Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 Nanne wrote: > ----------For some reason, I'm seeing other people > respond to others' posts that are not coming through > in my email, s' for instance. It must be a Yahoo thing. I sometimes get responses from my posts before they come through to my mailbox. I remember one time Jane responded to a post of mine, and half an hour later my post finally arrived in my e-mail box. Take care, Gail :-) *the suddenly talkative* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 Jeanette wrote: > wrote: > > > What if the woman is the rapist? Is it still not her fault? > > Obviously, if a woman is a rapist, then her " fault " is being a rapist > or child molester. But how can a woman rape a man? I guess she could > if she sodomized him with an istrument. But you can't get certain > items to stand up, if you know what I mean and have a woman rape a > man that way. SEDUCE, yes. And if she has bad intentions, like > using him- that is wrong. My objection is to you using " man " where " rapist " is the correct term. They are not interchangeable terms. A lot of feminists want to think that they are, or that all men are rapists that just have not committed rape yet, and that is not accurate. > I was talking about when a WOMAN is raped. Not the other way around. > I imagine the statistics on women being raped by men are way higher > than men being raped by women. If you flip that the other way, though, most men have not raped anyone, so to use " men " to mean " rapists " is not accurate nor fair to men. > OK. You got me. I'm a biased- You're right, I know, it's presumed > innocent. ( But I'm still biased- I'm trying to be more balanced, but > it's hard! I definatly shouldn't be on the jury) > > I'm sorry , it's hard for me to have sympathy for an NBA player. > In the end, he will still have millions. That is not relevant. What is relevant is that someone here is accusing the other of something that is not true. One of them is right; the other is a victim, even if that person will still be an NBA player with millions of dollars afterward. Wrongly accused is wrongly accused, regardless of your job title and income. > She may lose her sanity and > kill herself or worse. If she has accused him unfairly, I won't shed a tear for her if she makes that choice. And if her accusations are correct, then she has as much sympathy as I can muster, and should pay. I simply do not know what the facts are... the " evidence " we have seen in the media has been a lot of he-said, she-said. First I heard that she was heard to be almost bragging about the event at a party shortly after the alleged attack, then I hear that someone saw her with torn clothes, very upset, running away from his room. None of it, by the time it makes it onto the TV news, is credible. It's all TV-ratings masturbation... it tells us nothing about whether the accusations of are accurate. > No one wins in this whole thing- it's not good for anyone. Agreed. > No, they don't have the right to destroy him either, until a guilty > verdict comes in. If he is innocent it's unfair for him to lose > endorsements and lots of money. The entire affair should have been > kept private, for everyone's sake. Yes, and if one of the people were not famous, it would have been much more private. It is also less likely that this would have happened. Whether she was raped or not, she did go up to his room of her own volition, and she did that, almost certainly, because he is famous. Of course, and it is almost too obvious to mention this, his fame does not give him the right to violate anyone. > One thing we know for sure is that he DID cheat on his wife, by his > own admisson. He said he was sorry, but in my opinon that was a > pathetic apology. You know, that is going to affect his reputation. > Not as bad as a full on rape, but it has an effect, no matter > what-even if he apologises. Some people say it was real and others > no. Who really knows- only Kobe. And his alleged victim. He did cheat on his wife, that is true, but hell, we gave the President of the US a pass on that, not to mention lying under oath about it... so apparently, cheating on one's spouse is not terribly important in the US now. Certainly, I do not condone cheating (I've never cheated nor been cheated on, as far as I know, fwiw), but it is a lot less serious than rape. I consider cheating to be a private matter between the husband and wife, for the most part, whereas rape is an offense against society as well as the victim. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 > He did cheat on his wife, that is > true, but hell, we gave the President > of the US a pass on that, not to men- > tion lying under oath about it... so > apparently, cheating on one's spouse > is not terribly important in the US > now. I'm one of those (apparently rare) aspies who *can* read expressions and body language,and it was obvious to me that Clinton was lying in the famous " I did not have sexual relations, with that woman, Miss Lewinsky " statement. He wasn't looking at the camera, but instead kept his eyes to his left side, a dead giveaway. > Certainly, I do not condone cheating > (I've never cheated nor been cheated on, > as far as I know, fwiw), but it is a lot > less serious than rape. I consider > cheating to be a private matter between > the husband and wife, for the most part, I'll note that you said, " for