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Re: Water testing?

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I have used 2 tests periodically: a "watersafe" drinking water test or E. coli, and another "watersafe" bacteria test strip (tests for E. coli, Aeromoonas, Shigella, Enterobacter, Klebsiella and other coliform & non-coliform bacteria). Manu is Silver Lake Research Corp, Monrovia, CA. Web site = www.watersafetestkits.com

I have never had any test come out positive. Chlorine levels are tested daily; we shock the water over the weekend. We change the water and thoroughly clean weekly.

Liptak, RVT, CCRP

Water testing?


I am curious if anyone out there with underwater treadmills uses a

scheduled water/enviornmental culture protocol? We use cholrine as

our sanitizer, along with regular water changes, but I wonder if we

should be doing more to check/double check that we aren't growing some

weird bugs in our tank. Of course we don't have patients with open

wounds/incisions in the pool, but with seeing more resistant staphs

and such these days... or maybe I am being paranoid ?!


Dobson CVT

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I have cultured MRSA, pseudomonas (of course because it loves a wet

environment), and klebsiella from our Ferno pool here at Texas A & M. I

started with chlorine for a sanitizer because of the positive cultures,

then switched to Chlorazene from Ferno (which is what they recommended)

with Sanizene sprayed on the walls between patients. Guess

what-positive cultures! We culture the actual belt, and the walls of

our treadmill not the tank. We searched and searched for a chemical to

sanitize with that would kill all organisms without damaging the plastic

and had no results. We finally bought a steam cleaner and have negative

cultures ever since. We still use Chlorazene and Sanizene with the

steam cleaner and have great results. I know a lot of people culture

their water and have no growth, but we culture the holding tank itself

and have had some positive cultures with scary organisms show up. Our

tank is drained on Friday and refilled on Monday, then cultured every

Monday after disinfection. We have a great microbiology department and

an Infection Control Coordinator that we work closely with to develop

these protocols. I will be happy to discuss this with anyone off of the


J. Sessum, RVT

Texas A & M University

College of Veterinary Medicine

Small Animal Rehabilitation &

Surgery Technician Supervisor


>>> " Dobson " 1/4/2008 10:45 AM



I am curious if anyone out there with underwater treadmills uses a

scheduled water/environmental culture protocol? We use chlorine as

our sanitizer, along with regular water changes, but I wonder if we

should be doing more to check/double check that we aren't growing some

weird bugs in our tank. Of course we don't have patients with open

wounds/incisions in the pool, but with seeing more resistant staphs

and such these days... or maybe I am being paranoid ?!


Dobson CVT

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Our local pool supply co. will test our water. They

supply us with containers and we fill them and drop

them off regularly. Also, we have sent samples to the

lab at the Univ. of Ky randomly for eval and culture.

All have been normal. We have had a couple of dogs

and a few horses with resistant staphs come thru our

facility - so I have been a little paranoid. We use

chlorine as well and have had no problems.

Mindy , DVM, CCRT

--- Dobson


> Hello-

> I am curious if anyone out there with underwater

> treadmills uses a

> scheduled water/enviornmental culture protocol? We

> use cholrine as

> our sanitizer, along with regular water changes, but

> I wonder if we

> should be doing more to check/double check that we

> aren't growing some

> weird bugs in our tank. Of course we don't have

> patients with open

> wounds/incisions in the pool, but with seeing more

> resistant staphs

> and such these days... or maybe I am being paranoid

> ?!


> Thanks!

> Dobson CVT








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What kind of steam cleaner do you use?

Janice Huntingford

Essex Animal Hospital

Canine Rehab and Fitness Centre

---- Original Message ----

To: VetRehab

Sent: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 1:15 pm

Subject: Re: Water testing?


I have cultured MRSA, pseudomonas (of course because it loves a wet

environment), and klebsiella from our Ferno pool here at Texas A & M. I

started with chlorine for a sanitizer because of the positive cultures,

then switched to Chlorazene from Ferno (which is what they recommended)

with Sanizene sprayed on the walls between patients. Guess

what-positive cultures! We culture the actual belt, and the walls of

our treadmill not the tank. We searched and searched for a chemical to

sanitize with that would kill all organisms without damaging the plastic

and had no results. We finally bought a steam cleaner and have negative

cultures ever since. We still use Chlorazene and Sanizene with the

steam cleaner and have great results. I know a lot of people culture

their water and have no growth, but we culture the holding tank itself

and have had some positive cultures with scary organisms show up. Our

tank is drained on Friday and refilled on Monday, then cultured every

Monday after disinfection. We have a great microbiology department and

an Infection Control Coordinator that we work closely with to develop

these protocols. I will be happy to discuss this with anyone off of the


J. Sessum, RVT

Texas A & M University

College of Veterinary Medicine

Small Animal Rehabilitation &

Surgery Technician Supervisor


>>> " Dobson" <fallflightkennelsprodigy (DOT) net> 1/4/2008 10:45 AM



I am curious if anyone out there with underwater treadmills uses a

scheduled water/environmental culture protocol? We use chlorine as

our sanitizer, along with regular water changes, but I wonder if we

should be doing more to check/double check that we aren't growing some

weird bugs in our tank. Of course we don't have patients with open

wounds/incisions in the pool, but with seeing more resistant staphs

and such these days... or maybe I am being paranoid ?!


Dobson CVT

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  • 1 year later...


Do you clean your storage tank with the steam cleaner? If so, how on

earth do you get in there!!!!

Did you eradicate Pseudomanas?

How has the Sanizene done with plastic damage long term?

Would you be interested in doing a project in conjunction with us

about sterility in underwater treadmills?

Thanks, M

Marti Drum, DVM, PhD

Small Animal Physical Rehabilitation

Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

C247 Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Knoxville, TN 37996

" The most exciting phrase to hear in science,

the one that heralds the most discoveries,

is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!),

but 'That's funny...' "

-Isaac Asimov

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The way our tank is designed we can get in our tank to steam it. The

lid comes off and although I am a rather large individual, I can get in

the tank to steam it.

We have had negative cultures for pseudomonas, but it can be hit or

miss since pseudomonas thrives in moist environments. The steam cleaner

does reduce the amount to an acceptable level. That level is determined

by our clinical pathology department.

The sanizene is actually recommended by Ferno for use in their pools

and the plastic has held up.

As far as a project goes, please contact me off list and we will

discuss this further. Thanks!

J. Sessum, RVT

Texas A & M University

College of Veterinary Medicine

Small Animal Rehabilitation &

Surgery Technician Supervisor


>>> " Marti Drum " 1/13/2009 9:12 AM >>>


Do you clean your storage tank with the steam cleaner? If so, how on

earth do you get in there!!!!

Did you eradicate Pseudomanas?

How has the Sanizene done with plastic damage long term?

Would you be interested in doing a project in conjunction with us

about sterility in underwater treadmills?

Thanks, M

Marti Drum, DVM, PhD

Small Animal Physical Rehabilitation

Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

C247 Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Knoxville, TN 37996

" The most exciting phrase to hear in science,

the one that heralds the most discoveries,

is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!),

but 'That's funny...' "

-Isaac Asimov


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