Guest guest Posted August 11, 2008 Report Share Posted August 11, 2008 I'm going to post these to the files, but I cut and pasted them here. Please keep in mind they are NOTES, so some may be partial sentences, some typos, etc. I also didn't get notes on every single presentation. My son was having trouble at home and he called me about 10 x's in a row at one point. So if I missed or didn't get notes, then I put the appropriate website where all of the information is located anyways. I also didn't take notes on my own presentation because that is silly,,,,,so you can look at the website for info. Notes – Dietrich Klinghardt 2008 Autism Conference ******Please note that not all presentations are included because I had to leave early on Sunday AND had some issues I had to take care of during one or two of the presentations****** Dietrich Klinghardt, MD -Estimated that numbers will double every 5 years and currently it is 1 out of 50 children diagnosed with ASD – EST. -Estimated 2013 – no longer able to give birth to normal children. -Witnessing a decline and falling a part of society as we know it. Autistic children giving us the strongest signal…same causes of autism are causing grown-ups to get neurological disease, marriages failing., ect. How to fix the damage….where is the information about the causes of autism? What is changing in the environment mimics in the decline of the children? Until 1999 he was convinced that mercury in vaccines was responsible for fast rise of autism. Statistics in CA that after vaccines were cleared that was a dip in ASD. Then curve increased. Mg one of several factors. Increase in cell phone use mimics curve in ASD and can explain the rise in autism. Telecommunications ignoring any valid science in this area. Man made issue. GMO foods contributing to autism pointing to a potential humanitarian disaster. Autism = acquired infection in the womb (Lyme) Provoke with antibiotics for 6 weeks – – 73% rate in autism. Mothers are asymptomatic LD. When provoked both parents always test positive. 100%. The more genetic mutations, the more likely to develop autism. Gene changes can explain early exposure to mercury and EMF and the consequences of eating GMO. Daily damage keeps going the repair mechanism can’t keep up with it. When a parent has unresolved psych issues gives changes in the epigenomic changes are passed onto the fetus causing methylation problems in the kids. No DNA changes but the kids can’t methylate properly. genome – proteome (active part of enzymes..then creates something) metabolome – how much gaba make? Methyl group will patch the DNA when viral DNA is attached. If patient is toxic it will trigger an enzyme to make more glutathione but will do it at the cost of not producing metal groups and then the virus becomes active because the patching of DNA doesn’t happen. How to fix this? Get the toxins out, giving anti-virals to silence system to free up the enzyme. Child under 18 months – when sick, then the brain is also infected because of lack of BBB. OSR – 100mg per day – fat soluble, bigger claw – binding agent Must do diet first and meticulously before doing anything else. SCD is most effective, larger number of kids improving. Chelation as #1 treatment. Turquoise light quadruples melatonin production in body – 10 minutes Mitocondrial DNA is always passed from the mother – if damaged then it’s not repairable. Damage will always persist and then pass on from generation to generation accumulated throughout. Symptom of DNA damage is fatigue. Inflammation in brain – heparin and algae ( ….cava?) The only things that will work. STUDY ---Evidence for Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and HHV6 in blood of ASD – Journal of Neurosicence Research. HHV6 – A – biowarfare manufactured…creates immune suppression and fatigue. Symptomic = HHV6 and No HHV6 – asymptomatic – for Lyme patients. Must detoxification. Enzyme turned on by toxins – antivirals are temporary. Immmunological treatments – enderline therapies, auto-urine therapy. Beats IVIG for effectiveness. breakdown products of bacteria/virus, cell wall particles. By re-injecting it in the bottom. Activates immune system in connective tissue. Oxidative stress – toxicity. Anti-oxidants Infection – need oxidation to kill the bugs. Not a simultaneous way of doing both. When we kill bugs and only do oxidation, get dramatic improvements. When we treat toxins, then get improvements to a point. Do massive killing of bugs first, focus of removal of bugs and neurotoxins and then remove toxins. If you give glutathione to a lyme patient the Borrelia will coat itself with the