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Lovette, you call that doc, tell him to do some research and then take some

medical fact sheets to his office and shove them up his ass..........sorry for

the lang but he deserves to be smacked on a regular basis with a tire iron.

When are these so called medical professionals gonna dig their heads out of

their butts and become informed? My guess is not until they contact lyme


As for your hubby its time for him to do some studying. I can understand his

questioning, but lets face it no one knows what we all go through until we

live it. I can honestly say I might have thought someone was a little on the

hypercondriac side if they mentioned all the symptoms I have until I woke up

in this nightmare my self. Guess it goes to show that you really never know

the side of a story until you walk a mile in someone's shoes.

Keep your chin up and you do what you feel is right for you and your children.



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CHANGE DOCTORS!! HURRY!! You're on your own with your husband but he

doesn't sound like a lot of help.

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999 12:32:33 -0500 " F. Mott " <smott@...>


>From: " F. Mott " <smott@...>


>Dear Friends: I took my kids, who both tested positive for lyme and

>babesia to Hershey today. The doctor told me that he puts no stock in

>Igenex lab and that the kids are merely having a " grief " reaction to


>illness. Further, since I was treated appropriately with 30 days of

>antibiotics, that I don't have lyme anymore - rather, I have


>and should be on prozac or zoloft. The really upsetting part is that

>my husband thinks I should try this.






>We have a new web site!


>Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services


>Please send privately messages unrelated to lyme.



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Dear Friends: I took my kids, who both tested positive for lyme and

babesia to Hershey today. The doctor told me that he puts no stock in

Igenex lab and that the kids are merely having a " grief " reaction to my

illness. Further, since I was treated appropriately with 30 days of

antibiotics, that I don't have lyme anymore - rather, I have depression

and should be on prozac or zoloft. The really upsetting part is that

my husband thinks I should try this.


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Lovette, I really know how you feel. I felt like I was almost reading my

own story here. Except that I don't have children and that my husband

thinks I should try depression medicine, but the fact that after being

treated with antiobiotics that

they say we NO LONGER have lyme anymore and that it is depression. I was

diagnosed as a manic depressive way before I was diagnosed with lyme. I am


Zoloft and Wellbutrine right now. The Zoloft is ok, but I still don't think

that any

of the medications I have tried has ever REALLY helped. I was even on


once and they say that that works for most people and really well too.

Now what I know works, they won't give to me because it is habit forming,

and that is Valium or apam. I know this because I was given a few pills

from my dentist and let me tell you, I never felt so good in my whole life

and I got a great nights sleep. But trying to get that is a lost cause.

I really do know how you feel and I like you, are confused and don't really

know what to think or do. I mean, are we CURED?! I thought that there was

no evidence of curing lyme.


" F. Mott " wrote:

> From: " F. Mott " <smott@...>


> Dear Friends: I took my kids, who both tested positive for lyme and

> babesia to Hershey today. The doctor told me that he puts no stock in

> Igenex lab and that the kids are merely having a " grief " reaction to my

> illness. Further, since I was treated appropriately with 30 days of

> antibiotics, that I don't have lyme anymore - rather, I have depression

> and should be on prozac or zoloft. The really upsetting part is that

> my husband thinks I should try this.


> Lovette


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> We have a new web site!


> Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Dear Lovette,



Don't give up now. Get mad. Come on everybody, let's help her with some kind

of " step B'.

What about a LLMD in Mount Kisco? I have a phone #. e-mail me while I try to

get my " brain " (so called) to work on this. Antidepressants CAN help and

have a place but it isn't going to make any other disease go away.

Your friend in NJ,


F. Mott wrote:

> From: " F. Mott " <smott@...>


> Dear Friends: I took my kids, who both tested positive for lyme and

> babesia to Hershey today. The doctor told me that he puts no stock in

> Igenex lab and that the kids are merely having a " grief " reaction to my

> illness. Further, since I was treated appropriately with 30 days of

> antibiotics, that I don't have lyme anymore - rather, I have depression

> and should be on prozac or zoloft. The really upsetting part is that

> my husband thinks I should try this.


> Lovette


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> We have a new web site!


> Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Please send privately messages unrelated to lyme.

