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Son in hospital.

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Hello, I recently joined, My name is and I have an 11 yr. old with CVID.

I would like to ask for your prayers. was admitted to the hospital today

1-20-99, because he has been real sick with GI problems, he has lost 17lbs in

less than 7 weeks. He has a severe sinus infection, and lung infection. He has

been in and out of the hospital every other month since Aug. with pneumonia. We

are not iure if he has pneumonia now.He recieved his sandogoblins (IVIG) today

so I hope give him a boost. The doctors are going to try and get his lungs

under control and his infections and on Monday he is going to bring in a consult

GI doctor to scope him and see whats going on. Do any of you or your children

with pid have problems with your stomach? If so what was wrong and did you lose

a lot of weight. was diagnosed in May 99, and we only had sinus and

pneumonia's never stomach trouble. Also, I might mention that is a severe

steroid dependent asthmatic. I am beginning to wonder how much prednisone plays

a role in all of this. I know we can't do without it because if we stop it he

can't breath. Please if anyone falls under this please let me know how you

survived it. This CVID is litterly killing my son. Has anyone seen on the Web

site about a research program involving CVID and a Dr. Buckley at Duke? If so

please let me know where that web site is, I thought I found it one day and now

I can't find it.

I thank each and every one of you for you prayers!!!

God Bless!


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Dear : I have an almost 11 year old daughter that is cvid and

asthmatic, she has experienced H-pylori infection and C-dificil which is the

over growth of bad bacteria because of an over use of antibiotics. H-Pylori

cannot be determined unless they do a gastroscopy because with the blood

test it is reading the donor's blood results not the patients especially if

they are recieving IVIG. I will keep you and your son in our prayers and

wish him a swift recovery. I think two of the mothers here their children

are treated at Duke University. They should be able to help you with that.

My daughter until this last year did not have any problem except with her

asthma and respiratory infections like strep or pneumonia. GI problems

often run along with cvid from what we have learned. God bless,

annette and alissa


>Reply-To: PedPIDonelist

>To: <PedPIDonelist>

>Subject: Son in hospital.

>Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 00:10:37 -0600


>Hello, I recently joined, My name is and I have an 11 yr. old with


>I would like to ask for your prayers. was admitted to the hospital


>1-20-99, because he has been real sick with GI problems, he has lost 17lbs

>in less than 7 weeks. He has a severe sinus infection, and lung infection.

> He has been in and out of the hospital every other month since Aug. with

>pneumonia. We are not iure if he has pneumonia now.He recieved his

>sandogoblins (IVIG) today so I hope give him a boost. The doctors are

>going to try and get his lungs under control and his infections and on

>Monday he is going to bring in a consult GI doctor to scope him and see

>whats going on. Do any of you or your children with pid have problems with

>your stomach? If so what was wrong and did you lose a lot of weight.

> was diagnosed in May 99, and we only had sinus and pneumonia's never

>stomach trouble. Also, I might mention that is a severe steroid

>dependent asthmatic. I am beginning to wonder how much prednisone plays a

>role in all of this. I know we can't do without it because if we stop it

>he can't breath. Please if anyone falls under this please let me know how

>you survived it. This CVID is litterly killing my son. Has anyone seen on

>the Web site about a research program involving CVID and a Dr. Buckley at

>Duke? If so please let me know where that web site is, I thought I found

>it one day and now I can't find it.

>I thank each and every one of you for you prayers!!!

>God Bless!

> Palmer




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I'm so sorry about your son. I have not had any experiences with GI

problems with my son, , but I do know the frustation that you can

experience when the doctors won't or can't give you a definate diagnoses or

reason as to why this is happening. I will keep you and your son in my

thoughts and prayers. Hopefully some answers will be found soon.

--mom to -dysgammaglobulinemia; ALL-in remission

Son in hospital.



> Hello, I recently joined, My name is and I have an 11 yr. old with


> I would like to ask for your prayers. was admitted to the hospital


> 1-20-99, because he has been real sick with GI problems, he has lost 17lbs

in less than 7 weeks. He has a severe sinus infection, and lung infection.

He has been in and out of the hospital every other month since Aug. with

pneumonia. We are not iure if he has pneumonia now.He recieved his

sandogoblins (IVIG) today so I hope give him a boost. The doctors are going

to try and get his lungs under control and his infections and on Monday he

is going to bring in a consult GI doctor to scope him and see whats going

on. Do any of you or your children with pid have problems with your stomach?

If so what was wrong and did you lose a lot of weight. was diagnosed

in May 99, and we only had sinus and pneumonia's never stomach trouble.

Also, I might mention that is a severe steroid dependent asthmatic.

I am beginning to wonder how much prednisone plays a role in all of this. I

know we can't do without it because if we stop it he can't breath. Please if

anyone falls un!

> der this please let me know how you survived it. This CVID is litterly

killing my son. Has anyone seen on the Web site about a research program

involving CVID and a Dr. Buckley at Duke? If so please let me know where

that web site is, I thought I found it one day and now I can't find it.

> I thank each and every one of you for you prayers!!!

> God Bless!

> Palmer




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