

> > gets the full consideration of the Obama Administration and Members

> of

> > Congress.

> > How are the top ideas determined?

> >

> > The " Top 10 Ideas for America " will be determined through two rounds

> > of voting. In the first round, ideas will compete against other

> ideas

> > in the same issue category. The first round will end on December 31,

> > 2008, and the top 3 rated ideas from each category will make it into

> > the second round. The second round of voting will begin on Monday,

> > January 5, and each qualifying idea will compete against the

> > qualifying ideas from all other categories. Second round voting will

> > end on Thursday, January 15.

> > What happens after voting?

> >

> > Our work does not end with the voting process or the delivery of the

> > top 10 ideas to the Obama Administration on Inauguration Day. That

> is

> > rather the end of the beginning. Instead of passively hoping the

> > administration accepts each top idea, we will select a formal

> > nonprofit sponsor for each idea to help create a nationwide movement

> > to lobby the administration and Congress to turn the idea into real

> > policy.

> >

> > What should my idea be about?

> >

> > The mission of Ideas for Change in America is to identify and

> advance

> > concrete solutions to the major challenges confronting the country,

> > and we welcome any ideas consistent with this vision. Ideas that

> > conflict with the spirit of this mission, that look backward instead

> > of forward, that express values without offering solutions, that

> offer

> > solutions which won't receive serious consideration by either the

> > Obama administration or the 111th Congress, that are intended to

> > attack others, or are otherwise offensive are not eligible for the

> > second round. We reserve the right to remove any ideas that violate

> > these stated principles.

> >


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With 560,000 children on the Spectrum in our schools and a to just say

only 10 percent have parents online *an underestimate by far*, 2,000

votes is nice as it has the Idea in the top 5 in America for all

ideas, but by far is not 'enough'.. it appears to me that some have

problems with this part or that part or are just not going to vote for

something that directly effects their child.

I can deal with the hate mail, the listowners/moderators that have

called my posts 'spam' and having to continually join new groups and

find that some respond in a a HUGE way to rally and support the ACT.

What I do find amazing is that we recieve approx 4-5,000 emails a year

from parents requesting information or asking for help with their

Educational programs.. we have no problem with that and enjoy helping.

Keep them in mind when you state what you did, this idea has

received actually a 'pathetic' number of votes when you look at the

number of parents for each child affected. Half the votes have came

from parents that don't even have a disabled child and from the Adults

with ASD's - many concessions needed to be made and rightfully so..

for them. I think a parent should rally on this and not simply state

- 'somebody already did it' . I'm sure there are alot more then 2,000

individuals with ASD's right in your nearest Metropolis.

Thank you all that had the good attitude to continue voting as there

is a 2nd round that starts Jan. 1 . If everyone said 'There's enough

votes alread' .. then we would have 'Teaching Esparanto as an

elective' and 'Creating National Science standards' as your potential

top Idea's in Education. I believe that addressing the needs of our

children (grown or in school) is much more important.

Thank you,

E. , Sr.

The Office of Advocacy for Autistic Children

> >

> > Someone is now paying attention to the children on the ASD. But we

> need to

> > be heard. Best way to get your vote in is Google Autism Reform Act

> 2009 it

> > will take you to the site, but you need to join the Change.org list

> to vote,

> > you can always remove yourself after you vote. But, If the

> president elect

> > is listening, let him hear for all of ours who can not speak.

> > Our lives begin to end

> > The day we become silent

> > About things that matter.

> > ~ Luther King, Jr.

> > Donelle

> >

> >

> >



> > ********

> >

> > The Autism 2009 Act does not even remotely impact all children with

> an IEP.

> > This proposed legislation would set a precedent that one disorder

> and one

> > population of children are more entitled to

> > Programs and services.

> > >

> > >

> > > We need 191 more votes by December 31st, 2008, this is a ground

> > > breaking introduction for our new president elect, we have to get

> > The

> > > votes for this to make it to the next level! This would be life

> > > changing for many parents. Please share, and most importantly, vote

> > > for the Autism 2009 Reform Act to be brought to the forefront of our

> > > new presidency. We need any and all votes, it affects everyone with

> > A

> > > child on an IEP, please share with your friends. Let's bring this

> > > issue the national attention it deserves!

> > > As a country we have watched Autism Spectrum Disorders grow in a

> > > devastating number. Over the last decade it has spiraled so quickly

> > > out of control that: 1.) There must not just be one person but an

> > > ENTIRE U.S. OFFICE OF COMPLIANCE for Educating Children with Autism.

