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Re: Pregnancy and Vitamin A - Spacing

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(This is the same message as the last except that I tried to get

to get the spacing right in the second half of the letter.

We'll see if it gets it right or overdoes it. -C)

Hi all,

I have been having an ongoing dialogue on this subject with my

younger sister for a couple years. She has been reluctant to take in

this info, partly it seems because I was once a live food vegan and

shared that with her too. She doesn't seem to get that if Sally and

Dr. Price's info is a fad, it's a millennia-old fad!

My sister recently announced to me that she was pregnant, and it

really hit me hard that she doesn't seem to be getting what I have to

offer. So I have been in an intense email dialogue with her and just

this morning sent her an email describing why this info should stand

out above the other information on diet and pregnancy she is deluged

with. She also asked me to give her my top three suggestions for

changes to her diet. I have decided to include the text of my most

recent email to her in case it is helpful to anyone else.

BTW, I do believe Sally plans to put out a book on diet, pregnancy,

and children in the future. She is probably super busy right now and

so can't respond right away to this subject or the formula questions.

Here is this morning's email to my sister, and I apologize in advance

if messes up the spacing, making everything run together, as it

often seems to.



(My sister objected to my intensity in her last email saying she was

turned off at my implication that what I have to offer

is " earthshaking " or any more significant than anything else out

there. She is basically asking me to back off. But I won't. )

Hi again,

I doubt I am going to change my intensity on this one because I feel

like it is one of the most important things we as humans can do - to

consciously turn around the physical degeneration of our species. Do

you realize that crooked teeth were rare in Gramps' generation? So

was heart disease. So was cancer. Infertility was a rarity, and now

it is over 30% of couples. We can quibble over why this is, and talk

about the nasty pollution of our time, but we believe that

controlling for other factors that the evidence shows that our diet

(esp. the low sat. fat, low cholesterol, high veg. oil, high

processed, low nutrient-dense diet) is directly responsible not only

for the explosion of degen. diseases (top 3 killers today) but also

for the change in our bone structure which is compromising our

ability to function and to reproduce. I know you think this bone

structure thing is off the deep end but the combination of human and

animal studies has proven it beyond doubt for anyone who is willing

to look at it with an open mind. Women's hips have been getting

narrower, which -can- lead to more difficult childbirth. Our sinuses

have been getting squished by our narrower heads which -can- lead

to " mouth breathing " children. And you may say - so what - our teeth

get a little crooked. Actually the teeth are the final result of the

integrity of all the bones of the skull. Narrow faces mean narrow

skull which can squeeze the brain pineal pituitary sinus - and all we

see are the narrow dental arches and crooked teeth which need

orthodontistry. Do you think that it is any coincidence that

orthodontistry as a profession appeared shortly after the advent of

industrialized foods?

So I am passionate about this for if I am right the advice I offer

you could literally affect your child positively through this entire

century! And his/her children. What is insignificant about that?

Native parents to be were given special rich foods to eat for several

years before conception, and when asked why they had always done

that, respondents from tribes around the world answered: " To have

healthy babies " , or they answered: " To have perfect babies. " From

where I sit, it is heartbreaking to have clients call and tell me

that they would do anything to have learned abou this information

before their baby was born so they could have given it the best

advantages. They tell me about the consequences of their ignorance

and I feel so deeply for them. One of our purposes as a business is

to ensure that every parent has access to this ancient wisdom for

raising healthy children. So when my own sister is going to have a

child you better believe I am going to try to get through in every

way I can. The reason it felt like getting a punch in the stomach

when you told me you were pregnant was that I felt you were not very

interested in what I had to offer, and I feared you would not pay any

attention. This when I have mothers call on a regular basis to thank

us profusely for sharing this information, which is not really

available anywhere else anymore, and other mothers who call saying

they wish the would have found our sooner! I feel that while it

would be great to start years ahead of conception, adding the

following would definitely help during pregnancy and lactation.

I think it is great that you are eating organic and including animal

products (not going veggie). That is awesome and is a huge plus.

However, the foods native peoples prized for producing healthy babies

are in a different class from what we have been trained to eat in

this culture. They are the truly nutrient-dense foods, and normal

vegetables and normal meats don't cut it. The three suggestions I

have for you are:

1) Cod liver oil

2) Raw milk or raw butter from pasture fed hormone free cows (I can

help you get this)

3) Organ meats or fish eggs (salmon roe)


1) Cod liver oil has abundant vitamins A & D as well as DHA and EPA.

All these nutrients are critical for proper development of the baby's

body. Beta carotene is inefficiently converted to A and none of us

get enough sunlight for D, esp. in Seattle. Vit. D helps you and the

baby use calcium and minerals efficiently for excellent bone

development and density.

2) Raw milk and/or raw butter from grazing cows has the X factor in

it, which also helps one absorb minerals that we eat or supplement

with. Also bio-available calcium. Contrary to what you have heard,

from a certified source, there is no danger to anyone's health from

raw milk and never has been. Pasteurized is not a substitute.

3) I know this sounds gross but organ meats are where the nutrition

is. Traditional cultures in times of plenty would eat the organs

first (they prized organ meats!) and then the muscle meats little or

not at all. Same with lions - they go for the organs first, as they

know. If you could eat liver from an organic and preferrably grass

fed animal even once a week it would be a great thing. I can help

you get it and prepare it in ways that are palatable. And no, the

liver does not store the toxins - that's the kidney - and I would

never recommend eating organs from a conventionally raised animal.

An alternative or variety to organs would be salmon roe from Alaskan

salmon - excellent - excellent food.

So there you have it. I am assuming that you have a good

calcium/mineral supplement already. Please let me know what you

think and I would love to help you locate and get these foods so they

wouldn't be a burden to you in that respect. I am also assuming that

you have the basic pregnancy supplements covered against birth

defects, like folic acid.... It's interesting that people acccept

that supplements can prevent classical birth defects but that you

have such a hard time accepting that supplements or foods could

prevent other birth defects like crooked teeth, narrow skull, etc

etc. Someday all this will be common knowledge.

Sorry for the long email. Read it when you have time, get that hubby

involved, and I will look forward to helping in any way I can.

I hope you are doing and feeling really well in this month three.


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