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What is LDM-100?

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Botanical Source: Lomatium Dissecta var. Multifida (Leptotaenia)

Made by Barlow Herbals


From Barlow Herbal website, Product Information:

"LDM–100 – Broad spectrum plant antibiotic, Virastatic, Bacteriostatic, Fungicidal, (Influenza, colds, respiratory and urinary infections, Staph and strep infections, difficult viral infections, Lansing, Polio, E.B. Infections, fungus infection, skin infection, warts, etc.) "Destined to become one of the most important antibiotic herbs known to man".

Look in this groups Files you will see the LDM-100 Recap which is a compilation of Research information.

From the Recap:

"Lomatium dissectum is a member of the parsley family. It was used extensively by Native Americans in the Northwest U.S. and Northern Nevada, where it grows commonly. They used it for colds, flu and upper respiratory infections but many other uses have also been noted.In 1918, Dr. Ernst Krebs, M.D., who lived in Carson City, Nevada discovered that people of the Washoe nation seemed to be recovering well from an influenza epidemic. He asked some of the elders about their medicine. They called it "Toh-sa" or

"Do-sa" and showed him how to prepare it."

Look in this groups Photo section you will see Zander in the LDM-100 rash.

Also, do an advanced search on this group using key word LDM-100, especially message #1526, 1505. There are many other posts in this group, in MB12Valtrex (also has a poll in the Polls section), and a little in Chelatingkids2 and abmd. When advanced searching the bigger groups you have to use both LDM-100 and LDM100 (without the -) to pull up the messages.

When time allows we intend on compiling a research documents to assist people in researching the LDM-

100, Valkion, and cold lasers including LED. We will put the compiled recap in this groups Files section to give people a solid research start.


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