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Re: Newly diagnosed

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odd electric sensation shot down my

thighs every time I bent my neck,


Those are Spooky...I haven't had that for Months now...

People on this list Know I am trying to find a "CURE". (I think my Neuro gave UP years ago.) I found a couple MORE this week!

SO for anyone who is RICH (yeah, right) look into these:

"Young Living Essential Oils" and "BIO-Choice"

My 16 yr old (Brat) son pointed out my other 'Cures'...

'TheWaterCure'...'TheSitAtCompAllDayCure'...'TheCigaretteCure'...'TheCoffeCure'...and the 'UltimateCure' (Death)...which is NOT an option I choose. One of these days I might even GET 'Cured'...but for now...i dunno.

Lastly is IS imporatnt WHY first two may help. The Oils get down to The Basics. They question Acid/Base Balance. Also adress the 'MIND'.

The BIO-Choice is made from Chicken Eggs with Super-Duper Anti-Bodies. Improvement is shown within a week! (supposedly)

PERHAPS others can list their 'Cure's...because we all know that we wouldn't be HERE if 'Cured'.


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Audrey wrote:

>Based on that I changed my diet from basic vegetarian

>to gluten & dairy free, started some supplements, Yoga

> & acupuncture. For a while I

>was battling extreme fatigue & dizziness, but that

>seems to be much better now. I don't want to stop

>teaching, but wonder if I'm being foolish about

>that...? (I also work full-time) And then there's the

>ABC drugs the doctor's are pushing--the sooner the

>better. I'm just not sure.


Dear Audrey;

Everyone's experience with symptoms is so unique, I don't know whether or

not you should continue teaching or not. I know for me, I had to pear my

work week down to half days, nap in the afternoon, and then I could resume

some activity in the evening, as long as I got to bed by 10:00 p.m. or so. I

was a competative athlete for many years, and to look at me, unless you

paid attention to my gait, would not be able to tell that I had M.S.. But I

can tell you that there is no way I could dance and jump around with a

twenty pound drum strapped to me at this point in the game. Too much muscle

weakness and fatique.

I have struggled with my own level of physical activity, and I am finally

seeing an improvement in my stamina! I think the key is not to overdo it,

and to watch for an increase in symptoms, or a pattern. I also find that I

try to exercise in the middle of the day so I can rest afterwards.

Personally, I have not taken any medication even though my neuro has pushed

it. ( My neuro and my mother make good drug pushers!) That is not to say I

wouldn't consider it in the future, but not til I've exausted every other


Getting an actual diagnosis of M.S. can be tricky and take some time. I

don't concern myself with labels anymore. I am of the belief that there is

only one disease called " imbalance " , and we all experience different

symptoms depending on our individual make-up. If I had Crones, or Colitis or

Cancer, I would be doing exactly the same thing I am doing now... trying to

re-establish balance.

I was also a vegetarian when I got sick, but ate way too much bread, pasta,

potato, fried food, sugar, etc. I believe this caused a syndrome called

Leaky Gut. It is worth doing a web search on this condition to see if it

rings true to your specific situation. The diet that I chose as part of my

M.S. protocols, is the diet that I feel is most effective to clearing up

Leaky Gut and re-establishing balance, since I believe that this is the root

cause of my M.S.

Your drumming sounds fantastic! I am very interested in vibrational healing

and meditation as well. I am sure that you will be able to utilize your

drumming talents as part of your healing, as you start to change the

vibrational resonance of your cells to a new healthy being. How exciting!

Good Luck



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Hello Tom,

I wanted to let you know that BioChoice has helped my

wife tremendously. You can read about our story at


Let me know if you have any questions.



--- TomLaBresh@... wrote:

> In a message dated 01/22/2002 8:41:14 PM Pacific

> Standard Time,

> audrey@... writes:



> > odd electric sensation shot down my

> > thighs every time I bent my neck,



> Those are Spooky...I haven't had that for

> Months now...

> People on this list Know I am trying to find a

> " CURE " . (I think my Neuro

> gave UP years ago.) I found a couple MORE this

> week!

> SO for anyone who is RICH (yeah, right) look into

> these:

> " Young Living Essential Oils " and

> " BIO-Choice "

> My 16 yr old (Brat) son pointed out my other

> 'Cures'...




> '...and the 'UltimateCure' (Death)...which is NOT an

> option I choose. One of

> these days I might even GET 'Cured'...but for

> now...i dunno.