the most part " , but want to spell out who else is involved - the kids. The ones who become victims of divorce and therefor grow up without a father in the house, and their mother becomes so em- bittered that whenever she mentions his name, she spits it out. The kids who have to listen to each parent downgrade the other, until they lose their own self-esteem because of it. > whereas rape is an offense against society > as well as the victim. Does that depend on what your definition of " is " is? 8<{) Clay Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 wrote: >My objection is to you using " man " where " rapist " is the correct term. >They are not interchangeable terms. OK- I don't think ALL men are rapists, that is ridiculous. No, technically the terms are not interchangeable. No, most men are not rapists. A lot of feminists want to think >that they are, or that all men are rapists that just have not committed >rape yet, and that is not accurate. I don't think a lot do, just ones like Dworkin. I do like her work, but sometimes she goes way over the edge. A lot of feminists now adays are doing things like " Girl Power " Spice Girl bullshit, saying " we can be feminine and strong too " which would be great if they didn't objectify themselves and run around nude in the process, playing typical female roles- in a more covert way. They actually push themselves further into subsmissive feminine roles. >What is relevant is that someone here is accusing >the other of something that is not true. One of them is right; the >other is a victim, even if that person will still be an NBA player with >millions of dollars afterward. Wrongly accused is wrongly accused, >regardless of your job title and income. OK, I see what you mean now. > One thing we know for sure is that he DID cheat on his wife, by his > own admisson. He said he was sorry, but in my opinon that was a > pathetic apology. You know, that is going to affect his reputation. > Not as bad as a full on rape, but it has an effect, no matter > what-even if he apologises. Some people say it was real and others > no. Who really knows- only Kobe. >And his alleged victim. I was talking about the sincerity of his apology to his wife. Jeanette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 --- Jeanette wrote: > > > WHAT the HELL is she going to get out of lying? --------$$$$$$$$$$$$ Nanne ===== " Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to console. " -- Seurat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 --- Gail Pennington wrote: > Hi again Nanne! > > (I'm the little chatterbox today, aren't I?) > > You wrote: > > ------What do you do with your music; listen to > it, > > play it, dance to it? That's good you have > something > > that helps you with that. > > Listen to it and rock. It helps me really feel it. -----do you ever rock to reggae? very good for rocking and swaying. (and yeah, I'm still trying to find other spectrum folk who have this also, I can't be the only one......unless, most of the folks at a reggae show are spectrumites and don't know it, ha!) Nanne > ===== " Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to console. " -- Seurat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 --- DeGraf wrote: > Jeanette danced around singing: > >But how can a woman rape a man? I guess she could > if she sodomized him > >with an istrument. But you can't get certain items > to stand up, if you > >know what I mean and have a woman rape a man that > way. > > From what I've heard, it's possible to make a man > erect by touching him > correctly, whether *he* wants it to do that or not. > There are some guys > out there (like my ex) that are so incapable of > saying " no " -- just like > some women -- that they really would just sit there > feeling helpless. So I > can very easily see a man with the inability to > reject women in a situation > where an aggressive female manages to use his body > for sex even though he > doesn't want it at all. > ---------The only problem with this, is that I seriously doubt that a vagina could bruise, rip or tear a penis in that kind of situation, whereas a penis can definitely bruise, rip, and tear the inside of a vagina. Nanne ===== " Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to console. " -- Seurat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 Nanne wrote: > > WHAT the HELL is she going to get out of lying? --------$$$$$$$$$$$$ HOW IS SHE GOING TO DO THAT? She's barely believed now, the target of death threats, she'll be lucky if she gets a conviction- what jury would award her money? Her story and her reputation are so messed up right now, that I don't think she can sue and win under any circumstances. They can barely find an impartial jury ( for both sides) how are they going to get an impartial civil jury? Besides, is it worth it? No way in hell to me. Some silly money or your life? I'd keep my life. I just can't see her suing. I could be totally wrong. Maybe she lied about the whole thing and get millions. I just can't see it, though. Jeanette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 --- DeGraf wrote: > Jeanette danced around singing: > >But how can a woman rape a man? I guess she could > if she sodomized him > >with an istrument. But you can't get certain items > to stand up, if you > >know what I mean and have a woman rape a man that > way. > > From what I've heard, it's possible to make a