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Re: Digest Number 459

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In a message dated 11/17/99 4:50:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Vaccinationsonelist writes:

<< This list is great but I wish I knew people in

my area who also made the choice not to vaccinate.


Ask your pediatrician. You'd be surprised. Mine just got another parent

besides me who has chosen not to vaccinate.

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I would hate to think my Ped would give my name out to anyone who asked

about non-vaxing!

KBuckley34@... wrote:

> From: KBuckley34@...


> In a message dated 11/17/99 4:50:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> Vaccinationsonelist writes:


> << This list is great but I wish I knew people in

> my area who also made the choice not to vaccinate.


> >>


> Ask your pediatrician. You'd be surprised. Mine just got another parent

> besides me who has chosen not to vaccinate.





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In a message dated 11/18/1999 8:55:51 AM Central Standard Time,

helminger@... writes:

<< I would hate to think my Ped would give my name out to anyone who asked

about non-vaxing!


I whole-heartedly TOLD my Family Phy, 2 NDs, and 2 dentists to PLEASE give my

name and address to anyone who needed to talk, support, or whatever. And I

have received many calls... from new moms questioning a lot of things... I

remember what it was like. I was almost completely alone for 2 years. I had

almost no support. And it was awful. What I wouldn't have given to have had

just one other mother a phone call away...

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  • 8 months later...

i have my book now! but it doesn't say how many times daily you use the

zapper! is it only once? Thanks Mogdrmom

Hi Mogdrmom,

I use mine three times a day, per my doctor's recommendation. How do you

know you have a parasite in your foot? Keep on keeping on. It can't hurt,

and it just might do the job. The parasite cleanses should last a minimum of

21 days, I've heard.

Keep us posted!

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: sorry i'm late with everybody it's been a long week! you zap 3 times

daily & 3 times per session? my total session is 1hr. & 15 minutes. 7

minutes on and 20minutes off - 7 on - 20 off 7 than done. i can do more

than? i have passed 2 parasites. the last one i took to the Dr. here at home

4 weeks ago & she still hasn't called to tell me what kind it is. i am going

to call her tomorrow. i saw a picture of it in Dr. H. 's book. i can

feel them moving, they are suckers and cling to the tissue or what ever. my

Dr. gave me 2 pills to take 10 days apart and evidently 1 died from those

pills, ( at least i only found 1) everything i'm doing now is stunning them

but not killing them. my herbs are very potent! the ozanated olive oil is

gross but it kills the eggs, which can still hatch even thou the mother

parasite is dead! you talk about aliens living with us! i also rub this

creme wherever they are moving and it can scar you if your not careful, they

get stunned, they're strong! let me know about the zapper if i can do it

more than the one session. thanks! sorry i didn't get back sooner Holly!


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  • 1 year later...

Laurie said:

I am happy enough with Piima milk and would try kefir,

but my family really likes firm yogurt. I haven't had

the best of luck with milk cultures, every time I

think I have it, I start to get inconsistant


I'm really interested in other peoples' solutions.


Hi Laurie,

You will be successful with kefir if you start with

live kefir grains. To make it firm like yogurt, you

culture at cooler temperatures, plus let some of the

whey drip off. It is a spoonable cultured milk that

way. When you get your kefir grains you are welcome to

e-mail me directly or call me for specific question

you may have to make a consistent product.

Get live kefir grains here:

After I discovered kefir made from live kefir grains

30 years ago, I lost interest in making yogurt. Kefir

grains love raw milk for one thing. And it can be made

at any temperature above freezing. Easy!

Marilyn Jarzembski


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  • 1 year later...

From: " lynn_gibbons " <pgibbons@...>

Subject: Judging Improvements in Inattentive ADD


Even when school and sports start it will be very hard to see

changes. He's a very bright kid and can get by with the absolute

minimum in school and sports (never studies or practices even when

teacher or coach tell him to.)

So if there was one word to describe what I am looking for it would

be " motivation " . I have elaborate reward systems for nearly

everything in his life including NF but if he doesn't want to do

something I have to fall back everytime to, " then go to your room

until you are ready to do this, " (including playing catch with his

dad.) So In terms of what can be accomplished in NF can I get

to " motivation " from here?




I would think if he won't cooperate with the coach, he could be told to sit

on the bench through the game, or even that he can't be on the team. A pep

talk about being loyal to your team mates and helping them to win wouldn't

hurt. However, where NF was concerned, it would seem reasonable to provide

a reward for points (though the points tend to be constant, as the task gets

easier when one produces less, and harder when he produces more.) It might

be that a second reward might be for reaching a stated level with the NF.