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> /archives.cgi/Lyme-Docs

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> the word " subscribe " ( " normal " is the opposite of " digest " )

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Where are you in PA. I have a friend who lives near Erie that goes to a

doctor. I am not sure of where, but she said he is an hour away and she lives

about 30 minutes from Erie. Let me know

love ya,


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Oh MY God!!!!!!

This was the most incredible thing I heard since I heard that all the

people who " think " they have Lyme are simply " drug seekers " ! PLEASE tell

me you have a back up doctor to go to! By the time this thing is

resolved you WILL need Zoloft or Prozac but not because you " think " you

and your kids have Lyme...because your doctor is a MORON!!!!!!

Please hang in there!!!!!




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  • 5 months later...

In a message dated 9/3/99 2:47:45 PM EST, mellillo1@... writes:

<< I hope

you sent him copies of the positive test results and said I TOLD YOU SO >>

Hi Sharon..

I sure did ! I sent him all of her POSITIVE results. Sent him a copy of Dr.

B's protocol and a bunch of other papers and even books on Lyme Disease. I

made him a nice little pkg and brought it to him. He didn't like it very much

and never admitted to me that he was wrong. Never even apologized for his

ignorance. But I felt better addressing him anyway and most of all leaving

him with all of the lyme info. If he is a decent man he would have read it.

I sure hope so . This way maybe he'll think twice the next time someone else

comes in with symptoms!!

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  • 1 year later...
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thought you might all be interested to read this!



> I have seen repeatedly the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but

> this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It's

> nice, really nice!

> The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from

> birth to 18 and they came up with $160,140! That doesn't even touch

> college tuition. For those with kids, that figure leads to wild

> fantasies about all the money we could have banked if not for (insert

> your child's name here). For others, that number might confirm the

> decision to remain childless.

> But, $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into

> $8,896.66 a year, $741.38 a month, or $171.08 a week. That's a mere

> $24.44 a day! Just over a dollar an hour.

> Still, you might think the best financial advice says, don't have

> children if you want to be " rich " . It is just the opposite.


> So, what do you get for your $160,140?


> Naming rights. First, middle and last!

> Glimpses of God every day.

> Giggles under the covers every night.

> More love than your heart can hold.

> Butterfly kisses.

> Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds and warm cookies.

> A hand to hold.

> A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites, building sandcastles, and

> skipping down the sidewalk in the pouring rain.

> Someone to laugh yourself silly with no matter what the boss said or how

> your stocks performed that day.

> For $160,140, you never have to grow up.

> You get to finger-paint, carve pumpkins, play hide-and-seek, catch

> lighting bugs, and never stop believing in Santa Claus.

> You have an excuse to keep: reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh,

> watching Saturday morning cartoons, going to Disney movies, and wishing

> on stars.

> You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under the refrigerator

> magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand

> prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backward letters for

> Father's Day.

> For $160,140, there is no greater bank for your buck. You get to be a

> hero just for retrieving a frisbee off the garage roof, taking the

> training wheels off the bike, removing a splinter, filling the wading

> pool, coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and coaching a baseball team

> that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream regardless.

> You get a front row seat to witness the first step, first word, first

> bra, first date and first time behind the wheel.

> You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're lucky, a

> long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren.

> You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice,

> communications, and human sexuality that no college can match.

> In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there with God.

> You have all the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under

> the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them

> forever, and love them without limits, so one day they will, like you,

> love without counting the cost.


> Thanks!





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  • 4 months later...

No apologies necessary, you haven't been talking too much about it! Good idea

about trying to lessen your debt. & I were married 9 months before I was

one of the lucky 1 in 100 women who the pill fails that year! We had planned on

kids, just not so soon after marriage. We were lucky and were able to buy our

house when Zachary was 6 months old. We were in an apartment complex & wanted

him to have his own yard. Now with 2 kids, the credit card debt is thru the

roof! Oh well!

How long did you & Jeff know each other before you were married? I don't

remember if you'd ever said. & I have known each other since 10th grade.

We never even dated until about 9 years ago. Then a year later we got married!


Country Meadow Creations

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No, we're not thinking about having kids anytime soon. We're not ready yet.

Originally, we thought it would be good to wait at least two years after

getting married to have children, but now we really want to have a house and

get rid of our credit card debt before we even start to *think* about it.

But of course, it's in the back of my mind! It's the next logical step for

us! And it's exciting to think about! I do admit that I think about it from

time to time (sorry if I'ved talked about it too much on the list!), but

overall, I'm just not ready yet! I enjoy hearing stories about everyone's

kids, though!