glutathione making the patient 10% better but protecting the Borrelia from treatment. Fish oil, unadulterated and clean – immediate healing response. Vegetarian salmon - Sockeye salmon in Bellingham – eats algae. Parasympathetic Stimulation Part of the ABA effect in ASD. Kidneys and liver only bind toxins and eliminate with parasympathetic. Health light 90 seconds on kidneys and liver turns on parasympathetic in them allowing detox. Nicotine patches tried on hyperactive children ¼ - ½ of patch. Throw up = too much. Helps to chill out…similar to Ritalin, chills the system. Helps with attention and focus. Parasympathetic turns on immune system, if not…it will be off. flight/fight – if it’s chronically shut down, that’s the backdrop for LD, HHv6 , mold will grow. Natural way to stimulate secretin production is cilantro. 0.5 mg of L-DOPA per kg bodyweight – 1 x per day – treatment for autism in Japan. No downside – long term ok. Give to 3-4 months – helps with language and motor skills. Must come from the compounding pharmacy. Oxytocin as a nasal spray – child will start behaving more bonded to the mother. Not helping with long term healing but may help along the journey. Bach flowers and homeopathy can be just as effective…muscle test for which one. High potency testosterone – homeopathic shows improvement in the boys. spironolactone desensitizes the hormones – suppresses testosterone, helps with organic mercury poisoning. – symptomatic bandaids – not curative treatments PANDAS – no good test for it, but find through muscle testing. Freezing of tonsils – in Germany - usually need 2 x’s - $300 per treatment. Child must lay their head still. Toothbrush causes re-infection of strep. Learning Circle – Toxins 3 signs up upper motor neuron toxicity 1. Hyper-reflexia knee jerk – lyme, none on normal adult, slow movement up is thyroid deficiency – slow return 2. Positive Ankle Clonis – reverberation - toxicity 3. Positive Babinski Reflex – c on thumbnail on bottom of foot – big toe moves up, then If they just have the above, then they have mercury toxicity. If they also have the Krawshic – tapping on cheek, upper lip contacting (Epsom salt baths, gel or injectible, need magnesium) indicator then they also have Lyme disease. Oral magnesium feeds lyme bugs, must use other form. Fluid retention on shins – need kidney support – see sock lines It takes 7 years on the best detox program to deplete the body of half the toxic metals. You want to see the toxic metals getting more and more in the hair because it is leaving the body. Low sulphur levels = no detox, but get it up before detoxifying. Chlorella is a non-sulphur detox mechanism and CA-EDTA , free up sulphur containing enzymes and monitor with hair. If sodium potassium is the same then don’t worry, but if they are different then patient has adrenal dysfunction….medical grade cortisol will help. Reference values in children are not accurate. Low dose cortisol immune booster – high dose suppresses immune system. On a hair test if you don’t see something coming out then that is what they are holding on to and that’s what needs to be treated. Treat what is NOT coming out. IV DMPS only gets mercury out of the kidneys, only. DMSA detoxifies the liver. CA-EDTA – suppository with dramatic effects…250mg for kids, 750mg women, 1000mg - 3 x week. For about 6 months. 99% of microbes of lyme live in the gut. DMPS may be pulling mold toxins and lyme neurotoxins. Porphyrin test – pre-corpyporhyrin – mercury, no challenge, direct correlation, shows improvement. If they aren’t excreting, locked in brain, porphyrins won’t be high. No test to show body burden of mercury. Kids need glycine – assume they have toxicity. (which type) Well with methyl b12 – di or tri-methyl-glycine. Test with cryon research. Sauna detox – if kid doesn’t like sauna they have active lyme disease. If they like the sauna then the lyme is under control. d-penicillamine detoxes central nervous system. Jaffe protocol Vitamin diagnostics – good company to work with for ASD Biotoxins can live for 30 years after bugs are dead. Bugs produce more biotoxins when you introduce an agent that threatens the bugs. Biological Treatment of Lyme disease : The Klinghardt Protocol 1. Decreasing toxic body/unloading the system Sleep · Low EMF (turn off all fuses, sleep sanctuary, turquoise light/photon wave to increase melatonin and non-rem Delta sleep) · Non-toxic/allergenic bedding material · Avoid light/noise pollution at night Toxin Elimination · Remove intestinal biofilm: 1 tsp clay followed by 1 tsbp fiber laxative for 6 weeks, prior to do anything else. · Address genetic glitches (methylation, sulfation, acetylation) · Mercury and metal detox (OSR, sound cracked chlorella, nanonized chlorella and cilantro, EDTA chelation) · Solvent and carbon based detox: glycine, laser-or homeopathy aided detox. · Colonics and lymphatic drainage, rhythmic cranial and liver compression · Dryskin brushing and warm/cold showers · Swedish sauna and Toxaway ionic foot bath Detect and resolve interference fields: · Scars · jaw infection and devitalized teeth · Chronic localized infections (tonsils, appendix, sinuses, etc.) · dysfunctional autonomic ganglia (superior cervical sphernopalatine, pelvic ganglia, etc.) Remove “allergenic triggers†from environment · Food allergies · Volatile organic compounds from carpets, furniture and paints · new car smell (phthalates) · Newspaper and office printing ink · Work/profession related compounds Removing psychological toxins · 20 minute writing exercise to overcome past trauma · Family constellation work to resolve transgenerational issues · Applied Psycho-Neurobiology to resolve conflicts and severe trauma · Regular time spend in healthy nature · Regular massage · Qi Gong, Tai Chi or Meditation Removing structural blockages · Optimize the dental occlusion to restore lymphatic pump (toxins build up in the brain when the bite is incorrect, Bartonella)(book----DDS) check bite for swallowing – lifting the bite up, testing with chewing gum. Appliance to expand arch on upper jaw) - $40 – plastic toy put behind the lips and pull that 3 x’s per day. · Cranial sacral therapy to improve fluid dynamics in CNS · Visceral manipulation to improve organ function 2. Improving disturbed Physiology Neurophysiology · Give the brain healthy rhythms: KMT technology · Listen to Lyme entrainment CDs · Spend time in nature · Avoid disturbing EMF (cordless phones, cell phones, wireless technology, home near airport (radar), computer) Exercise · Stretching (yoga) · Weight lifting · Movement (dance, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, etc.) · Aerobic exercise – avoid post exercise fatigue and pain 3. Decreasing microbial count (ADULT DOSAGES – kids should be ¼ - 1/3 of these doses) 1. treat parasites, mold and anaerobes – Rizol Gamma (effective dose: 20 drops tld) 2. treat both RNA (Borna, etc.) and DNA (HHV6, EBV, etc.) viruses: Rizol Zeta (20 drops tld) 3. when on full dose of Gamma and Zeta, treat Babesia: acidified sodium chlorite (MMS) 15 drops 1 hour apart, 2 days in a row, once weekly for 4-8 weeks. No more than 4 months, don’t give anti-oxidants at the same time. 4. after 2 months on full treatment: stop or reduce Rizol Gamma and treat Bartonella, Rizol My (20 drops tld) 5. after 2 months reduce dose of rizols Zeta and My to 10 drops tld and treat spirochetes, add Rizol Epslilon and Jota, 10 drops tld each Always follow rizol with absorbant (bioabsorption) chlorella (20 tbl) chitosan (1-2 caps), zeolite (1 tsp) or charcoal (2 caps) These are all adult doses. Kids 3 yr old - ¼ of dose, 4 yr old 1/3 of dose , etc. Immunemodulation 1. Enderlein remedies: treat immune responses to mold 2. Auto-hemotherapy or auto-urine therapy 3. Buhner herbs ( 5 in 1 mix from BioPure) 8-10 dropperful in 1 liter water 4. Adjunctive physics based immune modulation tools · KMT frequency-based biofield treatment · Health light super LED treatment of focal areas · Valkion: singlet oxygen energy delivery via inhaled air or drinking water · Photon Wave or Jae Laser immune modulation Optimizing the outcome of Lyme Testing Give Rizol oil – Gamma and Zeta for 4 weeks Ramp up the dose to be at full dose for 2 weeks Dosage for adults – 120 drops / day – adjust for kids which would be ¼ to 1/3 of dose max. They will experience die off and healing Then test IgG / IgM Wesern Blot – most will test positive by IgeneX criteria. Green laser light – hold on each tooth for 30 seconds to kill off the bugs (Bartonella) Gargling with MMS solution ( 1 drop MMS – 1 drop citric acid and mixed with 1 oz water) – kill infections in the tonsils and green laser on the tonsils. Chew on acidophilus afterwards. Lithium Carbonate – 3-4 mg/kg to blood leel of 4 mEqu/l – blocks the kidneys so not good during detox period. Once you’ve got the bulk of toxins out, then you can use it to detox the brain. Borna Virus – lab test available in Germany. Treatment is to treat mold, bacteria infections and work on the immune system. 