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Re: low milk supply!

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well, inhouse pharmacy's cheaper anyhow.

Yes, it certainly is. Have you or anyone ordered from there recently? I heard they were stopping the shipments at the border if they suspected it was domperidone. But I don't know if that was one of those rumors, or if it is really happening.

Jan My blog Year of the MC Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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There has been some anecdotal information from some local (SoCA) LCs in PP who have had Moms with oversupply due to taking Arbonne Detox Tea. When the LC sged that the mom stop the Detox tea (all herbal) her milk production returned to its previous normal level.

Several clients with Insuff. Milk Prod. have responded to the tea with increased MP.



http://www.arbonne.com/products/weight_loss/figure8/program/detoxTea.aspVote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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wierd. i haven't heard that - i have had clients as recently as a few months ago, but not sure since then. i don't understand, though - its NOT illegal, so how could they be stopping shipments!?>>

Because the FDA has deemed it "illegal" to import it from another country for use in the US because it isn't approved here. That's why I wanted to see if anyone had had it confiscated (which I have heard) or if it is one of those LC urban legends.

Jan My blog Year of the MC Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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Yes, it certainly is. Have you or anyone ordered from there recently? I heard they were stopping the shipments at the border if they suspected it was domperidone. But I don't know if that was one of those rumors, or if it is really happening.

I had heard that same information from one of the neonatologists in the area who recommends domperidone to mothers of premies, that they have to be prepared to have paid for the med but do not receive it.

AnnVote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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From all that I've been able to determine, it is absolutely legal to import medication into the country for personal use.

The slightly sticky wicket here is that this drug is not only NOT APPROVED by the FDA, but they've actually gone after docs who have ordered it and had it made by a compounding pharmacy. That is a TRUE fact. And this was AFTER the 2006 ruling. I know the physician in question, have talked to her about it, and know that she almost was run out of practice. She said it was the scariest thing that has ever happened to her.

I think the fuss and feathers have died down a little bit, but this has been an enormous flap on the part of the FDA over what I consider nothing. Many docs have been scared off of ordering it, and many compounding pharmacies that don't have the ovaries of some other compounding pharmacies simply won't do it because they don't want to come under the radar of the FDA.

It's almost as though the FDA has put domperidone right up there with cocaine & heroin -- neither of which you can import for your own personal use. You'd think they would have better things to do with their time than go after people who want to use it, or who are importing it, but no....

, why are you getting your thyroid medication from there? (Thyroid meds are approved by the FDA so I wouldn't imagine they would confiscate it).


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Hmmmm.....my other daughter needs thyroid medication.....I'll have to let her know about it.

Jan My blog Year of the MC

, why are you getting your thyroid medication from there? (Thyroid meds are approved by the FDA so I wouldn't imagine they would confiscate it).Just cause it's cheaper and easier . Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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wierd. i haven't heard that - i have had clients as recently as a few months ago, but not sure since then. i don't understand, though - its NOT illegal, so how could they be stopping shipments!?

Lyla Wolfenstein, B.S., IBCLC, RLCOwner, Lactation Consultant, Parent Educator

Zenana Spa & Wellness Center, LLC and Beyond Birth Lactation Services503.238.mama (6262) or 504.232.baby (2229)mobile fax 503.473-8047 email Lyla@... web www.BeyondBirthServices.com and www.Zenana-Spa.com----- Original Message -----

From: ibclc@...


Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 8:46 AM

Subject: [sPAM]Re: low milk supply!

In a message dated 6/11/2008 10:43:07 A.M. Central Daylight Time, lylawcomcast (DOT) net writes:

well, inhouse pharmacy's cheaper anyhow.

Yes, it certainly is. Have you or anyone ordered from there recently? I heard they were stopping the shipments at the border if they suspected it was domperidone. But I don't know if that was one of those rumors, or if it is really happening.

Jan My blog Year of the MC

Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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Very interesting!!

Your tax dollars at work, ladies!! (I still think the domperidone one stinks of formula industry).