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  • 1 month later...


You put it so well. What you said is true. As a parent the anguish over

whether or not to feel or even think about guilt is so great. But I think we

were all chosen as parents of special needs children for a reason. I feel so

blessed to have been entrusted in Abbie's care. Not to diminish the wonder of

my other children, but the responsibilities are so much greater. While I am

definitely not a " soccer mom " , I am very involved in the lives of all my

children. My husband and I try very hard to find 1 on 1 time with each and

every one, as well as family time. I think however that I am very thankful

Abbie is my youngest and not my oldest. The natural progression of her older

sisters being gone more and more helps give us the time we need for doctors,

medicines, and general feeling poopy days.


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as with any medications theres a risk i think like you i am hoping to be a

grandma later

melissa i already know will have to be checked from top to bottom before she

thinks about getting pregnant due to her allergy to the MMR shot my sister

had to be done this way

i have faith that these kids can bear kids if the child is checked out

thoroughly before they start trying and are monitored closely

they will be high risk more than likely


ps i had a hard time getting pregnant with melissa and was in the high risk


i was monitored closely with her

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You said a mouth full ....It's a must that most of our drugs be outta the system before getting pregnant. The only med I used while pregnant was Ibuprofen and that was rare, as my hormone levels rose I had no need for anything...At that point I thought I might make a career outta being pregnant lol but alas I had to give birth and well that part did not go so well because of deformities of the shape of my pelvis. Matt could never get head down and hence I would have never delivered him except for a c- section. As for getting pregnant well I had no problems even though I had been told by endocrinologist that I would probably never concieve because of underactive thyroid ( so what do the doctor's know, except that I don't do much by the books lol ) When I grew up it was the age of predisone I took it every day all throughout my teens ... I don't believe it's possible for them to know what will happen to females of child bearing age with drugs like remicade , embrel, arava etc. they just haven't been around long enough. As for being a mom with JRA well like everything it's a double edged sword. I have a beautiful child that completes me in many ways, and truely keeps me going most days. On the other hand a child is a 24/7 job as is a chronic disorder, but I feel I deal with that even very well and feel that my condition has not hurt my child but rather has taught him alot of the good characteristics that come along with having a chronic illness. Probably the worst part of having a child for me has been the deep seeded fear that I have just created a new generation for JRA. I battle with this daily. Having said that I also know that there are all kinds of disorders and diseases and birth defects and least If I have predisposed my child to have this disease I can't think of a better candidate to be his parent. So that's how I stay positive about it , If he has, he has, he will deal with it with my help and knowledge and live and learn and share with the world everything that is wonderful about his existance in this world!!! Truely I feel with the strides they are making with research these days that maybe by the time 's ready to be a mom , they will have figured out the genetic sequencing and can correct JRA in Utero and the child will be born with the gene corrected and won't have to deal with the damage that drugs and the destruction that the disease inflicts on the joints while it is active. It's only natural that you dream of granchildren and will long to be a mom , I can think of nothing better I have done than to give life.... But realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion about whether to have children or not, to take the risk or not. As the years role by I'm sure will have many more options to help guide her through this decision making process. Just as she has more options for her health care needs these days. Take care :):):):)Tree:):):):) Kids Just curious, to any of you who are of child-bearing age with JRA, is there any problems with getting pregnant if you are on all these medications? Alot of 's meds say not to take if pregnant or want to get pregnant. Could this mean that she never should, especially if she is taking the meds for so many year? I know this is a crazy subject, but I guess I was thinking of her becoming a mom someday and making me a grandma (she's only 7, I'm weird). I was just wondering if there is some long term effect from all this and would it cause birth defects in any babies. Pat & (1 year Systemic) For links to websites about arthritis and JRA, visit: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8414/Links.html

