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I am the mother of an autistic 11yr old girl - Shea. She is also heading

towards the " pre-teen " era. So far I have not had any problems with her

behavioural or other wise. She wears the trainee bras ok but have to take

them off right when we get home, and I'm using the panty liners to help her

into the transition when " it " happens, However she is putting on weight and

getting chubby, does any one know if this is normal? I have also heard of

girls with autism having behavioural problems when they start puberty, does

anyone have any suggestions to help with this besides medication. My

daughter was on medication when she was younger and is now 3yrs off.


new to group

Hello all,

I am new.

My name is Patty. My husband and I have 2 children, a 14 year old son

() and an 11 year old little girl (). Our daughter has

Autism. We are heading into the " pre-teen " era and she is maturing. I

am wondering how other parents have handled this with their daughters?

is able to speak verbally to a point, but she is not able to

articulate everything. She uses a picture schedule to help with

routines and had been mainstreamed almost full time in a " regular "

classroom with a one on one assistant until late last year, when the

" hormones " kicked in and her behavior was so out of control we had to

look at medication for the first time and move her to a more restrictive

classroom environment. We also hired a behavioral consultant and that

has really done more good than the medications.

I am also curious, for the sake of school issues discussions, where most

of the members of this group are located? We are in Indiana.


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  • 4 years later...

Hi, my nine year old son was professionally diagnosed with OCD-germs/washing 6

months ago.  He is on Paxil, which was like a miracle drug. We finally got our

little boy back.  I recognized " symptoms " of the disoder at age 6, but brushed

them off as just his personality and unique characteristics.  However, I now see

those were early signs of the disorder. Since beginning 4th grade 3 weeks ago,

we are noticing what we think are ADD signs, but after some brief internet

research, I see these problems may be related to the OCD.  I feel somewhat

guilty for not being more proactive and being a " better mom. "   I would love any

support and advice.  Thanks and blessings to all.



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Hi, I am also new to the group. My daughter, 14, was just diagnosed yesterday,

so don't feel bad Sherri! When I think back, I think she's exhibited signs of

this as early as 4, but like you, thought it was just an interesting part of her

character. She always liked routine and was very organized; I thought that was

a good thing!

What led us to a diagnosis finally was the full-blown version came to roost on

her about 15 days ago, when school started. She became anxious about the

sawdust in her new shop class, and at a birthday party, someone talked about

dying in your sleep. Her mind fixated on worry about getting sick or things

hurting her (like germs) that would make her die.

It got so bad the school had us come get her one day, though we sent her back

the next day. We felt if we allowed her to stay home, it would just feed the

fear. Her medical doctor prescribed Valium!! Grrrr! After all, let's not

figure out what's wrong, just tranquilize the kid!

Well, after much research, I thought she might have OCD and took her to a

specialist. They confirmed my suspicions. So here I am, also looking for

support and advice, wondering where to start for treatment.



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