100% of asd kids tested in German practice were positive. RNA anti-virals most important treatment. Adults – amantadine for 6 months. Study proving that BV causes manic-depression. If lyme is a complicating factor then that needs to be treated first before tackling the BV. Microbes communicate · Strongly suspected but not yet confirmed thesis: Lyme intelligently incorporates genes from other microbes: Mycoplasma, herpes viruses and mold and gains their survival mechanisms – and their vulnerability. · To treat Lyme in children successfully, we have to use… o anti-mold strategies: flucanazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, rizols, MMS and propolis vaporizer. o anti-viral strategies : measles, herpes type I, II, EBV and HHV6), Valtres, MMS, rizole zeta, change of redox status by using DMPS, DMSA or glutathione/NAC or Valkion singlet oxygen energy · a large reservoir of spirochetes reside in the gut and modulates the GALT. (gut associated lymphatic tissue) *Dan doctors are actually treating lyme when they use anti-mold strategies. Esoteric lab will test for mold and if positive for aspergillis then you can go straight for voriconazole which will both kill the lyme and mold. Need to check if it’s ok in children. Mold Glutathione and ALA are important as a mycotoxin binding agent. Chlorella and clay also do a good job of binding in the clay. Rizols – biofilm penetrating agents. Remove biotoxins and biofilm Gut biofilm and persistent toxins in bowel wall. Clay: ½-1 tsp bid for 4-6 weeks always with large amount of non-psyllium fiber product or large dose chlorella STUDY – Maternal fetal distribution and transfer of dioxins in pregnant women in Japan, and attempts to reduce maternal transfer with Chlorella pyrenedosa supplements Sheehan – Quantum Neurology technique Testing cranial nerves – 3,4,6 testing function (eye tracking, etc.) cranial nerves 5 – tongue thrusting 7 – facial expression 8 – vestibular nerve – balance and hearing 9 – swallowing 10 - vagus nerve (gateway to parasympathetic nervous system), regulating heartrate, digestion, breathing, how body responds to allergies. tongue movements 11 – movements of head and neck Neuro-stacking – stacking multiple nerve functions at the same time. Strengthening the overall functioning of the nervous system. Upregulate system with light therapy Neurological expression pattern – the pattern in which the dysfunction appears. When the pattern is strengthened, the child will heal. Innate power of healing will activate itself. Light therapy can speed up the healing of the nerves by 30%. 1. Adjust spine and cranium adjusting (adjust with “tickle gunâ€) 2. Treatment plan for infections, etc. 3. Desensitize body to allergens…and allergy to own body fluids and tissues of the body. 4. GRT light – infrared and led light, pulsed light has a different interaction than static light. Pulsed light works better on rehabilitating the nervous system. The nervous system will adapt to a static light. Works better than green for this purpose. Speeds up healing in the body, collagen production, tissue oxidation, makes ATP, strong biochemical action. Helps cell to cell communication. Use light it to drive different agents deeper into the cells. Laser light works on the whole body because of the high amount of water in the body. (passive light therapy) Quantum neurology uses active light therapy. Use to help detoxify liver/kidneys, pain. 5. Laser legs, trunk, brain stem, brain. ON point lasers – 635 nanometers wavelength. You need a beam. Coyle, D.I. Hom How to Optimize Your Homotoxicology Protocol The body regulates the release of homeopathy, so no one has ever died of it. Body will release what it can handle. It takes a long time but is very safe. When response isn’t seen with sequential homeopathy, it just hasn’t released yet so at some point, with low potency remedies it will finally respond and then major detox will happen. Check conductivity below 75 – child can’t break down vitamins 75-85 good asseses the meridian and either tonifies low readings or sedates the high ones to balance the body. Laser Qi pulse is used for low level laser treatments also known as biomodulation or biomodulation system. Opening the pathways of elimination - work extracellularly first – open up detox pathways - then go intracellularly with 12x - instead of giving a drug, give a homochord to get the body to get rid of the bug instead of suppressing it. - Body regulates the release of toxins, bugs…sometimes when you target one thing, it will release something else right after that. - You always want to be in the excretion phase. Phases of Homotoxicology - Excretion - Reaction - Deposition - Biological Zone - Impregnation – toxins are penetrating the cells - Degeneration – at a diagnostic phase – a lot of toxins, major enzyme problems - Neoplasm – so many toxins in the cells that DNA repair can’t clip