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Dear Tree

Just wondered about the deformities of your pelvis (now that didn't

sound right lol!) Kate's dr. mentioned her's was small for her age? She

said that alot of times there will be problems with conceiving and

giving birth--even misscarriages due to pelvic " deformities " While I

know she's only 7 I still wonder as my girls may have a double whammy as

I've suffered from endometreosis my whole life--and after 1 stillbirth ,

5 misscariages, a lot of tears, praying and medical interventions had my

3 girls--21, 15, and 7. My oldest doesn't seem to have any problems

(thank God) as she has a beautiful 1 yr. old daughter (who grandma

spoils rotten! lol!) But I worry with my other 2, especially Kate as she

loves babies and is so good with younger kids (a little mother hen) Her

every conversation since she could talk was " When I'm a mommy..... Her

dr. just mentioned this last week at her appt and I know we have years

to go--but now it's on my mind . Just wonder if you have any info as I

try to be prepared in advance--this time way in advance! lol!

and Kate--severe poly and avascula necrosis of both hips

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Hi Kate, Well my pelvis was labeled as a "funnel pelvis". The Ob/Gyn said he would let me go to try to see if the pelvis would spread as it should with a normal delivery but it just did not happen , he said it was a 50/50 thing as to whether a funnel pelvis will allow a vaginal birth or not. Mine just didn't work ! That doesn't mean some one else with the same funnel shaped pelvis couldn't go ahead and spread like they should and deliver vaginally. :):):) I was the one in family that was always talking about having kids nd babysitting and The idea of not having kids for me was a hard hard thing to comprehend. I had to make some hard choices , but wouldn't do anything different today! Hope this helps :):):):):)Tree:):):):):):):) Re: Kids Dear TreeJust wondered about the deformities of your pelvis (now that didn'tsound right lol!) Kate's dr. mentioned her's was small for her age? Shesaid that alot of times there will be problems with conceiving andgiving birth--even misscarriages due to pelvic "deformities" While Iknow she's only 7 I still wonder as my girls may have a double whammy asI've suffered from endometreosis my whole life--and after 1 stillbirth ,5 misscariages, a lot of tears, praying and medical interventions had my3 girls--21, 15, and 7. My oldest doesn't seem to have any problems(thank God) as she has a beautiful 1 yr. old daughter (who grandmaspoils rotten! lol!) But I worry with my other 2, especially Kate as sheloves babies and is so good with younger kids (a little mother hen) Herevery conversation since she could talk was "When I'm a mommy..... Herdr. just mentioned this last week at her appt and I know we have yearsto go--but now it's on my mind . Just wonder if you have any info as Itry to be prepared in advance--this time way in advance! lol! and Kate--severe poly and avascula necrosis of both hipsFor links to websites about arthritis and JRA, visit:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8414/Links.html

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Dear Tree,

Thanks for the info. Hope I didn't get too personal--but as I said her

dr. just mentioned this so was wondering.

Thanks again,

and Kate-7 poly and avascular necrosis of hips

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I always wonder about Tabitha being able to have children also...i know that

there is always adoption but she is insisting that she is going to have

twenty children..lol. Tabitha loves kids and it would break my heart that in

this lifetime, she wouldn't be able to have children because of the jra..the

only thing i am concerned about is that Tabitha doesn't have alot of body

strength, it is hard for her now at sixteen to pick my 15 month old

up..which is funny because it is like my baby and my big girl knows how to

hold on to each other to accomplish this task..kids are amazing! I think

though she would have to give up the meds while being pregnant..i know this

is a long way off(hopefully)lol! But i do wonder!


From: " theresa sappenfield " <treesap0@...>


" " < >

Subject: Re: Kids

Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 16:08:19 -0500

Hi Kate, Well my pelvis was labeled as a " funnel pelvis " . The Ob/Gyn said

he would let me go to try to see if the pelvis would spread as it should

with a normal delivery but it just did not happen , he said it was a 50/50

thing as to whether a funnel pelvis will allow a vaginal birth or not. Mine

just didn't work ! That doesn't mean some one else with the same funnel

shaped pelvis couldn't go ahead and spread like they should and deliver

vaginally. :):):) I was the one in family that was always talking about

having kids nd babysitting and The idea of not having kids for me was a hard

hard thing to comprehend. I had to make some hard choices , but wouldn't do

anything different today! Hope this helps :):):):):)Tree:):):):):):):)

