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Re: Re: Dad's condition is worse/Donna R & Stevie

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You're welcome Donna P...I think of you daily as I deal with the same " ups

and downs " with my Uncle. I pray they all have a peaceful passing. Love, hugs

and Peace sent your way, Stevie

* * * * * * * *

Donna R. and Stevie,

I hope you are both right. I am practically living at the NH. I

have been off for 11 days on vacation. I am to go back today. I

came home at 2 a.m. to try and catch a few hours sleep. Dad's BP

has been as low as 56/42 and then in a few hours jumped to 160/68.

He was mostly non-responsive most of yesterday and has been totally

non-responsive all night. For his sake,I hope this is the end. I

don't think any of us can take much more. Watching him bounce

around like this has taken a toll on all of us. I couldn't have

asked for a better dad. He is a gentle soul, very kind, never says

a bad thing about anyone. So far he seems very peaceful, I just

pray for a peaceful passing. Thank you both for your support.

Donna P.

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Donna P,

One of the problems I had was that I had gone home to shower and fell asleep.

Mom was dead by the time I got back to the hospital and I knew it. The nurses

assured me, after sitting there for 7 days straight, she died after I left and

they told me people often do wait until they are alone.

All I could remember was Mom saying she didn't want to die alone.

I recently heard the best thing I ever heard. " They never die alone. " The

insinuation was that those from the other side come and get them.

Hope this helps in some small way.

Donna R

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Re: Dad's condition is worse/Donna R & Stevie

Donna R. and Stevie,

I hope you are both right. I am practically living at the NH. I

have been off for 11 days on vacation. I am to go back today. I

came home at 2 a.m. to try and catch a few hours sleep. Dad's BP

has been as low as 56/42 and then in a few hours jumped to 160/68.

He was mostly non-responsive most of yesterday and has been totally

non-responsive all night. For his sake,I hope this is the end. I

don't think any of us can take much more. Watching him bounce

around like this has taken a toll on all of us. I couldn't have

asked for a better dad. He is a gentle soul, very kind, never says

a bad thing about anyone. So far he seems very peaceful, I just

pray for a peaceful passing. Thank you both for your support.

Donna P.


> Donna R and Donna P,


> I agree with Donna R....in all of my experiences with the Elderly,

they seem

> to be talking about " Home " as " the Other Side " and not something

here on

> Earth. They are focusing on " going back " to where we came from

apparently. I find

> that very comforting to believe in. Make's it easier to accept a


> passing. Stevie


> * * * * * * * * *

> Donna P


> In a lot of the AD groups I was in, the " Going Home " phrase

really talked

> about dying. We usually think in more absolute terms. AD

suggests it more mean

> dying than going to a place on this earth.


> Donna R




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