Jan My blog Year of the MC

Just saw this -- interesting... I wonder if any of the seizures we've heard about happened after this?http://www.inhousepharmacy.com/border_seizures.html Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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Very interesting!!

Your tax dollars at work, ladies!! (I still think the domperidone one stinks of formula industry).

Jan My blog Year of the MC

Just saw this -- interesting... I wonder if any of the seizures we've heard about happened after this?http://www.inhousepharmacy.com/border_seizures.html Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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I order my thyroid medication from them and never have

problems getting it -- I don't know how they would know a package

contained domperidone from any other medication...

At 11:46 AM 6/11/2008, ibclc@... wrote:

In a message dated 6/11/2008 10:43:07 A.M.

Central Daylight Time, lylaw@... writes:

well, inhouse pharmacy's cheaper


Yes, it certainly is. Have you or anyone ordered from there

recently? I heard they were stopping the shipments at the border if

they suspected it was domperidone. But I don't know if that was one

of those rumors, or if it is really happening.


My blog

Year of the


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I order my thyroid medication from them and never have

problems getting it -- I don't know how they would know a package

contained domperidone from any other medication...

At 11:46 AM 6/11/2008, ibclc@... wrote:

In a message dated 6/11/2008 10:43:07 A.M.

Central Daylight Time, lylaw@... writes:

well, inhouse pharmacy's cheaper


Yes, it certainly is. Have you or anyone ordered from there

recently? I heard they were stopping the shipments at the border if

they suspected it was domperidone. But I don't know if that was one

of those rumors, or if it is really happening.


My blog

Year of the


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From all that I've been able to determine, it is absolutely

legal to import medication into the country for personal use.

Because the FDA has deemed it

" illegal " to import it from another country for use in the US

because it isn't approved here. That's why I wanted to see if

anyone had had it confiscated (which I have heard) or if it is one of

those LC urban legends.


My blog

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I had a client who ordered from New Zealand 2 years ago and one of her shipments was confiscated. She was sent a letter notifying her that it had been confiscated and would be destroyed. Global Drug replaced it at no charge. I believe that since then have have stopped confiscating domperidone. (They do open random packages and inspect - that's how they know what is being imported.)

I also ordered domperidone from them a little more than a year ago with my last baby and had no problems. I have had a few other clients since then order domperidone with no issues.


Re: low milk supply!

In a message dated 6/11/2008 10:43:07 A.M. Central Daylight Time, lylawcomcast (DOT) net writes:

well, inhouse pharmacy's cheaper anyhow.

Yes, it certainly is. Have you or anyone ordered from there recently? I heard they were stopping the shipments at the border if they suspected it was domperidone. But I don't know if that was one of those rumors, or if it is really happening.

Jan My blog Year of the MC

Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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, why are you

getting your thyroid medication from there? (Thyroid meds are

approved by the FDA so I wouldn't imagine they would confiscate


Just cause it's cheaper and easier .

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when they do not like to even prescribe the nipple ointment.

Donna, why bother with prescription nipple ointment? Just have the mom get OTC antifungal, OTC hydrocortisone 1%, and OTC antibiotic ointment. Mix a dab of each in her hand and apply. The you aren't stuck using an expensive ointment that has hydrocortisone in it for a long period of time. If need be, you can use they HC for two or three days and then eliminate it.

I've been using this for years -- 15 maybe? I asked my husband the pharmacist about it and he thught it was a great idea. Talked to Tom Hale about it maybe 10 years ago or so, and he laughed -- and then promptly, 3 years ago, touted it at ILCA as "Tom's Cheap Nipple Ointment."

So you don't need to get an order for that. It's all OTC.