Re: Kids

Dear Tree

Just wondered about the deformities of your pelvis (now that didn't

sound right lol!) Kate's dr. mentioned her's was small for her age? She

said that alot of times there will be problems with conceiving and

giving birth--even misscarriages due to pelvic " deformities " While I

know she's only 7 I still wonder as my girls may have a double whammy as

I've suffered from endometreosis my whole life--and after 1 stillbirth ,

5 misscariages, a lot of tears, praying and medical interventions had my

3 girls--21, 15, and 7. My oldest doesn't seem to have any problems

(thank God) as she has a beautiful 1 yr. old daughter (who grandma

spoils rotten! lol!) But I worry with my other 2, especially Kate as she

loves babies and is so good with younger kids (a little mother hen) Her

every conversation since she could talk was " When I'm a mommy..... Her

dr. just mentioned this last week at her appt and I know we have years

to go--but now it's on my mind . Just wonder if you have any info as I

try to be prepared in advance--this time way in advance! lol!

and Kate--severe poly and avascula necrosis of both hips

For links to websites about arthritis and JRA, visit:


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, I dealt with all these issues and once I got married and had been married a few years it just seemed that certain things just feel into place and I had a window of opportunity that made pregnancy a goal. I have many times that I have decisions that need to be made about many issues and I truely have to sit back and have the patience to wait for the right doors to open and show me the way so to speak , I 've handled so many things this way in my life , all about timing , things just seem to fall into place if it's truely meant to be!!!! Some things I thought I wanted have not come to pass , and I truely think it was because I wasn't meant to be on that path . I won't lie to you and say having a child that eventually was to hard to lift wasn't hard for me but he learned very young to make adjustments right along with me lol , it all works out! JRA'ers meet their challenges and master them more often than not! :):):)Tree:):):):):) Re: KidsDate: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 16:08:19 -0500Hi Kate, Well my pelvis was labeled as a "funnel pelvis". The Ob/Gyn saidhe would let me go to try to see if the pelvis would spread as it shouldwith a normal delivery but it just did not happen , he said it was a 50/50thing as to whether a funnel pelvis will allow a vaginal birth or not. Minejust didn't work ! That doesn't mean some one else with the same funnelshaped pelvis couldn't go ahead and spread like they should and delivervaginally. :):):) I was the one in family that was always talking abouthaving kids nd babysitting and The idea of not having kids for me was a hardhard thing to comprehend. I had to make some hard choices , but wouldn't doanything different today! Hope this helps :):):):):)Tree:):):):):):):)----- Original Message -----From: nLilly@...Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 11:38 PM Subject: Re: KidsDear TreeJust wondered about the deformities of your pelvis (now that didn'tsound right lol!) Kate's dr. mentioned her's was small for her age? Shesaid that alot of times there will be problems with conceiving andgiving birth--even misscarriages due to pelvic "deformities" While Iknow she's only 7 I still wonder as my girls may have a double whammy asI've suffered from endometreosis my whole life--and after 1 stillbirth ,5 misscariages, a lot of tears, praying and medical interventions had my3 girls--21, 15, and 7. My oldest doesn't seem to have any problems(thank God) as she has a beautiful 1 yr. old daughter (who grandmaspoils rotten! lol!) But I worry with my other 2, especially Kate as sheloves babies and is so good with younger kids (a little mother hen) Herevery conversation since she could talk was "When I'm a mommy..... Herdr. just mentioned this last week at her appt and I know we have yearsto go--but now it's on my mind . Just wonder if you have any info as Itry to be prepared in advance--this time way in advance! lol! and Kate--severe poly and avascula necrosis of both hipsFor links to websites about arthritis and JRA, visit:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8414/Links.html

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I have to respond the the child understanding the situation issue, because I

was the child in just such a case. My mom had polio before I was born and she

was never supposed to leave a wheelchair. She did however walk again and had

me 3 years post polio. She has always said that as a toddler I seemed to

understand her limitations, because I never ran from her, or expected her to

lift me more than she could. Just wanted to add my 2 cents.


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  • 7 months later...
  • 9 months later...
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In a message dated 3/24/03 6:34:16 AM Mountain Standard Time, imaganeer@... writes:

Well, at least you got the house vacuumed! After 4 days snowed in with the kids, it might be nice to occupy them with the Sims for a while too.... That is, if they don't start fighting over who's turn it is. -dz-

Oh Man! they are timing each other on the computer LOL MOM!!!! it's my turn and she won't get off!!! LOL - a mothers life is so interesting - hugs, Kerry

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In a message dated 3/25/03 7:05:10 AM Mountain Standard Time, szeis_1@... writes:

Sounds like you need a second computer, Kerry.lol


OH NO!!!! LOL - Kerry

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