man > erect by touching him > correctly, whether *he* wants it to do that or not. > There are some guys > out there (like my ex) that are so incapable of > saying " no " -- just like > some women -- that they really would just sit there > feeling helpless. So I > can very easily see a man with the inability to > reject women in a situation > where an aggressive female manages to use his body > for sex even though he > doesn't want it at all. I never thought that was possible. Nanne wrote: > ---------The only problem with this, is that I seriously doubt that a vagina could bruise, rip or tear a penis in that kind of situation, whereas a penis can definitely bruise, rip, and tear the inside of a vagina. I agree. I also still don't think this compares to the violation a woman feels. I think a man wanting to say no but can't is hard to visualize, I guess it's possible, but it's not like his life is threatened unless she has a gun to his head, and I can't see things working then. If a man won't say no it may be an ego thing- " how could I refuse a woman- am I gay? " it's very hard for me to believe, but I can't say it never happens. Unless sodomy is committed, which men and women can do, a woman " raping " a man would not be as violent or instrusive as a woman being raped. Men are usually raped by other men. To be honest with you, I have never ever heard of a case where a man was raped by a woman- in the way you describe (actually in anyway). If you can find one let me know. Jeanette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 --- Jeanette wrote: > Nanne wrote: > > > > > WHAT the HELL is she going to get out of lying? > > --------$$$$$$$$$$$$ > > > HOW IS SHE GOING TO DO THAT? She's barely > believed now, the target of death threats, she'll be > lucky if she gets a conviction- what jury would > award her money? Her story and her reputation are > so messed up right now, that I don't think she can > sue and win under any circumstances. They can > barely find an impartial jury ( for both sides) how > are they going to get an impartial civil jury? > > Besides, is it worth it? No way in hell to me. > Some silly money or your life? I'd keep my life. I > just can't see her suing. I could be totally wrong. > Maybe she lied about the whole thing and get > millions. I just can't see it, though. > > Jeanette > ----------Those things called out of court settlements. Nanne ===== " Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to console. " -- Seurat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 Nanne wrote: ----------Those things called out of court settlements. Nanne Look, call me naive, or whatever- I just don't understand it. I can't picture it myself- how could any person put themselves through the nation wide humiliation, reputation damage, death threats, etc, for MONEY? I would never do that to myself- falsely accuse someone of rape to get money. There's too many moral code breaches, loss of self respect, not to mention the damage it does to rape victims and the women's movement. I hope she's not lying. We'll see how the evidence presents itself. If she is I'll be disgusted. Jeanette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 --- Jane Meyerding wrote: > Here > > is the URL for a reveiw I wrote (in 1996) of a book > by a man > who was fired (from the university where I work) > because of > sexual harrassment. > > Jane > ----------That's a good article, Jane, very interesting. In this part: " We need to learn to live justly with people who do harm, whether the harm in question is murder or " nontraditional expressions of sexuality " that cause another person psychological pain. The traditional method, as employed against Sol Saporta, is to throw the offending party away. That's not going to work when we get where we're headed, so we might as well start thinking about it now. " --- Jane Meyerding Are you saying you didn't agree with his firing? Nanne P.S. Wouldn't the rate of rapes be likely to be a lot higher in a state of anarchy, than it is now? ===== " Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to console. " -- Seurat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 Here is the URL for a reveiw I wrote (in 1996) of a book by a man who was fired (from the university where I work) because of sexual harrassment. Jane Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 --- Miko715@... wrote: > In a message dated 8/12/2003 9:26:27 PM Eastern > Daylight Time, > ceruleaniwa@... writes: > > > -----do you ever rock to reggae? very good for > rocking > > and swaying. (and yeah, I'm still trying to > find > > other spectrum folk who have this also, I can't be > the > > only one......unless, most of the folks at a > reggae > > show are spectrumites and don't know it, ha!) > > > > Nanne > > > > Oh, I've started doing this yes, I love rocking to > reggae, yes, there is an > outside bar on the beach strip yes, that places > reggae, yes, on south beach, > yes. > > Juli ASD mother to Nicollette Rett Syndrome w/autism > -------Oh yay! (and outdoors, how wonderful; on the beach, even better!) Do you have a collection of some at home? Any favorite singers/bands? Nanne ===== " Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to console. " -- Seurat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 --- Jeanette wrote: > Nanne wrote: > > > Look, call me naive, or whatever- I just don't > understand it. I can't picture it