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Re: [Re: [MDS]Awful Discovery Channel program again...]

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I also saw it when it ran awhile ago. I agree with you all completely. I am

proud of a and if anything her looking downs brings more understanding to

people about dowms. I remember serving a downs man about 21 years old and

showed him a picture of Lex and he said she looked just like him and I had to

tell him " and isn't it a beautiful face " and he about cried. (as well as I)

I will never be ashamed of her for how she looks because she is beautiful.

The parents on that program seemed to be so concerned with people's

opinions...i don't think they have accepted him as downs if so they would try

to make people aware that their child has downs and feelings and teach people

to accept instead of judge. Here's a pic of Lex on her first day of school.

God bless you all.

(mom to Lex, 5)

Dan Canale wrote:

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I saw it when it ran some time ago. It made me sick to my stomach. The

scene where the parents go to see their child immediately after the

operation was extremely disturbing. He is swollen and wrapped in bloody

bandages, and crying out for his mommy. I cannot believe someone would have

their child endure that kind of painful procedure just to try and make him

pass for " normal " . Denial sometimes has a very high cost.


At 01:46 PM 3/27/00 -0500, you wrote:

>From: LDSAngel77@...


>Did anyone happen to catch it? I caught it in the middle, and didn't catch

>the name of it, but it was on last night (Sunday) on the Discovery Channel.

>Parents of a little boy with down syndrome, I think he was 3ish, didn't want

>him to look like he had downs, so they put him under the knife for cosmetic

>surgery. I watched the program in its entirety about a year ago, and was so

>appauled I wrote (and I think several other parents of downs children did

>also) to the discovery channel to tell them how disgusted I was with the


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