Jan BargerVote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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I just heard the same thing. This is what their website says about delivery in US

<<<I acknowledge and accept that if my order is stopped by customs that this is outside the control of Inhouse Pharmacy and that Inhouse Pharmacy is not responsible for the delay. I also accept that delivery may then take longer than the stated 7 to 14 days and I agree to wait until 21 days after the ship date before a re-shipment will be sent.>>

I have a compounding pharmacy in my area that is willing to compound them here - for $1.00 a pill the Inhouse pharmacy sells it for .30 a pill. The mother doesn't care she wants to feel comfortable about where the drug is coming from --most moms I worked with just ordered it online. I wasn't aware that Inhouse is not in the US -- we are not supposed to get that involved with the drug -- I just tell them to look online for more options and every good website has tons of info on domperidone. If you have a good relationship with a compounding pharmacy - I would talk to them. Moms like to have things made in the USA. I don't blame them.

Regards Donna

Donna B. Kimick, IBCLC, RLC

President of LILCA

Lakeshore Lactation


In a message dated 06/11/08 14:15:43 Eastern Daylight Time, anntarus writes:

In a message dated 6/11/2008 9:42:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, lylawcomcast (DOT) net writes:

Yes, it certainly is. Have you or anyone ordered from there recently? I heard they were stopping the shipments at the border if they suspected it was domperidone. But I don't know if that was one of those rumors, or if it is really happening.

I had heard that same information from one of the neonatologists in the area who recommends domperidone to mothers of premies, that they have to be prepared to have paid for the med but do not receive it.


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I just heard the same thing. This is what their website says about delivery in US

<<<I acknowledge and accept that if my order is stopped by customs that this is outside the control of Inhouse Pharmacy and that Inhouse Pharmacy is not responsible for the delay. I also accept that delivery may then take longer than the stated 7 to 14 days and I agree to wait until 21 days after the ship date before a re-shipment will be sent.>>

I have a compounding pharmacy in my area that is willing to compound them here - for $1.00 a pill the Inhouse pharmacy sells it for .30 a pill. The mother doesn't care she wants to feel comfortable about where the drug is coming from --most moms I worked with just ordered it online. I wasn't aware that Inhouse is not in the US -- we are not supposed to get that involved with the drug -- I just tell them to look online for more options and every good website has tons of info on domperidone. If you have a good relationship with a compounding pharmacy - I would talk to them. Moms like to have things made in the USA. I don't blame them.

Regards Donna

Donna B. Kimick, IBCLC, RLC

President of LILCA

Lakeshore Lactation


In a message dated 06/11/08 14:15:43 Eastern Daylight Time, anntarus writes:

In a message dated 6/11/2008 9:42:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, lylawcomcast (DOT) net writes:

Yes, it certainly is. Have you or anyone ordered from there recently? I heard they were stopping the shipments at the border if they suspected it was domperidone. But I don't know if that was one of those rumors, or if it is really happening.

I had heard that same information from one of the neonatologists in the area who recommends domperidone to mothers of premies, that they have to be prepared to have paid for the med but do not receive it.


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I think it's hard for moms to find where to get domperidone

if they can't use a compounding pharmacy. There are only two

websites I know of that have the information on where to obtain it.

I believe it is wholly within our scope of practice to share information

about domperidone, including options for obtaining it.

At 05:09 PM 6/11/2008, DKNYLI14 wrote:

I just heard the same thing.

This is what their website says about delivery in


<<<I acknowledge and accept

that if my order is stopped by customs that this is outside the control

of Inhouse Pharmacy and that Inhouse Pharmacy is not responsible for the

delay. I also accept that delivery may then take longer than the stated 7

to 14 days and I agree to wait until 21 days after the ship date before a

re-shipment will be sent.>>

I have a compounding pharmacy in my

area that is willing to compound them here - for $1.00 a pill the Inhouse

pharmacy sells it for .30 a pill. The mother doesn't care she wants

to feel comfortable about where the drug is coming from --most moms I

worked with just ordered it online. I wasn't aware that Inhouse is

not in the US -- we are not supposed to get that involved with the

drug -- I just tell them to look online for more options and every good

website has tons of info on domperidone. If you have a good relationship

with a compounding pharmacy - I would talk to them. Moms like to

have things made in the USA. I don't blame them.