myself- how could > any person put themselves through the nation wide > humiliation, reputation damage, death threats, etc, > for MONEY? -------Well, I can't conceive of it either, personally, I'm just saying it's happened before and wouldn't be the first time, *if* that happnes. > > I would never do that to myself- falsely accuse > someone of rape to get money. There's too many > moral code breaches, loss of self respect, not to > mention the damage it does to rape victims and the > women's movement. ---------Of course, neither would I. > > I hope she's not lying. We'll see how the evidence > presents itself. If she is I'll be disgusted. > > Jeanette ---------- The only evidence that would prove anything would be the results of a pap that revealed bruising and tearing of the vagina. Without that, it could only be he said/she said. Whichever way it goes, Kobe will never be cheating on his wife again, I bet. Nanne ===== " Let's go get drunk on light again---it has the power to console. " -- Seurat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 Jeanette danced around singing: >To be honest with you, I have never ever heard of a case where a man was >raped by a woman- in the way you describe (actually in anyway). If you >can find one let me know. Just found this one: <> From the " Daily Olympian " Sunday, June 29, 1997 - Section C page 3 The first woman in Spokane County to be convicted of raping a man could face up to 30 years in prison. A seven-woman; five-man Superior Court jury on Friday found Theresa S. guilty of first-degree rape and second degree assault. Theresa S., 36, was accused of torturing the 42 year old man at her east Spokane apartment from September to January. The victim was punched, chained, burned, raped, and threatened with a knife. He finally escaped and called police on January 17. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 Nanne wrote: > Are you saying you didn't agree with his firing? Not quite. I'm saying that we should be trying to find ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts that don't rely on exiling anyone from the social world where the conflict arose. In the case of Saporta, he seemed to be making a genuine contribution to the university, and I'd like to think that all those intelligent people could come up with a resolution that would allow him to continue being of use. Was there really no way for the women involved to be helped to feel safe if he stayed? Was there really no way to impress upon him the depth and significance of the pain he had caused? He clearly could not be allowed to continue the actions that violated other people's sense of self and safety. But I do believe he could have been helped to see why it was necessary for him to change his attitudes in that area (which is the best possible way to ensure that he would not re-offend). I think too often people choose to apply a rule rather than investing the time and effort required by a real solution. A university should be leading in a different direction (ideally). As for anarchism leading to more rape: No. You may be thinking of " chaos " rather than anarchy. In anarchy, people collectively control their own communities. It's not " no structure, " it's " no herarchy of power. " Jane Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 13, 2003 Report Share Posted August 13, 2003 >---------The only problem with this, is that I >seriously doubt that a vagina could bruise, rip or >tear a penis in that kind of situation, whereas a >penis can definitely bruise, rip, and tear the inside >of a vagina. > >Nanne > Nanne I really do not think you get it. Its a violation and its not just the physical scars but the mental scars and stigma afterwards. As for Vagina well they sometimes stick objects in the boys Anus. I hope I do not have to spell out what can occur. But peeing and even other toilet games can happen. Its too sick to think that Women are capable of this, but I have seen it. We shall leave it at that. I really feel that Women are excused in Court because of this. Yet if a Woman says NO thats it. Well it should be the same for a MAN. A Woman can smother a Man as is what happened to me against my will. I said no but she carried on. She was a Pagan I met off the Internet. I am not going into details, but I used to be a Sub etc. I had low self esteem and I picked up the wrong kind of Women who wanted to hurt Men. But even so when I said NO it should of meant it. But she just called me a big baby and carried on. If a Woman performs a Sexual Act on a Man against his will its Rape. If a Woman grabs a mans Penis etc against his will its rape or sexual asult. But whilst Society still thinks that a Man can't be raped then Many women will get away with it. There are loads of Women that have come before the courts in the UK and gotten off with Bail for crimes that would have a Man go down for at least 10 years. Its stupid to assume that all Men are big macho types and can look after themselves. Vanda who was my ex was 5ft 10 and big built and was a Psychiatric Nurse. So I had know chance as she had restrained many a Patient in her care. The thing is when I tried to tell just some of it to my councillor she really did not want to know. Again she took the womans side. You also should not that there are hundreds of groups for abused Women. But I have yet to see many that tackle abused Males either by other Males or Women. Men keep