> Lastly is IS imporatnt WHY first two may help.

> The Oils get down to The

> Basics. They question Acid/Base Balance. Also

> adress the 'MIND'.

> The BIO-Choice is made from Chicken Eggs with

> Super-Duper Anti-Bodies.

> Improvement is shown within a week! (supposedly)

> PERHAPS others can list their 'Cure's...because

> we all know that we

> wouldn't be HERE if 'Cured'.

> -Tom-



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I urge everyone who can to take the ABC, lets reap the benefits of modern

medicine! I know my mother who fought MS for 12 years before it won, would

have loved a chance.


I'm not addressing everything in this email to you, as I'm sure you probably already know most of what I'm saying, but I just had to put in my "2 cents" for whoever will listen. LOL.

I'm on Copaxone too, but it is the only one of the ABCs I will go near. (As you said, it's only amino acids.) It shouldn't even be lumped in with the others.....they are like apples and oranges.

The problem with some of the 'modern medicine' is that it will do you more harm than good. Steroids, for instance. I know of a lady with MS who depended on them alot, and I haven't heard of too many people who went down hill so fast. They are like sugar highs - you feel better immediately, but when they wear off, you're worse off than before.

I am using Copaxone as 'insurance' sort of. It doesn't have any recognizable effect on the MS for 5-6 years, as far as symptoms go, and probably very little as far as MRIs go, although the reports coming out are pretty good regarding 'black holes' etc. If you do much research on the ABCs, you will find that Copaxone is far better, results-wise, than the other ABCs. 72% improvement in the progression of the disease at 6 years.


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was supposed to see the head of the MS clinic near

my home, however, she was in a car accident and won't

be able to see me for months. Pretty up in the air

can u see another doctor sooner?

I had the electrical thing going to an s sometimes still do at times but not bad and now ha I know what it is, it took the power away of the fear of the unknown.

Sounds like u are recovering from a MS flare up. Do u have a history of it as well, has these symptoms happened before in your life? or any other symptoms?

A book called women living with multiple sclerosis by Judith Nichols is a wonderful book that describes the personal stories of women with MS with very details symptom list.

Many of the symptoms in the book I didn't even know were MS related until I read it there.

again, welcome


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I took Avonex for 4.5 years... "as a preventative measure."

Let's see what it prevented....

My MS has gone from one area of brain lesions and R/R to brain and spinal cord lesions and S/P.


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--- gpbb44@... wrote:

can u see another doctor sooner?

I had the electrical thing going to an s sometimes

still do at times but not bad and now ha I know what

it is, it took the power away of the fear of the


Sounds like u are recovering from a MS flare up. Do u

have a history of it as well, has these symptoms

happened before in your life? or any other symptoms?


Hi Gwen,

In the mean time I did find a neuro who will see me

sooner. He seems to believe in Avonex. Any advice on


As for history, I don't really think I've had a flare

up before, but I could be wrong. At 4 yrs old I had

rheumatic fever, another auto-immune disease, and I

keep wondering about a connection.

Other symptoms? Fatigue, dizziness, some weakness in

my arms, and intolerance to heat. But right now I'm

feeling pretty strong, and since I found this group a

lot more optimistic. Can't tell you how grateful I am

for that!



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Chicken , is one food to avoid, if you happen to be BLOOD TYPE AB OR

B ,aI also have BACLOFEN TABS TO FALL BACK ON, but I am 57, at the age of

32, I had just got married, and was about to try to start a

family , the only trouble I had was that I didn't seem to have as much

energy as everyone else., and was constantly being criticised for it, but

there were no treatments for M.S. THEN .

ialso feel a lot better after avoiding ASPARTAME, i



>Reply-To: mscured

>To: mscured

>Subject: Re: Newly diagnosed

>Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 20:39:55 -0800 (PST)


>Hi Gwen & Everyone,

>Thank you for all your kind messages! I guess there'sa

>bit more I could say about myself... My symptoms

>started after teaching a Drum Class--I teach two

>nights a week, with a 20 lb hand drum strapped on,

>jumping around the room to keep different parts going.

>So when this odd electric sensation shot down my

>thighs every time I bent my neck, I thought I had

>pinched a nerve. Went to the chiropractor for a while

>with no results. So I looked on the internet and found

>that L'Hermitte's sign described exactly what I was

>experiencing. Had MRI's which came back suspicious

>for MS... so I was scheduled to see a neuro, but since

>I had to wait 3 weeks for an appointment, I did more

>internet research.

