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Prevnar vs pneumovax

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Wow! Its amazing how much Ive learned on this site. Thank you to everyone

for sharing.

I have a question for everyone. was tested three years ago with the

pneumovax vaccine twice with no response, thus the diagnosis Selective

Antibody Deficiency. His blood work came back and all igs were fine just

didn't produce antibodies.

Before IVIG had 6 surgeries in two years. 5 sinus due to 100% blockage

in frontals and maxil. Also had septic hip from sinus infection had to open

up and clean the hip bone. Once on IVIG he would still get sinus

infection but not complete blockage, we could control them now.

He was getting Gammagaurd until recently when he had two reactions whe was

switched to Gammune N. He has had three IVIG of Gammune N with predisone

before and we have not had any problems. almost always has a nose full

of " snot " but at least its coming out :) He is currently on Ceftin.

I guess my question to the group is anyone else out there have a child whos

IG levels are normal but doesn't produce the antibodies?

Thanks again for all that you have taught me. I only wish I would of known

about this site at the beggining.


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