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My son has a fixation with rocks minerals and volcanoes, however he is

perfectly fine (except for that) he has been begging to go to the

volcano in hawaii that is cool enough to go near and find rocks. Kara

is my daughter, high functioning aspergers in regular school. Will not

go to the bathroom at school....has terrible digestive problems, and

her fixations change. She wants to be a school teacher so our living

room is a classroom and don;t dare interrupt class! her make believe

borders on real life...she cant seem to realize when she 's playing

that is what she is doing...and life around her goes on.

Anyway welcome, and absorb. Alot of info from everyone here.

Mom to Kara 8

On Thursday, November 27, 2003, at 08:29 AM, a and Bill wrote:

> I have just joined this group. Here is my introduction:


> I live in central Va and I have a 4 1/2 yr old daughter on the

> autism spectrum. She is on the high functioning end. I have her

> enrolled in public pre-K 4 yr old class fully mainstreamed with a

> shadow aide. She goes twice a week all day and also receives speech

> and OT at school. She started end of Aug and seems to be doing well

> with the exception of a few rough days. My daughter was diagnosed

> a yr ago. She started off being very echolalic, but now it

> occurs rarely thanks to good speech therapy.

> Her fixations include insects, rocks, and minerals, frogs, and

> volcanos.

> Does anyone else have a girl with these fixations?

> She is already saying that she wants to be an entomologist or

> volcanologist.

> I am sure she will become one of these!


> I have been giving my daughter supplements which seem to help her.

> These include sea buddies multivitamin, sea buddies " concentrate "

> capsules (more compliant now), cod liver oil, 1/2 tab of probiotics

> (alleviated her constipation), yummi bears whole foods/antioxidant

> chewables

> (hardly eats

> veggies, very picky eater), zinc,

> and melatonin (to help the quality of her sleep).


> I did AIT (auditory integration training) back in July

> for a 10 day session and it really helped her. Her sentences are

> longer and she is more interactive and less scared of the vaccuum

> cleaner and loud noises in general.


> My daughter is OK with peeing on the potty when I prompt her to go

> only. She will hold it in and eventually wet herself if I did not

> prompt her to go. For BMs she tells me that she has to go but

> refuses to go on the toilet but will allow me put on a pull up.



> I also have a 21 month old daughter who seems to be neuro typical

> so far. They both get along great!


> We are being very careful with vaccines for both of them. I am

> splitting

> their MMR vaccine in separate antigens. They just had their mumps shot

> a

> week ago.


> I have an appt on Dec 1st with a DAN doctor. Can anyone recommend a

> good

> supplement? My daughter loves chewables.


> Have a Happy Thankgiving everyone and thanks for welcoming me to the

> autism

> in girls group.


> Take care,

> a in VA





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  • 4 years later...

Hello, just wanting to introduce myself. I have been a LLL Leader for 8

years and an IBCLC for one. Have two girls ages 10 and almost 8 yrs. Work

as an RN in acute mental health at the local hospital and have very small

private practise in breastfeeding. I am thrilled to find this group (via

Lactnet) as I always have questions and seem to have few places to go to

get answers. There are several IBCLC's in my area (Markham, Ontario - just

outside Toronto) but little in the way of networking opportunities.

Some of my challenges include - finding time to see clients. I work full

time every weekend and homeschool during the week which leaves evenings and

Sunday afternoons. Though overall the timing seems to work when I do get

calls. Also setting my rates - I have not posted them on my website as I

prefer people to call me and discuss what they need (plus I am not 100%

sure what they should be!). I charge $80 for a home visit or $100 if I

have to go outside of Markham. Rates when they come to me . . . I charge

$60. I wonder if this is too little? We had to call out a plumber

recently and he charged $85/hr just for time!! I don't want to price

myself " out of the market " , I want to be reasonable, but I also want to get

paid adequately for what I provide. I am not sure what others in my area

charge. Any thoughts appreciated!

