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discospondylitis and LLLT

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I have an 8 year old MN labmix patient recently diagnosed with

discospondylitis L4-L6 and an epidural abscess L7-S1. Dorsal

laminectomy was performed and dog placed on appropriate antibiotics,

pain meds and antifungal therapy. Staph. intermedius was cultured in

blood and urine and possibly 1 coccidiodes organism seen on biopsy of

the epidural fat. Fungal titers are pending. To better manage its

pain I was considering acupuncture avoiding the surgical site as well

as low level laserlight therapy locally at the affected area but I

wasn't sure if I should be using the LLLT with the infection present

especially if a fungal element is present. Even though primary

infectious agent is bacterial could laser potentially cause

proliferation of more fungal or bacterial elements? It seems that one

of the reported mechanisms increases lymphocytes so I would think

there is the possibility of the therapy enhancing immunity as well as

helping with pain relief. Is there anybody with experience using LLLT

for this and if so, a recommended protocol? I could not find any

specific contraindication for using LLLT with fungal infection and I

have some protocols listed in my laser guide for pad abscess and

mastitis and so I'm assuming it would be useful for this situation.


Joanne Bak, DVM

Animal Specialty Group



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