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Re: amalgam removal and detox

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? Has anybody pursued this path and gotten up from their wheelchair, thrown away their cane, or regained their sight? Can anybody say that they have followed this path and had any first hand improvement?

I only know someone who has done all that. But, she was under the care of a Naturapath, and he also ran a lot of tests and corrected all her vitamin imbalances and treated her candida and leaky gut. After all those things were addressed and the chelation was completed, she was back to eating normally and being as athletic as she used to be - white water rafting, skiing etc. She was never in a wheelchair, but she did use a cane. Her case and symptoms remind me SO much of mine, that it is responsible for my pursuing the chelation. BUT, she went through a really hard time of it when she was chelating. (DMPS IVs) She almost quit them at several points, because they really knocked her down - her MS symptoms increased so badly. But, then she started improving and by the end of the chelation, she was well for the first time in years.


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But before you flame me answer that question. Are you cured?

I don't think there is anyone on this List who has gone through the total treatment, other than Duncan's wife.


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I agree with your opinion. We are stuck with this disease and nothing can take it away. I dont think any of this will do any good, but maybe it is a mind thing for some people. Every body is entitled to there own opinions, but personally I am tired of hearing about this subject. Take Care

I can give you a lot of testimonies of people who have dramatically improved their MS through diet, including my own. If you think there are no success stories you haven't been looking very hard.


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Just my humble opinion but if amalgam removal and detox was the

answer then the people that have gone through this wouldn't still be

sitting here looking at these stupid computer screens like we are. I

mean that is why we are here, it hasn't been the cure they were

looking for and they are still suffering. Maybe life is a little bit

better for them, I don't know. But I do know for a fact that they

still have MS. I do know if I personally wasn't still desperate then

I would be doing something else on a Friday night. It is going to

make those true believers mad. But before you flame me answer that

question. Are you cured? This is MY opinion and it may be different

than others, but allow me to have my opinion and voice it.

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Re: amalgam removal and detox

Also, please consider that mercury does some pretty serious damage to the

nervous system and by removing amalgam, detoxing and cleansing, you still

have not corrected the destruction done to your nerves. Myelin sheath has

to be rebuilt and nerves have to be regenerated. Betsy

> Just my humble opinion but if amalgam removal and detox was the

> answer then the people that have gone through this wouldn't still be

> sitting here looking at these stupid computer screens like we are. I

> mean that is why we are here, it hasn't been the cure they were

> looking for and they are still suffering. Maybe life is a little bit

> better for them, I don't know. But I do know for a fact that they

> still have MS. I do know if I personally wasn't still desperate then

> I would be doing something else on a Friday night. It is going to

> make those true believers mad. But before you flame me answer that

> question. Are you cured? This is MY opinion and it may be different

> than others, but allow me to have my opinion and voice it.


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Re: Re: amalgam removal and detox

It should slow the progression but you could also liken it to a tire going bald.....once the progression starts, the same pattern continues. HOWEVER...with your nervous system, there are things you can do to reverse the carnage but it takes work and commitment on your part. Dr. Schulze, (et.al.) has had great success with curing MS but the patient's cooperation is essential. You have to seriously commit.....Betsy

If mercury (toxins) were the problem, by removing it would it prevent any further generation and at least stop or slow down progression?

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> I agree with your opinion. We are stuck with this disease and

nothing can take it away. I dont think any of this will do any good,

but maybe it is a mind thing for some people. Every body is entitled

to there own opinions, but personally I am tired of hearing about

this subject. Take Care

> Re: amalgam removal and detox


> Just my humble opinion but if amalgam removal and detox was the

> answer then the people that have gone through this wouldn't still be

> sitting here looking at these stupid computer screens like we are. I

> mean that is why we are here, it hasn't been the cure they were

> looking for and they are still suffering. Maybe life is a little bit

> better for them, I don't know. But I do know for a fact that they

> still have MS. I do know if I personally wasn't still desperate then

> I would be doing something else on a Friday night. It is going to

> make those true believers mad. But before you flame me answer that

> question. Are you cured? This is MY opinion and it may be different

> than others, but allow me to have my opinion and voice it.

Greetings red57, Janet, and and others,

I will answer your question. I am one step closer to rebalancing my

immune system and therefore that much closer to being rid of the

manifests of the imbalance. If you wish to look upon the diagnosis

that you have received as a single " disease " that requires a one step

cure then that is your prerogative. I, on the other hand, look upon

the diagnosis of MS as a term that describes a large group of

symptoms that have defied definition as to cause by western medical

standards. Just as there is no one " Miracle Cure Drug " (in my humble

opinion there will never be), there is no one way for all to

rebalance their immune system. The issue of removing Amalgam

fillings from one's mouth and detoxifying is just one step towards

better health.

I started on the amalgam removal last August. This was after about

10 months or so of diligent chelation, both frequency modulation and

oral DMSA. I complimented this with other herbs. I had to semi-

retire (I use the word " semi " as I am not ready to cry defeat) in

January 2001 from a very successful career as the primary buyer for

perhaps the largest antiques consolidator on the east coast. This

job required a considerable amount of travel, hours and energy. I

was no longer able to commit the time and energy necessary to do

this. Just to give you an idea of the magnitude of the job I worked

14 to 16 hours a day usually 6 days a week and traveled an average of

1200 miles a week. It was not uncommon for me to spend $35 to

$40,000.00 a day on antiques.