It's a good idea not reward a kid for everything, especially things he ought

to do anyway, because he'll get into a habit of expecting to be paid for

anything you ask him to do. It's also a good idea to avoid giving him money

or buying him things for nothing at all, because he reasons there's no

reason to try, if I can get it free anyway.

I once had an ADHD kid I tried to begin NF with, but he was bored with the

animations and wanted to quit halfway through. He didn't care about points,

because he was 5, and didn't know what 125 or 250 mean anyway. I went out

and bought a tin pie pan, with the idea I would have his mom drop an M & M

into the pan so it would make a loud " clink " each time, whenever he made 10

points. They didn't come back, so I didn't get to try it. (I don't buy the

idea that sugar is a problem, because I think it's been disproven that sugar

is relevant to behavior. Anyway, the peanut M & M's would have less sugar.)


Gene , M.Ed. LPC LFMT

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  • 6 months later...

When I saw Dr. Bihari for the first time in December, he told me that 75% of his

patients do fine on 4.5 mg. And for the others who can't handle it, he's found

that 3 mg is the proper dosage for THEM reagarding disease prevention. He's had

to lower a couple of patients to 2 mg.

I've been taking 3 mg for 8 weeks now and though my legs are less heavy, they

are incredibly stiff. I am also experiencing those vivid dreams people have

talked about and still have trouble falling asleep. Thank you for all the

encouraging information I've been reading about getting used to LDN.


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  • 10 months later...

I wonder if you had a candida overgrowth and what you perceive to be a cold is

really die off? Have you taken a lot of antibiotics in the last couple of

years? Sugar? Grains?


--------- Colds



> I have read these posts for quite some time. I started taking the

> coconut oil in September for health reasons. I must admit it has

> worked nicely on my dry skin problems if it is applied frequently. I

> take it in my coffee in the morning and again in the evening, plus

> lather my body in it daily and rub gently until all has been

> absorbed. I have Bruce's book about the oil.

> I have read about it's healing properties. What I don't understand

> is that for someone who in the past would get a cold maybe every two

> years or so which is fabulous for someone who has had Lyme Disease

> for almost 30 years, I have had 3 colds since I started taking the

> coconut oil. In three months. When I do get a cold, I put more

> coconut oil in my homemade chicken soup and drink that throughout the

> day. My question is why is my health getting worse? My colds have

> been milder than usual, often in the past,I would get so sick from a

> cold that I would end up with bronchitis and be in bed for about a

> solid week due to the weakened state of my body due to Lyme Disease.

> Now I don't get as sick, but it lasts and lasts and lasts, never

> quite got over the last one from about a month ago, and am now sick

> again. Help.


> My next question is that I am taking it for health reasons and was

> about 116 pounds when I started taking it so I didn't need to lose

> any weight. I eat healthy, about half the food I consume is pasture

> fed, I eat lots of veggies, and sprouted grain bread, lots of cod

> liver oil, and goat's milk butter. In the last year we changed our

> diet to The Weston Price foundations suggestions and I did lose

> almost immediately about 25 pounds that I had carried with me for a

> few years due to Lyme disease meds. I have since lost another 5

> pounds since taking the coconut oil and I am and down to 111. I am

> only 5'7 and was always a skinny child and my family was happy that I

> had put on weight in the past 10 years or so, but since changing to a

> healthier diet I now am really starting to look as though I should be

> in a concentration camp again. Most of my weight was around my

> stomach and hips area, which I don't miss, but my arms and legs have

> no fat on them whatsoever. How can I put weight on to be at a

> healthy level or will I be destined to be skin and bones for the rest

> of my life? Any help would be appreciated.







> ________________________________________________________________________

> ________________________________________________________________________




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

my thoughts are with you and your husband may he have a speedy recovery.

Dear Margret,

Congratulations on your anniversary and many many more.




Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely

in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways,

chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn

out and screaming " WOO HOO what a ride! "





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Dear , your husband is in my prayers for a speedy recovery. I had to

resort to Western medicine on Monday as I was taken to the ER with an acute

attack of diverticulitis, luckily properly diagnosed. I was put on a course

of antibiotics, a bland diet and plenty of liquids -there was no other way

out- and now two days later I am feeling pretty well again. However, I have

not given up my KT, I don't think it it interferes with the antibiotics.

My best wishes,

Terry from Argentina


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