> > > 2.) The use of Time Out Rooms, Corporal punishments, Restraints, and

> > > the high amount of Abuse must be monitored with severe penalties to

> > > states and fines or conviction of those that break such a REFORM

> > Law.

> > > 3.) School Districts/States must each have an " Office of Autism

> > > Education Compliance or be subject to loss of Federal Funding. 4.)

> > Due

> > > Process Hearing Officers must NOT be employees of the state and

> > Shall

> > > be employed by the Federal Government ONLY. 5.) Insurance companies

> > > MUST provide the Early Interventions such as ABA Discreet Trial at

> > No

> > > cost to parents. 6.) Protection and Advocacy MUST be funded properly

> > > to allow parents that need help get it without any more then a 15

> > Day

> > > waiting period.7.) Grants for research, education, and non profit

> > > organizations for those with Autism Spectrum Disorders must be made

> > In

> > > the amount of 5 billion dollars.8.) Relief for parents who have paid

> > > out of pocket to educate their children must be made swiftly with

> > 100%

> > > reimbursement. 9.) Behavior Intervention Plans must accompany all

> > > Individual Education Plans.10.) Insurance companies must make

> > > available all resources for children and adults with Autism Spectrum

> > > Disorders including but not limited to any items deemed necessary by

> > > the physician for the treatment of metal toxicities and any other

> > > theraputic orders their physician may order. 11.) The Autism Reform

> > > Act shall consider all Autism Spectrum Disorders including

> > Aspergers.

> > > 12.) This Reform Act must be 'open' for additions as needed and

> > Create

> > > a 12 parent panel to propose such additions.

> > >

> > > About Ideas for Change in America

> > >

> > > What is Ideas for Change in America?

> > >

> > > Ideas for Change in America is a citizen-driven project that aims to

> > > identify and create momentum around the best ideas for how the Obama

> > > Administration and 111th Congress can turn the broad call

> > For " change "

> > > across the country into specific policies.

> > >

> > > The project is nonpartisan, and invites all political points of

> > View.

> > > It is not connected to the Obama campaign or the Obama

> > Administration.

> > > Who's behind it?

> > >

> > > Ideas for Change in America is a project of Change.org, an online

> > > community and media network for social issues, in partnership with

> > > more than three dozen leading organizations, including MySpace,

> > > techPresident, the Sunlight Foundation, Netroots Nation, Declare

> > > Yourself, Student PIRGs, Voto Latino, HeadCount, and Change

> > Congress.

> > > How does it work?

> > >

> > > Anyone can submit an idea and comment and vote on others. The top 10

> > > rated ideas will be presented to the Obama Administration on

> > > Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009 as the " Top 10 Ideas for

> > America. "

> > > We will then launch a national campaign behind each idea and

> > mobilize

> > > the collective energy of the millions of members of Change.org,

> > > MySpace, and partner organizations to ensure that each winning idea

> > > gets the full consideration of the Obama Administration and Members

> > of

> > > Congress.

> > > How are the top ideas determined?

> > >

> > > The " Top 10 Ideas for America " will be determined through two rounds

> > > of voting. In the first round, ideas will compete against other

> > ideas

> > > in the same issue category. The first round will end on December 31,

> > > 2008, and the top 3 rated ideas from each category will make it into

> > > the second round. The second round of voting will begin on Monday,

> > > January 5, and each qualifying idea will compete against the

> > > qualifying ideas from all other categories. Second round voting will

> > > end on Thursday, January 15.

> > > What happens after voting?

> > >

> > > Our work does not end with the voting process or the delivery of the

> > > top 10 ideas to the Obama Administration on Inauguration Day. That

> > is

> > > rather the end of the beginning. Instead of passively hoping the

> > > administration accepts each top idea, we will select a formal

> > > nonprofit sponsor for each idea to help create a nationwide movement

> > > to lobby the administration and Congress to turn the idea into real

> > > policy.

> > >

> > > What should my idea be about?

> > >

> > > The mission of Ideas for Change in America is to identify and

> > advance

> > > concrete solutions to the major challenges confronting the country,

> > > and we welcome any ideas consistent with this vision. Ideas that

> > > conflict with the spirit of this mission, that look backward instead

> > > of forward, that express values without offering solutions, that

> > offer

> > > solutions which won't receive serious consideration by either the

> > > Obama administration or the 111th Congress, that are intended to

> > > attack others, or are otherwise offensive are not eligible for the

> > > second round. We reserve the right to remove any ideas that violate

> > > these stated principles.

> > >

> >


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