When I started the removal of the amalgams I had difficulty walking

from room to room in my home, I slept 12 to 14 hours a day (most

days), my moods swung more than a saloon door, and most times I was

so confused that I was unable to make even the simplest of

decisions. This is not to say that I didn't have good days but they

were few and far between. I also had a very difficult time while I

was undergoing the removal. I also suffered more after September

11th as I live about three miles from the site of the World Trade

Centers. I originally thought this was due to the emotional stress

of the attack, but now I believe that there was a great deal of

Mercury Vapor released when the buildings collapsed and I am downwind

from the site.

Now I take 3 to 5 mile walks at least 4 and most times 5 or 6 days a

week. I have started an online store and am doing business. My

moods are not as erratic, thank you Lord as I was torturing my wife

whom I so very much love. My mental clarity has improved

tremendously as I am buying antiques again on a fairly regular

basis. My stamina has improved, not quite where I would like it to

be just yet, but significantly better as I now find my rest needs are

about 8 to 10 hours a day.

Again, this has not been a " Miracle Cure " , it has however, been a

very important step on the way. If you wish to be doing " something

else on a Friday night " then I suggest that you do something else.

The only limits that we have are those that we place upon ourselves.

I am in front of this computer screen early on a Saturday morning not

looking for a cure, quite the contrary. I am offering my experience

in hopes that it may help another and I am seeking information from

those that have walked before me so that I may better help myself.

By the way the only thing that I sell are Antiques, and to further

set the record straight; yes my treatment has cost a significant

amount of money and the only help I have received from insurance has

been with the dental work (a small portion of the overall cost). The

practitioner that I see has accepted from me as payment only what I

have been able to afford to pay him on a weekly basis. This amount

has averaged to be about one third of his usually fees. He has not

made any attempt to collect the balance and he has assured me that he

will not. His only aim is to see me get better. When I think about

this I am certain of his motive, as I would simply have to go to

court and explain that he has taken advantage of my emotional

vulnerability and the court would release me from any further

financial obligation.

I apologize for such a lengthy post. This is my last point I

promise. The bottom line is that I have three Daughters that I need

to walk down the aisle one day, a 12-year-old Son that I need to

teach how to play baseball, and a Lovely Wife that I need to sing to

and dance with on our 25th wedding anniversary just as we did on our

wedding day. I will not place limits on myself.



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" Is there anybody out there that can give first hand testimonial that

removal of amalgam fillings followed by chelation detoxification

provided them with any relief, remission, or cure from multiple

sclerosis? "


Surprisingly, I just found out that the sister of a lady I work with

was cured of MS after going through amalgam removal. In fact, this

information was just revealed to me this past Friday, March 15,

2002. She couldn't remember all the symptoms her sister had, but

here are a few: side of face drooping, drooling, couldn't walk due

to balance problems(was in a wheelchair), ringing in her ears.

She said her sister had been diagnosed with MS and was even taking

drugs for it. She thought this was about 8 years ago and that her

sister had symptoms for about 3 years before being referred to an

alternative doctor who recommended a clinic in Reno, Nevada. She is

going to check with her sister and try to get me more information but

I did some searching on the internet and found the following site for

a clinic in Reno which sounds like it is probably the place to which

she went. Here is the website: www.centurywellness.com.

It is called the Century Wellness Center and the program they

describe sounds similar to what this gal went through. She said her

sister went there and was there for three days while they ran tests

and removed her fillings. They gave her herbs to take and sent her

home with recommendations for long term recovery (I have no idea what

they prescribed for her). She thought it took maybe a year for her

to show improvement. I am hoping to get in contact with her sister

and get more information but don't know how willing she will be to

share her experience.

I have to say that although this worked for this gal I'm not sure it

works for everyone. In fact, although some people's problems may be

connected to their mercury fillings I wouldn't make a blanket

statement that it is the cause for everyone. Maybe this gal just had

mercury poisoning and not MS? I asked this woman how they diagnosed

her sister with MS and she thought by a CAT scan. When did they

start using MRIs and Lumbar Punctures instead? I question the

diagnosis anyway.

It doesn't sound like MS is even a consideration in her life

anymore. If I can find out more details about her story I will pass

it along. Sorry this is second hand but I was really surprised to

hear about this.

Here are links to a couple of stories about people claiming to be

cured of MS or MS like symptoms after amalgam removal:

Cochran's story - http://www.curezone.com/forums/message.asp?

MessageID=99 & ForumID=41 (I think this story was posted on this

message board previously...search the archives)

Pam Clayton's story - http://www.geocities.com/pamshelpline/

(she wasn't diagnosed but MS was suggested...read her symptoms page)

Letters to ADA describing peoples improvement from various maladies

(not only MS) after amalgam removal -


Letters to DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome) describing MS

patient experiences after amalgam removal -


My skepticism comes from the fact I can't really pinpoint a

dental/symptom connection. Many people seem to have specific

symptoms appear immediately after dental work. I don't know if that

is the case in the majority of the success stories.

Hope some of this information helps.

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