>Based on that I changed my diet from basic vegetarian

>to gluten & dairy free, started some supplements, Yoga

> & acupuncture. For a while I

>was battling extreme fatigue & dizziness, but that

>seems to be much better now. I don't want to stop

>teaching, but wonder if I'm being foolish about

>that...? (I also work full-time) And then there's the

>ABC drugs the doctor's are pushing--the sooner the

>better. I'm just not sure.

>I was supposed to see the head of the MS clinic near

>my home, however, she was in a car accident and won't

>be able to see me for months. Pretty up in the air

>about what to do now... I would love to hear any

>advice anyone has to offer.It is all still very new

>and confusing.




>Hi Audrey,

> oh I remember those horrible days with al the

> confusion after my DIGNOSIS and my heart goes out to

>you, what ever ?'s u have we can help with answers. I

>felt so scared and alone. know u are not alone now

>that u found us.


> What are your symptoms, can u tell us a little more

>about yourself? What made u start going to the



> This group is very intune with diet and natural

>treatments and u will find a lot of info here, I got

>better by changing my diet I have secondary

>progressive MS, was in a chair now walk with and

>without a cane and have been really fine....

> welcome Gwen




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.... I don't deal well with

uncertainty, yet that seems to be the one thing you

can count on with MS!




Not to adress this pointedly at you......your comment just made me think of it. Not only can I imagine how you are feeling, I've pretty much gone through it. Many will think this sounds nuts, but I have my own theory on this.......well actually there are other people who have the same theory. I used to be just as you say - hated uncertainty and change. I didn't realize it at the time, but I pretty much tried to control my life in such a way that nothing could change, which, of course, is ridiculous. Life IS change. One author, I think it may have been Caroline Myss, says that MS is the result of the mindset of a person feeling like everything is out of control and striving to bring one's life back into their control. That is exactly what I had been doing all my life. I always felt like I had to DO something because everything around me was so unstable. (Single mother, financial difficulties etc. - divorced.) It boils down to a feeling of insecurity in all areas, I think, and of course financial insecurity can be the worst one.

I really believe that mental attitudes and mindsets etc. play a huge part in our physical condidion. I suppose I'll get jumped on for saying this. It's happened before, where someone will tell me the MS is not my fault etc. And, I'm not sitting around berating myself for faulty thinking, (or eating), in the past. I have made great strides in eliminating the fear attitude that was with me in my past, and I believe that has helped my physical condition as well as my mental condition. I'm happier now with MS than I ever was before MS, due to these realizations. As they say, history repeats itself, if we don't learn from it. Carol

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--- Elaine wrote:


Chicken , is one food to avoid, if you happen to be


BACK ON, but I am 57, at the age of 32, I had just got

married, and was about to try to start a family , the

only trouble I had was that I didn't seem to have as

much energy as everyone else., and was constantly

being criticised for it, but there were no treatments

for M.S. THEN.

Hi Elaine,

What are BACLOFEN TABS? What do they do?

The thing about not having " as much energy as everyone

else " --It's funny, but I'm almost relieved to know

it's more than just a poor attitude that makes it seem

harder for me to get things done.

Today is a hard day, my husband is moving out, and my

own life feels really uncertain. Some days it's just

really hard to stay positive... I don't deal well with

uncertainty, yet that seems to be the one thing you

can count on with MS!




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Carol wrote:

Life IS change. One

>author, I think it may have been Caroline Myss, says that MS is the result


>the mindset of a person feeling like everything is out of control and

>striving to bring one's life back into their control. That is exactly what


>had been doing all my life. I always felt like I had to DO something


>everything around me was so unstable. (Single mother, financial


>etc. - divorced.) It boils down to a feeling of insecurity in all areas, I

>think, and of course financial insecurity can be the worst one.

>I really believe that mental attitudes and mindsets etc. play a huge part


>our physical condidion. I suppose I'll get jumped on for saying this.


>happened before, where someone will tell me the MS is not my fault etc.


>I'm not sitting around berating myself for faulty thinking, (or eating),


>the past. I have made great strides in eliminating the fear attitude that

>was with me in my past, and I believe that has helped my physical condition

>as well as my mental condition. I'm happier now with MS than I ever was

>before MS, due to these realizations. As they say, history repeats itself,

>if we don't learn from it.