I still lead with my local LLL group, love to do it. I have a separate

phone for my business so it is pretty clear when people call me as IBCLC or

LLL. I do let clients know that I " volunteer " for the local LLL group and

always leave them with info on meetings. I have had several clients come

to meetings which I think is a good thing. It is not easy to separate out

LLL from LC stuff all the time but so far it is working. I am trying to

give more to my co-Leaders but until recently I have been pretty much a

lone Leader.

My website is www.simplythebreast.ca if anyone is interested in commenting

I would love feedback too! I loved Norma's site - very professional looking.

Thanks a lot!



For a compassionate world, gwynt@...

Gwyneth Treharne



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi !

About guilty... Yes, this is a big problem now in Italy.

Moms not bf-ing who complain about guilt. And mom who breastfeed that

tell that their not-bf-ing friends make them fell guilty too!

This is crazy!

Just yesterday I was reading a magazine for mothers (I usually don't

read that kind of literature in order not to have hysterical

crisis :-), but a collegue sent it to me so to make me read :-//). This

magazine is one of the "less bad", and often put enough articles on bf.

Sometimes they ask me an interview. Anyway, for their interest on bf,

many mothers write them to complain because they fell guilty!!!

This is what a mom write them:

"Very true that bf would be the best for moms and babies, but it is a

luck that after many centuries formula exists! Once there were


Dear mothers, to have or not milk is a matter of luck, not a credit

!!!(I'm not sure how to say in English, I mean worthiness).

So stop to boast and make feel guilty who's not bf-ing or cannot bf."

!!!! :-(((

I was so SAD when I read this comment. How to make this woman

(and many like her) understand that to have milk is not a matter of to

be lucky!!!??

The only good difference is that Italy had ratified the Code, even if

not totally. So formula companies cannot ad or make gifts of formulas

for the first 4 months. Anyway, rule breakings happen daily....

I totally agree with you when you write:


least, I say, we are lucky to have a job where we can see the reward,

the nursing infant, (hopefully!) before we leave!


lucky for you and I, this is better than the money, or we wouldn't

still be doing it, Right?!

:-))) absolutely right :-))). last Mon I went to a funeral :-((. A

terrible event, the husband of a very young midwive, 30 years old,

crashed with his scooter. Sfter the funeral I went to see a newborn at

home, 5 days old, this helped me a lot in my sadness-- the circle of


I like very much your idea about fridge magnet... in USA this kind of

gadget are very cheaper than in Italy, I will see in some American site

for prices :-))

I really thank God for the web, that ofers me the choice to have

collegues and friends all over the world, and LLL for have forced me to

improve my English, before I became an IBCLC :-)))



Wendi Rebholz ha scritto:


Hi Wendi, many thanks for your welcome!

Well, I think that we in Italy have many analogies with you in the USA.

HCPs are not good trained in lactation. Actually, in many Universities,

lactation is NOT a object of study.

Don't feel too bad in this...It was only a few years

ago, that we finally got the "residents"(doctors in training) to come with us (LC's) in the

hospital. Before this, they had no training other than

"nutrition"/healthy eating, etc.

Things are changing in

these last years (less that 10 years!) but you know, people are afraind

of changes, so there are a lot of resistance on chiange now. Who take

care of lactation and bf mothers is labeled as taliban and "who make

feel guilty women".

That's so SAD! We still have some that say we make

mom's feel guilty, too, but less so now, interestingly hand in hand

with the "guilt" about not smoking...We have no problems making a mom

feel guilty about that.

LC are not into Hospitals. Italy is one of the world's country for

number of T-sections .I knew the 2nd one after Brazil but a my collegue

-she's a midwife- told me that the top ten is changed a bit. in any

case, even if italy is now at 3rd or 4th position, it is awful the

same! many mothers have not help in H when latching on their babies,

and go home with cracked nippples, engorgments, instructions about

formula adds.

Cesearean Section (C.Sec) is also too high in this

country, worse in some parts than others. Induction of Labor, sometimes

called "trial of labor" with IV pitocin/oxytocin (uterine stimulant) is

also too common, and this also causes a very high rate of surgery

(C.Sec) that could be avoided.