Regards Donna

Donna B. Kimick, IBCLC,


President of LILCA

Lakeshore Lactation


In a message dated 06/11/08 14:15:43 Eastern Daylight Time, anntarus


In a message dated 6/11/2008 9:42:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

lylaw@... writes:

Yes, it certainly is. Have you or

anyone ordered from there recently? I heard they were stopping the

shipments at the border if they suspected it was domperidone. But I

don't know if that was one of those rumors, or if it is really


I had heard that same information from one of the neonatologists in

the area who recommends domperidone to mothers of premies, that they have

to be prepared to have paid for the med but do not receive it.


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Thanks , I feel the same way. I have such sticklers here with ethics and what we can and cannot do, I feel I am always putting my foot in my mouth. My feeling is "how can I not give a mom all I have". Our pharmacy will make it here now but it will be more expensive - now we just have to get the doctors to prescribe it :) when they do not like to even prescribe the nipple ointment.


Donna B. Kimick, IBCLC, RLC

President of LILCA

Lakeshore Lactation


I think it's hard for moms to find where to get domperidone if they can't use a compounding pharmacy. There are only two websites I know of that have the information on where to obtain it. I believe it is wholly within our scope of practice to share information about domperidone, including options for obtaining it.At 05:09 PM 6/11/2008, DKNYLI14 wrote:

I just heard the same thing. This is what their website says about delivery in US <<<I acknowledge and accept that if my order is stopped by customs that this is outside the control of Inhouse Pharmacy and that Inhouse Pharmacy is not responsible for the delay. I also accept that delivery may then take longer than the stated 7 to 14 days and I agree to wait until 21 days after the ship date before a re-shipment will be sent.>> I have a compounding pharmacy in my area that is willing to compound them here - for $1.00 a pill the Inhouse pharmacy sells it for .30 a pill. The mother doesn't care she wants to feel comfortable about where the drug is coming from --most moms I worked with just ordered it online. I wasn't aware that Inhouse is not in the US -- we are not supposed to get that involved with the drug -- I just tell them to look online for more options and every good website has tons of info on domperidone. If you have a good relationship with a compounding pharmacy - I would talk to them. Moms like to have things made in the USA. I don't blame them. Regards Donna Donna B. Kimick, IBCLC, RLCPresident of LILCALakeshore Lactation www.LILCA.ORG In a message dated 06/11/08 14:15:43 Eastern Daylight Time, anntarus writes:

In a message dated 6/11/2008 9:42:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, lylawcomcast (DOT) net writes:

Yes, it certainly is. Have you or anyone ordered from there recently? I heard they were stopping the shipments at the border if they suspected it was domperidone. But I don't know if that was one of those rumors, or if it is really happening.

I had heard that same information from one of the neonatologists in the area who recommends domperidone to mothers of premies, that they have to be prepared to have paid for the med but do not receive it.


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Anyone can buy this over the chemist counter in the UK without a script, but in small packet (10 x 10mg tablets I think) for about UKL4. I don't know what problem there might be about sending them through the post though???>>

Yes that is right. So far my sister has gone to the chemist 5 times to get 50 tablets for me. Now, if my daughter takes 80 mg a day, that is going to last her a total of 6 days!! So not very useful for those who are using it as a galactogogue. Fortunately my other sister got a script in Germany from her orthopedist for 200 tabs, so she's bringing that back with her. 250 tabs will last us awhile -- at least long enough to see if it works for her (it didn't the last time, but hope springs eternal in the human pest.) and then I'll do the New Zealand route.


Vote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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Anyone can buy this over the chemist counter in the UK without a

script, but in small packet (10 x 10mg tablets I think) for about

UKL4. I don't know what problem there might be about sending them

through the post though???

Pam IBCLC(in the UK)


> In a message dated 6/11/2008 10:35:07 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

> lylaw@... writes:


> domperidone can be obtained from canada with a scrip or from new


> (off shore) without a prescription.do



> I think they changed the rules so that to get it from Canada it has

to be a

> script from a Canadian physician.


> Jan Barger

> _My blog_ (http://www.motherofbridebyjan.blogspot.com/)

> _Year of the MC_ (http://www.marriedcouplebytorrey.blogspot.com/)




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