Dear Carol:

This concept of the " control freak out of control " is SO RIGHT ON for me!

I've never quite thought about it that way, but you have given me yet

another huge issue to think about. Thanks!




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Carol writes:

I didn't realize

> it at the time, but I pretty much tried to control my life in such


way that

> nothing could change, which, of course, is ridiculous. Life IS

change. One

> author, I think it may have been Caroline Myss, says that MS is the

result of

> the mindset of a person feeling like everything is out of control


> striving to bring one's life back into their control. That is

exactly what I

> had been doing all my life. I always felt like I had to DO

something because

> everything around me was so unstable. (Single mother, financial


> etc. - divorced.) It boils down to a feeling of insecurity in all

areas, I

> think, and of course financial insecurity can be the worst one.

> I really believe that mental attitudes and mindsets etc. play a


part in

> our physical condidion.


Not " jumping on you, " but MS is a physical disease. Our mental

attitude can affect it; stress does make us feel worse, but the idea

that MS is the result of your mindset does not make any sense at all.

I never was a " control freak, " my life was chaotic, and I liked it

that way. I went with the flow of events; I never tried to contol

everything in my life.

MS was not caused by anybody's " mindset. " Something out there causes

it; diet, environment, virus, but not anyone's personality. It is a

physical disease; nothing you think can cause or cure it.


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MS was not caused by anybody's "mindset." Something out there causes it; diet, environment, virus, but not anyone's personality. It is a physical disease; nothing you think can cause or cure it.



All I can say to that is that it used to be my opinion too. But, I know better now. Smile.


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In my case, it was definately caused by an allergy to metals and an

intolerance for my amalgam mercury dental fillings. Call it MS if you want

but I call it chronic mercury intoxication or metal poisoning. It is a real

physical ailment and certainly not a product of one's mind or imagination.



I have suspected this for me too. I had more amalgam fillings in my mouth than anyone else I've ever known. Every tooth had at least one, and most of my teeth were much more amalgam than tooth. AND I started having amalgam fillings put in when I was a child. I had them replaced with composites a few years ago, but have never chelated with anything but a little cilantro pesto, which didn't last long, because I got so tired of the taste. I was just at my holistic dentist this morning and we were talking some more about that. He agreed that it would be a miracle if I don't have mercury poisoning with all the amalgam I had in my mouth for so many years. (I have always been a tooth grinder too, on top of all that. I weare night guards now, and they are getting all sorts of cracks in them, so I don't think they are going to last long - and they're only a few months old.) This is a real problem, because there just doesn't seem to be any safe and really effective way to get the mercury out of one's system. I take the usual common supplements for it, but I really don't think they are doing much.


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I wanted to share with you some information I learned

by accident in regard to mercury detoxification. I

would like to also say that I do not make any money

from this and I am sharing this with the hope of

helping someone else. I strongly encourage you to

visit oralchelation.com and scroll down a little to

the yellow menu box. Look on the left side of the

yellow menu box for the word, Germanium. Click on

Germanium and read the text online by Dr. Asai. Especially the sections in regard to mercury

detoxification. It is helping my wife tremendously.




I took organic germanium in the past, but was taking it for MS, not realizing I had a mercury problem at the time, nor that it was good for removing mercury. (I didn't think it did a thing for me, but then I probably didn't give it a good enough chance and it may not have been a good product.) I know you've mentioned this before, and I did go to that site once, but was a little put off by the price. I will now check it out again, because of what you say about mercury detox. I didn't realize it was good for that, and I really think mercury is my biggest problem.



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I wanted to share with you some information I learned

by accident in regard to mercury detoxification. I

would like to also say that I do not make any money

from this and I am sharing this with the hope of

helping someone else. I strongly encourage you to

visit oralchelation.com and scroll down a little to

the yellow menu box. Look on the left side of the

yellow menu box for the word, Germanium. Click on

Germanium and read the text online by Dr. Asai.

Especially the sections in regard to mercury

detoxification. It is helping my wife tremendously.



--- Cah819@... wrote:

> In a message dated 1/30/02 4:24:15 PM Pacific

> Standard Time, westoo@...

> writes:



> > In my case, it was definately caused by an allergy

> to metals and an

> > intolerance for my amalgam mercury dental

> fillings. Call it MS if you want

> > but I call it chronic mercury intoxication or

> metal poisoning. It is a real

> > physical ailment and certainly not a product of

> one's mind or imagination.