A Huge Problem here is the medication/formula

companies are often very large and have TONS of money to spend on

formula advertising and FREE formula for hospitals, to get the baby's

"hooked" onto this early on. Then 4-6 months later, charge 400% more

for it in the stores to the poor families, who no longer get

assistance, and who no longer have milk.

Many HCPs tell them that "pain is normal".

This is always an issue...What the HCP's say is the

"Word of God", you know ;~)

There are some good websites that I make handouts from

for my classes (pre and post partum);


www.drjacknewman.com/help/Breastfeeding Myths.asp



So, I think that you recognize this situation.....

6 years ago I became IBCLC. For a couple of years I tried to work with

a couple of collegues, but the company failed because some of them were

too busy with their 1st job. So I re-started by myself. I rented a room

into a ped practice, and made a lot of efforts in order to make me

known. I still trouble a lot to make me known. in the last year I tried

ads with radio, newspapers and magazines... no matter. Money in rubbish.


I've been there, done that...

I have lately, gone online and made my own business

cards, (www.VistaPrint.com)

and have just been handing them out, like candy! I even made a few that

are magnetic, and stick to the refrigerator...I had a large hospital do

this with they're logo on it, and I know a lot of people who STILL have

them on their fridge!

So I am some time happy (because have more mothers and can cover

expenses) and other desperade (no moms, no money, no way to pay


My husband too, is sometimes happy and sometimes desperade :-), as

economical situation here is difficult for families and we are not able

to live only with his salary. Luckily, we are owners of our house, it

is a nice house, pretty big (for italian standards :-P) so at least wer

have not to worry for where to live!

Anyway I am a positive woman and love my job, so keep on trying and

working :-))

You have to be, to be in this business! At

least, I say, we are lucky to have a job where we can see the reward,

the nursing infant, (hopefully!) before we leave!

And lucky for you and I, this is better

than the money, or we wouldn't still be doing it, Right?!

Now I am doing lactation consulting and

pre-partum classes. I'd like to make a post-partum class, but now it is

only a project. Hope to start when moms now doing prepartum classe will

have their babies :-).

I'm trying now to make another pre-p. class into a yoga school and

speaking with the school director: Pls cross your finger for me :-).

I will do!!! That's a GREAT IDEA getting

into schools!

I have (or did have) two "Mom's group's",

that were our way of doing postpartum teaching. I give a handout to all

(before and in hospital) families, and encourage them to come and share

their birth experiences, their questions, and their joys/troubles...I

invite nursing and non-nursing mothers, and I feel this is REALLY


Because I have had several mother's who had

to return to work and couldn't pump, or had problems w/nursing the

first, but then after coming to Mom's Group, nursed their second or

third child, because they were able to SEE other mom's who were doing

it...supporting it.

One of my problem is that my collegue, the

midwife, is just moved out of the town and will not come to many pre-p.

lessons... I learned a lot from her but I am not a midwife, so I feel

myself sometimes afraid not to be good to make all alone...


Thank God for Email, Right!?!

I call her at least 2

times and have to pay her separately, so when I have just a few

mothers, it is a problem for money.

Do some of you make pre-p. classes?

I am lucky enough to

be working through a hospital, that I am also a nurse at. So they

paying for me to teach the class, but they do charge a fee to the

parents. Luckily, I can teach 2 parents or 20, and get paid the same.

Sorry, this is a long mail :-).. can I share with group too?

Feel Free to share! What ever you like!

and HUGS and MUCH LUCK to you, in your work!

(oh, and don't hesitate to let me know if I write something you don't

understand/slang/medical terms, etc...I SERIOUSLY do not know HOW YOU

DO It!!!

Hugs Back




Wendi Rebholz ha scritto:

So great to hear from YOU, Rome!

It's so wonderful that we have this online group, so that we

can meet and talk with LC's from around the world to share information


I hope we hear more from you and how things are going for

you in your practice/your thoughts on how teaching or health care is

different from here?

I also hope that we can help you as well!

Much luck to you in your work there!

And also, I think your English is great! I wish I was that

fluent in Spanish.(We have a community in our area that is from Mexico)


Wendi Rebholz, RN, IBCLC

Wisconsin, USA


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