out the mutations. Use low doses because you can control the detox better. Protein snack before bed and then first thing in the morning eat – many go hypoglycemic and will tantrum more and have night terrors. Consider getting a glucose meter to see how they are doing with that. Learning Circle – Applied Physics metabolic enzymes are light sensitive Enzymes are sitting on a protein sitting on a tubulin which is a light conducting substance Light delivery tools - Valkion – singlet oxygen energy - sucks room air into water chamber and then through a physics part and what comes out is air/water mix creates singlet oxygen. it has the same wavelength of light as ATP. Inhale through nasal cannula or bubble it through water and drink the water. Water given to you gives off the energy. Comes from Sweden. Easy to use. Dramatic results. Hormonal issues, detoxing metals. Adding the water is a huge detox – always add just a little (ramp up with time and water slowly). Helps constipation. The goal is to get all of the water processed with this machine as eventual. - donating a portion to AS. Book illustrated by ASD teenager, written for children to understand autism better. Lalama – BT Toxin, Mercury based pesticides and transgenic crops see Milena – The Mirror Neurons Autism = Social Psychosomatic Phenomenon, and the Road to Recovery The soul contains the event that shall befall it, for the event is only the actualization of it’s thought, and what we pray for is always granted – Ralph Waldo Emerson If you want to suffer…have it your way! Mercury in Action Emotionally – not in touch with true feelings, not capable of intimacy. Mentally – cannot think or remember well, poor decision making Spiritually – lost his/her trust in life and feel disconnected Dana Gorman – Putting the pieces together see Dietrich Klinghardt – Gut and Autism Be careful giving a raw food diet if they have gut inflammation and pain. It may cause more trouble. Chewing is very important for the lymphatic pump. Manual cranial pressure. Raw juicing may not be good for kids who don’t chew well because they won’t be getting the necessary enzymes from the saliva produced from chewing. It then has an inflammatory effect. Electromagnetic fields and electrosmog is a huge issue not being addressed. What tools do we have? 1. Body Voltage – buy at Radio Shack, Home Depot – Volt Meter – measuring volts of alternating current. We are building up body voltage as we go through our day. (sparks) The build-up of body voltage is disrupting the flow of information, neuro-chemicals, neuro-peptides, neuronal networks, synapse not functioning properly, thought in the brain to provide actions is not working. When you measure the body voltage on a pregnant mother, is multiplied many times INTO THE FETUS. It penetrates all of the tissues, every cell of the body is a build up of voltage. There is a direct correlation as to a high body voltage in the BED where the PREGNANT mother slept – and the eventual result of autism in that baby. Gene mutations can be explained and tracked back to the EMF exposure and body voltage. Black wire goes into the ground or grounding outlet – red wire goes into the hand of the child or mother in the sleeping environment. Anything over 80 mv is disruptive to communication system. Solution: Turn all electricity off in the house at night when you sleep. Can pinpoint which fuses are the troublemakers. 2. Measures microwave, wireless technology, cell phone. Any measurement over 1 on this meter is bad and causes disruption. Hold wand by doing a figure 8 movement and get the reading. These are called information carrying radio waves. Men and husbands are usually the biggest roadblock in making the necessary changes. Solution: Faraday cage – silver coated canopy draped over the bed of the child. Geopathic stress fields from the earth can amplified, if the child slept worse the bed may be on a geopathic stress area. Look at the institute for building biology for information and someone who can evaluate your home. Cilantro is most effective to detoxify the brain Melatonin protects against mercury induced toxins – melatonin is a more potent brain detoxer than glutathione. Solution: Sleep in the dark, turn off the fuses and use Turquoise light 1 hr after sunset (Photon wave). Tami DuncanPresident and Co-Founderwww.liafoundation.orgHelp the LIA Foundation with it's mission by ordering Gluten Free / Casein Free Meals online and delivered right to your door! GFmeals donates a % back to LIAF from the purchases. for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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