a lot to themselves and Women are natural listeners who provide their own councilling. But Men have to grin and bare it and just get on with it. Thats why the rate of Suicides in Males is higher than that of Women. Women have a big support network and Empowerment Network. Men do not have this at all. Think about it, Steve My Aspergers Groups Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 13, 2003 Report Share Posted August 13, 2003 Nanne wrote: >>---------And still, when it gets down to it, a woman >>can't really technically rape a man with her sex >>organs the way a man can rape a woman with his. Aside >>from the statuatory rape you mention above. Steve wrote: >I find this attitude very insulting. Many Women get away with raping >children and they may not have the sex organs but what is left out >that they can certainly use their fingers and or smother their face, >which is what happened to me. What she was alluding to was just genital rape by women. In no way was anyone saying that women do not rape or are not abusive. Of course they do- yes, they abuse children and what-not. The whole thing started by talking about all the ways it is possible for women to rape. Using her genitals is not one of them, that's what was intended. Nor did anyone say that raping boys, even if it's done by a woman, is any less traumatizing than being raped by a man- we were not talking about children, just men, and just women using thier genitals. Of couse, if a woman uses things-whatever they be on a child it will be just as traumatic as what a man can do. And it doesn't matter if it's a little girl or boy that is attacked. It's disgusting either way. >Many Men who rape Women were abused as Children by a Woman. They did >a survey of Prisons and they found 80% of rapists were abused by >females either Sexually or Physically as children. Where did you get this number? Rapists reporting that they were abused is not credible. They are woman-haters from the beginning, so they could just say that to get sympathy, or see it that way just because or whatever. I'd never beleive the word of a rapist. I personally think all rapists should receive the death penalty- especially if they rape/ molest a child. There is no doubt that the main abusers are Men. But at least 25% of cases are when a female is involved either on her own or with a partner. Which cases- child molestation or rape? I think you are right about 25% of child molestation cases involving women in some way. I remember seeing that on America's Most Wanted. Jeanette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 13, 2003 Report Share Posted August 13, 2003 Steve wrote: >I used to go by Fathermag but most of what they say seems to be blown >out of proportion and it also seems to be against Women. So to do >this they print story upon story of Women doing things to kids. If >you look under the headings you will see all kinds of stories, but >there doesn't seem to be anything to back it up. As a Child that was >abused by WOmen. I can tell you this much this only serves to make >people think its a fantasy and not reality that Women do this. You're right about them- I could see they were against women from the start. A bunch of these " fathers rights " groups are merely interested in cutting off child support and then being able to see the child they refuse to support. They are also trying to chip away at women's rights. Most of those groups aren't about helping children at all. Just helping dead beat dads and fathers who abuse thier children continue to see them (and abuse them). Some of thier work is legit, like helping paying fathers see thier kids (they should unless they are abusive), etc. Jeanette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 13, 2003 Report Share Posted August 13, 2003 In a message dated 8/13/2003 12:53:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, nourse@... writes: > which we don't. > > NT's do the personal networking thing so much better than we do that it > is pointless to > argue whether men or women have better networks, because we are largely > cut off from > those networks anyway. > > We need to form our own networks. Lists like this one are a very > useful tool for this. > > > Ride the Music > > AndyTiedye > i agree no autistic or asp i know truly fits in to these areas, no. some do try but looks like overcompensating almost, like playing a role to try to fit in somewhere. it's best we have our own networks, yes as we as spectrumites just do not fit into these areas, no. autisitic women aren't like typical women. and autistic men are not at all like typical men. and those that seem to be are 'really' just pretending to be. i think even the 'so called manly macho' aspies are full of it. thinking they are really something they are not. and just trying to fit into the majority but are hardly good at doing so without looking somewhat ridicules. my ex-husband was really playing to the hilt the role, yes, as that was what he was taught to do, yes, and felt that was the way to be, yes. and did that whole providing, and strip club going, convertible car buying as that was the 'chic' male thing to do in south Miami. he had us dressed a certain way, he spent a lot of money on designer clothes for us. i even cut mine chin open when i fell down a flight of steps when he had me get used to walking in those clunky shoes and tight clothes. he hated it, though, thought