> > Betsy

> >


> Betsy,

> I have suspected this for me too. I had more

> amalgam fillings in my mouth

> than anyone else I've ever known. Every tooth had

> at least one, and most of

> my teeth were much more amalgam than tooth. AND I

> started having amalgam

> fillings put in when I was a child. I had them

> replaced with composites a

> few years ago, but have never chelated with anything

> but a little cilantro

> pesto, which didn't last long, because I got so

> tired of the taste. I was

> just at my holistic dentist this morning and we were

> talking some more about

> that. He agreed that it would be a miracle if I

> don't have mercury poisoning

> with all the amalgam I had in my mouth for so many

> years. (I have always

> been a tooth grinder too, on top of all that. I

> weare night guards now, and

> they are getting all sorts of cracks in them, so I

> don't think they are going

> to last long - and they're only a few months old.)

> This is a real problem,

> because there just doesn't seem to be any safe and

> really effective way to

> get the mercury out of one's system. I take the

> usual common supplements for

> it, but I really don't think they are doing much.

> Carol



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Hello Carol.

Organic Germanium varies widely. The one featured at

oralchelation.com is the highest grade available and

it is cheaper the more bottles you buy.



--- Cah819@... wrote:

> In a message dated 1/30/02 5:19:46 PM Pacific

> Standard Time,

> bmitchell172@... writes:



> > Carol,

> >

> > I wanted to share with you some information I

> learned

> > by accident in regard to mercury detoxification.

> I

> > would like to also say that I do not make any

> money

> > from this and I am sharing this with the hope of

> > helping someone else. I strongly encourage you to

> > visit oralchelation.com and scroll down a little

> to

> > the yellow menu box. Look on the left side of the

> > yellow menu box for the word, Germanium. Click on

> > Germanium and read the text online by Dr. Asai.

> > Especially the sections in regard to mercury

> > detoxification. It is helping my wife

> tremendously.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Brad

> >


> Brad,

> I took organic germanium in the past, but was taking

> it for MS, not realizing

> I had a mercury problem at the time, nor that it was

> good for removing

> mercury. (I didn't think it did a thing for me, but

> then I probably didn't

> give it a good enough chance and it may not have

> been a good product.) I

> know you've mentioned this before, and I did go to

> that site once, but was a

> little put off by the price. I will now check it

> out again, because of what

> you say about mercury detox. I didn't realize it

> was good for that, and I

> really think mercury is my biggest problem.

> Thanks,

> Carol



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This is a real problem, because there just doesn't seem to be any

safe and really effective way to get the mercury out of one's

system. I take the usual common supplements for it, but I really

don't think they are doing much.


Hi Carol,

I have been through hell and back with the removal of Mercury

from my system. Last year, especially the last half, was the worst

that I have been as far back as I can remember, even prior to my

diagnosis. I am rallying now. Please take the removal slowly if you

decide to. I used DMSA. It is in a product called Captomer. I am

certainly glad that I chelated as much mercury as I have; as well as

changed the amalgams (I think that I was close to you, I had 16 teeth

filled with this poison). I will recover from this with out any

permanent damage.

I like you am unable to seperate my mind (spirit) from

my " physical " self.



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I will now check it out again, because of what you say about mercury

detox. I didn't realize it was good for that, and I really think

mercury is my biggest problem.



Hi Carol,

I have heard recently that there may be some issues with side

effects of Germanium. I'm not sure what they may be or even if they

are serious. I have not used germanium so I have not looked into the

issues. I would suggest that you look into this, it may be nothing

but hype, but best safe than sorry.



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Yes, there were some rumors about Organic Germanium

before. They were in reference to Germanium oxide.

Organic Germanium is Germanium sesquioxide and is

completely different. It has the same side effects of

water, none. I would recommend that anyone interested

read the book found on the website, oralchelation.com.

Go to the website, scroll down to the yellow menu box

and look on the left side for the word, Germanium.

Click on the word and read the information there.


--- ejsant wrote:



> I will now check it out again, because of what you

> say about mercury

> detox. I didn't realize it was good for that, and I

> really think

> mercury is my biggest problem.

> Thanks,

> Carol


> Hi Carol,

> I have heard recently that there may be some

> issues with side

> effects of Germanium. I'm not sure what they may be

> or even if they

> are serious. I have not used germanium so I have

> not looked into the

> issues. I would suggest that you look into this, it

> may be nothing

> but hype, but best safe than sorry.