silicon tits were grotesque, his car too flashy, and really could not understand although he mimicked that whole " good ole' boy " attitude. which just did not fit him, no. when i first met him he was a solitary isolated introvert who 'wore' funny clothing, which was fine by me it was other peoples that said we looked like fashion victims. But then he made good business and made NT friends and began to be this whole other person, yes. only he never got good at it and never really fit there either. So I've got to wonder if these so called 'manly' aspies. I mean they play all manly but really, it's all a show I think, to try to hide who they really are, yes. generally I feel those on the spectrum fail to fit into any of these traditional gender roles. Even as much as they try to be. Juli ASD mother to Nicollette Rett Syndrome w/autism Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 13, 2003 Report Share Posted August 13, 2003 Jeanette wrote: > Men DO have a vast network of support. It's called the patriarch, good > ol' boys club, etc. No aspies or other autistic people allowed. Another one of those unwritten rules. > Their bonds are stronger than anything, as long as a guy meets their > criteria. which we don't. NT's do the personal networking thing so much better than we do that it is pointless to argue whether men or women have better networks, because we are largely cut off from those networks anyway. We need to form our own networks. Lists like this one are a very useful tool for this. Ride the Music AndyTiedye Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 13, 2003 Report Share Posted August 13, 2003 > In a message dated 8/13/2003 9:22:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time, : > > > >Sorry if I caused any distress here I just had flash > > >backs and > > >pressed the send button. But it needed to be said. > > >However I do not > > >think I should of been so graphical but I can still > > >taste and feel > > >it. I hate it and its a wonder I have a > > >relationship today > > > > > >Steve > > > > > It is much terrible that this happened to you, yes. And it did needed to be > said to make us aware of what is happening. > > I know this may be too difficult. Myself I not like to talk about mine > experiences but somewhat a relief when I've gotten out of mine system, yes. > > Have you thought of perhaps making a list or group so that men can talk about > what happened to themselves? It may be too difficult for you, yes, but it may > help other men who are suffered in their silence to talk about what they may > be afraid to talk about, yes. and give another man some validity of what he > may be feeling. > > i would try to do so if i were a man, but as a woman it may be too difficult > for a man to relate to me as there are different issues and feelings at stake > that i may not know of, being a woman. i know it may be difficult but you > would be perfect to help other men in same situations as these, if you are able to > do so that is. it would help increase awareness and support for those who > have suffered as you have suffered. > > Good luck to you and I am pleased you are in a loving environment now. > > Juli ASD mother to Nicollette Rett Syndrome w/autism > Yes, a good idea and well said. Gareth Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 13, 2003 Report Share Posted August 13, 2003 > So I've got to wonder if these so- > called 'manly' aspies. I mean they > play all manly but really, it's all > a show I think, to try to hide who > they really are, yes. generally I > feel those on the spectrum fail to > fit into any of these traditional > gender roles. Even as much as they > try to be. You are SO right, yes. Clay Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 14, 2003 Report Share Posted August 14, 2003 Neither my husband nor I have found either a women’s support system in place, or a men’s support system. They don’t exist, at least for Aspies they don’t. Why are we ranting about stuff that isn’t there for us? Louis Re: speaking of sexual harassment, etc..... Steve Wrote: >Women have a big >support network and Empowerment Network. Men do not have this at >all. Really? I'd like to know where this group of supporting women is, because I've never found it. I can't even find a feminist group anywhere that I can go to and meet. Men DO have a vast network of support. It's called the patriarch, good ol' boys club, etc. Their bonds are stronger than anything, as long as a guy meets their criteria. The support they offer, however, would not be useful or helpful to male victims of abuse. In fact, it would probably hurt you even more, because guys generally don't want to acknowledge they can be hurt because it's a sign of weakness. That is unacceptable in the club. The sort of issues you bring up, about men being abused, opening up, etc. is part of the men's movement. Here in California there are a lot of men talking about how they were abused by catholic priests. They have a whole support network. And it's working. The priests are being arrested in spite of the fact that the church wants to cover it up and HAS covered it up and allowed these guys to contiune being priests and molesting boys for decades. I hope you can find support- and someone who has had similar experiences you can talk with. Jeanette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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