> Peace,

> Ed




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I was diagnosed in 1992. I had anattack again in

summer 2001. I have been doing significant reading

and research in the area of leaky gut/food allergies.

Many of the symptoms/conditions fit how I feel and my

life style. I have since then been food allergy

tested and have allergies (IgG4 verified). I

have modified my diet and am doing much better. I am

now looking into the root(no pun intended) of the

problem and have a suspicion that Candida Albicans

might be in play, I hope to be tested by

gastroenterologist next week. You may want to read up

on this and pursue.


--- Cah819@... wrote:

> In a message dated 1/30/02 10:24:21 AM Pacific

> Standard Time, SYLV77@...

> writes:



> > MS was not caused by anybody's " mindset. "

> Something out there causes

> > it; diet, environment, virus, but not anyone's

> personality. It is a

> > physical disease; nothing you think can cause or

> cure it.

> >

> > Sylvia

> >

> >

> >

> >


> Sylvia,

> All I can say to that is that it used to be my

> opinion too. But, I know

> better now. Smile.

> Carol



Bill Hunsicker





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diagnosis. I am rallying now. Please take the removal slowly if you decide to. I used DMSA. It is in a product called Captomer.


I tried to get captomer here locally, but couldn't without a doctor's prescription. Then I tried to get my holistic dentist to prescribe it, and he couldn't because he said it's only approved for removal of lead, and as a dentist, he can't prescribe to remove lead. I believe you sent me the info on a pharmacy where I could get it in New Jersey, and I may still go that route, if what I'm about to start now doesn't have any effect. The holistic dentist DID give me the phone number of an organization that has a formula for chelating all heavy metals, which he said was backed up by documentation of trials that were done proving it works. The company is called Extended Life and it was started by a Dr. Poul. (I had to get it through him.) Anyway, it is actually two formulas, one to be taken in the morning and one in the evening. One of them is chelating agents - natural mainly, but with a small amount of EDTA. The other is a vitamin multi-type capsule, that includes support for kidneys, liver and intestines. It has so many different things in it that I think I can stop many of the supplements I'm taking now. Carol

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Glad you're doing better, Bill. I have read up on leaky gut, and I have none of the symptoms. I did modify my diet; cut out saturated fat, lowered fat intake, and stopped eating "fake" food. No miracles, but if I cheat and eat the "wrong" food, I feel it.



Same here....about cheating and feeling it! It's kind of like my Mother used to say about house cleaning. No one notices when you do it, but just don't do it and see how everyone squeels! LOL. I think it shows that eating the right foods must be having an effect, nonetheless. It took 4+ years on my diet before I showed actual physical symptom improvement from it, and then it was pretty dramatic. I think that was because I'm Primary Progressive. I know many people who have relapsing remitting MS who have had wonderful results in a much shorter time. One guy on the BBD List, is now symptom free and he just started the diet, I think it was, last summer.


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Bill wrote:



> I have been doing significant reading

> and research in the area of leaky gut/food allergies.

> Many of the symptoms/conditions fit how I feel and my

> life style. I have since then been food allergy

> tested and have allergies (IgG4 verified). I

> have modified my diet and am doing much better.

Glad you're doing better, Bill. I have read up on leaky gut, and I

have none of the symptoms. I did modify my diet; cut out saturated

fat, lowered fat intake, and stopped eating " fake " food. No

miracles, but if I cheat and eat the " wrong " food, I feel it.


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>Hi ,


>I am actually a raw foods eater but I didnt know about wheatgrass. I

>certainly didnt know about enyzmes raising WBCs. Thanks for letting me know

>about these.


>Best regards,



Hi ;

Your local health food store should serve wheatgrass at their juice bar. Up

where I live, they charge $2.00 per ounce. I started off at one ounce a day,

but I am up to two, and trying to get up to four ounces a day in me. I have

to admit, I hate the taste of it, but the more I get my system in balance,

the easier it is to drink.

I have become a bit of a " connoseur " (don't know how to spell that!), but I

do notice a difference with wheatgrass that is grown in organic compost as

opposed to regular potting soil.

My husband and I now grow our own at home. Very easy, and much cheaper. You

do need to invest in a specific juicer for wheatgrass. Looks like the old

fashioned meat grinders.

Good Luck!



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